Author Topic: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...  (Read 2261504 times)

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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18120 on: October 27, 2017, 10:12:19 PM »
Re: where do gamergaters congregate?

We made it  :tauntaun

I don't even know what a GamerGater is....I was never part of that shit. that some pejorative SJW? The horror!


  • Ass
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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18121 on: October 27, 2017, 10:14:44 PM »
If The Bore is red pilled, I'm taking dibs on being The One.  8)

The rest of you can fight it out to who gets to be Mouse or something.

Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18122 on: October 27, 2017, 10:14:58 PM »
I am curious exactly how the mods at Reset will uhhh, I'm not going to say stop necessarily, but let's say...dial down, the outrage culture element of gaf. This is important because the outrage culture fed into the culture shift where there was only one opinion worth any salt in any discussion. I'm not going to say no outrage should happen but with gaf it felt like it was constant outrage at the end of its life and I wonder how Reset staff will deal with that "constant" part which makes the forum come off really negatively and makes a large part of the userbase apprehensive and sometimes downright hostile to opposing viewpoints.

I certainly hope they recognize this could be a problem and have come up with ways to go around it.

wait, and apologies if i'm mistaken, but aren't you black?

yea and wtf does that have to do with anything

Um, has a lot to do with my surprise that you're spewing that alt right Social Studies Warrior gibberish. Don't you know Social Studies Warrior is no different than "politically correct," a term coined by the right to attack anyone that sought to correct inequalities that affect disadvantaged groups like our community?

Um. What?

What have I said that's alt right exactly? I'm far from alt right.

I use social studies warrior because to me, that's what they are. It isn't alt right for me, although I certainly understand that many people who are alt right use it. But so do a lot of other people who aren't alt right, and I don't think it's fair to categorize all of us as that just because we use the phrase without asking, respectfully, why we use it.

I personally use it because in my experience, they tend to care more about pet, small issues than ones that are actually affecting the community in any real way. That or they have concerns about a legitimate issue (like BLM and police brutality) and have fuck all for answers or demands. To me, they do not handle social justice in an organized manner, and are a mockery of social justice (which is legitimate). Social studies warrior just happened to perfectly fit how I felt about them. I got sick and tired everyone complaining about every single little thing, getting words twisted, and I don't see why my being black means I can't feel that way. As a former-Social Studies Warrior, I got absolutely exhausted being offended by everything nebulous and simply did not understand how it benefited the minority communities That I am part of (black and trans).

Perhaps you think it best that I find a different word to describe them? Maybe I should, but I don't know what it should be.

I think dogmatic progressives or zealous liberals a better descriptor and alternative to S J W.


  • Do the moron
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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18123 on: October 27, 2017, 10:15:11 PM »
Re: where do gamergaters congregate?

We made it  :tauntaun

I don't even know what a GamerGater is....I was never part of that shit. that some pejorative Social Studies Warrior? The horror!

Someone very invested for ethics in videogame journalism.
Also hating women.


  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18124 on: October 27, 2017, 10:15:33 PM »
uhhh... where, exactly, are the GamerGate bros on this site? I haven't seen one.


  • Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18125 on: October 27, 2017, 10:15:52 PM »
If The Bore is red pilled, I'm taking dibs on being The One.  8)

The rest of you can fight it out to who gets to be Mouse or something.

Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18126 on: October 27, 2017, 10:16:18 PM »
uhhh... where, exactly, are the GamerGate bros on this site? I haven't seen one.

Bremlin is an idiot passionate trump supporter.  :doge

Swollen Bowels

  • Junior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18127 on: October 27, 2017, 10:18:04 PM »
I am curious exactly how the mods at Reset will uhhh, I'm not going to say stop necessarily, but let's say...dial down, the outrage culture element of gaf. This is important because the outrage culture fed into the culture shift where there was only one opinion worth any salt in any discussion. I'm not going to say no outrage should happen but with gaf it felt like it was constant outrage at the end of its life and I wonder how Reset staff will deal with that "constant" part which makes the forum come off really negatively and makes a large part of the userbase apprehensive and sometimes downright hostile to opposing viewpoints.

