Author Topic: The Other Forums Thread for 90's Kids ONLY  (Read 2192274 times)

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  • Senior Member
Did anyone argue Cuphead was a breakthrough ?
Heh I just got done listening to Giant Bomb's GOTY where folks were trying to argue for Cuphead and Dream Daddy being top 3 material :yuck

If I had to hear Abby say "I think Cuphead should be higher" again I was gonna lose it :lol

goty material for graphics at least  :trumps


  • Member
 :nope fortnite
 :ohyeah cuphead


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Did anyone argue Cuphead was a breakthrough ?
Heh I just got done listening to Giant Bomb's GOTY where folks were trying to argue for Cuphead and Dream Daddy being top 3 material :yuck

If I had to hear Abby say "I think Cuphead should be higher" again I was gonna lose it :lol

I didn't listen to it so stop me if I am mistaken but being rated as a top game for the year doesn't necessarily imply it is breaking new ground ? Though of course it is a pertectly fine critera for one to have.

J Tourettes

  • Junior Member
I gave that forum a genuine go in the hope that it'd somehow not turn into the worst of gaf. It was always likely but still gave it a chance. The britgaf/britera thread was pretty dead and gaming side was mostly shit too. Combine those facts with yet another Chappelle thread and drinking, I was always going to be a goner.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member

Horrible murder story that will stay senseless for any outside observer ? Time to :ego !

Bore Expert

  • Member

Horrible murder story that will stay senseless for any outside observer ? Time to :ego !

That’s the dude who put his snes controller in the toilet for some reason



  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member

Horrible murder story that will stay senseless for any outside observer ? Time to :ego !

That’s the dude who put his snes controller in the toilet for some reason


As expected, it's actually just a super gross controller. The last of my childhood has been soured and I have no reason to ever go back to my mother and father's house. In some ways, it is freeing. In other ways, I am more a prisoner than I've ever been. Really makes you think.



  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
Finale Fireworker is my favorite poster for many reasons, most of them related to his complete psychological impotence.


  • Senior Member
I gave that forum a genuine go in the hope that it'd somehow not turn into the worst of gaf. It was always likely but still gave it a chance. The britgaf/britera thread was pretty dead and gaming side was mostly shit too. Combine those facts with yet another Chappelle thread and drinking, I was always going to be a goner.

TBH i thought they were being hard on you because you have tourettes and we should all be understanding of conditions like that. You can't control it! It's okay! :brazilcry
« Last Edit: January 01, 2018, 08:34:08 PM by Cindi Mayweather »


  • Senior Member
Oh man, there's gonna be so much egg in resetera mods faces when Cream finally can't keep up his act any longer and decides to out himself as a troll.

But i really don't understand how they fall for it when it's so blatant.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
no there's nothing new, i'm just catching up


  • Senior Member
Oh man, there's gonna be so much egg in resetera mods faces when Cream finally can't keep up his act any longer and decides to out himself as a troll.

But i really don't understand how they fall for it when it's so blatant.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
no there's nothing new, i'm just catching up

I've not once seen any indication Cream is trolling? They seem genuine. A little passionate to be sure, but genuine.


  • Senior Member
Oh man, there's gonna be so much egg in resetera mods faces when Cream finally can't keep up his act any longer and decides to out himself as a troll.

But i really don't understand how they fall for it when it's so blatant.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
no there's nothing new, i'm just catching up

I've not once seen any indication Cream is trolling? They seem genuine. A little passionate to be sure, but genuine.
A passionate troll yeah. He is dedicated for sure but some are to ott to be real. As far as I'm concerned there's a bigger chance that lime is a  real existing person.


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
  • Senior Member
Give me some rope here mods because this is funny word play.

Here is a simple mnemonic device. Just think of Alan Turing, the gay man who invented general computing and deciphered the German Enigma machine.

He was gay and was a genius. Therefore, "Homo-genius."

Eh? If this is wrong just say it is because I'm still trying to figure out what is rude or not and please don't give me a warning.
mods pls don't ban

This post is actually even funnier to me because I definitely banned this guy.  :lol THE SYSTEM WORKS. FEEL THE WEIGHT OF MY IRON HEEL.

Whyever would you have banned that member?


