Author Topic: The Other Forums Thread for 90's Kids ONLY  (Read 2192988 times)

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  • Senior Member
Did Cream have to fully ditch the loli porn to keep his character?

The GAF thing to do was to have protected trolls that would create responses from people the mods disliked that could squeeze into a bannable offense argument. Cream seems to be Reset moderation's pet troll.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
You've become them'ing and they'ing grandfathers.

The terrible youth are going to grow up too, same as you have. Same as it always has. The sky is not falling, people.

Then, brothers, it came. Oh, bliss, bliss and heaven. I lay all nagoy to the ceiling, my gulliver on my rookers on the pillow, glazzies closed, rot open in bliss, slooshying the sluice of lovely sounds. Oh, it was gorgeousness and gorgeosity made flesh.

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
  • Senior Member
They're just young. They'll grow out of it. :heartbeat
I dunno. The boomers never stopped being terrible.


  • Swings Both Ways
  • Senior Member
some ya'll niccas approaching white man levels of fucking strange


  • Senior Member
They're just young. They'll grow out of it. :heartbeat
I dunno. The boomers never stopped being terrible.


Compare us to the Boomers one more time. Wait, I'm old enough to claim that I'm a mix of gen X and millenial. I'm not pure millenial. Bahahaha.


  • Member
Jesus fuck at that Chappelle thread. Such insufferable dumbasses taking something completel out of context.

How has that troll Cream not been permed yet? He's already responding to posts claiming other posts are pointless.

I'm generally avoiding threads but I can see this discourse shutting down future topics.


  • 🙈🙉🙊
  • Senior Member
Hot takes about hot takes are hot.

(this is a hot take about hot takes about hot takes, it's the hottest)
I was thinking cold water onto a raging hate boners, but it's more of a spray bottle and now this image is strangely erotic and I've lost my train of thought.


  • Senior Member
Has Cream outdone Lime yet?


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
  • Senior Member
Lime who?  it's all about Cream!


  • Senior Member
Key lime pie with cream on the side :delicious


  • Senior Member
Considering Cream was taking avatars from [Turtle.Fish.Paint (Hirame Sensei)] UnLove S (UNLIGHT) [English] [Fuke] for this forum before being asked to change them, which I recommend you bleach your eyes after Googling
Nah, I see you doggy. I googled that shit and that girl looked like some "1000 year old dragon"


Cream sounds like a straight up :expert


  • Member
I'm shocked and appauled that you have an avatar from Very Specifc Manga, Episode 8, page 34, 2/3rds down the page in the left panel.  SHOCKED!  What kind of person reads such material?

Bitch motherfuckers


  • Haughty and a little naughty
  • Senior Member
Posting the source of an avatar is now "kind of doxxing"

 :picard :snoop


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member
Back off personal attacks

 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
  • Senior Member
Posting the source of an avatar is now "kind of doxxing"

 :picard :snoop
Somewhere Besada slammed down his mountain dew and shouted at his screen "See? I told you it was unsafe! UNSAFE!!"


  • Senior Member
You've become them'ing and they'ing grandfathers.

The terrible youth are going to grow up too, same as you have. Same as it always has. The sky is not falling, people.

Yeah yeah, but there's a big difference because back then i was young, angry and always right while the old people were just old and yelling at clouds. Now i'm old and wise and a bit jaded and cynical while the young ones are just clueless ranting fuckbois.

Totally different.

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
  • Senior Member
I do wonder what will become of Reset when they have to start monetizing .


  • Senior Member


  • Finish the Fight
  • Senior Member

well, that's new  :doge
He probably said he was going to do that in one of the Discords.  :doge

spoiler (click to show/hide)
The ship is leaking I'm getting inside information about their Discords


  • Winner of the Baited Award 2018
  • Senior Member

well, that's new  :doge

Wow Reseteratatrateratra mods doxxing their own forum's members.


Benji is a mod there now :ohhh


  • Senior Member
I love it how people just assume it's extra terrestrial because of the conditioning, and all the movies.

It's not extra terrestrial, it's inter dimensional.

The rabbit hole is really deep on this, and I frankly don't recommend messing with it. But it's not what you think.

