Author Topic: Star Wars Battlefront  (Read 23384 times)

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  • Nylonhilist
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront unveil trailer coming april 17th
« Reply #120 on: October 12, 2015, 03:36:42 PM »
Not as much since you don't know if someone else has it and you're usually waiting out in the open. I did once jump into the AT-AT four times in a row since I knew the token would regenerate right when my time runs out.

Purrp Skirrp

  • Mr. Pat
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront unveil trailer coming april 17th
« Reply #121 on: October 13, 2015, 02:53:46 AM »
Not a fan of the token system and I wish you could manually enter/exit vehicles, but I'm still having fun.

The core gameplay loop of blasting dudes is solid enough. I'm realizing as long as there's a variety of cards, it should replicate the diversification seen in a more traditional class system.

The season pass will probably bring about a shit ton of maps too and ensure this game has legs. $110 for everything is steep tho.

Looking forward to Supremacy, Cargo, and more Walker Assault.

Fighter Squadron
Take to the skies and dogfight in some of the most memorable Star Wars vehicles including X-wings, TIE fighters, the Millennium Falcon and more.

Rebels and Imperials fight for control of five key points in this intense 40-player clash that takes place on some of the largest maps in Star Wars Battlefront. Take advantage of both ground and air vehicles in order to secure victory for your team.

A thrilling tug-of-war experience for fans of Star Wars and capture the flag gameplay. Cargo challenges your team to capture valuable cargo boxes from the opposing team. Get the loot and make your way back to your base but dont forget to defend your own precious cargo as each capture counts.

Droid Run
Six Rebels and six Imperials fight to capture and hold on to three GNK Power Droids. These are the Droids youre looking for. GONK!

Walker Assault
Fight in epic 40-player battles as a Rebel to destroy the Empire's onslaught of AT-AT's by calling in Y-wing bombers. Or, side with the Empire and protect your Walkers while utilizing their mighty weaponry to crush the Rebel objective.

A classic Team Deathmatch mode with a Star Wars Battlefront twist. Fast-paced and packed with chaotic fun, Blast pits 10 Rebels against 10 Imperials in a fight to the finish.

Drop Zone
Keep an eye on the sky! Escape pods are crashing down onto the planetary surfaces and your team must fight for control over them. Drop Zone provides frantic 8v8 matches that will put your combat and strategic skills to the test.

Heroes vs Villains
The most valiant Heroes and cunning Villains of the galaxy are clashing in this epic Star Wars Battlefront mode. Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, and other iconic characters will be part of your team together with ground troopers. Keep your Heroes and Villains alive to score points and win the battle.

Hero Hunt
Seven Imperials against Luke Skywalker? Seven Rebels battling it out against Boba Fett? In Hero Hunt, one player will experience the thrill of playing as an iconic Star Wars Battlefront Hero or Villain, facing off against ground troops from the opposing faction. Want to play as the Hero? Take them out and youll get your chance, but remember, once you become the Hero the hunt is on.


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Cerveza mas fina

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #123 on: October 14, 2015, 10:42:40 AM »
It does look great, they really nailed it.

Star Wars fever is reaching new heighs, every store I go to has some star wars stuff.


  • relapsed dev
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #124 on: October 14, 2015, 08:12:11 PM »
We're only two months away from the debut of Star Wars Episode VII: The Flight from Lucas


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #125 on: October 15, 2015, 07:08:41 PM »
The only super interesting thing about the movie is that they cast Adam Driver. Got to be self-loathing to play on the Dark Side.

Stoney Mason

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #126 on: October 18, 2015, 02:06:59 PM »
Someone datamined the game and now we have all the info on it.

