Author Topic: Meme Machine Memorial Thread of Things You Saw on Reddit  (Read 1883639 times)

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  • Let your soul glow
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People who hate on Queen?

Never heard of it, so understandably, i'm  :o at what i've read in this thread. Die.


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Wait, you took out Flash? :wtf
Goddamn right.

Rob I'm just messing with you!

Everybody has a different opinion, nothing wrong with that. I myself love The Beatles, but I think they are nowhere near the best band ever. I was mostly trolling beatles fans with that remark, even if it was true.
Wanna go get a drink tonight? ;)

Great Rumbler

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New episode of Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations on now. :rock
« Last Edit: March 01, 2010, 10:10:21 PM by Beezy »

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
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List wars should remain on GAF.


  • captain of my capsized ship
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Sounds like the defense of a butthurt Beatles fan.  :-*

Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
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If I were to list 100 Beatles songs that I thought were great, what would that prove? That I thought at least 100 Beatles songs were great and wasted my time to list them.


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This thread is fucking ridiculous.  Holy fucking shit.  I guess power steering becoming more difficult over time and a light actually coming on to warn you about it is the same as cars accelerating uncontrollably.  Holy fucking shit.  I need a GAF account.  I really fucking do.


  • The Muffin Man
  • Senior Member
Makes me wonder how those people would react if they got sent back to the 80's. WHY WON'T THIS CAR TURN AT FULL STOP? AIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. OH TOYOTA-SAMA, SEND ME MAGIC STEERING OF POWER.


  • AKA Bildo
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While turning against a broken power steering pump can be insanely hard, this is obviously not that bad.  Poor Toyota remain kings of recalls for now.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Green Shinobi

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Hammer to Fall is better than any Matchbox 20 song. Real talk.


  • The Smooth Canadian
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This thread should go well:

ya, but it won't get REAL crazy because since I'm still on iPhone-only Internet access, I won't be fully participating and getting everyone riled up. :lol

still, a lot of morons in those first two pages.


  • Murdered in the digital realm
  • Senior Member

This thread is fucking ridiculous.  Holy fucking shit.  I guess power steering becoming more difficult over time and a light actually coming on to warn you about it is the same as cars accelerating uncontrollably.  Holy fucking shit.  I need a GAF account.  I really fucking do.

It's as if the first recall they ever heard of was Toyota's.

That's right people, a recall can be an orderly process when a company isn't actively lying and covering it up.


  • Icon
Hammer to Fall is better than any Matchbox 20 song. Real talk.
Uh no.  GTFO with that shit.

And you're totally wrong, AV!  GM should have responded quickly after 2 years like Toyota did!

On another note, I saw my friend in his 2007 Cobalt at the stop light by my house and we usually roll the windows down and do some shit talking and say have a good day.  This morning I told him "At least my car wasn't recalled!"  I got a "Fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuu" while I drove off.


  • Humble motherfucker with a big-ass dick
  • Senior Member
Hammer to Fall is better than any Matchbox 20 song. Real talk.
Uh no.  GTFO with that shit.

It is, Matchbox 20 sucks, especially compared to Queen.


  • Icon
Hammer to Fall is better than any Matchbox 20 song. Real talk.
Uh no.  GTFO with that shit.

It is, Matchbox 20 sucks, especially compared to Queen.
Okay.  Now I know you're just trolling.

I thought you were serious for a bit. 


  • Icon
Uh.  What the fuck!


  • Senior Member
Not true.  That show "Veronica Mars" that he created was kinda neat.


  • Senior Member
My mom is watching Oprah right now and today's episode is about Roger Ebert. I had no idea that he lost his whole fucking jaw because of cancer. It looks horrible. :(


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  • I love you just the way I am
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He's obviously never seen Toddlers & Tiaras on TLC


  • Senior Member
hell yeah, the dude pulled through with the link  :pimp


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Howard Alan Treesong

  • キング・メタル・ドラゴン
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  • captain of my capsized ship
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I love Euro-pop way more than a 30+ year old man should.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I even liked Baby Spice's solo shit :shh

[youtube=560,345]Bq6xjTyw7zM [/youtube]


« Last Edit: March 02, 2010, 10:49:34 PM by ToxicAdam »


  • Senior Member
Dragona spent the past few pages of the Metroid thread trying to bait me into angrily responding to her calling me crazy so she can muster up a legit ban and had to give up because I wouldn't fall for it.

