Author Topic: Meme Machine Memorial Thread of Things You Saw on Reddit  (Read 1812626 times)

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  • Humble motherfucker with a big-ass dick
  • Senior Member
Costanza, whats with you being an ass in the comic books thread?


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The group think in this thread is obnoxious.

In any other thread when something is going out of business it's "omg all those poor people out of work.  no jokes, guys!" and in this thread it's "capitalism is survival of the fittest.  that's the risk you take.  yadda yadda yadda"

What a bunch of fucking morons.  I wish their group think was at least fucking consistent.


  • Senior Member
Their treehugger ideals are conflicting with their bleeding heart tendencies


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Yes.  Not to mention it clashes with their "that's stereotyping!" ideals.

"hummer drivers are bad drivers"
"people who own hummers are always douche bags"
"people who own escalades are always douche bags"
"they're all rich people"
"they all own guns"

Cool.  Imma go in a thread and make a joke about all black people loving chicken and chinese people being awesome at math.  Oh and all Indians owning corner stores and smelling.  Oh yeah, Jews are cheap.  Let's see how they react.


  • A lot of shit pisses me off
  • Senior Member
I thought the big issue with Hummer was that it's essentially a tax-payer funded project? Derivative of military contracts and whatnot.


  • A lot of shit pisses me off
  • Senior Member
Maybe I'll start a thread. "Rob Thomas* says that all Jews are cheap" (*some other Rob Thomas)


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I thought the big issue with Hummer was that it's essentially a tax-payer funded project? Derivative of military contracts and whatnot.
I've never really heard anyone complain about that.  But I dunno.  I don't have a problem with it if there's a market for it, which obviously there isn't.  I just hate the doubletalk from GAF.

Yes.  Not to mention it clashes with their "that's stereotyping!" ideals.

"hummer drivers are bad drivers"
"people who own hummers are always douche bags"
"people who own escalades are always douche bags"
"they're all rich people"
"they all own guns"

Cool.  Imma go in a thread and make a joke about all black people loving chicken and chinese people being awesome at math.  Oh and all Indians owning corner stores and smelling.  Oh yeah, Jews are cheap.  Let's see how they react.
Whats your username on GAF?
Oh, I wasn't being serious about going in a thread.  I've been banned 3 times so I don't have one.  Haha


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Maybe I'll start a thread. "Rob Thomas says that all Jews are cheap"


  • A lot of shit pisses me off
  • Senior Member
I thought the big issue with Hummer was that it's essentially a tax-payer funded project? Derivative of military contracts and whatnot.
I've never really heard anyone complain about that.  But I dunno.  I don't have a problem with it if there's a market for it, which obviously there isn't.  I just hate the doubletalk from GAF.

I've forgotten most of the rants of my car-hating friend, but that one stuck. It seemed like the most reasonable of his rants. I don't know if it's true or not, but government money being used to fund development of commercial brands seems a bit off.


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IIRC, government contracted Hummers for years and then there was enough demand that Hummer made a civilian model.  There's no way around the fact that in a way the government paid for part of the development, but it's not like the civilian model was completely funded by the government.  I mean, what were they supposed to do?  Throw out the specific design and reason people wanted the vehicle so that there wasn't any loose connection with government money?  Seems illogical to me.  People talk about pisspoor decision in the company and that would have definitely been one.


  • A lot of shit pisses me off
  • Senior Member
Being from a formerly quasi-socialist state, it just seems off to me. By American standards, on the other hand, it doesn't. Personally, I'd like to see more military tech filter down to the mainstream, but then preferably from several companies.


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I don't remember what the last two times were for.  

But the first time was for saying that the myspace suicide kid had been caught cramming a dildo up his ass and that's why he did it.  It was pretty crass.  

I had protection there for a while because of my avatar, but then some mod said it was NSFW and when it was removed I got banned shortly thereafter.

My names were Mupepe, SupaFlySoccerMom and AlanHemberger.

I think Mupepe and AlanHemberger have been deleted.


  • Icon
Being from a formerly quasi-socialist state, it just seems off to me. By American standards, on the other hand, it doesn't. Personally, I'd like to see more military tech filter down to the mainstream, but then preferably from several companies.
Yeah, I can see how it can seem off.  But it was a civilian company contracted to create something for the military which civilians also wanted and there's no reason why they shouldn't be able to.  It would have been an absolutely distinguished mentally-challenged business decision for them not to go through with it, really.  And in the end, they really just turned into an SUV maker.  The H2 and H3 were SUV's with the Hummer look.  Nothing more.  They were not offroad vehicles whatsoever.  Anything they had in common with the original died with the H1.  They were really just selling the name after a while.