-The RT-97C is a versatile heavy blaster, fitted with optics to allow use at long range.
-A280 is a sturdy and powerful blaster rifle that has a high rate of fire, excellent damage and long range reach. It has been adopted by the Rebel Alliance as its main battle rifle.
-The SE-14C is a blaster pistol that fires 5-round bursts, making it ideal for close-quarter combat.
-The T-21 is a robust heavy blaster that delivers massive damage at long ranges. Its only drawback is its slow rate of fire and lack of optics.
-The CA-87 is a retro-fitted Jawa blaster that is extremely deadly at short range, but near useless at medium and long range.
-The EE-3 is an optically fitted Blaster Rifle capable of 3-round burst fire at long ranges.
-The DH-17 is a fully automatic blaster pistol. Its high rate of fire, along with reasonable accuracy, make it an ideal weapon for medium-range combat.
-The DLT-19 is a heavy blaster with an excellent rate of fire that deals heavy damage at long range, capable of pinning down troops and taking out large groups of enemies.
-The DL-44 is one of the most powerful blaster pistol in the galaxy. It delivers massive damage at close range, but overheats quickly.
-A powerful and accurate blaster rifle, the E-11 is ideal for use in all environments. It has been adopted as the standard weapon of the Imperial Forces.
-A280C is a sturdy and powerful blaster rifle that has a high rate of fire and excellent firepower. Modified from the A280 rifle, it was the favored weapon of Alliance commandos.
-The T-21B is a more refined version of the T-21 model, with added scopes for zoom capability and a slower fire rate to ensure high precision at long range.
=====(STAR CARDS)=====
-The most popular and widely used grenade in the galaxy. It is easy to use and has deadly results.
-Temporarily supercharges your primary weapon to fire explosive bolts.
-Having a smaller blast radius than a Thermal Detonator, the Impact Grenade explodes directly on contact with any object.
-An incredibly powerful long-range rifle utilizing the frame assembly of a DLT-20A, the so-called pulse cannon has become the weapon of choice for many sharpshooters. The power of its shot is dependent on the charge-up time.
-When activated, vents heat from your main weapon and prevents further heat build-up for a short period of time.
-Cools down the primary weapon so that it does not overheat for X seconds
-Designed to fire solid projectiles, this crude but reliable rifle is excellent at hitting targets at extreme ranges and penetrating energy shields.
-The Cycler Rifle is rumored to be a modification of the Czerka hunting rifle made by Tusken Raiders after they stole large shipments of the weapon from Imperial lockups.
-The Thermal Imploder compresses and heats the surrounding atmosphere, creating a vacuum that produces a violent implosion within a massive radius.
-Based upon the success of the Thermal Detonator, Loratus Manufacturing developed a substantially more powerful device known as the Thermal Imploder. Unfortunately, its users were often caught in the weapons massive implosion radius.
-Adds an explosive splash to the primary weapon
-A non-lethal explosive which creates a bright energy flash and loud noise to disorient opponents.
-An ion grenade that delivers massive damage against vehicles, shields, and droids.
Rocketpack *(?-out of place, may have been copy/holdover of jumppack)
(PLACEHOLDER) The Rocketpack allows you to traverse the environment.
-The MPL-57 (Multi-Purpose Launcher) Barrage fires a volley of 3 grenades with a short delay fuse.
-During the Galactic War, Merr-Sonn sought to widen their market share with the MPL-57 (Multi-Purpose Launcher). The versatile nature of this weapon system and its capability of firing a wide range of ammunition made it popular on the battlefield.
-A homing ion torpedo that is designed to deal heavy damage to vehicles and stationary weapons.
-A modification of the popular MPL-57 weapon system engineered to fire ion torpedoes. Extremely effective against vehicles and stationary weapons.
-A homing rocket that locks on to enemy soldiers from afar.
-A light side-arm effective at taking out opponents at close range. Quickly loses its capabilities at longer distances.
-PLACEHOLDER The Scout Pistol is the perfect close range wepaon to switch to when your primary weapon is in overheat.
-Smoke grenades provide dense smoke that blocks visibility and lock-on weapons.
-Depending on the charge-up time, the Bowcaster fires 1 or more explosive bolts in a horizontal arc.
