Author Topic: Anime-Booru Desu~ |OT|  (Read 1337596 times)

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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8280 on: March 31, 2018, 11:12:16 AM »
Mr. Gundam, yeah she sang the Mac F song.

Devilman Crybaby was a trip. Awesome show. Himu's post earlier in this thread hating on the rapping of all things is ridiculous.

Yeah, I thought the rapping stuff was neat.

Junpei the Tracer!

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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8281 on: March 31, 2018, 05:54:13 PM »
I must throughly recommended In this Corner of the World, it was super duper good. Any accolades you may have read about it were not misplaced, really good stuff.

It's on Netflix and watch it all the way through/don't skip the credits.

Stoney Mason

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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8282 on: April 01, 2018, 01:27:59 PM »
I quite liked Evangelion back in the day but at this point, I can't even remember plot points. Just that it was a depressing show and I tend to like those if they are well executed. Maybe that will inspire a rewatch at some future point.

Started watching full metal alchemist which I never watched. For some reason I always had a negative impression of this show. No reason why. I just did so ignored it back when it was super popular.

Watched 5 episodes of Brotherhood and while its fine, I wasn't super invested for whatever reason. Watched the first five episodes of the original and that interested me more. I preferred the slower pacing and better explained world early on. Also the older art style made me nostalgic about that era of animation. I'll watch brotherhood also once I finish the older show which I'm about 15 episodes into.

It seems fine. It's not my favorite anime in the world but its certainly more than watchable.

So finished up the original show and the movie. About 10 episodes into Brotherhood. After having watched one fully and the other a bit more, I can say that I prefer Brotherhood. Original is fun enough and certainly has interesting plot points and characters but it also has a number of flaws.

1.) In the original character constantly have important crucial information they decide not to share with allies for drama reasons. It's very frustrating. One early example is the initial conflict between Ed and Al over Al's nature over whether he is real. The ways its handled in the original doesn't make sense and is strictly done to create a drama episode for no good reason. It's handled in like half an episode in Brotherhood in a more logical and heartfelt manner. This happens alot in the original. Like it became a running joke for me to yell at the screen Tell somebody!

2.) The plotting in the original often doesn't make sense. Like they know where they want to go from Plot Point A to Plot Point B but the path in between  often makes no sense or once again seems delayed to create drama sakes. So Instead of being able to enjoy the journey, I was constantly yelling for characters to act more sensibly.

3.) This isn't really a flaw but more a pet peeve of mine. But as I grow older, I'm less interested in a plot mechanic where the bad guys have all the knowledge. And the good guys have no knowledge and therefore seem like idiots bumbling around in the dark for most of the show. This is a pretty common plot device and if everything else is working in a show, I won't gripe about it, but when I have issues with other parts of the show, I start to find this device grating as you feel like you are just waiting for the heroes to catch up to knowledge you have had for like 20 or 30 episodes.

So yeah I think that's about it. I like original FMA but it wouldn't come close to cracking a top ten of anime for me personally. I'll finish up brotherhood at some point and post some thoughts about that.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2018, 01:32:08 PM by Stoney Mason »


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8283 on: April 01, 2018, 02:22:12 PM »
How long is Brotherhood? I really liked the original but haven’t seen any of brotherhood

Stoney Mason

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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8284 on: April 01, 2018, 06:03:20 PM »
64 episodes.

4 ova's.

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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8285 on: April 01, 2018, 06:09:46 PM »
up to ep. 16 of Brotherhood. I remember the original FMA being better, or at least I enjoyed it more.

Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8286 on: April 02, 2018, 04:12:14 PM »
Watched the new FLCL that was on Adult Swim Saturday night. Felt a lot like FLCL, and that music.


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8287 on: April 02, 2018, 05:37:46 PM »
I'm not done with Brotherhood, but I haven't liked it as much as the first anime. Too much shounen action and the retread parts felt way too rushed and sloppy. It's not bad, but the first one felt more serious and "mature" whatever that means. Brotherhood is good and it seems to be what modern anime fans consider great, but it's merely ok to me.

I've been re-watching Giant Robo The Day Earth Stood Still and to me this is an anime masterpiece. The music, the direction, the animation, art direction, voice acting(in Japanese), and story are all firing on all cylinders. I really wish this was more popular as it is pretty close to the perfect anime.


