Author Topic: Meme Machine Memorial Thread of Things You Saw on Reddit  (Read 1804970 times)

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  • The Muffin Man
  • Senior Member
It reminded me of the Louis CK bit about flamboyant gays. Its like, you're trying to have a serious discussion about something and yet you've got the stereotypical ad in your face everytime you enter the thread :lol



  • Senior Member
i kept getting a mcdonalds ad in that thread :lol


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
Hardcore anime nerds are almost always holier than thou socially awkward fucks.  I can't feel sorry for their social awkwardness because they're almost always assholes who think their taste in everything is superior and they're so fucking enlightened because they watch cartoons about high school love and I just don't get it.  I hope they die.

Quite on point.  This is going back like eight (maybe more) years now, but one of the worst encounters I remember was this toothpick of a guy in a faded Hawaiian shirt.  He comes into the store and looks at anime tapes, then wants to know if I like anything.  I say a few names and then he does this geeky laugh and says something like "good, I'm glad you didn't say Dragonball Z or Sailor Moon.  I'M the president of the anime club in Atlanta, Anime X.  We only show the good shows.  :smug

I don't know whether I should be happy that I'm not like that or depressed that I get lumped in with them anyway.  :-\

It's those Tweeny Witches, man.  The Tweeny Witches.   ;)

Do you get lumped in with this lot in real life?  'Cuz on the Bore it means nothing.   :lol

I just like watching anime and reading manga, I don't care about getting out there and trying to "convert" people.

See the above, though.  Unless something has changed, your typical hardcore anime nerd doesn't want to "convert" anyone.  They are as elitist as they come.

When I meet people in real life who are into anime, or videogames, or any of the nerdy activities, they generally are relatively normal people. It's on the internet where they tend to groupthink together and become an obnoxious embarrasing collection.

Clearly you have never worked any kind of retail job that caters to these types of people.  Or been to a convention.



  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator

makes a thread about trans issues and censorship. people badmouth him. Keep in mind that RC isn't trans. Instead of discussing what is totally a legitimate issue (see Shidoshi's post) the bulk of the thread is hammering on RC and yet he WON'T QUIT. It totally reminds me of Green Shinobi.

I check that trans thread every now and then.  Was surprised that Gamefan's own Shidoshi was now transitioning into full-on NEW HAFFUU~ mode.  He said he was married and his wife was totally freaking out/disgusted over him wanting to become a woman, and he didn't understand why.

So then I see that he's continuing on with it in that new thread.  Whatever happened to his wife?  Did she leave him?


  • Senior Member

makes a thread about trans issues and censorship. people badmouth him. Keep in mind that RC isn't trans. Instead of discussing what is totally a legitimate issue (see Shidoshi's post) the bulk of the thread is hammering on RC and yet he WON'T QUIT. It totally reminds me of Green Shinobi.

I check that trans thread every now and then.  Was surprised that Gamefan's own Shidoshi was now transitioning into full-on NEW HAFFUU~ mode.  He said he was married and his wife was totally freaking out/disgusted over him wanting to become a woman, and he didn't understand why.

So then I see that he's continuing on with it in that new thread.  Whatever happened to his wife?  Did she leave him?

I think they're working it out. I don't think it was a case of not understand why, from my memory, but rather just being a stressful event. I don't think Shidoshi has aspergers so bad that that would be the case.


  • Senior Member
I think you may be right, as it is gaf. But I'm giving Shiodoshi some credit here.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
I just asked the wife what she thought of this cheeseburger thing.  She said she liked "new half" and that if I kept my junk she wouldn't care.  Typical Japanese response?   :lol 

I'd be pissed off as hell if my significant other wanted to become a cheeseburger.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
I don't know whether I should be happy that I'm not like that or depressed that I get lumped in with them anyway.  :-\

It's those Tweeny Witches, man.  The Tweeny Witches.   ;)

Do you get lumped in with this lot in real life?  'Cuz on the Bore it means nothing.   :lol

Nah, I've never had a problem with it in real life. All the people I've interacted with either don't know or just don't really care.

I just like watching anime and reading manga, I don't care about getting out there and trying to "convert" people.

See the above, though.  Unless something has changed, your typical hardcore anime nerd doesn't want to "convert" anyone.  They are as elitist as they come.

I might give people a hard time about their opinions from time to time, but I'm really more concerned with enjoying my hobby than caring enough about what other people like or don't like to look down my nose at them.