  • A lot of shit pisses me off
  • Senior Member
Oh, I wasn't being serious about going in a thread.  I've been banned 3 times so I don't have one.  Haha
Banned for doing what?

I really wonder why did some of you guys get banned from/why did you leave GAF?

Just curious.

This has been talked about a bunch, but I tend to get longer and longer bans for small infractions now. The new GAF culture seems to promote groupthink (mob trollspotting, for one) and fanboy banter that is just on the "right" side of things. As long as you don't stick out, you're alright. The whole place feels humorless, which probably has something to do with a huge influx of new clown blood hungry to be part of the legendary NeoGAF, and the upper crust leaving for EB. It's been overrun by tourism, basically.


  • Humble motherfucker with a big-ass dick
  • Senior Member
I was once banned because I laughed at a thread title, true story.


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Most of the jokes that people laugh at over there are so bland and stupid.  I don't get it.  And it's filled with elitists.  Oh god, the elitists.

I was once banned because I laughed at a thread title, true story.
I was once banned for laughing at a photoshop of Sp0rsks girlfriend. 


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This is why we need a separate Youtube thread.


  • Senior Member
I come bearing lulz



  • Kentucky-Bore's Last Hope
  • Senior Member
I once told Sp0rsk to roll around in a fire and die, and nothing happened.  I actually don't think I've ever been banned from GAF, not that I really cared about GAF too much in the first place. 


  • sy
  • Senior Member

this is the only thing thats made me laugh in like forever and i cant even watch the show because i live in the states, does anybody remember that site that lets you watch out of country stuff?


  • Icon

I was once banned because I laughed at a thread title, true story.
I was once banned for laughing at a photoshop of Sp0rsks girlfriend. 
:lol Wheres that photoshop?
It's an emoticon at OA now I believe.  The original was just her photoshopped with some funny old lady glasses (the one I laughed at).  Then someone added drool coming from her mouth and that's the emoticon at OA now.

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
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If anyone was going to vigorously defend hummers, it was going to be mupepe.   :teehee
« Last Edit: February 25, 2010, 02:51:40 PM by Malek J. Lumberjack Jr. »

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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Howard Alan Treesong

  • キング・メタル・ドラゴン
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  • Senior Member

I was once banned because I laughed at a thread title, true story.
I was once banned for laughing at a photoshop of Sp0rsks girlfriend. 
:lol Wheres that photoshop?
It's an emoticon at OA now I believe.  The original was just her photoshopped with some funny old lady glasses (the one I laughed at).  Then someone added drool coming from her mouth and that's the emoticon at OA now.

i used to think his wife had downs.


  • I love you just the way I am
  • Senior Member
I was posting on OA when that emoticon came up, it was quite a few days.


  • Humble motherfucker with a big-ass dick
  • Senior Member
I've never seen it.


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btw, this is probably the saddest fucking thread to read over there.  holy shit.  what the hell is wrong with these creepy ass people.  Especially the bus dude.

Arbys Roast Beef Sandwich

  • •••
  • Senior Member
Story started off pretty damn normal, BUT THEN:

Quote from: the•rebel
Dear Gaf, I need help! I'm obsessed with a beautiful woman and I don't know how to proceed.

We take the same bus in the morning, but on occasion. Either I grab the bus too early or too late. So, sometimes I don't see her for days. When I do see her, either the bus is crowded or I'm seated far from her, leaving me with no chance to introduce myself. Plus, having people overhear the conversation may make her less receptive.

I have given her my seat once or twice, but never mustered the nerve to talk to her. I remember catching her looking at me one time. She was caught of guard and looked away nervously. Could that be a sign?

Now, I won't assume she likes me, but at this point I need to do something. It's become an obsession.

I know the ideal approach would be to talk to her, but the variables are not working in my favor. I'm considering giving her my business card with some sort of note on the back. Perhaps something along the lines of:

Fortune favors the bold. There is something about you that intrigues me. I would like to know more about you, outside of a cramped bus. ###-###-####.

I know that a note may seem cowardly, but I'm at loss here. What do you think, Gaf?