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8288 on: April 02, 2018, 06:02:35 PM »
Giant Robo is timeless and perfect!


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8290 on: April 02, 2018, 09:10:42 PM »
So I didn't realize the Kizumonogatari film trilogy was done and out at this point. The original Bakemonogatari still one of the best directed/written shows imo. Bakemonogatari is an extremely fun word play like if David Mamet did a harem perv play. But started watching Kizumonogatari last night with movie 1 and it was really fucking boring :(

Thing is that I tried watching a few of the sequels to Bakemonogatari and none of them had the magic of the original and they were all really boring. I was kinda hoping being big budget films and being the big prequel story to how everything came to be, that Kizumonogatari would be amazing,

maybe it still will be. Gonna watch movie 2 tonight. Really hope it gets better than movie 1.

Also if Kizumonogatari ends up being all zzz, I'm gonna go with that Shinbou got too big for his own good and lost what made him a hip stylish cutting edge director like he was when he came in with stuff like Soul Taker, or Sayonara Zetsubou or Bakemonogatari. Now he's all big and famous and he has underlings doing most of the work for him. Aka the Suda 51 curse. We'll see...
« Last Edit: April 02, 2018, 09:15:32 PM by Bebpo »


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8291 on: April 02, 2018, 11:01:21 PM »
Kizumonogatari II was better, still a bit boring but had some cool bits. Hopefully III continues the improvement.

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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8292 on: April 03, 2018, 11:23:14 PM »


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8293 on: April 04, 2018, 12:11:29 AM »

Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8294 on: April 04, 2018, 11:47:04 AM »
Watched the first episode Gundam Build Divers yesterday, feels like it's targeting a much younger demographic than the previous two seasons, which was still aimed at kids. Big mash up of Gundam and a fantasy online RPG/quest type show.


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8295 on: April 04, 2018, 12:00:37 PM »
Aka the Suda 51 curse. We'll see...

Suda's problem was getting snatched up by big publishers. They didn't let him make the games he wanted to make so the directorial roles would go to other employees at Grasshopper. He basically lost the passion for making games, but he's back after the indie boom giving him some hope. Like, it's actually cool now to make smaller experimental games.


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8296 on: April 04, 2018, 08:05:02 PM »
Some new stuff is airing.

Souten No Ken Regenesis: Oh snap, Fist Of The Blue Sky is back!?  ...Oh snap, it's being done with shitty CG animation like that Berserk show was.  :-\  Looks like a video game running at like 15 FPS.  Really jarring.  The violence is almost hilarious with people being perfectly cut in two without any gore.

Lupin III Part V: More of the same, but not too shabby for a first episode.  This reminds that I never saw the previous Lupin series that came on before this one did.

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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8297 on: April 04, 2018, 10:20:11 PM »
I got so excited seeing that there was a new Fist of the North Star spinoff and then immediately my hype was deflated when I saw it was awful CG. :-\


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8298 on: April 04, 2018, 10:57:58 PM »
Watched the first episode Gundam Build Divers yesterday, feels like it's targeting a much younger demographic than the previous two seasons, which was still aimed at kids. Big mash up of Gundam and a fantasy online RPG/quest type show.
I didn't even know this was starting. Thanks for the heads up.


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8299 on: April 05, 2018, 10:21:23 AM »
Well, Kizumonogatari movies were zzz. Maybe if it was 2 movies instead of 3 it would’ve worked better. There’s just not much story there, definitely feels stretched out. The wacky fights are fun to watch but don’t have any weight. Also the story isn’t that great and doesn’t really bring much to the series. I can see why when they decided to do the Bakemonogatari anime they skipped it and just did it as a 3 minute clip video in ep1.

Up to ep8 in G Reconguista and starting to see why people have some grievances with the show. It’s fucking crazy. Every ep there’s a new mech upgrade, there’s a ton of characters & plot constantly thrown at you without slowing down, characters seem to change moods every ep (classic Tomino) and the action can be really hard to follow. I love Tomino so I don’t mind the second & third things, and I feel like it and the constant upgrades (which I’m cool with) feel like a result of compacting a 50ep series into 26eps so everything moves at double the speed. That being said, I’m rewinding a few times trying to follow things here during the action scenes so it makes the action direction less satisfying. Not sure what’s up with that, I’ve never felt Tomino was a bad action director in the past.