-As robust and formidable as its Wookiee creators, the Bowcaster is more powerful than an average blaster, making it a favorite among mercenaries and bounty hunters across the galaxy.
-The Personal Energy Shield provides protection from energy weapons. However, it offers no defense against kinetic weapons like Cycler Rifles and grenades.
-To minimize casualties, the Empire modified the Droideka Shield Technology for use by ground troops. Although it hindered the use of weapons, it proved popular and was adopted by the Rebel Alliance.
-A modification which allows your primary weapon to fire ion charged bolts, making it very effective against shields, droids, and vehicles.
-With limited supplies of armaments, Rebel forces often made battlefield adaptions to their weapons. A notable case was the development of an insert which allowed normal blasters to fire ion charged bolts for short periods of time.
-Back mounted Jump Pack that utilizes burst thrusters to allow its user to jump over large distances. It is well suited for traversing obstructions and evading danger.
-Although the Jump Pack does not allow for sustained flight, it offers troops a reliable alternative to move quickly across the battlefield.
-A rocket that can be dumb-fired at any target. Automatically switches to guided mode when it detects an enemy vehicle.
-The experimental SoroSuub Rocket was intelligent enough to be fired in dumb mode, then switch to guided mode mid-flight if a target of opportunity appeared.
-A lethal cannon barrage from planetary orbiting ships, covering a large area.
-Capital ships have often altered the tide of battle when called upon for orbital-to-ground fire missions. Boasting turbolasers and pinpoint accuracy, targets have little hope of withstanding their massive barrage.
-Portable energy shield that protects users from blasters and other energy weapons.
-Following the Battle of Naboo, weapons manufactures scrambled to modify the Gungan shield technology into a man-portable device. The resulting Squad Shield is now used extensively by Combat Engineers.
-Resets the cooldown on all of your cards.
-Temporarily grants a considerable bonus to accuracy with your primary weapon. *(? out of place/ farther than most other descriptions but fit)
-The Focus Fire Star Card will greatly increase your blasters accuracy.
-This droid patrols the immediate surroundings, scans for enemies, and attacks them on sight.
-This droid patrols the immediate surroundings, scans for enemies, and attacks them on sight.
-A powerful explosive that triggers when enemies are nearby.
-Automatically detects and attacks enemy soldiers.
-Automatically scans for and attacks enemy vehicles.
-The Mark II is a deployable blaster cannon that uses devastating firepower to keep the enemy at bay.
SCAN PULSE *(? out of place)
-A 360 degree pulse burst that reveals enemy soldiers, even if they are behind cover or out of sight.
-Orphaned at a young age, you were raised by the Wookiee Berserkers on Kashyyyk, where you learned to revel in fierce combat.
LEVEL 1 Health regeneration starts a bit faster
LEVEL 2 Health regeneration starts faster
LEVEL 3 Health regeneration starts much faster AND replenish a small amount of health with each kill
-Trained as a sharpshooter by a small team of rogue elite snipers, you enjoy operating alone and harassing the enemy from afar.
LEVEL 1 Headshot kills reduce current cooldowns by a small amount
LEVEL 2 Headshot kills reduce current cooldowns by a medium amount
LEVEL 3 Headshot kills reduce current cooldowns by a large amount
-Rigorous training and a brief career as a bodyguard in the Outer Rim has made you a lethal warrior capable of handling extreme situations.
LEVEL 1 Decreases explosive damage by a small amount
LEVEL 2 Decreases explosive damage by a medium amount
LEVEL 3 Decreases explosive damage by a large amount AND blaster damage by a small amount
-During a brief stint in an elite reconnaissance unit, you learned how to use stealth tactics to find and eliminate the enemy.
LEVEL 1 Sprinting does not show on enemy scanner
LEVEL 2 Sprinting and firing your primary weapon does not show on enemy scanner
LEVEL 3 Sprinting and firing your primary weapon does not show on enemy scanner AND killing an enemy resets weapon heat
-The Galactic War creates many veterans looking for opportunities. Fighting for the highest bidder, they see each battle as a chance to gain new riches.
LEVEL 1 Low chance to get a Power Card with each kill