I certainly hope they recognize this could be a problem and have come up with ways to go around it.

wait, and apologies if i'm mistaken, but aren't you black?

yea and wtf does that have to do with anything

Um, has a lot to do with my surprise that you're spewing that alt right Social Studies Warrior gibberish. Don't you know Social Studies Warrior is no different than "politically correct," a term coined by the right to attack anyone that sought to correct inequalities that affect disadvantaged groups like our community?

Um. What?

What have I said that's alt right exactly? I'm far from alt right.

I use social studies warrior because to me, that's what they are. It isn't alt right for me, although I certainly understand that many people who are alt right use it. But so do a lot of other people who aren't alt right, and I don't think it's fair to categorize all of us as that just because we use the phrase without asking, respectfully, why we use it.

I personally use it because in my experience, they tend to care more about pet, small issues than ones that are actually affecting the community in any real way. That or they have concerns about a legitimate issue (like BLM and police brutality) and have fuck all for answers or demands. To me, they do not handle social justice in an organized manner, and are a mockery of social justice (which is legitimate). Social studies warrior just happened to perfectly fit how I felt about them. I got sick and tired everyone complaining about every single little thing, getting words twisted, and I don't see why my being black means I can't feel that way. As a former-Social Studies Warrior, I got absolutely exhausted being offended by everything nebulous and simply did not understand how it benefited the minority communities That I am part of (black and trans).

Perhaps you think it best that I find a different word to describe them? Maybe I should, but I don't know what it should be.

oh, you're one of those alt-lite guys. smh

WTF is an alt-lite? Do you people just create terms out of thin air?  >:(

it's not my term. believe it was actaually a term from the mouth of Richard Spencer, the alt right's defacto leader. it's basically applied to those who spout all the racist alt right dog whistles, but disavow the racism.


  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18128 on: October 27, 2017, 10:18:48 PM »
uhhh... where, exactly, are the GamerGate bros on this site? I haven't seen one.

Magoose was basically the only one and he took his ball and ran home.

Edit- Oh yeah and that shitstain Damian lol.

Unfortunately that ball was Oscar. :(


  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18129 on: October 27, 2017, 10:19:39 PM »
I really don't like being called alt right/nazi/coon or whatever just because I think the current discourse of minority movements is all wrong and potentially risks to make it harder for us in the future. But that's all I'll say about that. It has nothing to do with...well, anything really, and I'm learning more and more it's probably best to keep things to myself.


  • Swings Both Ways
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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18130 on: October 27, 2017, 10:20:35 PM »
Got approved. Started posting. Went into COD needs patch to play thread to talk shit and saw a bunch of neverlaids celebrating that street dates won't be broken now. WTF. What the fuck do they care. Fucking nutbars. Not gonna post there anymore.


  • Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18131 on: October 27, 2017, 10:20:36 PM »
Re: where do gamergaters congregate?

you could literally google any 'former site' drama and find them immediately.

I'll just tell you, but in spoilertags because this is not really a good topic:

The main hub on reddit is KotakuInAction (which is where you already hit by sexism right off the bat), the primary redpill(ed) spin-off from gaf is TheBore (where a lot of banned posters pretend they were done a wrong for being racist / sexist / or just an asshole. And some who may have had nowhere else to go and got stuck there. It's sad, really), and then there is the actual crazy nazi crowd who even reddit didn't want in the form of Voat. Don't give them views outside of absolute morbid fascination with the worst humanity has to offer. Of course, in their mind, that's totally not their fault of course... Oh! and of course: 4chan...

And yes, gamergate is definitely still a thing, and jerks are still jerks. Also: if you're easily brought down by the shittyness of other people, don't go out looking for it. Seriously. (see my avatar)

I mean, where do you think that ddos came from? Or doxxing? Or stalking and harassment? These are not good people.

and that's all I say on offtopic subject. Maybe we can make a new OT for it, but everything on the matter has already been said, imo. At this point, either you want to be a decent person (as a male) or you don't.

edit: also, the irony of being decent folk in all this is not lost on me.

(see my avatar)
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Why are they still taking the bait? "GG" never existed, period. It was a psy-op and everybody got played for it. The fact they dont see that it was psy-op after 3 Years is sad.


