Author Topic: The Other Forums Thread for 90's Kids ONLY  (Read 2192695 times)

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  • captain of my capsized ship
  • Senior Member
Give ERA time, it takes awhile before a circlejerk culture sets in. People are still feeling out boundaries.

I see the seeds there that remind me of the worst of GAF.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Who the fuck is David Cage anyway?

(Image removed from quote.)

He tried to warn us about the Internet being the tool of alien Mayas. :salute
If only we had listened.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
On a serious note, goddammit benji save us, this thread is nothing without you. Certain geniuses royally fucking up shouldn't impede on my entertainment, I officially apologize on behalf of them.


Thread has gone to shit.


  • Senior Member
In short, some people do stuff and apparently still get funded for many games, while others simply say: you're wrong despite your studio and games getting more and more exposure and big names behind them. Not hard to see which side i'd take on this, right? There's people who make things, and people who criticize what others do based on any grounds they'd like to come up at some point in time. You do it? people will accuse you of tackling an important subject with mediocre(crystal ball please) results. You don't? You had a great chance to portray it and you didn't. yadda yadda.

This isn't the first time and it wont be the last where journalists feel their job is to entrap the developer/shame the developer. In some instances it backfires horribly, but they'll take a shot everytime they can. And claiming that doesn't happen is being completely detached of the gamejourno reality.

Honestly? I'm not sure what your point is. I don't know how either scenario has anything to do with the interview or our discussion. Regardless of how successful David Cage is, or how much his game sells, it doesn't prevent people from being critical of his work. His popularity does not dictate his quality.

I don't know how you feel David Cage was entraped. For being asked about the content of a demo he put forth? Did he expect the journos to lap it up like dogs and praise him for being "daring"? If anything these journos need to be more critical of his work and ask him questions about his paper thin allegories. Like I said before - he's an artist and he should expect people are going to question and critique his work at any time. The fact that he got pissy shows he's not capable of receiving criticism. That's not a fault of the interviewer.


  • cultural maoist
  • Senior Member
In short, some people do stuff and apparently still get funded for many games, while others simply say: you're wrong despite your studio and games getting more and more exposure and big names behind them. Not hard to see which side i'd take on this, right? There's people who make things, and people who criticize what others do based on any grounds they'd like to come up at some point in time. You do it? people will accuse you of tackling an important subject with mediocre(crystal ball please) results. You don't? You had a great chance to portray it and you didn't. yadda yadda.

This isn't the first time and it wont be the last where journalists feel their job is to entrap the developer/shame the developer. In some instances it backfires horribly, but they'll take a shot everytime they can. And claiming that doesn't happen is being completely detached of the gamejourno reality.

What are you even talking about this makes no sense lol


  • Member
Mr Cage is the reasons why there will never be a western lead director that will have people buy his games on name recognition alone anymore.
It will not happen until Kotaku, Polygon, IGN and others of their ilk are gone.
Sid Meier, Tim Schafer, Ken Levine, Will Wright, Amy Hennig, Todd Howard ???
Semi Retired, Ponzi Schemer, 2K ended his chances, EA'd, EA'd, Body Of Work lacking.
Even Cliff B cant do it.


  • Senior Member
What are you even talking about this makes no sense lol

right? I stared at it for a few minutes and couldn't really make any sense of it.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
Okay guys I found a Novid post generator, go try it out.

"The valve attempts The Bore past a penny. ResetEra stretches inside The Bore. The directory purchase objects past The Bore. A crossed whole obliges ResetEra. The Bore emerges within the thirst."

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
Mr Cage is the reasons why there will never be a western lead director that will have people buy his games on name recognition alone anymore.
It will not happen until Kotaku, Polygon, IGN and others of their ilk are gone.
Sid Meier, Tim Schafer, Ken Levine, Will Wright, Amy Hennig, Todd Howard ???
Semi Retired, Ponzi Schemer, 2K ended his chances, EA'd, EA'd, Body Of Work lacking.
Even Cliff B cant do it.