Like, I don't care for One Piece at all, it means nothing to me. But I'm not gonna go in the One Piece thread and be like "You guys like One Piece? lololol Get a better opinion, guys. :smug". But, if someone came in the anime thread and said "ZOMG One Piece is the best anime EVAR!!!11!", I might say it.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 04:36:34 PM by Great Rumbler »


  • Senior Member
I wouldn't be pissed off. But like, it's pretty easy to see where you'd lose attraction. Like, you're not attracted to men, so why would you really want to stay with someone who wants to BECOME a man socially, mentally, and physically? I don't think it's "not being supportive of trans-related issues" that many in the lgbt community to like propose but just not being attracted to their target gender. It's as simple as that.

But since I like both gals and guys I don't have an issue :drool


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator

Nah, I've never had a problem with it in real life. All the people I've interacted with either don't know or just don't really care.

Same, outside of that job I had.  If someone asks me what my hobbies are, I'll bring up video games and the like.  Occasionally it will go further and people will want to know what kind of games I like, but that's about it.

I might give people a hard time about their opinions from time to time, but I'm really more concerned with enjoying my hobby than caring enough about what other people like or don't like to look down my nose at them.

You are totally biased against big-tittied alien cat girl animu.   :P

But yeah, I don't get it either.  It's really no different than the film nerds arguing with each other, though.  If I'm rolling my eyes at someone or trying to back out of a conversation, it's because they are disturbing/creeping me out.  You can talk to me about whatever as long as you're DECENT.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 04:39:19 PM by Good Day Sir »


  • Senior Member
Did you guys ever attend an anime club at your colleges? ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
I think my university had one, but I never went to it.

I'd rather turn down the lights, get in bed, and watch a couple of episodes before going to sleep than sit on a metal folding chair crammed around a TV with a bunch of sweating, overweight guys watching big-breasted alien cat-girl animu.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 04:40:33 PM by Great Rumbler »


  • Senior Member
be glad you didn't


  • Icon
Hardcore anime nerds are almost always holier than thou socially awkward fucks.  I can't feel sorry for their social awkwardness because they're almost always assholes who think their taste in everything is superior and they're so fucking enlightened because they watch cartoons about high school love and I just don't get it.  I hope they die.

Quite on point.  This is going back like eight (maybe more) years now, but one of the worst encounters I remember was this toothpick of a guy in a faded Hawaiian shirt.  He comes into the store and looks at anime tapes, then wants to know if I like anything.  I say a few names and then he does this geeky laugh and says something like "good, I'm glad you didn't say Dragonball Z or Sailor Moon.  I'M the president of the anime club in Atlanta, Anime X.  We only show the good shows.  :smug

Good lord.

That's why I stopped associating with them in any way shape or form.  These are also the same people who think crap like The Crow is deep.


  • The Muffin Man
  • Senior Member
What I found hilarious were the people who were shocked or couldn't understand why a straight dude wouldn't be happy if he unknowingly got into a relationship with a transsexual. Almost like a Disney movie where the light of love will dispel your former rigid sexual orientation.

Oh, we're talkin' 'bout anime now :uguu


  • Senior Member
What I found hilarious were the people who were shocked or couldn't understand why a straight dude wouldn't be happy if he unknowingly got into a relationship with a transsexual. Almost like a Disney movie where the light of love will dispel your former rigid sexual orientation.

Oh yeah, that's totally understandable.

What I find more interesting is the whole "he/she's not a woman/man" thing. Most of the mtf transsexuals I know are more girly (and express pride in this) than women who were born female. I just don't think that gender is something so black and white.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
Did you guys ever attend an anime club at your colleges? ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

It wasn't outright anime, but there was a Japanese club.  I went to two meetings, I think.  One in '99 when I started; it was actually pretty cool and very small.  They wanted to organize a party at someone's house, and IIRC the dude in charge took everyone's money and never did anything with it.   :lol  I'm glad I didn't contribute.

The second time was a few years later.  The membership had completely changed (it was bigger), but it was now definitely the "Japanese club for anime nerds."  It was now run by this geeky girl with a bad haircut (she proudly said that she cut her own hair; it looked like some horrible attempt to become an anime character) who was a huge anime freak and would play anime music on the college radio station.  It was a stupid meeting so I didn't go back.