  • Senior Member
Just took a quick look at GAF and it is a sad sight to behold. Barely any traffic in the OT, with threads that was last commented on several days ago still on the first page. The community-OT threads are completely empty. The gaming side is doing a little better with more than a full page of new comments on threads, but threads with new comments goes as far back as yesterday. Before, you had to go 8-10 pages deep before you start seeing comments made 24 hours ago. Now, I am seeing threads that was commented on two days ago on 12/30 on the second page. The community-Gaming side is similarly sparse of activity.

I cannot imagine that there's more than a couple hundred users still using NeoGAF, with at least half of them just lurking (Lurking what? I don't know). Evilore investing in new community features seems like a waste of time and money. At this point, GAF is a sunk cost and Evilore would be wise to unload it however he can.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2018, 11:01:27 PM by Averon »


  • Senior Member
It doesn't take a genius to figure out that cream is a troll.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
At this point, GAF is a sunk cost and Evilore would be wise to unload it however he can.

Evilore has no option other than to keep riding on those couple hundred regulars until they're smart enough to move on because no way is he able to get a regular job again, not for the next few years anyway.  NeoGAF also has no value as a brand.


  • Senior Member
Someone please make a nice Sunny title card that perfectly describes EviLore's fuck up with his site.


  • Member
At this point, GAF is a sunk cost and Evilore would be wise to unload it however he can.

Evilore has no option other than to keep riding on those couple hundred regulars until they're smart enough to move on because no way is he able to get a regular job again, not for the next few years anyway.  NeoGAF also has no value as a brand.

Yup, milking ad revenue from old content will be a nice secondary income for the next couple of years, but then if he didn't invest wisely to live off interest he's going to have to work.

Even if Tyler blew all of the money he should have hundreds of thousands in property and assets. Get a tech degree and move to the burbs, welcome to the middle class. He's still better off than most.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
At this point, GAF is a sunk cost and Evilore would be wise to unload it however he can.

Evilore has no option other than to keep riding on those couple hundred regulars until they're smart enough to move on because no way is he able to get a regular job again, not for the next few years anyway.  NeoGAF also has no value as a brand.

I donated $1000 to his gofundme, hope that helps.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
I'll pay to watch Evilore fight other forum admins on PPV.


  • Junior Member
Oh man, there's gonna be so much egg in resetera mods faces when Cream finally can't keep up his act any longer and decides to out himself as a troll.

But i really don't understand how they fall for it when it's so blatant.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
no there's nothing new, i'm just catching up
Ban them both to be sure. You're gonna get banned too Cindi if you keep talking real shit. I appreciate what you're doing but you like Resetera for whatever reason.  My OP for the Chapple episodes would've included a disclaimer that ketkat, Cream, and SweetNicole couldn't participate. All they have done is turned the fucking thread into a trans shitshow. Make your own thread for that shit.

I've not once seen any indication Cream is trolling? They seem genuine. A little passionate to be sure, but genuine.
A passionate troll yeah. He is dedicated for sure but some are to ott to be real. As far as I'm concerned there's a bigger chance that lime is a  real existing person.


  • Junior Member
Thanks Cindi for spreading truth. Ketkat, SweetNicole, and Cream can get fucked. Im pretty sure what you said today put you on a list.


  • Junior Member
Thanks Cindi for spreading truth. Ketkat, SweetNicole, and Cream can get fucked. Im pretty sure what you said today put you on a list.
If Cream isn't a troll, it's a pedophile.


  • Senior Member
what is the drama with Cindi?


  • Junior Member
what is the drama with Cindi?
She told them how it was. I am drunk and put my post in a message that I couldn't see. I deep quoted shit by midtwke . Didn't think it was posted. Doesn't matter bro. How do I land on the fifth guardian thingy ma bob on the Zora guarsian?


  • Senior Member
Come on. I didn't tell them how it was. We might now agree but I still consider them trans sistas.

team filler

  • filler
  • filler
trans sista radios


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
How do you interact with the homeless?

I will admit I've had Patrick Bateman-like thoughts towards them occasionally.


  • 🧘‍♂️
  • Senior Member
"you may be a psychopath if..."


  • Swings Both Ways
  • Senior Member
That fool has probably been clowned on his whole life and has Patrick Bateman thoughts about everyone.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
How do you interact with the homeless?