  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18132 on: October 27, 2017, 10:20:52 PM »
uhhh... where, exactly, are the GamerGate bros on this site? I haven't seen one.

Magoose was basically the only one and he took his ball and ran home.

Edit- Oh yeah and that shitstain Damian lol.

Unfortunately that ball was Oscar. :(

Poor Magus is still a GGer according to his twitter. It's really sad.


  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18133 on: October 27, 2017, 10:21:11 PM »
Oh wait JayDubya was all-in on GG too :lol :lol


  • Junior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18134 on: October 27, 2017, 10:21:39 PM »
Imagine losing to Donald J. Trump. If I was a Hilldawg, I wouldn't even be showing my face right now. Just think about the implications, being the wife of a former President and a lifelong politician who lost to someone who is an equivalent of a high school jock.

Embarassing. :neogaf :mynicca :aweshum :betty


Swollen Bowels

  • Junior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18135 on: October 27, 2017, 10:23:23 PM »
I really don't like being called alt right/nazi/coon or whatever just because I think the current discourse of minority movements is all wrong and potentially risks to make it harder for us in the future. But that's all I'll say about that. It has nothing to do with...well, anything really, and I'm learning more and more it's probably best to keep things to myself.

How much harder can it get? A fucking Nazi is our President and Nazis are mobilizing all across the country.


  • Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18136 on: October 27, 2017, 10:24:16 PM »
I am curious exactly how the mods at Reset will uhhh, I'm not going to say stop necessarily, but let's say...dial down, the outrage culture element of gaf. This is important because the outrage culture fed into the culture shift where there was only one opinion worth any salt in any discussion. I'm not going to say no outrage should happen but with gaf it felt like it was constant outrage at the end of its life and I wonder how Reset staff will deal with that "constant" part which makes the forum come off really negatively and makes a large part of the userbase apprehensive and sometimes downright hostile to opposing viewpoints.

I certainly hope they recognize this could be a problem and have come up with ways to go around it.

wait, and apologies if i'm mistaken, but aren't you black?

yea and wtf does that have to do with anything

Um, has a lot to do with my surprise that you're spewing that alt right Social Studies Warrior gibberish. Don't you know Social Studies Warrior is no different than "politically correct," a term coined by the right to attack anyone that sought to correct inequalities that affect disadvantaged groups like our community?

Um. What?

What have I said that's alt right exactly? I'm far from alt right.

I use social studies warrior because to me, that's what they are. It isn't alt right for me, although I certainly understand that many people who are alt right use it. But so do a lot of other people who aren't alt right, and I don't think it's fair to categorize all of us as that just because we use the phrase without asking, respectfully, why we use it.

I personally use it because in my experience, they tend to care more about pet, small issues than ones that are actually affecting the community in any real way. That or they have concerns about a legitimate issue (like BLM and police brutality) and have fuck all for answers or demands. To me, they do not handle social justice in an organized manner, and are a mockery of social justice (which is legitimate). Social studies warrior just happened to perfectly fit how I felt about them. I got sick and tired everyone complaining about every single little thing, getting words twisted, and I don't see why my being black means I can't feel that way. As a former-Social Studies Warrior, I got absolutely exhausted being offended by everything nebulous and simply did not understand how it benefited the minority communities That I am part of (black and trans).

Perhaps you think it best that I find a different word to describe them? Maybe I should, but I don't know what it should be.

oh, you're one of those alt-lite guys. smh

WTF is an alt-lite? Do you people just create terms out of thin air?  >:(

it's not my term. believe it was actaually a term from the mouth of Richard Spencer, the alt right's defacto leader. it's basically applied to those who spout all the racist alt right dog whistles, but disavow the racism.
The dude is a tool. Why the fuck the state of Florida go to state of emergency over this punk?
Is nobody thinking that the FBI is all over these movements including Antfa for fuck sakes?


  • Junior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18137 on: October 27, 2017, 10:24:45 PM »
I really don't like being called alt right/nazi/coon or whatever just because I think the current discourse of minority movements is all wrong and potentially risks to make it harder for us in the future. But that's all I'll say about that. It has nothing to do with...well, anything really, and I'm learning more and more it's probably best to keep things to myself.