The animation in G Reco is so good. There’s all these little life like touches constantly like people stumbling down things or doing little flips or animals running by that adds a ton of character. Love that. Music’s good too.


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8300 on: April 05, 2018, 10:47:35 AM »
Also I like how the transforming Capital Army mech looks straight out of Brain Powerd.

Not exactly the same, but feels kinda similar to me. They both shoot beams out of their fingers too and laser spam.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2018, 01:37:28 PM by Bebpo »


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8301 on: April 05, 2018, 11:11:09 AM »
G Reco felt like it should've been a lot better than what it was. By the end of it, I felt it was pretty meh overall. I loved the artstyle and animation though.

Is there anywhere online where I can watch the older Gundams that never aired in the US? I've never seen Turn A, Victory, and a few others.

Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8302 on: April 05, 2018, 11:23:02 AM »
There is a lot that I like about G Reco, but there's also some stupid ass Tomino stuff that's just awful.

G Reco felt like it should've been a lot better than what it was. By the end of it, I felt it was pretty meh overall. I loved the artstyle and animation though.

Is there anywhere online where I can watch the older Gundams that never aired in the US? I've never seen Turn A, Victory, and a few others.

Gundam Info's YouTube channel has some older shows like ZZ, but I don't think Turn A or Victory are available.


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8303 on: April 05, 2018, 12:26:57 PM »
G Reco is pretty much where I realized that as much as I like Gundam, I don't like Tomino. He's just not a good writer and often his shows are pretty terribly told. Zeta is pretty awfully paced and the character writing and plot not much better. ZZ just has an odd tone. Victory is ok. I just found Turn A pretty bring. G Reco was nonsensical. The best version of OG Gundam is the Origin Manga. Char's looks great, but man is it filled with obnoxious character's and dialogue.  F91 is well F91.

I liked Unicorn, but the worst parts of it where honestly the parts that felt like they were emulating Tomino. 08th MS Team and 0080 are great and well feel like the least Tomino Gundam shows in the UC. Thunderbolt is dumb fun. 0083 is dumb, but looks pretty.

I mean at this point I kind of like the AU shows more.

Wing is beyond stupid, but somewhat fun in how bizarre it is. G Gundam is great, but Imagawa is a great director and writer. Seed is well...I like teen angst and at least Seed feels eventful. Seed Destiny.....00 Season 1 was good, S2 not so much, because well they tried to make it like a normal Gundam show. Age is bad. Iron Blooded is great. X is decent.

I like Gundam, but I guess like everything its pretty mixed in the bad and the good.

But if I'm being honest I'd almost want to rank Macross higher soley on the backs of Plus(GOAT), DRYL, and the Original Series. Zero and F kind of drag the series down, but the first F movie was ok. Haven't watched more then one episode of 2 which while it looked great, it was also pretty bad. Delta dosen't interest me. Have Blu ray rips of all of 7, but haven't watched it yet.

Honestly for anime I kind of am on the "does this shit the bed towards the end" rating scale. Which plenty of anime do, but I often find Gundam shows pretty much lose steam towards the end. Wing sure does as it spends the last 10 episodes kind of just wondering in place while Zechs and crew just do random shit and then bam all of a sudden final battle while a Lady Une randomly wakes up after being gone for 20+ episodes. Seed Destiny sucked the whole time, but really just stops giving a shit when it makes Kira the main character. All would have been forgiven if the plots and development of the Minerva crew went somewhere. They don't. Zeta I don't even remember the 2nd half beyond here's Four again. Thought she died. Nope oh and here's another messed up physic with Rosamia and final battle time after that. I give Seed credit because there's a continuing escalation and follow through of the plot up until the ending. Same with Iron Blooded. I use to think as a kid that oh most Gundam shows get better in the 2nd half because thats where all the action is. Maybe that's true, but it's also where a lot of them lose their way.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2018, 12:36:23 PM by Rahxephon91 »

Junpei the Tracer!

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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8305 on: April 05, 2018, 01:24:41 PM »
Nice, glad the turnaround on Violet Evergarden wasn't too long.


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8306 on: April 05, 2018, 01:43:19 PM »
Rahx, you're entitled to your opinion of course, but that's an odd take on Gundam to say that the ends are the weaker aspects. I'd argue the most consistent part of Gundam series is that no matter how weak the shows are, they usually finish strong with everything coming together and character deaths and big epic finales.