  • Senior Member
Ah yes, 99-01. The height of the anime boom.


  • Senior Member
If there's one thing about being anime nerd, you will find that most anime fans hate 95% of other anime fans, no matter their cliche, taste, or bias. In other words, anime fans are like black people.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
You hardcore anime nerds are so fucking elitist and arrogant.  Here you are talking shit about other anime fans for pages.  

Yes, we are talking shit about them...not about what anime they like.   :lol

Ah yes, 99-01. The height of the anime boom.

In '99, the Japanese classes I took only had anime nerdos during the first semester.  Unsurprisingly, they either all failed or dropped out of the class.  The two I remember the most were these two girls.  One was a massive Rurouni Kenshin fan and made it clear that she was taking the class because of it.  The other was a girl with a flat body who enjoyed cosplaying as Naga from The Slayers.  I saw some pictures of her and it wasn't a pretty sight.  She was the one who failed out.  The other girl dropped out shortly after.

A few years later I had classes with a new batch of students, and there were a few people in there who fit the stereotypes, but hung on.  "Samurai Boy" as we called him was this black dude who studied pretty hard and was completely full of himself.  He'd always change his voice to sound much higher when he spoke Japanese in class.  It was really annoying.  "Fruity Red Devil" was this raver-type kid with spiky blond hair and yellow-tinted sunglasses who ALWAYS walked around in this red trenchcoat.  Even in summer.  And then "Sempai Girl" was this fat chick who was completely "uguuuuu~" years before uguu came along.  She called everyone "sempai" in class.   There was also this fat balding guy with a big thick beard and ponytail wearing shirts that were too small for him, exposing his massive gut, but we didn't have a nickname for him.  He was just sort of there.

But that was it.  The rest of the class was completely normal.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 04:55:46 PM by Good Day Sir »


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
If there's one thing about being [insert fan of hobby here], you will find that most [insert hobby here] fans hate 95% of other [insert hobby here] fans, no matter their cliche, taste, or bias. In other words, [fanboys] are like black people.

The truth.


  • Senior Member
Samurai Boy changed his voice?

I'd do that in Spanish classes. I'd create a Spanish accent while speaking and the rest of the class cracked up.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
Samurai Boy changed his voice?

I'd do that in Spanish classes. I'd create a Spanish accent while speaking and the rest of the class cracked up.

He wasn't doing it to be funny.  Nobody laughed, either.  It was just annoying. 

The guy got pretty good grades, though.  Surprised me since whenever we'd gather in a common room and study for class, he'd come over and sit there playing Everquest or whatever on his laptop.  Then he'd make the rest of us think less of him when he'd say something arrogant/stupid or go yell at his girlfriend.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 05:03:44 PM by Good Day Sir »


  • Humble motherfucker with a big-ass dick
  • Senior Member
So Himu is bi now?


  • Senior Member
So Himu is bi now?

Not quite.


Flannel Boy

  • classic millennial sex pickle
  • Icon
So Himu is bi now?
Time to add it to the Himuro Plinko.


  • Senior Member


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
What I found hilarious were the people who were shocked or couldn't understand why a straight dude wouldn't be happy if he unknowingly got into a relationship with a transsexual. Almost like a Disney movie where the light of love will dispel your former rigid sexual orientation.

Really?   :lol I missed those posts.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
So Himu is bi now?

Himu's a trisexual. He'll try anything once.


  • I love you just the way I am
  • Senior Member


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
Looks like he's Supt Peter. :teehee


  • Merry Christmas
  • Senior Member
Himu and I have cybered.


  • The Muffin Man
  • Senior Member
Himu's not Bi, he's just open to suggestions :teehee


  • Merry Christmas
  • Senior Member
I want to grab Himu's BBC and just squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
I want to grab Himu's BBC and just squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze.


Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
The problem with people like RiskyChris is that they take up causes not for the benefit of others but primarily for their own ego aggrandizing reasons.  The kid is a narcissist if I remember correctly and believes that in spite of wanting to censor "cheeseburger," he wants it known that it was he who came up with that idea and wants everyone to know it.  Which is why he never stopped acting like a shithead in that thread and found himself banned.  He has an image of himself as some kind of hero of internet justice and wants everyone to make sure that they know it too.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
Recorded my first vid on my iphone. Forgot to take the new plastic off the lens.  :duh
It's a buddy of mine in town from LA. I hadn't seen him in 3 years. :heart

That is the piano at my house that was given to us and never tuned.  :lol
He loved it though. It reminded him of an old saloon piano.