  • Icon
Story started off pretty damn normal, BUT THEN:

Quote from: the•rebel
Dear Gaf, I need help! I'm obsessed with a beautiful woman and I don't know how to proceed.

We take the same bus in the morning, but on occasion. Either I grab the bus too early or too late. So, sometimes I don't see her for days. When I do see her, either the bus is crowded or I'm seated far from her, leaving me with no chance to introduce myself. Plus, having people overhear the conversation may make her less receptive.

I have given her my seat once or twice, but never mustered the nerve to talk to her. I remember catching her looking at me one time. She was caught of guard and looked away nervously. Could that be a sign?

Now, I won't assume she likes me, but at this point I need to do something. It's become an obsession.

I know the ideal approach would be to talk to her, but the variables are not working in my favor. I'm considering giving her my business card with some sort of note on the back. Perhaps something along the lines of:

Fortune favors the bold. There is something about you that intrigues me. I would like to know more about you, outside of a cramped bus. ###-###-####.

I know that a note may seem cowardly, but I'm at loss here. What do you think, Gaf?
That's not even the worst part!  I rebolded the creepy for you


  • Member
im an attempt to help them i once posted chris-chans dating comic in the dating thread and they all got really annoyed at me. fuck em.

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member
Re: The Outside Link Thread (All Your GAF, OA, SA, YouTube, etc. Links Go In Her
« Reply #4231 on: February 25, 2010, 06:48:45 PM »
fortune favors the bold  :lol


  • Murdered in the digital realm
  • Senior Member
I thought the big issue with Hummer was that it's essentially a tax-payer funded project? Derivative of military contracts and whatnot.

No. AM General manufactures the military grade Hummers (which are being phased out anyway and are no longer sold to consumers). They then licensed the name "Hummer" to GM, who did all the R&D and manufacturing for the H2 and H3 on their own.

Although I guess GM itself is a tax payer funded project LOL

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
Story started off pretty damn normal, BUT THEN:

Quote from: the•rebel
Dear Gaf, I need help! I'm obsessed with a beautiful woman and I don't know how to proceed.

We take the same bus in the morning, but on occasion. Either I grab the bus too early or too late. So, sometimes I don't see her for days. When I do see her, either the bus is crowded or I'm seated far from her, leaving me with no chance to introduce myself. Plus, having people overhear the conversation may make her less receptive.

I have given her my seat once or twice, but never mustered the nerve to talk to her. I remember catching her looking at me one time. She was caught of guard and looked away nervously. Could that be a sign?

Now, I won't assume she likes me, but at this point I need to do something. It's become an obsession.

I know the ideal approach would be to talk to her, but the variables are not working in my favor. I'm considering giving her my business card with some sort of note on the back. Perhaps something along the lines of:

Fortune favors the bold. There is something about you that intrigues me. I would like to know more about you, outside of a cramped bus. ###-###-####.

I know that a note may seem cowardly, but I'm at loss here. What do you think, Gaf?
That's not even the worst part!  I rebolded the creepy for you

Holy God, that sounds like a note that some serial killer/rapist would leave.  :-\

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
fortune favors the bold  :lol

He's using a Blue Ocean strategy.



  • I love you just the way I am
  • Senior Member
Ahh to be 14 again.

I would like to know more about you, outside of a cramped bus

:rofl restraining order incoming.


  • Senior Member
 :drake fortune favors the bold



  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
Story started off pretty damn normal, BUT THEN:

Quote from: the•rebel
Dear Gaf, I need help! I'm obsessed with a beautiful woman and I don't know how to proceed.

We take the same bus in the morning, but on occasion. Either I grab the bus too early or too late. So, sometimes I don't see her for days. When I do see her, either the bus is crowded or I'm seated far from her, leaving me with no chance to introduce myself. Plus, having people overhear the conversation may make her less receptive.

I have given her my seat once or twice, but never mustered the nerve to talk to her. I remember catching her looking at me one time. She was caught of guard and looked away nervously. Could that be a sign?

Now, I won't assume she likes me, but at this point I need to do something. It's become an obsession.

I know the ideal approach would be to talk to her, but the variables are not working in my favor. I'm considering giving her my business card with some sort of note on the back. Perhaps something along the lines of:

Fortune favors the bold. There is something about you that intrigues me. I would like to know more about you, outside of a cramped bus. ###-###-####.