Like the only Gundam I can think of with a forgettable nothing finale is Destiny, but Destiny sucks so that's not too surprising.

You mention Zeta. Zeta's 2nd half with Four and stuff is whatever like you said, but the last 4-6 eps? That's some of the best anime of Gundam. The end battles with so much going on at once, Char vs. Haman, Kamille vs. Paptimus, the two Gals fighting, it's epic as fuck and the end waverider smash is one of those timeless anime moments.

Turn A is pretty boring, but that ending fight with all the music playing and the butterfly cocoon and the song with the epilogue? Amazing.

The original Gundam, Amuro floating in space? So good. SEED, Isaac and the other guy, the death of you know who -> Kira falling and pulling himself together for the big battle, etc...

Gundam finales are pretty good...

Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8307 on: April 05, 2018, 03:33:07 PM »
Tomino IS a pretty terrible writer nowadays, though. Let's not kid ourselves.


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8308 on: April 05, 2018, 03:37:09 PM »
I got so excited seeing that there was a new Fist of the North Star spinoff and then immediately my hype was deflated when I saw it was awful CG. :-\

The real-time cut scenes in Hokuto Ga Gotoku on PS4 shit all over this so bad.

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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8309 on: April 05, 2018, 04:41:49 PM »
Was pretty much the same way with the new Berserk series. Just awful.


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8310 on: April 05, 2018, 04:44:42 PM »
Tomino IS a pretty terrible writer nowadays, though. Let's not kid ourselves.

I'm only 8 eps into G Reco, so can't tell on that one yet. Overman King Gainer was ok, Turn A was solid, Brain Powerd was great (yeah I'm alone on that one, I love BP).

I get most people don't like Tomino's style. I've always really liked it but I get the criticism. Not everyone likes an entire cast acting like they've got BPD. I think Tomino definitely rides that genius/crazy borderline. Some scenes in G Reco so far are the best storyboarded scenes I've ever seen in anime, some are really bad.

Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8311 on: April 05, 2018, 04:52:14 PM »
I liked G Reco (love the mecha designs), but I'm never going make the argument that it's good. It gets pretty damn crazy and incoherent by the end.

Zeta while being one of my favorites, has it flaws, particularly with female characters. Dude didn't seem to understand women while he was making that.

Was pretty much the same way with the new Berserk series. Just awful.

I have no idea what you're talking about.


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8312 on: April 05, 2018, 06:28:50 PM »
Yeah, Tomino does not know how to write women. I'm fully in agreement with that.

You'd almost think he was misogynist in that he writes every women as crazy and overly-emotional
...but then you realize he also writes every man as crazy and overly-emotional.


Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8313 on: April 05, 2018, 07:18:15 PM »
RIP Isao Takahata.


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8314 on: April 05, 2018, 07:20:49 PM »
Oh fuck, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8315 on: April 05, 2018, 07:30:35 PM »

Joe Molotov

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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8316 on: April 05, 2018, 09:12:48 PM »
MEGALOBOX is lit. :lawd


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8317 on: April 05, 2018, 09:18:40 PM »
Man, Takahata passing fucking sucks. Kaguya-hime was just 2 years ago! Was still rocking at 80.
At least he got to enjoy a long life. Amazing artist.


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8318 on: April 06, 2018, 12:31:18 AM »
Ok, so I watched another couple of eps of G-Reco (through ep10 now) and one thing I think people overlook with Tomino is the guy is fucking funny. He's like this old dude who makes the silliest random slapstick and lols to himself as he draws it and it's totally amazing that it's animated and allowed to be released.

Like there is this constant animal joke theme where mechs will fly by sloths and other animals and G-Self will jump in first person and as it jumps a looney-toons style bird nest will flip over, and then the enemy pilot lands in the swamp and his buddies come to get him and their thrusters are pushing him over into the swamp as these looney toons crocodiles swim around him and he's trying to balance not falling.

Tomino's a big fan of the Animaniacs/Looney Toons-era humor that he grew up with and he puts it everywhere in his modern happy Tomino (post Zeta). You have stuff like the main guy running into a wall, people falling and flailing in all kinds of funny ways, etc...