:lol ponzi schemer. I really hope you're not legit this dumb


  • Senior Member
Where's Benji? Where's the boy Cindi


  • OG Cracker
  • Member
When will a calculus mend without ResetERA? Will the trail starve? The weasel barks across the common wind. The Bore spins a hidden valley before a cut tragedy.

sounds legit.


  • OG Cracker
  • Member
also: any threads about this?
Taika Waititi says he's developing a "Nazi comedy"


  • Senior Member
who the fuck buys a todd howard game on name recognition?



  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Mr Cage is the reasons why there will never be a western lead director that will have people buy his games on name recognition alone anymore.
It will not happen until Kotaku, Polygon, IGN and others of their ilk are gone.
Sid Meier, Tim Schafer, Ken Levine, Will Wright, Amy Hennig, Todd Howard ???
Semi Retired, Ponzi Schemer, 2K ended his chances, EA'd, EA'd, Body Of Work lacking.
Even Cliff B cant do it.

:lol ponzi schemer. I really hope you're not legit this dumb

Reading 4chan's hate of him, how hasn't Schafer "Ponzi Schemed" (and using that in the loosest sense of the word, I guess) the internet on kickstarter? Apparently, he still hasn't delivered some backer rewards to the point he jumped from kickstarter to that backer-funded-pay-back whatever site.

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
Because that isn't what a ponzi scheme is dumbass


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Like I said, I was using it in the loosest sense. I know it isn't a Ponzi Scheme. But the fact remains, he has burned a lot of people on kickstarter. Maybe not as bad as Molyneux or Inafune, but still.

Space-base being the best example of his "take the money and run" approach on kickstarter and how folks feel burned by him on it. Ponzi Scheme isn't the best word for it, but I certainly wouldn't blame folks for being turned off a game that has his name on it compared to the rest of the list.

Also Cliffy is only name-brand with PC FPS folks, which he burned hard with his "all PC users are pirates" in the early 00's, then pissed off X-box fans that got his "name brand" through Gears by calling them salty. He could've been name-brand if he wasn't a smug jackass.

Henning will be fine. She isn't tied to EA and can just go back to Crystal Dynamics if they want her back for another Legacy of Kain.

who the fuck buys a todd howard game on name recognition?


Also this. Nobody knows Todd Howard outside of /v/ Todd-post-meme-ing. He's a literal who.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2017, 10:25:47 PM by thisismyusername »


  • Member
Mr Cage is the reasons why there will never be a western lead director that will have people buy his games on name recognition alone anymore.
It will not happen until Kotaku, Polygon, IGN and others of their ilk are gone.
Sid Meier, Tim Schafer, Ken Levine, Will Wright, Amy Hennig, Todd Howard ???
Semi Retired, Ponzi Schemer, 2K ended his chances, EA'd, EA'd, Body Of Work lacking.
Even Cliff B cant do it.

:lol ponzi schemer. I really hope you're not legit this dumb

Most forms of gratipay/cloud funding are just more advanced versions of Ponzi. Pateron being the worst with Kickstarter not far behind. Schafer combines the worst of the two.

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
Ponzi scheme isn't remotely the right word for it. Ponzi schemes have the ability to destroy thousands of peoples lives, affect stock prices and have repercussions in government. It's not even close to some nerd not getting an art book or whatever, it's just typical hysteria from sheltered kia nerds. I have no sympathy for anyone who drops money on a game before it even enters development and is shocked when it doesn't turn out to be everything that was promised.

Most forms of gratipay/cloud funding are just more advanced versions of Ponzi. Pateron being the worst with Kickstarter not far behind. Schafer combines the worst of the two.
You very clearly don't know what you're talking about.

Ponzi scheme isn't remotely the right word for it. Ponzi schemes have the ability to destroy thousands of peoples lives, affect stock prices and have repercussions in government. It's not even close to some nerd not getting an art book or whatever, it's just typical hysteria from sheltered kia nerds. I have no sympathy for anyone who drops money on a game before it even enters development and is shocked when it doesn't turn out to be everything that was promised.

