I was privy to a conversation between conan and norm, that I've held close to my heart for a long long time.
I'm not in the industry, I just happened to be around a job for a thing that had a thing I had to a thing for.
The were just sitting at the table next to me and just eating a talking about their day to day.
then i hear them say
1:you see this shiester?
2: yeaaaaa i seee them, up to no good as always, why i should go up to them
1: now! hold up, you cant do that now a days, you know you should have been able to before but now oh no, no you gotta deal with the consequenses
2: glaring at me
i was jotting down their everything
2: you know what he is he's one of them trans..
1: woa woa we can't say that anymore
2: no I mean it's a
1: starts laughing uncontrollably
2: it's one of them transcribers