Author Topic: "My name is John Carpenter, I direct horror movies" [Official FEAR 3 thread]  (Read 1489 times)

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Herr Mafflard

  • Senior Member
this is coming out next week -- I know, right!!


Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
Am I the only person who thinks this looks like an up-rezzed Wii game?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I looked at a few more screenshots to make sure I wasn't going crazy or something. UUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH. Nope, graphics are total garbage. Low-resolution textures splayed across the screen, low-poly characters, blocky environment. It looks WORSE than the original F.E.A.R..  :-\
« Last Edit: June 18, 2011, 11:01:32 AM by Great Rumbler »

Herr Mafflard

  • Senior Member
first reviews are in

ign - 8/10
gamepro - 4/5
gamer limit - 8/10


  • I love you just the way I am
  • Senior Member
Does the world need more FEAR games? Really?

Herr Mafflard

  • Senior Member
well, they have to wrap up the storyline. remember FEAR 2's ending?

anyway, who cares - if the games are good, bring them on


  • Member
Can't wait.

Don't forget you can get FEAR 3 and MK, Portal 2, LA Noire, or Brink at Toys R Us for $50 this week. Good luck with them not being OOS, though. Online has already pulled the deal so only instore.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
who gets raped in this one?


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
Wasn't FEAR 2 some other developer, as well?

So is this a co-op shooter? F3ARS OF WAR or something?


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
no. fear 1 and 2 were same dev.


  • relapsed dev
  • Senior Member
I thought Monolith did one.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
I thought Monolith did one.

Monolith did the first two.

Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
  • Senior Member
who gets raped in this one?

this one's about trying to perform an abortion with guns

Herr Mafflard

  • Senior Member
tom chick says its "very good" so far

Herr Mafflard

  • Senior Member

Just started watching but it looks pretty okay.

cue Ryan getting lost multiple times in a completely linear corridor shooter

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator

Just started watching but it looks pretty okay.

cue Ryan getting lost multiple times in a completely linear corridor shooter

Funny cuz it's true.  :lol


  • Senior Member
The SKIDROW Scene rip came out earlier today and I downloaded that one. Crack and everything works fine. No memory leaks or difficulty issues like the others.


This game is actually quite fun! I've only played the first level but I enjoyed what I played. You play through as Point Man and his play style is the generic FPS fare mixed with the cool slow-motion effects mode. The cool part is when you beat a level, you unlock the ability to play through it as Fettel. He has a completely different play style and doesn't use guns at all (at least his body doesn't). You have energy blood blasts that are your projectile weapon but you can also hold people up in a big puddle of blood and suspend them in the air. They can't do anything while you do this to them and you can just blast them in the head or you can possess them and play that character like Point Man (standard FPS shooting without the slow-motion ability). You can also press the melee button and he crushes them in a big blast of blood. Pretty neat.

Another cool feature is the "rank up" mechanic. You have little simple challenges like "Kill 5 Enemies With Melee Attacks After Vaulting Over An Obstacle" and so on that give you points to rank up. When you rank up you unlock better abilities like being able to do a sprinting slide kick or a jumping kick. So far I'm rank 5 after playing through the first stage with each character and I've unlocked the aforementioned kicking abilities along with more spirit/slow-mo power, more ammo, and more grenades. It's a pretty cool gimmick that attracts the CoD-Bros (and me of course) to grind out points to level up and get better stuff. I can only imagine that this also applies to the multiplayer versus/co-op modes and gives you more abilities there as well.

I would love to play the co-op mode where another person is going through with you controlling the other character but of course, it's a pirated copy so derp. I suppose I could play with someone else in a Hamachi network game or something if I really wanted.

I'll probably end up buying this on down the line because it's quite fun. With my 6770 I can run it maxed out just fine in 1080p and it looks pretty with the blood effects.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
I liked FEAR 1 & 2. I wasn't sure about this one because of the developer, but I'm willing to give it a shot at some point.

Herr Mafflard

  • Senior Member
Personally I'm glad they switched developers because I didn't like what Monolith did with FEAR 2.

@FatalT -- they made a big deal out of the multiplayer modes in this. Sounds unique and fun -

Fu**ing Run!
Chased by Alma’s always-encroaching  Wall of Death, the F.E.A.R. squad must push forward through Armacham forces and reach the checkpoints before they are swallowed up.  If any team-mate is lost to Alma’s Wall of Death, it is game over for everyone.  The only way to survive is to F**king Run!  Alma’s Wall of Death was inspired by the cover of John Carpenter’s Prince of Darkness.

