One: Early Access Successes, Cold-Blooded Digital Murder
We talk about the spate of recent chart-topping Steam Early Access games like Starbound, DayZ, and Rust, which leads into a discussion of the pros and cons of games about torturing and/or killing imaginary naked people.
Segment Two: 2014 Wish/Shitlist, Games Roundup
We talk about what we definitely want to see much LESS of in games for 2014, along with some Nintendo sidechat.
(1:40:00) Quiz RPG
(1:45:30) Zelda 3DS and Wind Waker
(1:54:00) Europa Universalis IV
(1:58:15) Bioshock Burial at Sea, State of Decay, Home, Super Hexagon, Nuclear Throne, Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
We'll talk to you again soon!