Most forms of gratipay/cloud funding are just more advanced versions of Ponzi. Pateron being the worst with Kickstarter not far behind. Schafer combines the worst of the two.
You very clearly don't know what you're talking about.
Tim please.

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
:lol It just annoys the shit out me when games act so self-righteous about consumer rights when they've been the most blindly consumerist audience of any modern media for decades

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
Also, learn what a damn Ponzi scheme is people. There's levels to confidence games too


  • Member
:lol It just annoys the shit out me when games act so self-righteous about consumer rights when they've been the most blindly consumerist audience of any modern media for decades
And which audience from any medium has ever not been consumerist dude? Get off your dirtbag high horse for half a second.

Also, learn what a damn Ponzi scheme is people. There's levels to confidence games too
You know Novid likes to say outright crazy stuff and wildly exaggerate, right? He’s still a lot better than that SwollenTumorBottom guy at least.

Anyway, before we can be woke enough to comprehend the way he sees the world, we have to be aware of the psyop Quinn was, and how it has blinded us to the truth.  :thinking


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Most forms of gratipay/butt funding are just more advanced versions of Ponzi. Pateron being the worst with Kickstarter not far behind. Schafer combines the worst of the two.

I get what you're saying, but at the same time seagrams is right: That isn't a Ponzi Scheme.

For Kickstarter to be a Ponzi scheme, it'd be something like:

User 1
|  |
User 2/3
| | | |
User 4/5/6/7
| | | | | | | |
User 8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15

And so on. Tim's a con, sure, but he isn't a ring-leader in a Ponzi-scheme.


  • Senior Member
What are you even talking about this makes no sense lol

right? I stared at it for a few minutes and couldn't really make any sense of it.

tl:dr version:

I'm gonna be on the side of someone making stuff before someone criticizing the one making stuff (for any of the choices that have to do with the process of creating it). The latter one only needs an excuse to exist.

The tone of the interviewer about it and other articles pointing him as you all call him here: a "hack" is exactly the reason why HL3 (I know about the script, but the open end could've made it possible) will never be done. You have something fans would try to elevate to the pinnacle of storytelling , and you're too scared to ruin it. The fact of this game doing the domestic abuse scene could lead to other developers choosing to include more gut-wrenching scenes. I can tell you already that TLOU2 had this hardcore violent trailer because TLOU had the death of Joel's daughter, which was very emotional and dark. If the reception had been negative, devs would be scared to include those taboos in games. Even a talentless hack can set the canvas for others to use.

The funny thing is that these kind of criticisms always came from regular media before. Jack Thompson anyone? But now it's the actual game-focused media trying to make developers filter their games. Mostly for clickbait reasons, of course.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2017, 11:13:33 PM by daemon »


  • Senior Member
It is me or the last posts of the Texas shooting thread at Resetera almost sound pro gun in a weird way?  :doge

"You know how many car accidents are and how society refuses to ban cars"

"Is stupid to buy a gun to feel safe. Is better buy a security system, a panic room and get some restraining orders if you really want to feel safe".


  • Senior Member
It is me or the last posts of the Texas shooting thread at Resetera almost sound pro gun in a weird way?  :doge

"You know how many car accidents are and how society refuses to ban cars"

"Is stupid to buy a gun to feel safe. Is better buy a security system, a panic room and get some restraining orders if you really want to feel safe".

Link em, lol. I hope the last one was sarcasm tho

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
Most forms of gratipay/butt funding are just more advanced versions of Ponzi. Pateron being the worst with Kickstarter not far behind. Schafer combines the worst of the two.

I get what you're saying, but at the same time seagrams is right: That isn't a Ponzi Scheme.

