Author Topic: Meme Machine Memorial Thread of Things You Saw on Reddit  (Read 1813485 times)

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I don't think there's anything wrong with people being religious. It's not my place to tell people what to believe.

I just don't buy into it myself. Hence, I lay claim to being an atheist.

We're on the same page then! :P

I guess so. My point is more concerning agnosticism and how it basically seems like a less blunt way of admitting one is an atheist.


  • The baby...
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I don't think there's anything wrong with people being religious. It's not my place to tell people what to believe.

I just don't buy into it myself. Hence, I lay claim to being an atheist.

We're on the same page then! :P

I guess so. My point is more concerning agnosticism and how it basically seems like a less blunt way of admitting one is an atheist.

I've always seen atheism as a polarity to religion, whereas agnosticism lies in the middle. Most atheists like to say they KNOW there isn't anything after death, or that they KNOW there is no god. I don't believe that anybody can know. In that way atheism always comes off as just another religion claiming to know the unknowable.

I don't claim to be agnostic, or any religion, because religion isn't something I think about often without it being brought up in conversation. I don't really care. I have enough things to worry about in this life, I'm not going to spend the time I have alive worrying about what happens when I die. What a waste.


  • Senior Member
man. I feel so liberated. I can't even put it to words.


  • Senior Member
Atheism shouldn't really be a polarity to religion; it should be something that doesn't even care about religion. It absolves the subject. New atheism or whatever the trend is being called made itself a polarity to religion. I see the movement becoming more church-like in the future if it keeps heading down the path it currently is: icons, fear mongering, grouped identity.


  • The baby...
  • Senior Member
Atheism shouldn't really be a polarity to religion; it should be something that doesn't even care about religion. It absolves the subject. New atheism or whatever the trend is being called made itself a polarity to religion. I see the movement becoming more church-like in the future if it keeps heading down the path it currently is: icons, fear mongering, grouped identity.

This is why I don't call myself an atheist. Its image is becoming very cult-like.

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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As a former Catholic I agree. I honestly stopped going to church because I got nothing out of it and wouild rather sleep in. It's only in hindsight that every newsstory about their bullshit is validating that decision. But it was a passive decision at the time.


  • Senior Member
As a former Catholic I agree. I honestly stopped going to church because I got nothing out of it and wouild rather sleep in. It's only in hindsight that every newsstory about their bullshit is validating that decision. But it was a passive decision at the time.

Yep. Most of the people that are in charge of religion are morons.  I know it's a cliche, but I feel genuinely better now.


  • Senior Member
doing women is one of the first things I'll do (regularly). I can't believe how many opportunities I've passed out on. :lol

There was this moment back in highschool ( i was the new guy) and 2 Jamaican girls started getting all close to me.. putting their legs on my lap and boobs in my face). I swear :lol
« Last Edit: April 25, 2010, 05:23:53 AM by Veidt »


  • Hon. Mr. Tired
  • Senior Member
'What did you say to them? "Jamaican me crazy!" ?


  • Senior Member

was 18 when i lost it. girl was 17.


  • Senior Member
my brother did weed a few times. He advised me against it. I'd agree with him. I'll live a life without intoxication..but pork..i must try it..

Actually, not too sure about that..they're filthy animals.


  • Senior Member
yeah, as it should be. :D

man. I feel so liberated. I can't even put it to words.
Go get high, fuck women and drink!

That's pretty much my religion right there :bow


  • Senior Member
fuck yes. life is good.


  • Senior Member
holy shit, so true. Now I can do whatever I want and not think about 5 TIMES PRAYINGGG OMGGG..YOU MUST OR GO TO HELL...

 So awesome <3

EAT during ramadan, and fucking laugh at backward "scholars" and "imams".

fuck 'em.



  • Senior Member
 yesssss :rofl :

« Last Edit: April 25, 2010, 05:56:21 AM by Veidt »


  • Senior Member
I always hated the feeling you get like 20 minutes before prayers where you didn't want to do anything because you knew you were going to stop for prayers, yuck.

And the feeling of helplessness during Ramadan, everything is there yet you can't do anything.

And women, dear lord the women!

That first bit made me depressed as fuck. My life centering around something like that, just fuck man. fuck it. I couldn't even do things for days, because I'd miss one and be afraid to get punished IN ETERNAL DAMNATION...just for that?

fuck it. might as well live a life of awesome.