(Image removed from quote.)

How much harder can it get? A fucking Nazi is our President and Nazis are mobilizing all across the country.

No need to worry bro, Punch-a-Nazi simulator just released. Soon, we'll be trained up and getting rid of all the Nazis.


  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18138 on: October 27, 2017, 10:24:59 PM »
I can't believe y'all getting played by Swollen Bowels.

He's one of the most obvious trolls I've ever seen on this board.

Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18139 on: October 27, 2017, 10:25:04 PM »
I really don't like being called alt right/nazi/coon or whatever just because I think the current discourse of minority movements is all wrong and potentially risks to make it harder for us in the future. But that's all I'll say about that. It has nothing to do with...well, anything really, and I'm learning more and more it's probably best to keep things to myself.
No, I need someone like you who can balance out my optimism.

That's no joke, although the Bailey's I drank to celebrate the indictments might be aaaaa little to blame.


  • Ass
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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18140 on: October 27, 2017, 10:25:57 PM »


Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18141 on: October 27, 2017, 10:25:57 PM »
Got approved. Started posting. Went into COD needs patch to play thread to talk shit and saw a bunch of neverlaids celebrating that street dates won't be broken now. WTF. What the fuck do they care. Fucking nutbars. Not gonna post there anymore.

Swollen Bowels

  • Junior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18142 on: October 27, 2017, 10:27:11 PM »
I am curious exactly how the mods at Reset will uhhh, I'm not going to say stop necessarily, but let's say...dial down, the outrage culture element of gaf. This is important because the outrage culture fed into the culture shift where there was only one opinion worth any salt in any discussion. I'm not going to say no outrage should happen but with gaf it felt like it was constant outrage at the end of its life and I wonder how Reset staff will deal with that "constant" part which makes the forum come off really negatively and makes a large part of the userbase apprehensive and sometimes downright hostile to opposing viewpoints.

I certainly hope they recognize this could be a problem and have come up with ways to go around it.

wait, and apologies if i'm mistaken, but aren't you black?

yea and wtf does that have to do with anything

Um, has a lot to do with my surprise that you're spewing that alt right Social Studies Warrior gibberish. Don't you know Social Studies Warrior is no different than "politically correct," a term coined by the right to attack anyone that sought to correct inequalities that affect disadvantaged groups like our community?

Um. What?

What have I said that's alt right exactly? I'm far from alt right.

I use social studies warrior because to me, that's what they are. It isn't alt right for me, although I certainly understand that many people who are alt right use it. But so do a lot of other people who aren't alt right, and I don't think it's fair to categorize all of us as that just because we use the phrase without asking, respectfully, why we use it.

I personally use it because in my experience, they tend to care more about pet, small issues than ones that are actually affecting the community in any real way. That or they have concerns about a legitimate issue (like BLM and police brutality) and have fuck all for answers or demands. To me, they do not handle social justice in an organized manner, and are a mockery of social justice (which is legitimate). Social studies warrior just happened to perfectly fit how I felt about them. I got sick and tired everyone complaining about every single little thing, getting words twisted, and I don't see why my being black means I can't feel that way. As a former-Social Studies Warrior, I got absolutely exhausted being offended by everything nebulous and simply did not understand how it benefited the minority communities That I am part of (black and trans).

Perhaps you think it best that I find a different word to describe them? Maybe I should, but I don't know what it should be.

oh, you're one of those alt-lite guys. smh

WTF is an alt-lite? Do you people just create terms out of thin air?  >:(

it's not my term. believe it was actaually a term from the mouth of Richard Spencer, the alt right's defacto leader. it's basically applied to those who spout all the racist alt right dog whistles, but disavow the racism.
The dude is a tool. Why the fuck the state of Florida go to state of emergency over this punk?
Is nobody thinking that the FBI is all over these movements including Antfa for fuck sakes?

Trump and Sessions ended the FBI's investigation of white supremacists.