For Kickstarter to be a Ponzi scheme, it'd be something like:

User 1
|  |
User 2/3
| | | |
User 4/5/6/7
| | | | | | | |
User 8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15

And so on. Tim's a con, sure, but he isn't a ring-leader in a Ponzi-scheme.
For the most part that's it, but that's still just a pyramid scheme - a Ponzi scheme takes a lot more effort on behalf of the conman since it involves investments rather than a product. You find investor a, use their investment to show capital to attract investors b and c, use investor b's money to pay back investor a, who helps build your rep as a legitimate manager/trader/whatever, rinse and repeat. It took Double Fine like four years to finish broken age, so why anyone would expect Tim Schafer to pursue something that takes that much dedication is baffling


  • Senior Member

Also this. Nobody knows Todd Howard outside of /v/ Todd-post-meme-ing. He's a literal who.

Codexers knows Todd Howard, and know to stay away.



  • Senior Member
What are you even talking about this makes no sense lol

right? I stared at it for a few minutes and couldn't really make any sense of it.

tl:dr version:

I'm gonna be on the side of someone making stuff before someone criticizing the one making stuff (for any of the choices that have to do with the process of creating it). The latter one only needs an excuse to exist.

The tone of the interviewer about it and other articles pointing him as you all call him here: a "hack" is exactly the reason why HL3 (I know about the script, but the open end could've made it possible) will never be done. You have something fans would try to elevate to the pinnacle of storytelling , and you're too scared to ruin it. The fact of this game doing the domestic abuse scene could lead to other developers choosing to include more gut-wrenching scenes. I can tell you already that TLOU2 had this hardcore violent trailer because TLOU had the death of Joel's daughter, which was very emotional and dark. If the reception had been negative, devs would be scared to include those taboos in games. Even a talentless hack can set the landscape for others to use.

The funny thing is that these kind of criticisms always came from regular media before. Jack Thompson anyone? But now it's the actual game-focused media trying to make developers filter their games. Mostly for clickbait reasons, of course.

Journalists are not going to filter domestic abuse depictions because a interview, journalists are going to filter this if David Cage does in a shitty and hackey way specially after years of self grandiosity. Nobody should shame David Cage for trying but people have the right to doubt that is going to be poignant portrayal of a dark subject.


  • Senior Member
Get a restraining order, relocate, get a security system, strengthen the door(s) into your house/apartment and if there's a real threat, maybe consider a panic room of some sort. If there's a REALLY, really serious threat, I'm sure there are resources that help one in hiding from abusive exes. All more efficient at least securing a home from assailants, while also not bringing a highly deadly force into your house that most people do not know how to use or store properly.

I suspect that the economic aspect of owning a gun over a panic room is lost in someone.


  • Senior Member
What are you even talking about this makes no sense lol

right? I stared at it for a few minutes and couldn't really make any sense of it.

tl:dr version:

I'm gonna be on the side of someone making stuff before someone criticizing the one making stuff (for any of the choices that have to do with the process of creating it). The latter one only needs an excuse to exist.

The tone of the interviewer about it and other articles pointing him as you all call him here: a "hack" is exactly the reason why HL3 (I know about the script, but the open end could've made it possible) will never be done. You have something fans would try to elevate to the pinnacle of storytelling , and you're too scared to ruin it. The fact of this game doing the domestic abuse scene could lead to other developers choosing to include more gut-wrenching scenes. I can tell you already that TLOU2 had this hardcore violent trailer because TLOU had the death of Joel's daughter, which was very emotional and dark. If the reception had been negative, devs would be scared to include those taboos in games. Even a talentless hack can set the landscape for others to use.

The funny thing is that these kind of criticisms always came from regular media before. Jack Thompson anyone? But now it's the actual game-focused media trying to make developers filter their games. Mostly for clickbait reasons, of course.

Journalists are not going to filter domestic abuse depictions because a interview, journalists are going to filter this if David Cage does in a shitty and hackey way specially after years of self grandiosity. Nobody should shame David Cage for trying but people have the right to doubt that is going to be poignant portrayal of a dark subject.