I think that stuff is great and it's funny seeing the juxtaposition between a serious war show that's told in a goofy silly way. Like you have the heads of state and the holy church head having a serious conversation only to pause and go "this tea is delicious!"  :lol  Or an army hyping up a cheer only for the commander to butt in and be like STOP CHEERING WTF GO DO YOUR JOB.

Also some of the dialogue is so good. Why Bellri can't launch and the captain asks what he's doing he goes "I'm crying here, it's like I don't have a reason to exist!" (泣いてますよ!存在意義がない!); the over-exaggeration of everything is really funny.

idk, maybe this show isn't good, but I'm laughing my ass off enjoying every ep, so idk! I also really liked ZZ Gundam for its silliness in the first half. I like Tomino's childish old man sense of humor.

But yeah, the action direction is really bad and hard to follow.


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8319 on: April 06, 2018, 12:36:50 AM »
Also another part of what makes it great is he's so rich and famous he can do whatever he wants, so he just does it. Like in Wings of Rean where a bunch of angsty kids chop down the Tokyo Tower lol. Dude is fucking crazy and it's amazing. In a way he's kind of my hero of what I'd like to be when I'm in my 70s!


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8320 on: April 07, 2018, 06:48:12 PM »
Anyone watch the first episode of the Persona 5 anime?  It's paced.  They covered the first hour in like 23 minutes.  It felt like a collection of scenes moreso than a cohesive story.

Junpei the Tracer!

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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8321 on: April 09, 2018, 06:24:10 PM »
Anyone watch the first episode of the Persona 5 anime?  It's paced.  They covered the first hour in like 23 minutes.  It felt like a collection of scenes moreso than a cohesive story.

It really did, it was like a cliff-notes version of the game.

My Hero Academia S3 premiered on Saturday but it was a filler and recap episode. :'( New opening is good tho.

Golden Kamuy is nice but it has CG bears and wolves. Read/support the manga if you can, it's really good.



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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8323 on: April 10, 2018, 04:07:29 AM »
Legend of Galactic hero seems to be super faithful to the original so far.

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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8325 on: April 10, 2018, 03:28:16 PM »
Ok, so I watched another couple of eps of G-Reco (through ep10 now) and one thing I think people overlook with Tomino is the guy is fucking funny. He's like this old dude who makes the silliest random slapstick and lols to himself as he draws it and it's totally amazing that it's animated and allowed to be released.

Like there is this constant animal joke theme where mechs will fly by sloths and other animals and G-Self will jump in first person and as it jumps a looney-toons style bird nest will flip over, and then the enemy pilot lands in the swamp and his buddies come to get him and their thrusters are pushing him over into the swamp as these looney toons crocodiles swim around him and he's trying to balance not falling.

Tomino's a big fan of the Animaniacs/Looney Toons-era humor that he grew up with and he puts it everywhere in his modern happy Tomino (post Zeta). You have stuff like the main guy running into a wall, people falling and flailing in all kinds of funny ways, etc...

I think that stuff is great and it's funny seeing the juxtaposition between a serious war show that's told in a goofy silly way. Like you have the heads of state and the holy church head having a serious conversation only to pause and go "this tea is delicious!"  :lol  Or an army hyping up a cheer only for the commander to butt in and be like STOP CHEERING WTF GO DO YOUR JOB.

Also some of the dialogue is so good. Why Bellri can't launch and the captain asks what he's doing he goes "I'm crying here, it's like I don't have a reason to exist!" (泣いてますよ!存在意義がない!); the over-exaggeration of everything is really funny.

idk, maybe this show isn't good, but I'm laughing my ass off enjoying every ep, so idk! I also really liked ZZ Gundam for its silliness in the first half. I like Tomino's childish old man sense of humor.

But yeah, the action direction is really bad and hard to follow.

I think you and have I totally different senses of humor. I didn't find any of that stuff to be funny, it felt trying too hard to just be goofy for the sake of being goofy. I'm also not Japanese and really don't get Japanese humor a lot of the time, but it still seemed odd. [shrug]

Stoney Mason

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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8326 on: April 10, 2018, 05:29:00 PM »
Serious space opera with adult characters:

Watched the first two episodes since yeah, this is more in line with my tastes than traditional anime fare.

First thought. Intro song sounds like Jefferson Starship's "Nothing gonna stop us Now".