You can always be skeptical, even when the thing is right in front of you, skepticism can be endless. You can even be skeptical about the color of the sky if you want. But in case that phenomenon isn't false, I'm 100% sure it originates right here on Earth, just on a different frequency.

 :hans1 :hans1 :hans1

Amazing thread.

A UFO sighting even made it to the BBC website recently. Fuck knows what it is. Maybe it is an interdimensional being like this guy says.  I reckon it is an inter-inter dimensional being chasing an interdimensional being, but the interdimensional being got away, and the inter-inter-dimensional being got spotted by a this-dimensional being.


  • Senior Member
User warned: gleefully endorsing personal attacks



  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
Ok, resetera's ridiculousness is accelerating at an alarming rate. There's no way this place doesn't implode within the year, it's not possible. How can these mods be so fucking stupid not to realize what Cream is?

I want Cream to go all the way. Be legend my guy, be fucking LEGEND.


  • Member
What if Cream is Malka, trying to sabotage RE by systematically shutting down all discussion types.


  • Senior Member
Law & Order: Gleeful Intent


  • Senior Member
Did Cream have to fully ditch the loli porn to keep his character?

Didnt even make sense to have them to begin with unless he was aiming to be a obvious troll and the mods are that incompetent to realize it because he is just parroting social studies talking points.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
User warned: gleefully endorsing personal attacks



  • Have You Ever
  • Senior Member
Ok, resetera's ridiculousness is accelerating at an alarming rate. There's no way this place doesn't implode within the year, it's not possible. How can these mods be so fucking stupid not to realize what Cream is?

I want Cream to go all the way. Be legend my guy, be fucking LEGEND.

While it might be nice wishful thinking, what does an implode like that look like?

There's no way they'd be lucky enough to have one or more admins outed as sexual predators, and due to the nature of the site they'd just be ousted and it'd get handed over to another admin or mod.  I don't think it's as much of a gaf ownership situation and it doesn't make money anyway.

I don't see an implode in their future.  I could see a long, slow whimper, as all the moderate/normal left people go quiet so as not to get banned or warned at every corner, and even the more passionate progressives start getting rubbed the wrong way over controversial bans.  Hemorrhaging traffic, at best.


  • Senior Member
This is the same community that looked the other way for Tyler's history, for mod abuse, and pedophelia, and the continued covering up of this information.  GAF really only died because the same old bad shit got brought up at the wrong time.


  • Senior Member
Why are you guys obsessed with certain users? :beli It's creepy. It's always been creepy.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
  • Senior Member
User warned: gleefully endorsing personal attacks


It's amazing how silly warnings have gotten


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
Has the ship sailed on me porentially becoming a YouTube tweener sensation? I’m so much better than the ones we’ve got. I would’ve at least put my balls on the corpse. My regular lazy day content would be, like my 36-year-old shirtless ass sitting on my futon as a gaggle of my selected tween fans frolicked around me in their underthings as I watch Forensic Files. NOTHING SEXUAL THOUGH.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
User warned: gleefully endorsing personal attacks



No receipts on ERA is policy now.
Sure it's well meaning but I'll wait and see how it is applied in practice.

it's been two months, how do you feel about this now, VomKriege


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
The whole "no receipts" thing clearly wasn't a real general policy, it was broken in the following week.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Has the ship sailed on me porentially becoming a YouTube tweener sensation? I’m so much better than the ones we’ve got. I would’ve at least put my balls on the corpse. My regular lazy day content would be, like my 36-year-old shirtless ass sitting on my futon as a gaggle of my selected tween fans frolicked around me in their underthings as I watch Forensic Files. NOTHING SEXUAL THOUGH.

Sounds more like an Ebaumsworld jawnt. I don’t know what they pay their superstars though.


  • Have You Ever
  • Senior Member
Why are you guys obsessed with certain users? :beli It's creepy. It's always been creepy.

Primarily when certain users make every discussion about themselves.  You got a thread like this dedicated to pointing and laughing at a certain site, and most of the laugh-worthy posts come from the same 5 or 6 people.