I can't believe I lived my life according to the SAYINGS of people from fucking the middle ages or whatever years ago. How do I get my life back? My time? I'm glad I made the decision now. I'm 21 my life is ahead of me.


  • Senior Member
Life is worth way too much to take a chance like that. I get this life, that is what I am sure of. More reason for me to believe  current islam is bullshit.


  • Member
my brother did weed a few times. He advised me against it. I'd agree with him. I'll live a life without intoxication..but pork..i must try it..

Actually, not too sure about that..they're filthy animals.
Actually, pigs are very clean and quite intelligent. The whole "filthy animal" stereotype is just an excuse to justify pre-existing religious beliefs.


  • Senior Member
my brother did weed a few times. He advised me against it. I'd agree with him. I'll live a life without intoxication..but pork..i must try it..

Actually, not too sure about that..they're filthy animals.
Actually, pigs are very clean and quite intelligent. The whole "filthy animal" stereotype is just an excuse to justify pre-existing religious beliefs.

goddam.Then  I am eating pork this week, that's for sure.


I am a wealth of relevant clips :bow


  • Senior Member
Actually Mr. Shake 3000 ( sounds like SHEIKH..Are you a secret Muslim who's going to publicly put our information online so extremists can kill us!?!)

I had that very clip in mind when I was typing up that remark. :smug


  • Senior Member
I thought he wasn't a Muslim, you know, THOSE types?

I am no longer a Muslim! Feels so good. fuck.


  • Member

I am a wealth of relevant clips :bow

Samuel Jackson may be a bad motherfucker, but he's still entirely wrong.  :punch :punch

Alas, the poor pig: the only farm animal that doesn't crap where it stands and just as smart as a dog if not more so. Yet it is stereotyped as the exact opposite. Hell, even the phrase "sweating like a pig" is stupid since pigs don't sweat. Poor piggie  :'(


  • someday you feed on a tree frog
  • Senior Member
Agnosticism is basically a cop out, imo. I consider myself an atheist and am still willing to believe there could be a higher power, I just don't actively believe in a true god or a single religion. There's no way to be sure (at this point anyway :smug), but agnosticism has always struck me as a way of saying "well I'm basically an atheist but don't think of me as a snob". There's still room for error in atheism, but I think it speaks more for denouncing religion and the idea of a structured way of life than for saying we really know there's nothing out there. We just think there's nothing out there, which is basically what agnostics claim separates them from religious folks, too. Nobody really knows anything; you either believe in religious doctrine or not, imo.

If you're willing to believe in the possibility that there is potentially a higher power of any kind, aka a deity, you are agnostic. Atheists deny the potential existence of any such deity/higher power. Agnosticism is believing that there could potentially be some sort of higher power but the truth is unknowable hence you're not in a state of denial you're just open minded to the potential existence of a deity/deities.

At least that's what I've always thought the definitions of agnosticism and atheism were and a quick google reassures me.

Edit: Veidt, have yourself a real breakfast bro. Bacon and Eggs.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2010, 07:18:28 AM by quietID »

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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I'm a Catholic turned Atheist and never looked back.  I doubt we'll ever find out whether there is a creator or not in our lifetimes.  We barely know anything about the universe and I could easily be proven wrong.  It will just be unlikely that I'll be alive when it happens.  Not that I think a creator would be anything close to what modern religions portray one to be.


  • Senior Member
I'm a closet agnostic. My parents don't know that I'm not really a muslim anymore. And I won't tell them.
My sister and nephew are also agnostic, so are other family members of mine. My father is a big muslim. Telling him that I don't believe in fairy tales will probably get him mad. He'll never understand, so what's the use in telling him.

Religion will eventually fade away, so it's all good. People nowadays are too afraid to not believe.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2010, 08:27:00 AM by Third »


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  • Senior Member

Ah. What is Costanza's av from?

Why not go all the way and just say you're an atheist?

Atheism is pretty extreme. Certainty about anything regarding the afterlife or spirituality is kind of ignorant.

I used to hold this view.

And then I realized how stupid it was because not all atheism is extreme. You can choose to not believe in god but still be open to spirituality. I mean, what you're arguing is that we should all be tooth fairy agnostic because there's just no proof but not enough to convince yourself that the tooth fairy doesn't exist. You can believe the tooth fairy doesn't exist, but still be open to the tooth fairy existing so long as it pops out of nowhere and farts in your face, but the chances of that are so slim that you choose to not believe. The same thing applies to God and religion.