LEVEL 2 Medium chance to get a Power Card with each kill
LEVEL 3 High chance to get a Power Card with each kill AND resets cooldown with each kill
*(These may be for the Missions as some have suggested)
*(Alderaan Honor Guard? may be map specific/based on hero ability)
Deflects blaster fire
Force Choke
Choke your enemies
Saber Throw
Throw your lightsaber at distant enemies
Light attack
Fast saber attacks
Heavy Attack
Strong, group attack
Deflects blaster fire
Force Push
Push your enemies away
Saber Rush
Charge distant enemies
Light attack
Fast saber attacks
Heavy Attack
Strong, group attack
Chain Lightning
Powerful lightning attack
Deflects blaster fire
Imperial resources
Drop powers to your followers
Force Dash
Quickly leap to escape cornering
Force lightning
Harness the power of the Dark side
Mind trick Outwit your enemies, reveal your true location
Shock Troopers can spawn on you
Shoulder charge
Dash attack
Lucky shot
Charge-up Good vs. vehicles
Six shooter/Hair Trigger
Pull trigger as fast as you can
Combat roll
Dodges incoming fire
Hold to fly but monitor fuel level!
Rocket Barrage
Launch a rocket at your foes
Flame pack
A powerful burst of flame
Trooper Bane
One shot most enemies for limited time
Supply drop
Help your allies with special powers
Enhanced shield
Set up a shield to protect allies
Combat roll
Dodge incoming fire
Alderaan Honor Guard can start on you
E-WEB *(other turrets are mentioned but I could not find names)
TRANSPORT *(may be only AI controlled)
Y-WING *(may be only AI controlled, as in beta)
Battle over the massive AT-ATs in this mobile attack & defend game.
The Empire has deployed powerful AT-ATs in order to once and for all wipe out the Rebel resistance. To combat this powerful threat, the Rebels have hidden away multiple Uplinks that need to be defended at all cost. These Uplinks will call in Y-wings to bomb the AT-ATs. It is only during the bombing raid that the AT-ATs can be damaged.
If one or more AT-ATs reach their destination, the Empire will have won. If all AT-ATs are destroyed, the victory will belong to the Rebels.
Frontline combat between two control points.
Rebels and Imperials are fighting over control points on the planet. By capturing the hostile control point while defending your own, the enemy will be pushed back as their next control point is revealed. The side that captures all control points will win!
Fast-paced action with a single objective.
Escape pods are crashing down on the planet. Rebels and Imperials must claim them. The side that claims the most escape pods will win!
Fast-paced action with three moving objectives.
Three droids are moving around on the planet. Rebels and Imperials must fight to claim them. The side that claims and controls all three droids will win!
Run and gun while stealing cargo from the enemy.
Rebels and Imperials are fighting over possesion of cargo. Infiltrate the enemy base, steal their cargo and bring it to your own base. Meanwhile, prevent the enemy from doing the same. The side that controls the most cargo in the end will win!
Fly the star fighters and dogfight with the enemy.
Rebel and Imperial Star Fighters struggle for control of the skies. The side that takes out the most opponents (both Human and CPU-controlled), as well as the escaping troop transport ships, will win!
Play as a single hero and go up against a squad of enemies.
One player becomes the Hero and takes on a squad of enemies. If the hero is defeated, the next player is up. Whoever defeats the most enemies will win!
Round-based combat where all heroes go up against each other.
Rebel and Imperial heroes engage in combat. If a hero is defeated, the player will return as a trooper. If one side takes out all enemy heroes, they win the round. The side that takes the most rounds will win!
A classic battle to the death without objectives
A skirmish is taking place between Rebels and Imperials. The side that takes out more enemies will win! *(TDM)
Our scanners have picked up possible Imperial signals around the base.
Move out and investigate. Eliminate any potential threats before they can alert the Empire to our presence. We cannot afford to be found out.
-There are reports of Imperial activity in the canyons of Tatooine. Join an X-wing recon patrol to investigate the area. Eliminate any hostile forces that you encounter.
-Rebel forces are reported to be moving to an extraction point in your patrols vicinity. Flush out all Rebels and hunt them down. They must not be allowed to escape.