  • Senior Member

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
  • Senior Member
Why are you guys obsessed with certain users? :beli It's creepy. It's always been creepy.
When someone constantly calls attention to themselves and sets themselves up as an authority that cannot be questioned on a subject, you're surprised people look for said person to fail? You don't say! :gurl

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
  • Senior Member


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
  • Senior Member
Hey Cindi, I liked that write up you did on transgender people about using facts instead of identity.  You pointed out how mutations occur and shit like that.

Could you link it?

I was banned a month for "pushing boundaries" so it's hard for me to find. 

Bore Expert

  • Member
A month ban for pushing boundaries? How will you ever become a Resettlement Advisor with that on your record?


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
  • Senior Member
A month ban for pushing boundaries? How will you ever become a Resettlement Advisor with that on your record?

I don't care.  I play by my own rules.

I color outside the lines.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Senior Member
Has the ship sailed on me porentially becoming a YouTube tweener sensation? I’m so much better than the ones we’ve got. I would’ve at least put my balls on the corpse. My regular lazy day content would be, like my 36-year-old shirtless ass sitting on my futon as a gaggle of my selected tween fans frolicked around me in their underthings as I watch Forensic Files. NOTHING SEXUAL THOUGH.
I would sub just so you can read my inappropriate youtube comments 


  • Senior Member
Hey Cindi, I liked that write up you did on transgender people about using facts instead of identity.  You pointed out how mutations occur and shit like that.

Could you link it?

I was banned a month for "pushing boundaries" so it's hard for me to find.

My point was not to say that being trans is like those things, but merely to point out that by any metric, biology is bullshit. I mean, you've got dudes growing penises at 12 and women with vaginas but no uterus and xx chromosomes and shit. So saying trans women are not women because of "biology" literally makes no sense, because biology is wack and crazy as FUCK. Similarly, psychologists have come to the conclusion that trans people are not lying, and are not crazy for articulating our dysphoria. When you get down to it, saying the sex you have in your head is way different than what you see in the mirror is equally as crazy as the above examples, and I view being trans no differently: a medical condition that needs a cure.

I just wanted to say that because after my post I went to VOAT because those guys seem to like me for some reason and often get a lot of what I say wrong or they're triggered by me or whatever and it's a laugh. Some guy was saying, all while he misgendering me, that I was comparing rare birth defects to a mental illness. I think some people didn't get my point.

As for the post itself, you can find it here.

Hope this works because in my experience linking to reset posts doesn't work especially if you're signed out. It'll link to a post like 3 pages prior.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member

a massive doxxxing thread at work here. whoever is behind this sabrina person, oh man.


biology is bullshit.
oh for fuck sakes  :snoop


  • Senior Member
biology is bullshit.
oh for fuck sakes  :snoop

Read the rest of my post and the link attached. It isn't an Social Studies Warrior argument.

I'm sharpening my knife just in case you find any holes so my argument can be refined even further next time I see someone who doesn't have a science degree talking about "biology", as if they can count the chromosomes of some of the people I talk about.  :jawalrus


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
as if they can count the chromosomes of some of the people I talk about.  :jawalrus
You can easily tell when 'dat chic was a dude'

so please stop your crap.


  • Senior Member
You make the worse arguments. You have the intellectual depth of a hamster's stool. :crowdlaff  :girlaff Looks like I can put the knife back.



  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
You make the worse arguments. You have the intellectual depth of a hamster's stool. :crowdlaff
Because i don't want to argue with you about fucking biology which you clearly know nothing about. And just because you site some very rare cases of people having both chromosomes and being female, etc etc means absolutely FUCKING NOTHING in your argument.

There are abnormal occurrences in biology. It doesn't mean because you mentally think you're a female, but possess everything of a male
does not make 'biology' bullshit.

I'm a Puppy!

  • Knows the muffin man.
  • Senior Member
Fuck, are we still going on about this?


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
Cindi loves pulling everyone into her trans world again and again because she can't do it on reset because they don't accept her.

I dunno  :yeshrug  :shaq2


  • Senior Member
Now I really want a "Cindi's Trans World" 2D platformer.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I never *did* follow up on my Himuro Plinko easter egg...


  • Senior Member
I think you are taking "bullshit" literally. :girlaff So triggered.

