Author Topic: The Other Forums Thread for 90's Kids ONLY  (Read 2194088 times)

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  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Louis C.K. is dead to me if that counts.


Yeah, pedos are what they have been trying to push in small ways. Acceptance articles in Salon on it.

and bestiality too, the SSWs are eager to prove every dickhead who ever said "Gay marriage? What next? People will be marrying horses and dogs!" correct.

Gawker, Salon, NYMag, all those typical rags ran articles supporting it


  • Member
CAH is only funny to the closeted bigoted tbh.


Yea, reset is getting close to the point where liking things like CAH or South Park is virtually bannable or at least results into any topic getting derailed into how it's biggotted, like GAF in the final 2 years.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
It's the New Year! Time to drag my dick all over this thread again.
Men are trash. White men are the scourge of this planet.
And this is as equally offensive and stupid. You'd think that being behind a computer would grant you ample time to think about what you publish on the internet.
Instead of an ad hominem, maybe name a single group of people that does more damage than the white man?
I knew you wouldn’t answer. White men are the biggest threat to western democracies and the survival of our planet. It’s fact.
How is not using eco friendly products out of their control? How is voting for Trump out of their control? How is all of this trash,that we as white men are doing, out of our control?

How is that dude not banned for being offensively racist?

Oh right: Slayven is a mod.


  • Senior Member
He did catch a 3 day ban... which seems sort of short

Bore Expert

  • Member
CAH is only funny to the closeted bigoted tbh.


Yea, reset is getting close to the point where liking things like CAH or South Park is virtually bannable or at least results into any topic getting derailed into how it's biggotted, like GAF in the final 2 years.

It’s Neoneogaf. Same shitheads, new coat of paint.


  • oops
  • Member
CAH is only funny to the closeted bigoted tbh.


Yea, reset is getting close to the point where liking things like CAH or South Park is virtually bannable or at least results into any topic getting derailed into how it's biggotted, like GAF in the final 2 years.

It’s Neoneogaf. Same shitheads, new coat of paint.

I remember some people thinking anything would change :neogaf

Welcome to social progress, it's slow and filled with failure.


  • Senior Member
Give me some rope here mods because this is funny word play.

Here is a simple mnemonic device. Just think of Alan Turing, the gay man who invented general computing and deciphered the German Enigma machine.

He was gay and was a genius. Therefore, "Homo-genius."

Eh? If this is wrong just say it is because I'm still trying to figure out what is rude or not and please don't give me a warning.
mods pls don't ban

This post is actually even funnier to me because I definitely banned this guy.  :lol THE SYSTEM WORKS. FEEL THE WEIGHT OF MY IRON HEEL.

This post actually speaks volumes about the state of moderation on ERA. I am assuming it came from there.


  • Junior Member
Quote from: Barry Bonds
That’s their fault. Monogamy has been bullshit since day one and anyone who actually believes in it deserves to be cheated on so they can see the truth.


  • Senior Member
Well then

Anyone noticed that the going back to neogaf moderation ways accelerated as the year came to an end with the final week showing bans and warnings for neutral non bigoted views. It used to be just warnings and now it’s bans . At this rate we will be at full neogaf by end of day today


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
In the span of a few weeks Resetera has been turned into opposite The Handmaids Tale.

You either accept trans people, CIS genders and the fact that conservative white people are satan or you're BANNED!
Saying: "Eh man, not cool for people not into trans stuff to keep that to yourself when dating" BANNED!

Obviously that all occurs in such amazing threads like.
"Why is Nintendo not making political statements"
"Dave Chapelle new special"

Cream is getting people banned left and right and is free to call anyone transphobic(this word doesn't even exist).

My god, I love this exploding train wreck.  :doge
« Last Edit: January 01, 2018, 01:30:47 PM by Nintex »


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Quote from: Barry Bonds
That’s their fault. Monogamy has been bullshit since day one and anyone who actually believes in it deserves to be cheated on so they can see the truth.

This thread is not the appropriate place to debate monogamy. Back to the topic on hand please.

ResetEra : "not the appropriate place"


  • Senior Member
a forum of male feminist allies wants to be able to cheat

shock, I say



  • Haughty and a little naughty
  • Senior Member
I was glad when EvilLore occasionally brang the hammer down on ridiculousness like this

It's not transhpobic to stop saying someone who is trans because you want biological kids. No one is saying that.

What is transphobic is to say that you don't find them attractive simply because they are transgender. That's transphobic. Period.

not gonna happen here. It's a new era! Hooray  ::)


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member

HOLY FUCKING SHIT  :neogaf :dead :dead :dead

I was glad when EvilLore occasionally brang the hammer down on ridiculousness like this

It's not transhpobic to stop saying someone who is trans because you want biological kids. No one is saying that.