I will admit I've had Patrick Bateman-like thoughts towards them occasionally.

Virgin neckbeard injured by homeless in self defense
I was politely asking for change and that man jumped at me like a crazy person with a manga pillow

I ignore them. Our social-net is so strong that someone who lives on the streets here made the decision to do so. (Germany) Beside there are not so much homeless here.

This is not the USA where a bad decision or bad luck leads to losing a roof over the head.

There are no reason to be homeless in Sweden. I pay my taxes and there are systems in place if i give them money they will just buy druggs.

Sure, Jan ::)

Crime and burglary is all out of control, and the city’s answer was to build dozens of low income housing structures and soup kitchens next to multi million dollar places. And no one seems to care in fact they built a metro so all the homeless can come straight from downtown LA to Santa Monica with ease.

« Last Edit: January 02, 2018, 04:04:26 AM by VomKriege »


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
I'm as cowardly as the next guy when it comes to the plight of homeless people, but it's no less bitterly funny to read that Era thread. Would deffo clock a Nazi in the mouth and take to the streets in name of progressivism, believe it, but ashamed by and apathetic to the most mundane sign of inequality and poverty. If not entirely adopting the commonest clichés about proles.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2018, 03:48:49 AM by VomKriege »


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
Hey Vom Kriege, why does France have higher rates of homelessness than the United States despite being a robust socialist state?


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Hey Vom Kriege, why does France have higher rates of homelessness than the United States despite being a robust socialist state?

Are we a socialist state now ?
If you're referring to the UN ratio I am looking on Wiki, differences between the USA and France is minute, especially considering how numbers vary wildly from one country to another. (France has almost thrice the ratio of Italy, Germany has twice the ratio of France...).

Anyway I wouldn't know how to explain those differences. However please note I'm not arguing that glorious Yurop and its somewhat social democracy has solved this issue any better. Quite the contrary. Plenty of homeless and panhandlers here, and in all the major European cities I visited.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
As an aside, France is not so much "socialist" than statist. You can argue the latter will somewhat overlap the first as far as to what policies they will enact in some fields but it's not exactly the same. I suspect it is a source of confusion for some foreigners.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member

"B-B-B-BUT JONTRON" Give me a break... So everyone who sides or defends JonTron is an enemy of Era?

No, they're the enemies of humanity.



  • Senior Member

"B-B-B-BUT JONTRON" Give me a break... So everyone who sides or defends JonTron is an enemy of Era?

No, they're the enemies of humanity.


Boogie, enemy of humanity for his nazi "hear both sides out" approach to life. Shit makes total sense.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
Hey Vom Kriege, why does France have higher rates of homelessness than the United States despite being a robust socialist state?

Are we a socialist state now ?
If you're referring to the UN ratio I am looking on Wiki, differences between the USA and France is minute, especially considering how numbers vary wildly from one country to another. (France has almost thrice the ratio of Italy, Germany has twice the ratio of France...).

Anyway I wouldn't know how to explain those differences. However please note I'm not arguing that glorious Yurop and its somewhat social democracy has solved this issue any better. Quite the contrary.
I think it's because you have many French immigrants, large parts of north africa is french (of course my spit balling fails the german test)

Plenty of homeless and panhandlers here, and in all the major European cities I visited.
Speaking of, has there been a Roma thread on Reset yet?  :hitler


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
  • Senior Member
Take your stick and try it out and lemme know how it is, breh. Please.

I did and it was fine.

But who's gonna clean this mess?


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
I wouldn't be so sure. My account is purely anecdote but beggars in Paris do not seem to be distinctly North African (as far as you can assess those things). The only group featuring prominently is what most would identify as "Roma" (Gipsy, Tzigan, etc...) EDIT : And people claiming to be Syrians lately. However, according to the French Statistical Office, you're certainly more likely to be homeless if you're an immigrant (half of the adults counted as homeless were foreign. On top of that, asylum seekers are considered as such when housed in a transit public center).