I know that a note may seem cowardly, but I'm at loss here. What do you think, Gaf?
That's not even the worst part!  I rebolded the creepy for you

Holy God, that sounds like a note that some serial killer/rapist would leave.  :-\
Has anyone in the thread informed the sad sack that he's failed before he's even begun?


  • Member
no. i think we should encourage him!


  • Senior Member

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Someone warn elektrikluv!

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Someone warn elektrikluv!

That fiend! She's only 15!


  • I have the cutest car on The Bore
  • Senior Member
I seriously cannot believe the tard rage going on over Sega cutting some minigames in Yakuza 3's US localization. They shouldn't blame Sega if they don't bring RGG4 over. >:(

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
  • Senior Member
Re: The Outside Link Thread (All Your GAF, OA, SA, YouTube, etc. Links Go In Her
« Reply #4243 on: February 25, 2010, 09:11:56 PM »
noone cares


  • I have the cutest car on The Bore
  • Senior Member
Re: The Outside Link Thread (All Your GAF, OA, SA, YouTube, etc. Links Go In Her
« Reply #4244 on: February 25, 2010, 09:12:40 PM »

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
I seriously cannot believe Sega is bringing Yakuza 3 over. Oh wait, it's Sega.


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
Story started off pretty damn normal, BUT THEN:
Quote from: the•rebel
Dear Gaf, I need help! I'm obsessed with a beautiful woman and I don't know how to proceed.
We take the same bus in the morning, but on occasion. Either I grab the bus too early or too late. So, sometimes I don't see her for days. When I do see her, either the bus is crowded or I'm seated far from her, leaving me with no chance to introduce myself. Plus, having people overhear the conversation may make her less receptive.
I have given her my seat once or twice, but never mustered the nerve to talk to her. I remember catching her looking at me one time. She was caught of guard and looked away nervously. Could that be a sign?
Now, I won't assume she likes me, but at this point I need to do something. It's become an obsession.
I know the ideal approach would be to talk to her, but the variables are not working in my favor. I'm considering giving her my business card with some sort of note on the back. Perhaps something along the lines of:
Fortune favors the bold. There is something about you that intrigues me. I would like to know more about you, outside of a cramped bus. ###-###-####.

I know that a note may seem cowardly, but I'm at loss here. What do you think, Gaf?
That's not even the worst part!  I rebolded the creepy for you
Holy God, that sounds like a note that some serial killer/rapist would leave.  :-\
Has anyone in the thread informed the sad sack that he's failed before he's even begun?
Hopefully a little constructive criticism will change his attitude.


  • Senior Member
I seriously cannot believe the tard rage going on over Sega cutting some minigames in Yakuza 3's US localization. They shouldn't blame Sega if they don't bring RGG4 over. >:(

Most of the people complaining won't play the game anyways. And the "mini games" you cite include full sidequests which, in the past two Yakuza games, unlock nice rewards.

Also, the Yakuza game formula has changed so little, who really cares about the fourth (actually fifth! game) in the series? Homojapuals like to complain about companies like EA when in truth, some Japanese companies rehash shit just as much. There has been 5 Yakuza games in the past 5 YEARS.

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member
 :lol :lol :lol :lol garrymon


  • Senior Member
Oh my GOD



 :rofl :rofl :rofl


  • green hair connoisseur
  • Senior Member
the gabedex :lol

"hopefully after 9 years in development it will have been worth the wait"


  • The Muffin Man
  • Senior Member
That has to be the best thing ever put on the internet. The flying strider at the end, just... oh man :rofl

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
Oh my GOD



I'm dying here! :rofl


  • Senior MILF
  • Senior Member

And how many of them are actually dating another human being?


  • AKA Bildo
  • Senior Member
Re: The Outside Link Thread (All Your GAF, OA, SA, YouTube, etc. Links Go In Her
« Reply #4256 on: February 26, 2010, 12:47:28 AM »

I ended up on Tiger Woods' wiki page:

...lawyers acting on his behalf obtained an injunction preventing the publication in the UK of any images of Woods naked or having sexual intercourse. Reporting the subject of the injunction was also itself injuncted


"Yo dawg, I put an injunction on your injunction"


  • I must hurry back to my comic book store, where I dispense the insults rather than absorb them.
  • Senior Member
Gary's Mod is the greatest creation ever.

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
  • Senior Member
Oh my GOD



wow, that was better than i ever could've imagined