What is transphobic is to say that you don't find them attractive simply because they are transgender. That's transphobic. Period.

not gonna happen here. It's a new era! Hooray  ::)
Oh shit, that's the mod I PM'ed to say they should give Cream his own LGTBQ+Black people thangs thread so he won't shit up the rest of the board with his nonsense.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2018, 01:40:41 PM by Nintex »


  • 🤷‍♀️
  • Senior Member
Beta bois who can’t handle one throwin stones at those who can handle many


  • Senior Member
I was glad when EvilLore occasionally brang the hammer down on ridiculousness like this

It's not transhpobic to stop saying someone who is trans because you want biological kids. No one is saying that.

What is transphobic is to say that you don't find them attractive simply because they are transgender. That's transphobic. Period.

not gonna happen here. It's a new era! Hooray  ::)

So what you're saying is that this forum is run by an insane person? Find me attractive or get banned for being a nazi!  Holy shit, I first thought this would've been a random shit poster, not Sweet Nicole herself.


  • Senior Member
Is SweetNicole the new Besada?


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member

I think the whole fighting sperm thing happened as a response to our more tribal days when we would all be sharing a cave and hanging as a collective unit or herd. As opposed to striving with a singular female unit.

a singular female unit



  • We've *all*
  • Senior Member
I was glad when EvilLore occasionally brang the hammer down on ridiculousness like this

It's not transhpobic to stop saying someone who is trans because you want biological kids. No one is saying that.

What is transphobic is to say that you don't find them attractive simply because they are transgender. That's transphobic. Period.

not gonna happen here. It's a new era! Hooray  ::)

I always felt that was the topic that would bring GAF down: that if you consciously were not attracted to  or didn't want to fuck a transgender person you would be labelled.


  • Senior Member
Except ~90% of the people that SAY they want monogamy only say so because of societal norms.

Monogamy’s stock would tank if people could be honest without being judged for it.

Let's just make up statistics

Surely this is a mature thought process he has had.


  • Junior Member
Social constructs aren't actually real and we shouldn't keep propping them up, anyways please believe in this new gender I just made up or else you'll be erasing my identity


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
I was glad when EvilLore occasionally brang the hammer down on ridiculousness like this

It's not transhpobic to stop saying someone who is trans because you want biological kids. No one is saying that.

What is transphobic is to say that you don't find them attractive simply because they are transgender. That's transphobic. Period.

not gonna happen here. It's a new era! Hooray  ::)

I always felt that was the topic that would bring GAF down: that if you consciously were not attracted to  or didn't want to fuck a transgender person you would be labelled.
Reversing that would be my blaze of glory.

"Hi cis/trans/plant whatever.

Would you fuck Donald Trump?" "No, Just because he's fat!, you fat shamer!"


  • Haughty and a little naughty
  • Senior Member

I think the whole fighting sperm thing happened as a response to our more tribal days when we would all be sharing a cave and hanging as a collective unit or herd. As opposed to striving with a singular female unit.

a singular female unit


Is this Cenk Uygurs alt?

Is SweetNicole the new Besada?

Sweet Nicole is fomerly known as Besada


  • Senior Member
It's curious that the google results for monogamy studies doesn't include all the positive findings and tend to return a ton of results for one recent negative leaning study.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
lol @ people actually reading peter cetera

Pills Here

  • Junior Member
Is the rejectera "staff" GOTY thread really necessary?

Also why are you all so obsessed with transsexuals?


  • Senior Member
The best part of those threads is the continued use of polyamory and polygamy as though they were interchangeable words.

Mormon shills!

The worst part of resetera

You are being forced to accept exception to the norms that are defined by a certain aspect of the community and through the power play set by mods and administrators not accepting those or not caring for those results in a warning and or a ban. It is one thing to actively disliking people and a completely different thing to say those are fine folks I just don’t agree with their belief

On the other hand if you have a thread about races and religions outside the US, it is acceptable behavior to say their views are so so bad, and I don’t mind that it’s their opinion

However the difference is that attacking of culture and belief when it’s not harming any person is not getting the same level of warnings and bans by the mods

This is what you call being a part of the hive mind

The only way to rattle a hive is to shake it up from within


  • Senior Member
Weak sauce misogyny gets a dude a month ban, and literally calling white men the devil gets you 3 days?

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
This one is gonna feed my soul because it's bound to be packed to the gills with nerds crying that someone had the nerve to insult their dumb spandex-waifu fests


  • Senior Member
« Last Edit: January 01, 2018, 03:47:17 PM by Spieler1 »


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Oh god it's happening again. Why does it keep happening.  :lol


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member
This one is gonna feed my soul because it's bound to be packed to the gills with nerds crying that someone had the nerve to insult their dumb spandex-waifu fests
We're way past that point.