Don Flamenco

  • FootDiFootDiFootDive
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totally on the rag today, I guess

though canon arguments about nintendo games is about as distinguished mentally-challenged as it gets.

Arbys Roast Beef Sandwich

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Dragona spent the past few pages of the Metroid thread trying to bait me into angrily responding to her calling me crazy so she can muster up a legit ban and had to give up because I wouldn't fall for it.

yet you still got banned. :smug


  • Senior Member
indeed I got banned

till July even

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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holy shit what the hell?


  • Senior Member
The joke is that the discussion I brought to the thread is the type of discussion that exists in the serious circles of game studies, and I brought it to GAF because it is quite a self important forum. I gave Gaf a chance to be more than Gamefaqs and it rejected it with full force.

Part of the problem is the audience's unfamiliarity with the discussion though.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
can I get cliff notes


  • Senior Member
ludology: games as a system of rules and rewards, games studied as games
narratology: games as through the established analysis of narratives pre-existing before games

narrative in ludology: the rules of the game relate a narrative
cinematic narrative: games should pursue story telling along the lines of other media like film

Marshall McLuhlan vs Kojima

Tetris vs Heavy Rain

Though I find Heavy Rain interesting because it openly says its not exactly a videogame.

I also discussed in the thread the need to legitimize games as art so you don't end up with something like the comics code. I tried to open up talks on social responsibility for the images depicted in games. Why these two things relate. Comics, like games, faced extra scrutiny for being sold to kids. Ended up with a weird set of self enforced censorship. Washington spent hours discussing how gay sidekicks were, etc.

I'm not great at cliff notes. Most of the time I'm fighting people who want games to be toys and be allowed certain exceptionalism from the responsibilities and proving grounds that other forms of media have had to go through.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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  • Senior Member
damn you

cool breeze

  • Senior Member
once again

maybe this new Metroid wasn't the best place to get into the argument.  It's "adult" metroid, as in, it's the horrible fanfics teenagers create to add more legitimacy to their hobby.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator

This sums it up pretty well. Etiolate just mad that Other M is gonna be amazing.


  • Senior Member

But that is particularly why I started the conversation there.

And as it turned out, most everyone was willing to sell the franchise down the river rather than deal with the issues.


  • I must hurry back to my comic book store, where I dispense the insults rather than absorb them.
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  • Senior Member
A bit confusing, yes.  *shrug*

12 month period?   :teehee


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
I can get why people were upset with your debate.  I love Metroid  and I still could not give a fuck what the series canon says, but I agreed with your point about how the narrative/atmosphere seems to have been abandoned or made a smaller priority to make it more of an action game.  That's somewhat understandable since this is Team Ninja.  But you shouldn't try and bring up debates about how bad a game studio's development/marketing philosophy is way before the game even comes out.  It'll be unproductive and will just result in people with red names throwing hammers in your face, yes it will.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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This sums it up pretty well. Etiolate just mad that Other M is gonna be amazing.

Real Talk.


  • Humble motherfucker with a big-ass dick
  • Senior Member
ludology: games as a system of rules and rewards, games studied as games
narratology: games as through the established analysis of narratives pre-existing before games

narrative in ludology: the rules of the game relate a narrative
cinematic narrative: games should pursue story telling along the lines of other media like film

Marshall McLuhlan vs Kojima

Tetris vs Heavy Rain

Though I find Heavy Rain interesting because it openly says its not exactly a videogame.

I also discussed in the thread the need to legitimize games as art so you don't end up with something like the comics code. I tried to open up talks on social responsibility for the images depicted in games. Why these two things relate. Comics, like games, faced extra scrutiny for being sold to kids. Ended up with a weird set of self enforced censorship. Washington spent hours discussing how gay sidekicks were, etc.