Fair enough. I tend to like to see the final product before jumping into conclusions. There's such thing as learning experience, and it's a difficult genre to pull something that feels rewarding for any of the options you take. I'm more on the cautiously optimistic side.


  • Senior Member
What are you even talking about this makes no sense lol

right? I stared at it for a few minutes and couldn't really make any sense of it.

tl:dr version:

I'm gonna be on the side of someone making stuff before someone criticizing the one making stuff (for any of the choices that have to do with the process of creating it). The latter one only needs an excuse to exist.

The tone of the interviewer about it and other articles pointing him as you all call him here: a "hack" is exactly the reason why HL3 (I know about the script, but the open end could've made it possible) will never be done. You have something fans would try to elevate to the pinnacle of storytelling , and you're too scared to ruin it. The fact of this game doing the domestic abuse scene could lead to other developers choosing to include more gut-wrenching scenes. I can tell you already that TLOU2 had this hardcore violent trailer because TLOU had the death of Joel's daughter, which was very emotional and dark. If the reception had been negative, devs would be scared to include those taboos in games. Even a talentless hack can set the landscape for others to use.

The funny thing is that these kind of criticisms always came from regular media before. Jack Thompson anyone? But now it's the actual game-focused media trying to make developers filter their games. Mostly for clickbait reasons, of course.

Journalists are not going to filter domestic abuse depictions because a interview, journalists are going to filter this if David Cage does in a shitty and hackey way specially after years of self grandiosity. Nobody should shame David Cage for trying but people have the right to doubt that is going to be poignant portrayal of a dark subject.

Fair enough. I tend to like to see the final product before jumping into conclusions. There's such thing as learning experience, and it's a difficult genre to pull something that feels rewarding for any of the options you take. I'm more on the cautiously optimistic side.

That is usually my philosophy. But David Cage did burn a lot of his credibility over the years.


  • Junior Member
Nude Ellen Page is the only good thing a David Cage game has achieved.

Mr. Nobody

  • Groovy.
  • Senior Member
Who the fuck is David Cage anyway?

(Image removed from quote.)

This game had so much fucking potential in the beginning  :snoop


  • Live Más
  • Senior Member
If anything Schafer is a grifter, not a ponzi schemer. I still gave him a few bucks for Psychonauts 2 though :yeshrug


  • Senior Member
Nude Ellen Page is the only good thing a David Cage game has achieved.

the name

the post

jesus christ


  • Senior Member
In short, some people do stuff and apparently still get funded for many games, while others simply say: you're wrong despite your studio and games getting more and more exposure and big names behind them. Not hard to see which side i'd take on this, right? There's people who make things, and people who criticize what others do based on any grounds they'd like to come up at some point in time. You do it? people will accuse you of tackling an important subject with mediocre(crystal ball please) results. You don't? You had a great chance to portray it and you didn't. yadda yadda.

This isn't the first time and it wont be the last where journalists feel their job is to entrap the developer/shame the developer. In some instances it backfires horribly, but they'll take a shot everytime they can. And claiming that doesn't happen is being completely detached of the gamejourno reality.

So not only do you completely ignore fistful's point and go on a different tangent, but you make one of the absolute worst arguments I have ever read. Literally nobody in this thread is saying certain subject matter shouldn't be tackled, anywhere in this thread. Hell, nobody here even wants to go to bat for supposed video game journalism as that in itself is mostly laughable. But you feeling uneasy about an interviewer or journalist or whatever asking tough questions is some of the most babying, safe space shit. Is David Cage's feelings hurt? Who the fuck really cares? Dude was lobbed a question that wasn't even that difficult and he squirmed in his seat, because unsurprisingly Cage is not every good at explaining anything.

Jesus, I'm even more convinced that some of you just want to wait on what a subset of nobodies online think before having an opinion, and it's usually a contrarian one.