They're now at a point where capitalism is evil and they're leading the charge for the next Soviet Revolution


  • Senior Member
not even neogaf mods had their heads so far up their own asses :lol


  • If my bones are breaking would you tell me that I'm weak?
  • Senior Member
Do we have an estimated timeframe for when the upgrade will go ahead?


Bore Expert

  • Member
Shinobi didn’t choose mass effect andromeda as his GOTY? Thought he loved that game.  :money


  • Live Más
  • Senior Member
staff goty? good lord, as if the collection of twats they have there weren't full enough of themselves already


  • Senior Member
Someone buy me Cuphead so I can see if it's goty material  :jawalrus


  • Live Más
  • Senior Member
it's kinda not tbh. its a neat platformer/shooter with a unique art style and good music but it's basically just a really polished version of one of those games.

edit: it's top 10 material but not "best of the year".


  • Senior Member
it's kinda not tbh. its a neat platformer/shooter with a unique art style and good music but it's basically just a really polished version of one of those game.

How is it with a stick? Is it one of those console side scrollers where they give it wayyyyy many buttons so it's just annoying af to play on a stick or is it nice a simple jump button and shoot button type shit?


  • Live Más
  • Senior Member
never played it on stick but it's fine on an xbox controller. uses the 4 face buttons and two bumpers.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
it's kinda not tbh. its a neat platformer/shooter with a unique art style and good music but it's basically just a really polished version of one of those game.

How is it with a stick? Is it one of those console side scrollers where they give it wayyyyy many buttons so it's just annoying af to play on a stick or is it nice a simple jump button and shoot button type shit?
It's simple. It's definitely a contender for GOTY

But i'd give GOTY to Fortnite's battle royale. it's so good.


  • Senior Member
6 buttons.


What is wrong with these console mother fuckers?!

Got me like

Take your stick and try it out and lemme know how it is, breh. Please.



  • Live Más
  • Senior Member
I dunno if it'd be too good on a stick now that I think of it. Cause you lock in place (for 8 way aim) with RB. That'd be sorta awkward on stick but I'll give it a try in a bit.


  • Senior Member
They can make games that seem perfect for a stick, like a fuckin boss rush 2d shooter game and not make it stick worthy. :stahp

My Hori FPS Plus broke so now I don't have an alternative to the Dualshock Poor. So if I got it for ps4 I'd have to play with that it seems. :beli


  • Live Más
  • Senior Member
no worries there, cause its x1 and pc only :lol


  • Senior Member
Oh for real? :lol I told you I don't follow non-fg vidya. :lol

Is this one of those overrated indie side scroller type deals like Shovel Knight? Or is it the real deal?


  • Live Más
  • Senior Member
well i liked shovel knight but i think cuphead is quite good and very challenging. i just don't see it as some major breakthrough in gaming. it's just a really well polished shooter/platformer.


  • Senior Member
Someone buy me Cuphead so I can see if it's goty material  :jawalrus

You ARE a woman.


You buyin?



  • Junior Member
 Gameplay is tight and it's fun as hell but the visuals and music are what make Cuphead amazing.


  • Senior Member
well i liked shovel knight but i think cuphead is quite good and very challenging. i just don't see it as some major breakthrough in gaming. it's just a really well polished shooter/platformer.

Ah. The people who say it's a breakthrough or whatever are people that you and I know well enough not to fuck with or take seriously. If it's a good shoot platformer with some kick to it that's good enough.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Did anyone argue Cuphead was a breakthrough ?


  • Senior Member
Superhero films are just a symptom rather than a cause. Hollywood's real problem is not producing anything that feels fresh or compelling. Predictable oscar bait films are on the same boat.


  • Senior Member
Gameplay is tight and it's fun as hell but the visuals and music are what make Cuphead amazing.

The best part was that the boss character designs were more in line with something like Parodius than actual 30s cartoons.


  • Live Más
  • Senior Member
Did anyone argue Cuphead was a breakthrough ?
Heh I just got done listening to Giant Bomb's GOTY where folks were trying to argue for Cuphead and Dream Daddy being top 3 material :yuck

If I had to hear Abby say "I think Cuphead should be higher" again I was gonna lose it :lol


  • Senior Member
Did anyone argue Cuphead was a breakthrough ?

People said it was the dark souls of platformers and shit. Lots of wack shit. What kind of platformers did these kids cut their teeth on? Sickening.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2018, 06:01:02 PM by Cindi Mayweather »