Author Topic: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People  (Read 3331911 times)

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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25860 on: September 19, 2017, 01:58:55 PM »

What do you think about the current thing where some people treat being trans as a social thing and not a medical thing? Apparently I'm truscum :doge because I think being trans requires having gender dysphoria. When did this social thing even start? Are they people who jumped on our bandwagon after the Laverne Cox Time cover and don't want to transition medically because they know they'd crack? Having dysphoria and not taking hormones? Ok. It'll be hard, but hey. Your choice. Some can't. But not having dysphoria and claiming to be trans? What is this? How are they trans? It's like claiming to be gay when you don't like the same sex. Where did this shit start?

There's lots of good trans Facebook groups btw, for people who hate the mainstream "community" like we do.
It's dumb and one of the reasons I moved away from the  :doge community  :doge Pandering to those people who treat it like a literal lifestyle choice (remember when "lifestyle choice" was just conservative nonsense and not something that people actually treated transitioning as?) undermines the entire thing. I have no idea what motivates these people who aren't dysphoric but see themselves as trans. I dunno if it's like a fetish thing for them and they watched too much sissy hypno porn or if it just seems like a trendy thing to do because of internet leftism stuff.

Dysphoria is the defining trait of being trans, and that's a pretty definite line. Proud truscum  :doge


Join us, fellow truscum. :doge

A quote to show that you are welcome.

trans woman: yeah it would be great if we could have insurance cover our medically necessary treatments and close the loophole that allows men to get off the hook for murdering us based on our trans status (in 48 / 50 states)

genderqueer: no, we need all the resources we can get so we can put zir and xe on our birth certificates

trans woman: ...

genderqueer: fucking gatekeeping truscum TERF!! 😤😤😭😭

(Image removed from quote.)

>puts on lipstick+5oclock shadow
>I'm NB now

I'll join if I ever get around to making a facebook   :fbm


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25861 on: September 19, 2017, 02:09:46 PM »
Quote from: Trurl;249328107
Huh, I just learned that both you and David Wong are white guys at the same time.
Quote from: Bobby Roberts
Who told you I wasn't white?

edit: nevermind, I probably know what this is about.

(Image removed from quote.)

It really is my favourite avatar of his. He fucked with the contrast so much you can see that something is not quite on both sides of the beard.


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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25862 on: September 19, 2017, 02:12:13 PM »
If anything Nazi Germany was about overengineering to the determent of the overall effort, it's Ken Kutaragi and the Cell.

The Soviets are like first Xbox era Microsoft, throw a bunch of junk together until it just barely works and then throw waves of bodies at a problem until you gain a foothold.

X Box is literally the US Armed Forces, you traitorous scum



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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25863 on: September 19, 2017, 02:14:21 PM »
Lime got caught doing the ol' Discretionary vs. Entitlement spending shuffle.

Haha, once he got called out he deleted his long screed that this was proof of the extravagant excess of the American soul.


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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25864 on: September 19, 2017, 02:17:33 PM »
Not even an elite controller? lol navy r casuls amirite.

So that makes it:
- Xbone controllers in submarines
- PS3-based supercomputer for the Air Force
- PS2 launching missiles or something
- Dualshock in the MiB car

Was about time MS catches up.


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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25865 on: September 19, 2017, 02:29:07 PM »
Fucking ass earthquake here in Mexico, just now.


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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25866 on: September 19, 2017, 02:43:44 PM »
Fucking ass earthquake here in Mexico, just now.

Literally "literally shaking".

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Hope it's not too bad.

WaveRacer 64

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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25867 on: September 19, 2017, 02:54:20 PM »
Wasn't Liu Kang Baking A Pie missing in action? Could never tell if that was a real account or a mod's alt.

Joe Molotov

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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25868 on: September 19, 2017, 02:54:25 PM »
Have you ever thought "Oh God im gonna die with my boxers on my ankles" because i just did.



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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25869 on: September 19, 2017, 02:54:45 PM »
Fucking ass earthquake here in Mexico, just now.
Hope it's not fucking ass too hard.


  • Senior Member
Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25870 on: September 19, 2017, 03:02:08 PM »

What do you think about the current thing where some people treat being trans as a social thing and not a medical thing? Apparently I'm truscum :doge because I think being trans requires having gender dysphoria. When did this social thing even start? Are they people who jumped on our bandwagon after the Laverne Cox Time cover and don't want to transition medically because they know they'd crack? Having dysphoria and not taking hormones? Ok. It'll be hard, but hey. Your choice. Some can't. But not having dysphoria and claiming to be trans? What is this? How are they trans? It's like claiming to be gay when you don't like the same sex. Where did this shit start?

