Author Topic: The Cruncheons 04: Onirim, Fallout NV, Blazing Souls Accelate, Castlevania...  (Read 2250 times)

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Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
  • Senior Member

All-Playlist this time around:

(1:05)  Guardians of Graxia

(6:20)  Onirim Card Game

(11:20)  Quick hits on Just Cause 2, Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter, Mafia II, Clive Barker's Jericho, Singularity

(23:25)  Fallout: New Vegas - no story spoilers

(40:30) Blazing Souls: Accelate

(50:15)  The Polynomial - Space of the Music

(53:00)  Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

(1:03:30)  Enslaved

(1:06:00)  Samurai Warriors 3 and Sengoku Basara 3

Talk to you again soon!

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
  • Banned

Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
  • Senior Member


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
Just in time for the weekend  :-*


  • Senior Member
I've just started Enslaved based on your recommendation.  It's pretty decent so far.  NT really does cinematics really well.  They're perfectly edited, too, not drawn out Kojima inspired monotony. 


  • Legend in his own mind
  • Senior Member
Can't wait until I get my laptop back :)

Can't wait to hear Eel's opinion of Fallout: NV, which I've been enjoying.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
Listened to it.

I agree that Musou games get unfairly shat on.  I never played a Basara game but it isn't surprising that it isn't as good as the Musou equivalent but yet has higher review scores.  I've been enjoying the DW games since 3 (except Strikeforce, which is total janky crap) and will continue to play and enjoy.


  • hooker strangler
  • Senior Member
Seems like Prole likes him some Castlespainia!

cool breeze

  • Senior Member
I listened to some of the game parts. 

The Castlevania thing was mostly spot on.  After leaving leaving one of those areas with a smooth frame rate, I would say "fuck you, game" out loud.  Though, I do like that they have some smooth sections in the game; it is one giant "LOL THIS ISN'T 24 FPS TO BE LIKE FILM" message to people who thought that (it's like GG laughing at its audience for protecting the lag in KZ2 only for it to be removed on KZ3).  And I actually did cancel my God of War Ghost of Sparta order because of Castlevania.  In fact, I was getting it for $30 (instead of $40), but I thought that by the time I'm ready to play a similar game, it would be a greatest hits and drop to $20

Herr Mafflard

  • Senior Member
oh shit, thanks for the mention at the end  :-[