  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18143 on: October 27, 2017, 10:28:17 PM »
Can you please take this to the politics thread, Swollen? This has nothing to do with either gaf or reset. :confused


  • Estado Homo
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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18144 on: October 27, 2017, 10:30:19 PM »
chichen itza outchea


  • Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18145 on: October 27, 2017, 10:31:00 PM »


  • 🙈🙉🙊
  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18146 on: October 27, 2017, 10:31:53 PM »
If The Bore is red pilled, I'm taking dibs on being The One.  8)

The rest of you can fight it out to who gets to be Mouse or something.
Come on. Etiolate takes the spot. He even revealed his origin story in this thread.

Swollen Bowels

  • Junior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18147 on: October 27, 2017, 10:36:38 PM »
Can you please take this to the politics thread, Swollen? This has nothing to do with either gaf or reset. :confused

it's all related. your warped concept of the political spectrum, shared by many of the supposedly liberal critics of NeoGaf, is largely why this thread exists.


  • Junior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18148 on: October 27, 2017, 10:39:08 PM »
yea and wtf does that have to do with anything

Um, has a lot to do with my surprise that you're spewing that alt right Social Studies Warrior gibberish. Don't you know Social Studies Warrior is no different than "politically correct," a term coined by the right to attack anyone that sought to correct inequalities that affect disadvantaged groups like our community?

Um. What?

What have I said that's alt right exactly? I'm far from alt right.

I use social studies warrior because to me, that's what they are. It isn't alt right for me, although I certainly understand that many people who are alt right use it. But so do a lot of other people who aren't alt right, and I don't think it's fair to categorize all of us as that just because we use the phrase without asking, respectfully, why we use it.

I personally use it because in my experience, they tend to care more about pet, small issues than ones that are actually affecting the community in any real way. That or they have concerns about a legitimate issue (like BLM and police brutality) and have fuck all for answers or demands. To me, they do not handle social justice in an organized manner, and are a mockery of social justice (which is legitimate). Social studies warrior just happened to perfectly fit how I felt about them. I got sick and tired everyone complaining about every single little thing, getting words twisted, and I don't see why my being black means I can't feel that way. As a former-Social Studies Warrior, I got absolutely exhausted being offended by everything nebulous and simply did not understand how it benefited the minority communities That I am part of (black and trans).

Perhaps you think it best that I find a different word to describe them? Maybe I should, but I don't know what it should be.

You're the sane hero we need but don't deserve.


  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18149 on: October 27, 2017, 10:40:30 PM »
Can you please take this to the politics thread, Swollen? This has nothing to do with either gaf or reset. :confused

it's all related. your warped concept of the political spectrum, shared by many of the supposedly liberal critics of NeoGaf, is largely why this thread exists.

Um. I've been here since the beginning and we did not make this thread for politics. It was to bitch at slash laugh at gaf. It is not why this thread exists. In any case, my concept of the political spectrum isn't warped. I'm not liberal. I'm left. Take it to politics.


  • Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18150 on: October 27, 2017, 10:43:04 PM »
BTW do someone knows what happened to GAFfer Riposte ? He started fading some months ago, caught a weak temp ban if memory serves then one day wasn't anywhere to be seen. Always liked his thoughts.

He's on twitter as friendlyriposte iirc.


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18151 on: October 27, 2017, 10:46:37 PM »
Guys, can someone please tell Himuro to stop being alt-right please? I can't take it anymore.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18152 on: October 27, 2017, 10:49:58 PM »
I knew you'd cave :lol

Everybody did :yeshrug

Not me. Have no need to sign up for GAF 2.0. Despite someone PM'ing me on GAF for a code for it. :doge

team filler

  • filler
  • filler


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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18155 on: October 27, 2017, 10:52:23 PM »
Can you please take this to the politics thread, Swollen? This has nothing to do with either gaf or reset. :confused

it's all related. your warped concept of the political spectrum, shared by many of the supposedly liberal critics of NeoGaf, is largely why this thread exists.

This thread exists to honor and extol the magnificence and omnipotence of Creepy Stalker and his Son-Made-Flesh HolyBaikal. I don't know who made you think otherwise but they're clearly trying to sell you something.


  • Junior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18156 on: October 27, 2017, 10:53:36 PM »
I haven’t read the last 20pages. But, holy shit. I’m starting to understand the name of this forum. All week I’ve been reading neogaf and now resetera. I am so fucking bored of video game conversations and political discussions where people talk past each other and people have things figured out after reading a headline.