I'm not great at cliff notes. Most of the time I'm fighting people who want games to be toys and be allowed certain exceptionalism from the responsibilities and proving grounds that other forms of media have had to go through.

If your gaf post was like this I would have ban you too.

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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Okay, so you take gaming seriously, and like to discuss it at an academic level.  That's...whatever.  Certainly not ban-worthy.

This stood out for me though:

Quote from: etiolate
I warn you, people have tried the mocking route with me before and it hasn't worked out well for them.

I'd ban someone who said something this action-movie ridiculous with jouissance.


  • Humble motherfucker with a big-ass dick
  • Senior Member
lol I just read his posts on that thread, he wasn't discussing anything at an academic level, he was just whining because metroid is now a space marine, I didn't even know that she wasn't military.

Don Flamenco

  • FootDiFootDiFootDive
  • Senior Member
ludology: games as a system of rules and rewards, games studied as games
narratology: games as through the established analysis of narratives pre-existing before games

narrative in ludology: the rules of the game relate a narrative
cinematic narrative: games should pursue story telling along the lines of other media like film

Marshall McLuhlan vs Kojima

Tetris vs Heavy Rain

Though I find Heavy Rain interesting because it openly says its not exactly a videogame.

I also discussed in the thread the need to legitimize games as art so you don't end up with something like the comics code. I tried to open up talks on social responsibility for the images depicted in games. Why these two things relate. Comics, like games, faced extra scrutiny for being sold to kids. Ended up with a weird set of self enforced censorship. Washington spent hours discussing how gay sidekicks were, etc.

I'm not great at cliff notes. Most of the time I'm fighting people who want games to be toys and be allowed certain exceptionalism from the responsibilities and proving grounds that other forms of media have had to go through.

I appreciate what you were going for, but you needed to throw in some of those key words to make it look like you wanted an academic debate...there are people on gaf who'd be willing to discuss that, though not many.  as it was, it seemed like you were complaining about metroid canon.  which doesn't exist in the minds of the creators, only the fans, so arguing about it is not going to win you a lot of support.

Though Other M seems like an attempt to tie it all together.

Quote from: My F*cking Grandpa
Okay, so you take gaming seriously, and like to discuss it at an academic level.  That's...whatever.  Certainly not ban-worthy.

This stood out for me though:

I warn you, people have tried the mocking route with me before and it hasn't worked out well for them.

I'd ban someone who said something this action-movie ridiculous with jouissance.

this made me laugh hard:
« Last Edit: March 03, 2010, 11:19:47 AM by Don Flamenco »

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Samus was a part of the Galactic Federation military before becoming a bounty hunter.

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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Don Flamenco

  • FootDiFootDiFootDive
  • Senior Member
Samus was a part of the Galactic Federation military before becoming a bounty hunter.

that's a problem, imo.  because now they have to create a universe around Metroid.  so much better when it was just isolated Samus traveling to an alien planet that seems to almost exist in a vacuum.  Whatever they fill that vacuum with won't be as good as not knowing, if that makes any sense. 

because they're going to attempt a western-style space marine story, but with an anime slant, and it's going to be the worst train wreck ever because Team Ninja is not exactly known for their narrative prowess.

The best part is that there's going to be increased pressure on Nintendo to make these kinds of cinematic stories in all their franchises.  Can't wait for fully voice acted Link and Mario! 


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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And how many of them are actually dating another human being?

I've posted in there a few times (mostly to give advice), but I have had a girlfriend for 4 or so months now.

I was in that position once (very awkward and didn't know what to do around women, still am to a slight extent), so I see nothing wrong with helping out others.

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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:lol I clicked on it again and I'm laughing again.


  • cooler than willco
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Great Rumbler

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Always fun to see another "I just turned 13 and realized that my idealized view of the world/humanity is nothing but a lie, so here's a thread" thread.

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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