There's lots of good trans Facebook groups btw, for people who hate the mainstream "community" like we do.
It's dumb and one of the reasons I moved away from the  :doge community  :doge Pandering to those people who treat it like a literal lifestyle choice (remember when "lifestyle choice" was just conservative nonsense and not something that people actually treated transitioning as?) undermines the entire thing. I have no idea what motivates these people who aren't dysphoric but see themselves as trans. I dunno if it's like a fetish thing for them and they watched too much sissy hypno porn or if it just seems like a trendy thing to do because of internet leftism stuff.

Dysphoria is the defining trait of being trans, and that's a pretty definite line. Proud truscum  :doge


Join us, fellow truscum. :doge

A quote to show that you are welcome.

trans woman: yeah it would be great if we could have insurance cover our medically necessary treatments and close the loophole that allows men to get off the hook for murdering us based on our trans status (in 48 / 50 states)

genderqueer: no, we need all the resources we can get so we can put zir and xe on our birth certificates

trans woman: ...

genderqueer: fucking gatekeeping truscum TERF!! 😤😤😭😭

(Image removed from quote.)

>puts on lipstick+5oclock shadow
>I'm NB now

I'll join if I ever get around to making a facebook   :fbm

We fought for our literal lives to have people like this represent us, girl.

Just looking at him sends me on edge. Look at this fucking shit.  :yuck :yuck :yuck :yuck

And now when people have this trender fuck on shows who don't know or understand what trans is, they'll see this fuck in a dress claiming to speak for us.

But nah, we're the bad people for calling a spade a spade.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2017, 03:10:31 PM by Queen of Ice »


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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25871 on: September 19, 2017, 03:17:25 PM »
is that evilore?


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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25872 on: September 19, 2017, 03:28:32 PM »
I come off like a conservative Christian? Um. No.

I and others sure as fuck did not transition to have some dude in a dress claim to share our identity when people claim we are just men in dresses.

Let them make their own acronym. Fine. Be part of the LGBT. But don't call yourself trans. Pretty fucking simple to me. Add a G for genderqueer or whatever.

Conservative Christian my ass.

There's an A in LGBTBBQ now? Good Lord. I wonder which that one is.

seagrams hotsauce

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Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25873 on: September 19, 2017, 03:29:53 PM »
These last few pages  :donot

Who knew white supremacy was merely a facade to protect the ever so fragile white ego  :doge

fragile white ego, funny shit.

It's amazing how white people generally don't feel like they are any sort of collective, but the constant demonization that we've seen in the last 3 years of straight+white+male have started harboring the sentiment on many. It's almost as if attacking individuals who share the same attributes would make them group up under those attributes as relaliation. crazy huh?

"Fragile white ego? Ha! W-were not fragile, we j-j-just got our feelings hurt because people have been making fun of us for a while!"

Shut the fuck up grow some balls already bitchboy


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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25874 on: September 19, 2017, 03:30:32 PM »
Fucking ass earthquake here in Mexico, just now.
Hope it's not fucking ass too hard.

hope it is :drool

Well, hopefully the department building where I live doesn't collapse.


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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25875 on: September 19, 2017, 03:34:31 PM »
So we've fallen to Voat tier? :fbm

 How disappointing (and ,yes, I'm aware of irony of saying that while using a hate symbol in this post.)

team filler

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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25876 on: September 19, 2017, 03:38:12 PM »
You've all fallen to filler level, you dumb ass biaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatches


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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25877 on: September 19, 2017, 03:41:14 PM »

There's an A in LGBTBBQ now? Good Lord. I wonder which that one is.

pretty sure its asexual.

I don't understand why you're so aggressive about this sort of stuff. Your oppression doesn't mean others aren't allowed to benefit from the hard work to spread representation and equality. The more people are allowed to express who they are, the better. It shouldn't matter if they do or do not neatly fit into a narrow view of what should or shouldn't be.

It's same kind of rhetoric that denies your existence.


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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25878 on: September 19, 2017, 03:48:51 PM »

There's an A in LGBTBBQ now? Good Lord. I wonder which that one is.

pretty sure its asexual.

I don't understand why you're so aggressive about this sort of stuff. Your oppression doesn't mean others aren't allowed to benefit from the hard work to spread representation and equality. The more people are allowed to express who they are, the better. It shouldn't matter if they do or do not neatly fit into a narrow view of what should or shouldn't be.

It's same kind of rhetoric that denies your existence.