-The Rebels have captured one of our factories on Sullust. We must claim it back as they cannot be allowed to get their hands on our technology. Lord Vader himself will be arriving soon and expects not to be disappointed. Rendezvous with the group leader and move out.
-Emperor Palpatine and his apprentice Lord Vader are spearheading the attack on a Rebel base situated in the Hoth system. The rebel forces are scrambling to maintain their control as the dark lords of the Sith invade.
-Hero Moment 2: Extraction description
-The Empire have located our base, we must evacuate immediately! The transport ships are loading up but we need to hold off the Imperials until they have escaped. The Power Generator must hold until everyone is clear, do not let it be destroyed. May the Force be with us all.
-Admiral Ackbar has ordered a series of dawn raids on the forest moon of Endor.  As charges detonate, its rumbling sound marks the successful completion of your mission.
However, the noise also alerts Imperial forces that are now moving into position to intercept and you must now hold out against the Imperial troops and survive at all costs before Admiral Ackbar and the rebel fleet can come to your rescue.
May the Force be with you.
-A group of Rebels are sent into the heart of the Empire war machine, the lava planet of Sullust, in order to secure plans pivotal to the rebellion.
After successfully retrieving the documents the group is compromised with heavy casualties as a result. You must now hold out until help can arrive.
Good luck, and may the Force be with you.
-After a daring escape from an Imperial attack you find yourselves stranded in a desolate canyon on Tatooine.
Admiral Ackbar has ordered a rescue operation but the Imperial forces are rapidly closing in on your position.
You will have to fight until help arrives.
May the Force be with you.
-As Imperial forces seize control over the snow planet of Hoth, the last Rebel ship leaves with you left behind. Admiral Ackbar soon realizes his mistake and scrambles his best technicians to help you.
Hold out until the rebels can unlock the imperial flightcodes that is locking the base down and then use one of the snowspeeders to escape and re-unite with the rebel fleet.
Trust your instincts, and may the Force be with you.
-Rebel forces are interrupted by the Imperial forces while they are trading goods with a local Jawa tribe out in the Tatooine desert.
-The Rebels need to hold off the Imperials until they can take off and the Imperials need to stop the Rebel ship from leaving with important goods.
-An Imperial communications outpost on endor are relaying encrypted communication between space and surface units.
-Rebel forces have been sent out to sabotage it.
-Imperial forces need to hold the outpost to keep their chain of command intact.
-An AT-AT construction facility in the mountains of sullust is under rebel attack.
-Imperial forces need to make sure AT-AT production is not halted (they need the AT-ATs for Hoth)
-The rebel taskforce is there to make sure AT-AT production is kept down.
-A Rebel outpost in the snow mountains of hoth is guarding an important pass to stop the imperial foot soldiers from flanking the rebel base.
-Imperial forces need to secure the pass for the main force.
-Rebels need to make sure no one gets through.
-Rebel forces are interrupted by the imperial forces while they are trading goods with a local Jawa tribe out in the tatooine desert.
-The rebels need to hold off the imperials until they can take off and the imperials need to stop the rebel ship from leaving with important goods.
-An Imperial communications outpost on endor are relaying encrypted communication between space and surface units.
-Rebel forces have been sent out to sabotage it.
-Imperial forces need to hold the outpost to keep their chain of command intact.
-An AT-AT construction facility in the mountains of sullust is under rebel attack.
-Imperial forces need to make sure AT-AT production is not halted (they need the AT-ATs for Hoth)
-The rebel taskforce is there to make sure AT-AT production is kept down.
-A Rebel outpost in the snow mountains of hoth are guarding an important pass to stop the imperial foot soldiers from flanking the rebel base.
-Imperial forces need to secure the pass for the main force.
-Rebels need to make sure no one gets through.
=====(RACE OPTIONS)=====
-*(Rebel Male)-
Rebel AM Duros
Rebel AM IshiTib
Rebel AM Quarren
Rebel AM Rodian
Rebel AM Sullustan
-*(Rebel Female)-
Rebel AF Twilek
Rebel AF Zabrak

