There's an A in LGBTBBQ now? Good Lord. I wonder which that one is.
pretty sure its asexual.
I don't understand why you're so aggressive about this sort of stuff. Your oppression doesn't mean others aren't allowed to benefit from the hard work to spread representation and equality. The more people are allowed to express who they are, the better. It shouldn't matter if they do or do not neatly fit into a narrow view of what should or shouldn't be.
It's same kind of rhetoric that denies your existence.
No, the rhetoric that denies my existence bases itself on stereotypes from tv shows like South Park that we are pretending, that we are performing, that we are men in dresses and then some leftover fuck stain comes in identifying as trans who thinks all gender is performative, while wearing lipstick, a dress, and a 5 o clock while speaking for
me when we represent two total fucking opposites.
They have my support to live out the way they want but they aren't trans. This person is not trans, and let the record show that we are nothing alike.