And wuh woh. Mac was the one who brought it up to begin with. So triggered.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
Cindi, for a 'chic' you and some of those resettranseras sure do love to stay around heavily male dominated circles.   :huh


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
Himu: Do you have any sources that link the XXY/XXX or whatever mutations to the DNA level?

Because I think Assimilates point is: At the DNA level 99% of folks are going to be genetically assigned XY (male), and XX (female) chromosome designations and there is zilch you can do to change that designation as a transgender. And you can't really argue against that since 48, XXXX and 49, XXXX have health defects. Will/Could these people live normal lives? Yes, but are they transgender? That's where your line of thinking becomes somewhat messy.


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
  • Senior Member
Hey Cindi, I liked that write up you did on transgender people about using facts instead of identity.  You pointed out how mutations occur and shit like that.

Could you link it?

I was banned a month for "pushing boundaries" so it's hard for me to find.

My point was not to say that being trans is like those things, but merely to point out that by any metric, biology is bullshit. I mean, you've got dudes growing penises at 12 and women with vaginas but no uterus and xx chromosomes and shit. So saying trans women are not women because of "biology" literally makes no sense, because biology is wack and crazy as FUCK. Similarly, psychologists have come to the conclusion that trans people are not lying, and are not crazy for articulating our dysphoria. When you get down to it, saying the sex you have in your head is way different than what you see in the mirror is equally as crazy as the above examples, and I view being trans no differently: a medical condition that needs a cure.

I just wanted to say that because after my post I went to VOAT because those guys seem to like me for some reason and often get a lot of what I say wrong or they're triggered by me or whatever and it's a laugh. Some guy was saying, all while he misgendering me, that I was comparing rare birth defects to a mental illness. I think some people didn't get my point.

As for the post itself, you can find it here.

Hope this works because in my experience linking to reset posts doesn't work especially if you're signed out. It'll link to a post like 3 pages prior.

At least they like you.  They just call me a "unfunny cigarillo" who doesn't deserve to get banned.


  • Senior Member
Cindi, for a 'chic' you and some of those resettranseras sure do love to stay around heavily male dominated circles.   :huh

The fuck?


  • Senior Member
Himu: Do you have any sources that link the XXY/XXX or whatever mutations to the DNA level?

Because I think Assimilates point is: At the DNA level 99% of folks are going to be genetically assigned XY (male), and XX (female) chromosome designations and there is zilch you can do to change that designation as a transgender. And you can't really argue against that since 48, XXXX and 49, XXXX have health defects. Will/Could these people live normal lives? Yes, but are they transgender? That's where your line of thinking becomes somewhat messy.

I don't get your point. I literally said in my Reset link that trans women are genetically male.

Cindi, for a 'chic' you and some of those resettranseras sure do love to stay around heavily male dominated circles.   :huh

The fuck?


What circles would those be? Please enlighten me.


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
Himu: Do you have any sources that link the XXY/XXX or whatever mutations to the DNA level?

Because I think Assimilates point is: At the DNA level 99% of folks are going to be genetically assigned XY (male), and XX (female) chromosome designations and there is zilch you can do to change that designation as a transgender. And you can't really argue against that since 48, XXXX and 49, XXXX have health defects. Will/Could these people live normal lives? Yes, but are they transgender? That's where your line of thinking becomes somewhat messy.

I don't get your point. I literally said in my Reset link that trans women are genetically male.

Cindi, for a 'chic' you and some of those resettranseras sure do love to stay around heavily male dominated circles.   :huh

The fuck?


What circles would those be? Please enlighten me.

oh yeahh we just gonna pretend forums like reset and even the bore aren't tilted heavily male  :badass


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
I don't get your point. I literally said in my Reset link that trans women are genetically male.

My point (and by proxy Assimilates) is that at the genetic level those birth defects are not really transgender. Your "point 2 and 3" show that at the DNA level they'd be considered one sex, but they themselves (physically and mentally) see themselves as the opposite gender. Hence: It becomes "messy" with your line of thinking of separating the "biological"/DNA-level gender assignment. These sorts of XY mutations in female-designated/body image sort of dealies are rare that it's hard to consider them transgender.

Basically, what I'm getting at is: Biologically speaking: What do you consider transgender in these cases/in any cases?