Stoney Mason

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #127 on: October 27, 2015, 05:15:22 PM »

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #128 on: November 05, 2015, 03:41:59 PM »
« Last Edit: November 05, 2015, 05:39:57 PM by Stoney Mason »


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #129 on: November 05, 2015, 06:20:32 PM »


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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #130 on: November 05, 2015, 06:36:27 PM »
It sounds and looks perfect. I'm still impressed with that.

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #131 on: November 05, 2015, 06:43:35 PM »
I have no doubt the game will be really fun. Also completely unbalanced because DICE seems to have no idea on that front anymore. Hopefully they work on balancing it and updating it post launch or hand it over the DICE LA for post game support like what happened with BF 4.


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #132 on: November 05, 2015, 10:55:56 PM »
I have no doubt the game will be really fun. Also completely unbalanced because DICE seems to have no idea on that front anymore. Hopefully they work on balancing it and updating it post launch or hand it over the DICE LA for post game support like what happened with BF 4.

I don't know. Unless less this a multi game battlefront specific deal the. Poppa Disney might insist this is managed in house by dice. I mean they would if they are iron fisted and short sighted.....oh wait....

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #133 on: November 06, 2015, 07:09:02 AM »
Fuck this looks fun

Why is it releasing so late though compared to F4 , must stay strong


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #134 on: November 12, 2015, 10:29:57 AM »
Started the D/L this morning before work. Will report how it plays on XBOX later tonight.

Stoney Mason

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #135 on: November 12, 2015, 07:44:06 PM »

« Last Edit: November 12, 2015, 07:51:47 PM by Stoney Mason »


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #136 on: November 12, 2015, 09:20:46 PM »
Started the D/L this morning before work. Will report how it plays on XBOX later tonight.

How did you get it early? Amazon is sending me it next week. The only concern I have is matchmaking/lag issues like the Battlefield games usually suffer in the first weeks.


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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #137 on: November 12, 2015, 09:41:19 PM »
EA Acsess I assume.

Trent Dole

  • the sharpest tool in the shed
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #138 on: November 12, 2015, 10:11:26 PM »
I wanna say 'ew multi only' but the power of the SW license compels me a bit even though I don't really fps much at all. :-[


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #139 on: November 13, 2015, 07:31:45 AM »
It's a solid game.

I'd give it a 8/10

Looks great even on XBO but I'm so use to shooters with a degree of complexity that classless arena style fighting  now feels kinda weird to me. I mean plan on going like 15-13 because I don't care how good you are you gonna die, a lot.

Still fun as hell, scratches the star wars itch and all.


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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #140 on: November 17, 2015, 07:13:33 AM »


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #141 on: November 17, 2015, 11:09:18 AM »
Amazon sent me the game yesterday which was weird because I couldn't join any matches. Probably because no one had it. Played splitscreen coop on Endor which ran and looked great. If anyone wants to play tonight add me "brawndolicious".


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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #142 on: November 17, 2015, 11:34:10 AM »
I get the feeling this game is going to sell very well, but tons of used copies will be floating around much sooner than usual.  Doesn't seem like it has enough substance to last long enough.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #143 on: November 17, 2015, 01:39:30 PM »
I haven't played a shooter in years, but I love Star Wars so I'm sure I'll have fun with it. I'm probably their target market seeing how "shooter afficionados" aren't very excited about Battlefront.

Stoney Mason

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #144 on: November 17, 2015, 02:01:21 PM »
Played for a few hours very fun. I mean this won't be my main shooter but I like that there is room for a throwback shooter like this with a more casual focus. I don't think its a knock when people complain about the depth in this case myself.

Endor might be the best realization of a jungle map I've ever seen.

Droid Run
Walker Assault
Drop Zone
Heroes vs Villains

are all solid modes. The rest I kind of think are garbage. But that's enough to have a solid base to play with.


  • relapsed dev
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #145 on: November 17, 2015, 06:25:27 PM »

Purrp Skirrp

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #146 on: November 18, 2015, 04:18:52 PM »
Man, I really wish they just focused on 40 player count modes and designed more maps for that.

There's only 4 maps for these large scale modes? :gurl

Can't justify spending $110 for this which seems like the price to pay to get an adequate amount of content.

That said, the beta was fun and I'll probably fuck with this if it ever goes on sale.

Trent Dole

  • the sharpest tool in the shed
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #147 on: November 18, 2015, 04:51:22 PM »
Yeah this looks like a $20-30 fun to fuck around in thing to me, but people who love them some shootin and sw and have got a spare $110 to burn are welcome to do so I suppose.


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #148 on: November 19, 2015, 11:36:18 PM »
Goddamnit I've been a Star Wars Stan longer then some of you have been alive.

I want to continue to love this game. But I can't.

This reduced offering wears quickly.

I feel dirty even saying it.

Stoney Mason

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #149 on: November 19, 2015, 11:47:18 PM »
I'm having a blast with it myself. My only complaint is the lack of maps in the base game.

The amount of weapons I'm fine with. The amount of star cards, etc. I tend to hate the modern progression systems in these type of games anyway where they think creating 50 guns and putting it behind an unlock system is the best way to design a modern shooter.

But I absolutely think its fair to criticize only having 4 base maps (5 if you include Jakku) for the two best modes in the game.


  • And I'm pretty sure fuck you (italics implied)
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #150 on: November 20, 2015, 12:10:19 AM »
I'm having a blast with it myself. My only complaint is the lack of maps in the base game.