Out of curiosity I checked and the most common nationalities for asylum seekers in France currently (2015, 2016) are : Sudan, Syria, Kosovo, Albania, China, Bangladesh, Haitï, Congo (Democratic Republic), Guinea, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Irak. Algeria was 9th in 2016.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2018, 07:52:51 AM by VomKriege »


  • Senior Member
I just noted that Spain has nearly the same number of homeless as Sweden despite a worse economy and generally being a better country to be homeless in.
Add that quite a few of the homeless in Spain are from Sweden to begin with :)

I think that perhaps there is a bigger correlation between national drug policy and homelessness than social safety net and homelessness. Sweden is probably one of the worst countries in the world to be addicted to heroin in. You get in a program sure - but fall of the wagon just once and you are back on the streets no questions asked. I think that Spain and Portugal are much more progressive in that regard.


  • Member

well this is on track to be a real trainwreck. includes unironic "stay safe" in 2000 word OP.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member

well this is on track to be a real trainwreck. includes unironic "stay safe" in 2000 word OP.

Seems like a lot of words for coming up with a pseudo-scientific way to call people "assholes".

- "That's totally my ex !"
- "Wow, same for me !"
- "We're on to something here because mine too..."
- "Also reminds me of those Youtubers."

« Last Edit: January 02, 2018, 08:31:31 AM by VomKriege »


  • Senior Member

well this is on track to be a real trainwreck. includes unironic "stay safe" in 2000 word OP.

As an aside: Since you are using both genders, and persistently, in your text, is it safe to assume that this disorder only occurs in males?

This is such a resetera quote.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member


  • Senior Member
Did anyone argue Cuphead was a breakthrough ?
Heh I just got done listening to Giant Bomb's GOTY where folks were trying to argue for Cuphead and Dream Daddy being top 3 material :yuck

If I had to hear Abby say "I think Cuphead should be higher" again I was gonna lose it :lol

I’m on day 3 of the podcasts.  Giant Bomb fell off hard.  It’s sad.


  • Punk Mushi no Onna
  • Senior Member
Kind of reminds me of Reseteers.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
  • Senior Member

well this is on track to be a real trainwreck. includes unironic "stay safe" in 2000 word OP.

Didn't take long for accusations to fly around  :lol

If you truly think that this is what this thread is about then you obviously don't care about the message it contains.

That, or you are the kind of person the OP describes. Take your pick, i can already tell you that both options are wrong


  • Senior Member

well this is on track to be a real trainwreck. includes unironic "stay safe" in 2000 word OP.

The entire thread is “me me me I I I.”  Level 31 grand master projection.


  • Senior Member

well this is on track to be a real trainwreck. includes unironic "stay safe" in 2000 word OP.

Isn’t this just regular old narcissists?

Like people mostly like them st first, and it’s not until you get to know them that you realize they are huge pieces of shit.


  • oops
  • Member

well this is on track to be a real trainwreck. includes unironic "stay safe" in 2000 word OP.

I was tempted to make a comment about the top Resetera posters as the thread came up but im a fucking coward. :(


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member
CAH is only funny to the closeted bigoted tbh.


Yea, reset is getting close to the point where liking things like CAH or South Park is virtually bannable or at least results into any topic getting derailed into how it's biggotted, like GAF in the final 2 years.

It’s Neoneogaf. Same shitheads, new coat of paint.

I remember some people thinking anything would change :neogaf

Welcome to social progress, it's slow and filled with failure.



  • Punk Mushi no Onna
  • Senior Member
Year is of to a good start with distinguished mentally-challenged fellow youtubers going into Japan's suicide forest and showing a dead person in their video.

Like and subscribe. Here's some other videos you might also like.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member

scrubpar spatula :thinking

Yeah, why would anyone want to visit a place that is both bleeding edge high tech and futuristic while also ancient and completely different from America and Europe 20 minutes away from big cities? A place that gives the world Samurais, Godzilla, and Metal Gear.  :japancry

Cut him some slack, someone on a console videogames forum might not be too acquainted with all that.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
  • Senior Member


I said it promotes objectification. Why not talk about The Honest Company instead of posting a half-nude picture of her? Lust after her because of her kindness and intelligence instead of her looks.

But I guess that's too hard to understand.

I want to fuck her intelligence so hard, man


  • Senior Member


Banned for being too much even for them

People talking about Cream being a troll. if ever there was someone on ERA who is a troll, it would be Hansel.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2018, 01:36:32 PM by Leadbelly »