  • AKA Bildo
  • Senior Member
Ima subscribing to your channel boo.  Looking forward to more vids of old buddies having a tickle.


  • blow me - I deserve it
  • Senior Member

Purple Filth

  • This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win—and it can—then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace
  • Senior Member
You hardcore anime nerds are so fucking elitist and arrogant.  Here you are talking shit about other anime fans for pages.  

Yes, we are talking shit about them...not about what anime they like.   :lol

Ah yes, 99-01. The height of the anime boom.

In '99, the Japanese classes I took only had anime nerdos during the first semester.  Unsurprisingly, they either all failed or dropped out of the class.  The two I remember the most were these two girls.  One was a massive Rurouni Kenshin fan and made it clear that she was taking the class because of it.  The other was a girl with a flat body who enjoyed cosplaying as Naga from The Slayers.  I saw some pictures of her and it wasn't a pretty sight.  She was the one who failed out.  The other girl dropped out shortly after.

A few years later I had classes with a new batch of students, and there were a few people in there who fit the stereotypes, but hung on.  "Samurai Boy" as we called him was this black dude who studied pretty hard and was completely full of himself.  He'd always change his voice to sound much higher when he spoke Japanese in class.  It was really annoying.  "Fruity Red Devil" was this raver-type kid with spiky blond hair and yellow-tinted sunglasses who ALWAYS walked around in this red trenchcoat.  Even in summer.  And then "Sempai Girl" was this fat chick who was completely "uguuuuu~" years before uguu came along.  She called everyone "sempai" in class.   There was also this fat balding guy with a big thick beard and ponytail wearing shirts that were too small for him, exposing his massive gut, but we didn't have a nickname for him.  He was just sort of there.

But that was it.  The rest of the class was completely normal.

Wait Vash the stampede was in your class  :lol

as for the cheeseburger thing, i never got it but i guess not everyone is cool with their original gender


  • Senior MILF
  • Senior Member
While we're choosing which words are appropriate for labeling people and which aren't, can we stop saying "midgets" and "little people." In my household, we call them "little fuckers."


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
would you fuck a midget lennedsay? just for the experience?


  • Humble motherfucker with a big-ass dick
  • Senior Member
They have the best pussy.


  • Senior MILF
  • Senior Member
No. They have to at least be my height.

Well techinically they could be my height and be a little fucker, so yea I guess I'm game.


  • blow me - I deserve it
  • Senior Member
get a, get a fleshlight



  • 8 diagram pole rider
  • Senior Member
never got the whole stigma around talking about games without the use of computers. I don't go around discussing [random niche interest] with people who aren't interested, but it's not like I need some complex code of conduct to arrive at that decision.

Do you people have similar hang-ups about talking in-depth about sports and other interests that might not jive with the larger crowd, or is this a self-conscious nerd thing?
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 04:12:47 AM by Brobzoid »


  • Senior Member
i spent about 40 minutes discussing Eve online with a friend of mine while waiting for the bus to go see Predators last Sunday. there where other people at the bus stop too 8)


  • 8 diagram pole rider
  • Senior Member
I've discussed masturbation in depth at a coffee shop before. Ain't nothing wrong with helping people better experience themselves and/or others.  :-*


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
Ima subscribing to your channel boo.  Looking forward to more vids of old buddies having a tickle.
It will probably just be mostly kids stuff. :lol


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
You think talking about things with people IRL is tough, I deal with people online who cringe at the word masturbation. That's all I talk about! And their interests are boring!


  • Member


  • Senior Member


  • Member
:lol so true

Can you expound a bit?
Some Saudis are known for reckless spendings on over the top luxury and their materialistic thinking, money solves all problems.


  • Senior Member
It reminds me of this character in GTA4: Gay Tony. This Saudi guy who spends millions on gold luxury sports cars, helicopters and weapon artillery to please his father.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Cause GTA doesnt run off stereotypes


  • Senior Member
Cause GTA doesnt run off stereotypes

All stereotypes have a basis in reality!


  • Member
:rofl :rofl

Is there a difference between Bani and Banu when it comes to tribes names besides the way you say them and write them?

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
WYL  :lol


  • Senior Member