The amount of weapons I'm fine with. The amount of star cards, etc. I tend to hate the modern progression systems in these type of games anyway where they think creating 50 guns and putting it behind an unlock system is the best way to design a modern shooter.

But I absolutely think its fair to criticize only having 4 base maps (5 if you include Jakku) for the two best modes in the game.

But I've been playing since early access. Let's see how you feel in a week bud.

Or maybe I just didn't click with it today

Stoney Mason

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #151 on: November 20, 2015, 12:30:50 AM »
I totally understand some one feeling different than me on it. There are plenty of complaints out there where people agree with you.

I just have fun playing it and the casual nature that is a turn off to others just isn't a real turn off for me. I love the combat and the environment.

But like I said, I think its bs on the amount of maps. Maps are the lifeblood of a game for me. Changing tactics and strategies and all depending on them. I mean eventually that diversity will come through DLC, I just think its bullcrap that you have to pay to get it. Battlefield 4 shipped with 10 maps. And while all of them aren't classics, I think at a minimum you need something like 8 maps in a game like this for it to feel about right.

Cerveza mas fina

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #152 on: November 20, 2015, 01:08:11 AM »
Jesus christ this game looks and sounds so good.

Fucking endor ya'll.

Having way more fun than with a hardcore shooter like blops.

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #153 on: November 20, 2015, 01:32:42 AM »
Got a trophy for killing 10 people while defending a point we were capturing, felt good

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #154 on: November 20, 2015, 05:44:32 AM »
I dunno, they are upfront about it. Cant be mad.

This is what you get for this price.

Imho there is more value in the base package here then a pocd copy paste ubisoft collectathon game like ass creed or dragon age inquisition. Hundred hours of poo.

I already put in 2/3 hours into SW and Im sure there will be many more. Not every game needs to be a lifestyle and be fresh forever, if you get 20/30 hours fun out of SW thats fine no?

Thats a completely differebt discussion though.


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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #155 on: November 20, 2015, 08:26:17 AM »
Goddamnit I've been a Star Wars Stan longer then some of you have been alive.

Dude, aren't you just 39?  Quit acting like this is a forum filled with 15-year olds.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2015, 09:01:34 AM by Boogie »


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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #156 on: November 20, 2015, 01:02:21 PM »
Really interested in this, casual shooters are my thing. Halo 3 back in the day, PvZ Garden Warfare, causal shooting is my bread and butter. Gonna do my ea access trial over thanksgiving to see if it clicks, all the doc kinda pisses me off.

Stoney Mason

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #157 on: November 20, 2015, 02:15:48 PM »
I think Heroes versus Villains is quite a gem of a mode. You could almost make a moba style hero shooter if you wanted within the star wars universe.


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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #158 on: November 20, 2015, 04:41:51 PM »
I really enjoy the smaller scale modes so I don't understand the map complaint. There is a ton of variety here and if there were fewer small maps and twice as many big ones then there would be less gameplay variety.

Hoth Walker Assault shares zero geometry and not even very many textures with Hoth Rebel Base or Hoth Ice Tunnels. Same for Tatooine Walker and the smaller Sandcrawler level, or Endor Walker and the shuttle landing pad stage.

Haven't played enough to see all of the maps but 3 per planet seems fair to me as long as they are all as different from each other as Tatooine/Hoth/Endor have been.


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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #159 on: November 20, 2015, 05:25:03 PM »
Read about how there's a glitch where people are becoming invincible for the entire match by crashing ships and now the multiplayer is completely broken until patched.  I'm sure it'll be patched quickly, but crazy how a small glitch like that can render an entire new game a coaster since there's no SP and that completely destroys MP.


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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #160 on: November 20, 2015, 08:40:20 PM »
How you all get so high leveled? I had the game 10 days early and am level 17


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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #161 on: November 21, 2015, 03:41:38 AM »
I just push on objectives and ignore my k/d which usually makes me earn the most objective points per match. I think most people are too obsessed with finding powerups to realize you have to go rambo/respawn in order to actually get to the uplinks.

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #162 on: November 21, 2015, 08:38:18 AM »
I just push on objectives and ignore my k/d which usually makes me earn the most objective points per match. I think most people are too obsessed with finding powerups to realize you have to go rambo/respawn in order to actually get to the uplinks.