No, the rhetoric that denies my existence bases itself on stereotypes from tv shows like South Park that we are pretending, that we are performing, that we are men in dresses and then some leftover fuck stain comes in identifying as trans who thinks all gender is performative, while wearing lipstick, a dress, and a 5 o clock while speaking for me when we represent two total fucking opposites.

They have my support to live out the way they want but they aren't trans. This person is not trans, and let the record show that we are nothing alike.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2017, 03:57:44 PM by Queen of Ice »

team filler

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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25879 on: September 19, 2017, 03:56:37 PM »

There's an A in LGBTBBQ now? Good Lord. I wonder which that one is.

pretty sure its asexual.

I don't understand why you're so aggressive about this sort of stuff. Your oppression doesn't mean others aren't allowed to benefit from the hard work to spread representation and equality. The more people are allowed to express who they are, the better. It shouldn't matter if they do or do not neatly fit into a narrow view of what should or shouldn't be.

It's same kind of rhetoric that denies your existence.
I thought it was animal, for furries  :doge


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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25880 on: September 19, 2017, 03:58:22 PM »
I've been lurking this site for years. We can all agree that Neogaf dot com is a shithole. I don't need you voat fucks shitting up this thread full of intelligent, heart warming, and shameful discourse. God bless you and the United States of America.


  • Junior Member
Re: Other Forum Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25881 on: September 19, 2017, 03:58:52 PM »
These last few pages  :donot

Who knew white supremacy was merely a facade to protect the ever so fragile white ego  :doge

fragile white ego, funny shit.

It's amazing how white people generally don't feel like they are any sort of collective, but the constant demonization that we've seen in the last 3 years of straight+white+male have started harboring the sentiment on many. It's almost as if attacking individuals who share the same attributes would make them group up under those attributes as relaliation. crazy huh?

"Fragile white ego? Ha! W-were not fragile, we j-j-just got our feelings hurt because people have been making fun of us for a while!"

Shut the fuck up grow some balls already bitchboy

Bold for you to call someone else a bitch,  when you two cry and sweat over word usage and then abuse the very thing you were arguing against only a few posts later. You can't even figure out why that's funny. It's right over your head because you're so comfortable doing it.

You're hyper defensive and double down under criticism. Thank me for going out of my way to let you and Mr Nobody know when you're being racist hypocrites. This way you can fine tune your "I'm not racist, cracker" act and one day you might be undetectable.

« Last Edit: September 19, 2017, 04:14:11 PM by ModernBoxes »

Joe Molotov

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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25882 on: September 19, 2017, 04:12:04 PM »
I've been lurking this site for years. We can all agree that Neogaf dot com is a shithole. I don't need you voat fucks shitting up this thread full of intelligent, heart warming, and shameful discourse. God bless you and the United States of America.

moblin alt detected

Great Rumbler

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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25883 on: September 19, 2017, 04:14:30 PM »
This thread needs to be purged down the memory hole.

Great Rumbler

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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25884 on: September 19, 2017, 04:18:49 PM »
We already pulled that trick once.

I'm a Puppy!

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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25885 on: September 19, 2017, 04:21:21 PM »
We fought for our literal lives to have people like this represent us, girl.

Just looking at him sends me on edge. Look at this fucking shit.  :yuck :yuck :yuck :yuck

And now when people have this trended fuck on shows who don't know or understand what trans is, they'll this fuck in a dress claiming to speak for us.

But nah, we're the bad people for calling a spade a spade.
Himu, you need to chill and realize you're coming off as some stereotypical anti-LGBT conservative christian when you say shit like that, especially with the whole 'I'm disgusted by their physical appearance' and 'calling a spade a spade' bits, about someone who's under the LGBTQA+ banner and has just as real problems. :doge
I disagree. I have many trans friends that share Queen's views and hate that kind of stuff and feel it pushes them backwards. And none of them are remotely close to christian.


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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25886 on: September 19, 2017, 04:33:50 PM »
The two times I've looked at voat it seemed pretty horrid. I don't see how this thread is on that level yet.

Just have a highly public banning of Santa C and change every pronoun Queen uses to "zer."


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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25887 on: September 19, 2017, 04:36:21 PM »
First post here but this thread sucks lol :oreilly


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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25888 on: September 19, 2017, 04:38:01 PM »
and change every pronoun Queen uses to "zer."

Oh wait, I would if I were a trans activist. :smug


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Re: VOAT Containment Megathread of Trash People for Trash People
« Reply #25889 on: September 19, 2017, 04:39:36 PM »
Are people really getting heated about this thread or is this a meme?