Author Topic: Cruncheons 34: Borderlands 2, FTL, Torchlight 2, XCOM, Guild Wars 2  (Read 3628 times)

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Eel O'Brian

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Doug's stuck doing homework this episode, so Book Club and the Wii U Experience are vaporware yet AGAIN*, but Robert, Arian, and Kevin pinch hit with a roundup of some recent early Fall game releases!

(3:45) Borderlands 2
(27:30) Faster Than Light (FTL)
(39:30) Torchlight 2
(1:06:00) Guild Wars 2
(1:20:00) XCOM and Aliens Vs. Humans
(1:29:30) Rebuild for iOS or Android

We'll talk to you again soon!

*It's still coming, we swear!


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Re: Cruncheons 34: Borderlands 2, FTL, Torchlight 2, XCOM, Guild Wars 2
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2012, 11:49:30 AM »


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Re: Cruncheons 34: Borderlands 2, FTL, Torchlight 2, XCOM, Guild Wars 2
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2012, 01:42:19 PM »
Fuck! I just handed my phone off for new glass to be installed. I hope to get it back soon. At least it will be downloaded and ready.

Was the part about XCOM just from what is in the demo or did someone get a sneaky peaky?

Eel O'Brian

  • Southern Permasexual
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Re: Cruncheons 34: Borderlands 2, FTL, Torchlight 2, XCOM, Guild Wars 2
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2012, 01:57:47 PM »
Just general talk about it.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Cruncheons 34: Borderlands 2, FTL, Torchlight 2, XCOM, Guild Wars 2
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2012, 02:16:19 PM »
Yeah, if I had played the demo by the time of the recording I would have only mentioned it to say that a) it seems the game is going to be mechanically awesome and b) the demo is fucking short as shit.  WANT MOAR.


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Re: Cruncheons 34: Borderlands 2, FTL, Torchlight 2, XCOM, Guild Wars 2
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2012, 04:36:06 PM »
I actually listened to this one because I'm loving FTL and GW2.

I haven't beat FTL, but I don't have issues with the difficulty. I'm not a roguelike fan either. I kind of like dying in FTL. To me that is the fun of the story, the whole telling someone your hilarious demise bit. I do think its not all just learning to not take risks, because if you get far and haven't accomplished much, then you'll run into an impassible warship that far outguns you due ot not being able to get enough parts to upgrade you ship because you've been playing it safe so much. I'd say that you do need a bit of luck to get through, at least on normal.

You don't need to level to PVP in GW2. The sPVP mode outfits you from the start with everything. I would say there's a big difference between MOBA gameplay and the MMO gameplay like that of GW2. I don't do LoL or DOTA because clicky RTS-based gameplay feels very disconnected to me. I did end up playing SMITE because it was the same concept but with a more immediate feel, and more use of elements like positioning, aiming, and such. I stopped playing the SMITE beta because the MOBA community is awful.

But the point is that there are PVPers that are MMO-PVPers and that's what this game caters to. It also is easy to pickup and approach the PVP like any good competitive game, but also has a high skill ceiling. MOBAs, due to so many being F2p, are even more approachable, but the community sucks and there is a lack of skillshots and twitch. MMORPGs also provide more stat building and build customizing, though MOBAs do a nice job of funsizing that sort of feel.

I could comment a lot on the PVE, but people go apeshit here when I talk about GW2. I'll say that most of my 400 hours have been in PVE and that the explore mode dungeons are very challenging. I think a better way of putting it is if you like raiding and that's all you like then GW2 isn't for you. If you like PVE then GW2 has plenty of it. If you did once like Raiding, but realized its a bunch of sometimes cool and fun stuff hidden behind a horrible approach and system that turns your guild and gametime into a small office business then you might love GW2 PVE.

ANet is at war with their community on some things and I think their approach with DR is the wrong one. They also need to institute some changes for WvWvW that deal with "night zerging" and matches that get far beyond the point of a comeback being possible. WvWvW also needs better organizational tools and sub-commanders. I do think on some level they are out-manned. The devs pop into game and play the game, and whenever an ANet empoyee is playing they are marked by the ANet logo. So this often ends up with the lead devs talking in game and when I've heard people like Jon Peters talk to the playerbase in game, it always comes back to "we only have so many programmers" and "so many teams". I wouldn't be surprised if the sales are inching towards 3 million and that they were expecting probably 1 million.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2012, 06:11:54 PM by etiolate »