I finally get why people begin to prefer “meta.” As much as that makes me want to puke, I actually get it now.

I’m so fucking bored.

Shaka Khan

  • Leather Jihadist
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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18157 on: October 27, 2017, 10:53:48 PM »
I haven't booted my PS4 in a while and apparently the unofficial "official PS4 community" has rebranded into ResetERA. It's everywhere.


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18158 on: October 27, 2017, 10:54:09 PM »
Stop hiding behind that mask of the "left" Cindy, we know what you are.

OK that's it, either the fucking white male leaves and denounces Trump or I will.


  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18159 on: October 27, 2017, 10:59:04 PM »
About 10 hours ago, I posted this:

In the last 10 minutes:

NeoGAF: +77 posts
ResetEra: +395 posts

Since then (10 hours later), GAF is +3,460 posts. Reset is +24,484.

Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18160 on: October 27, 2017, 11:02:52 PM »
About 10 hours ago, I posted this:

In the last 10 minutes:

NeoGAF: +77 posts
ResetEra: +395 posts

Since then (10 hours later), GAF is +3,460 posts. Reset is +24,484.

(Image removed from quote.)


  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18161 on: October 27, 2017, 11:02:55 PM »
the primary redpill(ed) spin-off from gaf is TheBore



  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18162 on: October 27, 2017, 11:03:08 PM »
Stop hiding behind that mask of the "left" Cindy, we know what you are.

OK that's it, either the fucking white male leaves and denounces Trump or I will.


  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18163 on: October 27, 2017, 11:03:39 PM »
45% certain Swollen Bowels is Optimus' alt. Can any mod check?


  • The Bore's Like Bot
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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18164 on: October 27, 2017, 11:04:29 PM »


  • Ass
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Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18165 on: October 27, 2017, 11:04:30 PM »
45% certain Swollen Bowels is Optimus' alt. Can any mod check?

Optimus has hemorrhoids?  :omg


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18166 on: October 27, 2017, 11:04:52 PM »
Stop hiding behind that mask of the "left" Cindy, we know what you are.

OK that's it, either the fucking white male leaves and denounces Trump or I will.

(Image removed from quote.)

Oh great, the troll brought his Russian friends here now to defend him


  • Junior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18167 on: October 27, 2017, 11:05:21 PM »
Anyone that thinks ResetEra is off to a good start doesn't seem to be aware of the problems there.

First off, it's literally NeoGAF 2.0
  • Still only have 4 forums
  • Still has the same Junior privileges
  • Still has the same users
  • Still has the organisation structure
  • Still has the same cliques
It is literally a reset of NeoGAF. All the problems will come afterwards, especially hubris. You can already see elements of that.

Yeah, but before posters where basically living under a dictatorship. The new mods/admin haven't felt the taste of power and they don't have the ego of evilore. Pretty sure both Nibel and Shinobi can take a joke, unlike Tyler.

So far the posters are testing the waters and watching how much freedom they can say things. The fall of neogaf showed that a lot of people (I would say the majority) care about the ideology and just like the community.

Still, let's wait a bit... I can always shitpost here so I don't mind  :hitler


  • Swings Both Ways
  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18168 on: October 27, 2017, 11:08:07 PM »
Yeah it looks like GAF is fucked if ERA continues to not be a complete trashfire.


  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18169 on: October 27, 2017, 11:10:41 PM »
Damn, even the new NPD guy that started posting on GAF recently migrated to ERA. Twisting the knife. What a collapse.

Also, ERA being such a direct ripoff of GAF seems shameless. It’s basically the same forum but with other owners and mods.

Swollen Bowels

  • Junior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18170 on: October 27, 2017, 11:13:25 PM »
the primary redpill(ed) spin-off from gaf is TheBore


The primary red pilled spinoff of GAF is Opa-Ages, but it's dead, or has since splintered into a handful of warring sites with traffic too small to make mention of.


  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18171 on: October 27, 2017, 11:13:32 PM »
all ERA has to do is not be a dumpster fire like the last 5 years of GAF and they will be fine.