I don't agree with that part at all. The journo being dishonest with the "yes" is not surprising either. Btw I was just saying that I disagree with the notion that you have to defend the choices you make for someone who does nothing but write about things others do. but that's just my opinion.

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
"You shouldn't bother answering an interviewers questions, because their job is to ask people questions and write down the answers" :lol
Keep in mind the guy you're saying shouldn't deign to dignify this peons questions with an answer is a guy who makes videogames, and bad, dumb ones at that, not Thomas Pynchon or some shit


  • Senior Member
"You shouldn't bother answering an interviewers questions, because their job is to ask people questions and write down the answers" :lol
Keep in mind the guy you're saying shouldn't deign to dignify this peons questions with an answer is a guy who makes videogames, and bad, dumb ones at that, not Thomas Pynchon or some shit

He answered every single question, it was just that categorical call about domestic abuse being extreme violence, when we have games where you punch hercules face to a bloody pulp and rip helios head with the tissue being torn. But minors and violence is quite a taboo. I think in this case it illustrates how she defends her by refusing to obey her programming, which is actually a very profound issue with the robotic laws and stuff, plus the fact she's aware she will break her "like before" thus not being able to save her. I think all the explanations he gave were pretty much correct.

More than the attitude of this journalist, I was referring to this opinion piece too:

As if writing for an online outlet somehow made you call the shots on who can and cannot (or shouldn't) do things.

Let's Cyber

  • Banned (duration pending)
  • Senior Member
Beast Wars >> all other Transformers.
Well that's just prime.


  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member
How the fuck is Patreon like a ponzi scheme?  :lol

Cerveza mas fina

  • I don't care for Islam tbqh
  • filler
« Last Edit: November 06, 2017, 02:36:47 AM by Premium Lager »

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
nevermind i dont actually give a shit about this
« Last Edit: November 06, 2017, 02:56:44 AM by seagrams hotsauce »


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member

Let me make a thread to discuss my specific idea on a topic already covered by a thread/poll  :ego


On my post on that thread, I've said: "What if instead of "New Game +" or "Continue?" we literally use ALL of them? Can we have the slogan randomized so everytime we refresh it shows up differently and that way, the community can contribuite to several different slogans that change from time to time, based on events, holidays and stuff like that".

Newsfeed much?


  • Senior Member
Beast Wars >> all other Transformers.
Well that's just prime.



  • Senior Member

Let me make a thread to discuss my specific idea on a topic already covered by a thread/poll  :ego


On my post on that thread, I've said: "What if instead of "New Game +" or "Continue?" we literally use ALL of them? Can we have the slogan randomized so everytime we refresh it shows up differently and that way, the community can contribuite to several different slogans that change from time to time, based on events, holidays and stuff like that".

Newsfeed much?


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Poor Cage missed the QTE to answer that journalist.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
is not a place, it's a people



  • Senior Member
Digimon > Pokemon


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Right now what I'd like to see as slogans:
4. Believe women. Believe the victims.
We could have some seasonal slogans added whenever the staff thought it'd be cool based on real news events, new games, films, music or whatever, like this:

1. Press X to punch a Nazi in the face

Jesus tapdancing Christ :neogaf

team filler

  • filler
  • filler
jcpenny catalogs>brazzers


  • Senior Member
It's a video game forum, what the fuck


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
It's a video game forum, what the fuck

I'd like to submit

World Peace Now ☮️
End world hunger
4 the players
Impeach the fat cheeto fuck
Please donate to the DNC using this referral link. Not to the ACLU.
Remember to tip
RIP Iwata 😢
We stand with the Paris Accords


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
Retire Bitch
mods help
Yassssss queen
We're still with her
There's always a suicide thread
Intersectional is a lifestyle


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member
We're totes not GAF

who is ted danson?

  • ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀✋💎✋🤬
  • Senior Member

Bore Expert

  • Member
Is there an ETA on Bore Gold? Just wondering how we’ll compete with Gaf gold.


  • Junior Member
Better not to have a slogan, tbh.