Contractions places gamers as members of an isolated F.E.A.R. squad facing off against Alma’s minions.  As a team you must work together to collect weapons and build barricades during the calm between Alma’s contractions.  Each time a contraction hits, a wave of supernatural and possessed enemies flood into the area.  To make matters worse, a paranormal fog rolls in with each wave, getting thicker and deeper as you try to make your last stand.  Dangerous things lurk in the fog, including Alma herself.  Only by cooperating can the squad survive all twenty waves. Inspired by John Carpenter’s The Fog.

Soul Survivor
Soul Survivor adds a twist to the cooperative gaming experience.  While players are working together as a team to survive attacks from incoming soldiers, Alma will corrupt one of the team, forcing the player to turn against their allies.  The Chosen Player has a set amount of time to split up the F.E.A.R. squad and Corrupt them, all while the Armacham soldiers continue assaulting the team.  Each player that is picked off joins the Corrupted side and must help to exterminate the remaining squad members.  Only the strongest player can make it out alive as the Soul Survivor. Inspired by Steve Niles’ 30 Days of Night where the survivors are taken down one by one and turned against those that remain.

Soul King
All players start as a Spectre, a ghost with the ability to possess human enemies.  Players fight to possess and kill AI combatants, as well as collect the caches of souls that other players release once killed.  Picking up souls adds to your points, but if you’re killed you lose half your souls.  The player with the highest score at the end of the timed round is the Soul King.



  • Member
I'm having a blast with it. Favorite scene so far was the meat locker. Creepy as hell.


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Read the ending... lmfao

spoiler (click to show/hide)
If you beat it as the "bad" guy, he EATS Alma

Herr Mafflard

  • Senior Member

yeah if you take a step back from the sinister and austere veneer that the series tries to sell, the actual plot is bleakly comic

i mean it's a game about teaming up with your dead brother who eats people to bring down your rapist mother, who is pregnant with demon spawn. The fact that it tries to play all this straight just makes it even more tragic/endearing


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Well blame Monolith's shitty stories. They pulled the same shit in Condemned 2 - OMG HE HAS SPECIAL VOCAL CHORDS THAT LETS HIM SCREAM

Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
  • Senior Member
Well blame Monolith's shitty stories. They pulled the same shit in Condemned 2 - OMG HE HAS SPECIAL VOCAL CHORDS THAT LETS HIM SCREAM


i had almost forgotten about that


  • Member
What's sad is there's the little things in Condemned 1 that let you know that distinguished mentally-challenged crap was planned from the get go. If they had only stuck with the crazed hobos and serial killers then the story could have been taken just a tiny bit seriously.

Herr Mafflard

  • Senior Member
this is not the case for Condemned obviously, but I actually prefer it if the FEAR universe gets more crazy and over the top with each iteration. I mean, the game is fundamentally about shooting peoples heads off, in slow-motion.

Played the game for about an hour today. I gotta say, the gunplay is fantastic. The weapons handle well. The slo-mo power allowing you to rush multiple enemies, satisfyingly popping off headshots and point-blank shotty dismemberments .

The enemy AI is surprisingly competent. They stay in cover when being suppressed; flank and push forward aggressively otherwise. Just generally quite fun to fight against, and actually require a bit of finesse to outmatch. The level design so far lets you flank, take vantage, or otherwise rush opponents in slow-motion picking them off one by one; and it actually feels really good, more so than say Crysis 2, which tried something similar, albeit on a bigger scale.

Oh and do you have to level up for fung-fu action or is it just not in the game? I was playing and kept saying the game feels like it should have a slide move and sure enough, a slide move unlocks.

I don't think you unlock any moves. The slide kick is really easy to pull off, just sprint and hit melee.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2011, 07:03:49 PM by Herr Mafflard »

cool breeze

  • Senior Member
I liked the two other FEAR games a lot but I always really hated the universe and 'horror' moments.  The shootouts are a blast and it just feels good to do things.  Kicking a dude in the face or just firing the shotgun is satisfying.

how did the story planning go down for this game? this isn't Monolith, and expansions from another dev (section 8 guys I think) are non-canon, and FEAR 2 was original just Project Origin before the license nonsense got worked out.  I'm just hoping it's as silly as it was in the past two games, and Condemned 2.   Condemned 1 was kind of alright...

Herr Mafflard

  • Senior Member
well, if I unlocked the slide kick, the game didn't tell me. I just accidentally did it in the favela level, and was like 'huh, I wonder why the game didn't tell me how to do it?'.


  • Member
Fettal awesome to play as. Point Man is slower paced with the slo-mo and firefights. Fettal is just a huge adrenaline rush. As cheesy as it was I thought it was awesome that they used Danzig's Mother for the end credits.

Herr Mafflard

  • Senior Member
Finished up the campaign as Point Man.

The second half of the game was a drag. It emphasised the bad things about the game like the boss fights and mech combat rather than focus on the game's strengths like good A. I.  and satisfying shooting mechanics.

Will play a bit as Fettel next and try the multiplayer which seems to be the selling point of this game.