They will never reach the heights of GAF but I do see it as that site people will complain about some BS and kotaku,waypoint runs with it for stories.


  • Junior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18172 on: October 27, 2017, 11:14:54 PM »
Anyone that thinks ResetEra is off to a good start doesn't seem to be aware of the problems there.

First off, it's literally NeoGAF 2.0
  • Still only have 4 forums
  • Still has the same Junior privileges
  • Still has the same users
  • Still has the organisation structure
  • Still has the same cliques
It is literally a reset of NeoGAF. All the problems will come afterwards, especially hubris. You can already see elements of that.

Yeah, but before posters where basically living under a dictatorship. The new mods/admin haven't felt the taste of power and they don't have the ego of evilore. Pretty sure both Nibel and Shinobi can take a joke, unlike Tyler.

So far the posters are testing the waters and watching how much freedom they can say things. The fall of neogaf showed that a lot of people (I would say the majority) care about the ideology and just like the community.

Still, let's wait a bit... I can always shitpost here so I don't mind  :hitler
>shinobi can take a joke

dude...  :doge

now imagine this guy with mod powers

Swollen Bowels

  • Junior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18173 on: October 27, 2017, 11:15:39 PM »
Damn, even the new NPD guy that started posting on GAF recently migrated to ERA. Twisting the knife. What a collapse.

Also, ERA being such a direct ripoff of GAF seems shameless. It’s basically the same forum but with other owners and mods.

how can it be a ripoff when its layout is so abysmally bad?


  • cooler than willco
  • Administrator
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18174 on: October 27, 2017, 11:16:10 PM »
What is "Red Pilled" mean? Is that a reference to the scene from the matrix?

Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18175 on: October 27, 2017, 11:16:22 PM »
Anyone that thinks ResetEra is off to a good start doesn't seem to be aware of the problems there.

First off, it's literally NeoGAF 2.0
  • Still only have 4 forums
  • Still has the same Junior privileges
  • Still has the same users
  • Still has the organisation structure
  • Still has the same cliques
It is literally a reset of NeoGAF. All the problems will come afterwards, especially hubris. You can already see elements of that.

Yeah, but before posters where basically living under a dictatorship. The new mods/admin haven't felt the taste of power and they don't have the ego of evilore. Pretty sure both Nibel and Shinobi can take a joke, unlike Tyler.

So far the posters are testing the waters and watching how much freedom they can say things. The fall of neogaf showed that a lot of people (I would say the majority) care about the ideology and just like the community.

Still, let's wait a bit... I can always shitpost here so I don't mind  :hitler
>shinobi can take a joke

dude...  :doge

now imagine this guy with mod powers

To be fair to Shinboi people legit wanted him banned as a shill and wanted blood.

They were vicious in that thread.

team filler

  • filler
  • filler
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18176 on: October 27, 2017, 11:17:28 PM »
ERA is Great Value gaf


  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18177 on: October 27, 2017, 11:19:09 PM »
Damn, even the new NPD guy that started posting on GAF recently migrated to ERA. Twisting the knife. What a collapse.

Also, ERA being such a direct ripoff of GAF seems shameless. It’s basically the same forum but with other owners and mods.

how can it be a ripoff when its layout is so abysmally bad?

It’s the exact same structure to the T.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18178 on: October 27, 2017, 11:21:52 PM »
What is "Red Pilled" mean? Is that a reference to the scene from the matrix?

Kinda, sorta. Yeah. But also "freeing your mind" to be a sexist piece of shit because no woman wants to touch your dick.

See: MGTOW as an example.

Swollen Bowels

  • Junior Member
Re: Maybe the real NeoGAF was the friends we made along the way...
« Reply #18179 on: October 27, 2017, 11:23:40 PM »
Damn, even the new NPD guy that started posting on GAF recently migrated to ERA. Twisting the knife. What a collapse.

Also, ERA being such a direct ripoff of GAF seems shameless. It’s basically the same forum but with other owners and mods.

how can it be a ripoff when its layout is so abysmally bad?

It’s the exact same structure to the T.

am i visiting a different forum?? it's almost impossible to know who posted what. the text sinks into the background with nothing to distinguish one post from the next.