When it comes down to it, agnosticism makes zero sense. It's like holding a gun on a battlefield but not willing to fire; you have no opinion, you have no position, and yet you're still on the battlefield of spiritual matters.

The funny thing about agnostics who file all atheists or theists under the LOL THEY'RE SO EXTREME bracket is that they're being extreme in their views just by making such a statement. :lol


  • Member
This thread is going to be entertaining.


  • Senior Member
Atheism shouldn't really be a polarity to religion; it should be something that doesn't even care about religion. It absolves the subject. New atheism or whatever the trend is being called made itself a polarity to religion. I see the movement becoming more church-like in the future if it keeps heading down the path it currently is: icons, fear mongering, grouped identity.

Until you see an atheist die in the name of Darwin, it will never be church-like. Even now it's not church like. It has icons, but these people are just people who are willing to fight it out with theists and make it apparent that not all atheists are devils. Bringing up societies hypocrisy doesn't make the organized. It is indeed a movement, but it is far from being "church-like".

How is atheist group identity anywhere different from agnostic group identity?


  • Senior Member
I prefer the Sam Harris proposition: if humanity collectively forgot all previous knowledge and had to rebuild society, would we really know the difference between greek mythology and the bible/qur'an/mahabharata/ramayana? We'd probably file it all under "cool stories with thunder dicks".


  • Senior Member
That premise doesn't make any sense. If humanity had no knowledge would they know the difference between religions they have no knowledge of?

Mythologies often reflect the way of thinking in the world at the current time and how the collective whole interpret and understand the world. As our way of thinking changes, so do mythologies. The only constant is we're never fully right yet always assume we are, and more so, we assume we're more right than we were the day before in almost all things.  We ignore our current biases and edit the past to accommodate our current way of understanding.

Honestly, when I see people rant about religion as if it has never been necessary, all i can think of is all the foolish egotistic patterns of the past.


  • 8 diagram pole rider
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  • Senior Member
Religions they have no knowledge of? What are you talking about? The premise makes complete sense, you are just being dense.


  • Hon. Mr. Tired
  • Senior Member
Religions they have no knowledge of? What are you talking about? The premise makes complete sense, you are just being dense.

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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Religion is fine as a private practice.

I just wish all those religious people would stop trying to take away rights from others and stop trying to blur the lines between religion and government. That is the issue and the "battle" which will continue on for eons.

The rest is immaterial. Why would I care otherwise what people choose to believe in. 


  • "Hero" isn't the right word, but its the first word that comes to mind
  • Senior Member
May be old and  :nsfw



  • Senior Member


awwww. now i'm gonna jerk it to her videos twice today in honor of her selflessness.

but, i've read a few articles where her legal passport and ID had been changed and she was around 17 when she did her first video :shh


  • Senior Member
Religions they have no knowledge of? What are you talking about? The premise makes complete sense, you are just being dense.

No, the premise is wonk.

if humanity collectively forgot all previous knowledge and had to rebuild society, would we really know the difference between greek mythology and the bible/qur'an/mahabharata/ramayana? We'd probably file it all under "cool stories with thunder dicks".

If humanity forgot all knowledge and were given a computer, what would they do with it? Got nothing to plug it into. Don't understand the letters on the keyboard. No concept of math. They'd just file it under things that are shitty for building a fire. What the fuck does the premise have to do with religion. Or anything.

Come on.

Anyways, countdown to someone bitching about actual discussion in 3, 2, 1. . .


  • Senior Member
I think this might have been the first time EB had an actual good discussion that didn't involve puns or sexual innuendos...
« Last Edit: April 25, 2010, 12:49:38 PM by Veidt »


  • Senior Member
I don't think natalie portman would bail fistful out of jail

I used to hold this view.

And then I realized how stupid it was because not all atheism is extreme. You can choose to not believe in god but still be open to spirituality. I mean, what you're arguing is that we should all be tooth fairy agnostic because there's just no proof but not enough to convince yourself that the tooth fairy doesn't exist. You can believe the tooth fairy doesn't exist, but still be open to the tooth fairy existing so long as it pops out of nowhere and farts in your face, but the chances of that are so slim that you choose to not believe. The same thing applies to God and religion.

When it comes down to it, agnosticism makes zero sense. It's like holding a gun on a battlefield but not willing to fire; you have no opinion, you have no position, and yet you're still on the battlefield of spiritual matters.