Really curious how it wil change with time


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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #163 on: November 21, 2015, 12:32:19 PM »
I just push on objectives and ignore my k/d which usually makes me earn the most objective points per match. I think most people are too obsessed with finding powerups to realize you have to go rambo/respawn in order to actually get to the uplinks.

Really curious how it wil change with time

Probably won't if Battlefront is like Battlefield. Those that know PTFO is the most points and don't worry about their KDR will benefit the team more than the ones that want to PEW PEW PEW like Call of Duty on non TDM (er-"Blast") maps.


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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #164 on: November 21, 2015, 02:19:31 PM »
Ok played again last night.

Fighter Squadron clicks when you're a bit drifted. Good times.

And I'm getting good at it. Usually 8-11-4 type lines


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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #165 on: November 21, 2015, 07:21:21 PM »
Goddamnit I've been a Star Wars Stan longer then some of you have been alive.

Dude, aren't you just 39?  Quit acting like this is a forum filled with 15-year olds.

Can I still play that card? I saw the first movie in theaters during its initial run.

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #166 on: November 22, 2015, 03:25:05 AM »
Won two Walker Assault games in the last seconds this morning. Tense stuff. Need to find out where the at at token spawns so I can play a bit with it,  also the hero tokens as I got one only one time but wasnt able to play it.

K/D 1.7 now but its more about winning the game

I suck so much at flying not gonna play fighter squadron yet


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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #167 on: November 23, 2015, 06:57:58 AM »
Fighter Squadron is great. The key is switching speeds to keep tracking enemy fighters through their evasive maneuvers, particularly the human fighters. You also need to be able to stay oriented when changing directions on all three axes. Also dodge when someone locks onto you - don't get so committed to the kill that you forget to play defense. If you can do that you're better than like 60% of current fighter squadron players.

Another tip don't fight from the bottom, get on top of the fighter soup and swoop and destroy the players flying low for power ups.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2015, 07:09:36 AM by Am_I_Anonymous »

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #168 on: November 23, 2015, 08:55:35 AM »
I was in a Walker Assault game yesterday where the top 3 guys all were in X Wings just moving down everything that moved on the ground and air. Shit was disgusting  :'(


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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #170 on: November 24, 2015, 12:09:39 PM »
That tutorial mission where you have to trip the walkers is pretty hard


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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #171 on: November 24, 2015, 12:33:08 PM »


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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #172 on: November 24, 2015, 12:46:32 PM »
So they are adding rush.

Stoney Mason

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #173 on: November 24, 2015, 12:48:29 PM »
If they are smart it won't be the last piece of free DLC for a game that is already short on maps.

Battlefield 4 actually did an excellent job with this and post game support after the initial horrible launch.


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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #174 on: November 24, 2015, 12:56:06 PM »
So they are adding rush.

My favorite mode on console. Not one issue with it myself. Glad they decided to do that.

Stoney Mason

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #175 on: November 24, 2015, 04:54:49 PM »
Quote from: DICE
Of course, we are also planning to support Star Wars Battlefront with new content well into the future. We will be adding more of what you love about the game, like new maps and Star Cards, for free in the coming months, in addition to all of the content we have coming with Season Pass. Well have more to share soon.


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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #176 on: November 24, 2015, 08:04:03 PM »
Rush is fine if you like it but I actually think the simplified version of conquest here is much better at doing rush's thing.


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #177 on: November 25, 2015, 01:28:50 AM »
Was playing Walker Assault as rebels on Tatooine and we were getting our asses kicked. At the end I and some other guy double teamed on the tie interceptors until the sky was clear and when we got a measly 4 y-wings called in, we each went for separate AT-ATs and we brought both of them down. I actually got shot down doing it but apparently it counted the third loop.

The other team must have been crushed, had like over 2/3 health on each Walker.  :jawalrus

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #178 on: November 25, 2015, 08:21:23 AM »
Had a weird bug today, posted it on GAF but don't think anyone else had it.

Entire team got killed over and over for being outside the map on walker assault, but we were just spawning normally and were already "outside the map" on the spawn point. Mega weird.

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Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« Reply #179 on: November 25, 2015, 08:37:40 AM »