First two episodes play out as basically a cat and mouse game between to young brilliant generals. Neither side initially portrayed as evil which is nice. That's all you can pretty much say.

Never watched the original show, so I have no basis for comparison but I'll keep watching this.

Junpei the Tracer!

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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8327 on: April 10, 2018, 06:37:41 PM »
If you're interested in LoGH, you can also check out the novels the series is based on:


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8328 on: April 11, 2018, 02:03:48 PM »
More new animoo watchings:

Shokugeki no Souma/Food Wars: San no Sara- Continuation of season 3, picking right up where episode 12 left off.   You know what to expect here.

Persona 5 the Animation- Like the Persona 4 anime, seems to be a pretty close adaption of the game story, down to the same camera angles and music in some cases.

Golden Kamuy- This one might be a winner.  Takes place in the early 1900s in Hokkaido.  The main character is basically the anime equivalent to Tom Cruise's character in the Last Samurai and is a sole survivor of a brutal Japanese/Russian war conflict.  He goes looking for gold that is supposedly hidden in Hokkaido and the maps are tattooed on the backs of a bunch of prison escapees.  He meets up with an Ainu girl and they go fighting bears and shit.  Pretty bloody, although not a gore fest either. 

Uchuu Senkan Tiramisu- Silly little space/mecha gag anime.  Episodes are like 4-5 minutes long and kinda funny.  Wish it was a full-length series.

Megalobox- Another winner.  Seems to be tied to Ashita No Joe somehow but is basically post-apocalyptic boxing the anime. 


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8329 on: April 11, 2018, 09:38:02 PM »
More new animoo watchings:

Shokugeki no Souma/Food Wars: San no Sara- Continuation of season 3, picking right up where episode 12 left off.   You know what to expect here.

Stoney Mason

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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8330 on: April 12, 2018, 07:00:43 PM »
Watched about 6 or 7 episodes of Mob Psycho 100 season 1.

I can't tell if I like it or not which is interesting in and of itself. I mean it definitely feels like its doing something slightly different than other anime but I don't really understand the point of it yet...

I'll comment again after I finish the first season.


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8331 on: April 13, 2018, 12:38:37 AM »
One thing I like about G-Reco is that no one can hear each other in cockpits, yet everyone still talks to themselves constantly. It's neat because it's more realistic (the minovsky particles blocking all radio signals) but also funny because Bellri is always yelling "I'M GONNA SHOOT YOU, YOU BETTER NOT DIE" :lol, also it's kinda interesting to see how people on the same side have to coordinate when they can't communicate with each other. Some interesting situations. I'm so used to everyone being able to talk to each other in mechs it's just kinda neat seeing no one be able to hear each other. Except when they actually attach an audio line or physically touch each other which is kinda cool.

The show definitely has some neat sci-fi concepts like the directional airbags deploying all the time.

Also I don't get how a show with such gorgeous art & animation that screams $$$ couldn't get a 2nd OP and it's just a collection of clips? Odd.


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Stoney Mason

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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8335 on: April 18, 2018, 04:55:20 PM »
Watched about 6 or 7 episodes of Mob Psycho 100 season 1.

I can't tell if I like it or not which is interesting in and of itself. I mean it definitely feels like its doing something slightly different than other anime but I don't really understand the point of it yet...

I'll comment again after I finish the first season.

Finished up the first season. By the time it was over I liked it. That writer does an interesting thing where he undercuts the moment which works really well. Instead of how most of these anime's are really a build up of a badass to an ultimate level, he always focuses on the human side which serves to ground the whole thing in a way that most anime often fails at. Same as in one punch man. You can feel the similarities since he does both. He is less interested in just showing a badass versus playing with how it feels to be an actual person in the context of these kind of escapist power fantasies. The final confrontation is wonderfully done.


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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8336 on: April 18, 2018, 11:37:27 PM »
I've been re watching Evangelion. It's an amazing show still. I hope it gets a blu ray release here at some point. The blu ray rips that I'm watching look great.

Surprisingly Death and Rebirth looks the best.

Great Rumbler

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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8337 on: April 19, 2018, 02:48:59 PM »

Great Rumbler

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Re: Anime-Bore |OT| - Je Suis un Devilman aussi
« Reply #8338 on: April 20, 2018, 11:55:25 AM »


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