The funny thing about agnostics who file all atheists or theists under the LOL THEY'RE SO EXTREME bracket is that they're being extreme in their views just by making such a statement. :lol


EDIT - And for the record, Greek mythology is fucking amazing. Certainly more entertaining at least than boring old Christianity or what have you.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2010, 01:46:48 PM by The Dark Shake 3000 »


  • just hanging around, being shitty
  • Senior Member

I find it oddly quaint and endearing that Zeus' entire schtick was basically transforming himself into random animals and getting chicks to embrace him, only to suddenly turn back into a thunder slingin' god and bang them -- even against their own will. He's the kind of god someone like fistful could totally look up to. :bow


  • Senior Member
Religions they have no knowledge of? What are you talking about? The premise makes complete sense, you are just being dense.

No, the premise is wonk.

if humanity collectively forgot all previous knowledge and had to rebuild society, would we really know the difference between greek mythology and the bible/qur'an/mahabharata/ramayana? We'd probably file it all under "cool stories with thunder dicks".

If humanity forgot all knowledge and were given a computer, what would they do with it? Got nothing to plug it into. Don't understand the letters on the keyboard. No concept of math. They'd just file it under things that are shitty for building a fire. What the fuck does the premise have to do with religion. Or anything.

Come on.

Anyways, countdown to someone bitching about actual discussion in 3, 2, 1. . .

Here's an excerpt from the book:

What if all our knowledge about the world were suddenly to disappear? Imagine that six billion of us wake up tomorrow morning in a state of utter ignorance and confusion. Our book sand computers are still here, but we can't make heads or tails of their contents. We have even forgotten how to drive our cars and brush our teeth. What knowledge would we want to reclaim first? Well, there's that business about growing food and building shelter that we would want to get reacquainted with. We would want to relearn how to use and repair many of our machines. Learning to understand spoken and written language would also be a top priority, given that these skills are necessary for acquiring most others. When in this process of reclaiming our humanity will it be important to know that Jesus was born of a virgin? Or that he was resurrected? And how would we relearn these truths, if they are indeed true? By reading the Bible? Our tour of the shelves will deliver similar pearls from antiquity - like the "fact" that Isis, the goddess of fertility, sports an impressive pair of cow horns. Reading further, we will learn that Thor carries a hammer and that Marduk's sacred animals are horses, dogs, and a dragon with a forked tongue. Whom shall we give top billing our resurrected world? Yaweh or Shiva? And when will we want to relearn that premarital sex is a sin? Or that adulteresses should be stoned to death? Or that the soul enters the zygote at the moment of conception? And what will we think of those curious people who begin proclaiming that one of our books is distinct from all others is that it was actually written by the Creator of the universe?

There are undoubtedly spiritual truths that we would want to relearn - once we manage to feed and clothe ourselves - and these are truths that we have learned imperfectly in our present state. How is it possible, for instance, to overcome one's fear and inwardness and simply love other human beings? Assume, for the moment, that such a process of personal transformation exists and that there is something worth knowing about it; there is, in other words, some skill, or discipline, or conceptual understanding, or dietary supplement that allows for the reliable transformation of fearful, hateful or indifferent persons into loving ones. If so, we should be positively desperate to know about it. There may even be a few biblical passages that would be useful in this regard - but as for whole rafts of untestable doctrines, clearly there would be no reasonable basis to take them up again. The Bible and Koran, it seems certain, would find themselves respectfully shelves next to Ovid's Metamorphoses and the Egyptian Book of the Dead.


  • Senior Member
Greek mythology is in fact the best thing ever. Gods fucking each other in a cosmic version of The Young and Restless is amazing.



Fuck, Zeus even has to come home to a nagging wife who's always taking weird revenge on him and his mistresses for their adultery. It's basically an R-rated version of The Honeymooners :bow


  • Senior Member
so now you guys are calling me some kind of rapist? cool. i didn't even have to do anything for that one.


  • Senior Member
Fuck, Zeus even has to come home to a nagging wife who's always taking weird revenge on him and his mistresses for their adultery. It's basically an R-rated version of The Honeymooners :bow

:bow :bow :bow


  • Senior Member
why are people calling fistful a rapist ? :lol


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  • Senior Member
I asked for someone to quote me in that thread. It works more coming from the horses mouth than some other person. So you failed. Sorry.


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Event Canceled
This Event is no longer available because it has been canceled.

Here is a screenshot for whoever is curious, it was up to 65000 confirmed guests when I posted it.

p.s. not my screenshot.


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« Last Edit: April 25, 2010, 04:15:26 PM by Veidt »