Author Topic: The Other Forums Thread for 90's Kids ONLY  (Read 2194764 times)

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  • Senior Member
Half that mod team wishes they had some social cleavage.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
Half that mod team wishes they had some social cleavage.
User was warned for transphobia.

team filler

  • filler
  • filler


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
Oh god they're still debating Metacritic :snoop
I'll never understand this never ending losing battle to divine the collective "truth" of public favorability, as if the subconscious of the masses was an anus in which you just had to insert a thermometer like the box-office or review aggregator average.


  • Senior Member
(I'm graciously allowed by my editors to be an infrequent film critic because those editors like the way I explain how and why films make me feel the things I do. It doesn't really have anything to do with my ability to spot and/or explain away plot holes)

I'm not actually a doctor., but I do feel very strongly about diagnosis. 

Bore Expert

  • Member
Bobbo apologized for punching down. Is that even physically possible?



  • Senior Member
I love all the conspiracy theories about the metacritic score.


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
To be fair to those defending the films, some of those critics (at least those that get discussed on ERA) are incredibly trite. Apparently they've been debating for several dozens of pages and many days about Hyperspace Tracking or some shit ? That would be as asinine as overanalyzing the diet of Rocinante in Don Quixote to hold it as a major flaw to the story.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
I for one think political song parodies are a crucially underutilized in the modern political sphere. This is actually why Trump one: we need more political song parodies.

Here are some of my ideas. These ones are free.

Smash Mouth:
♪ SomeBODY once told me the Feds are gonna roll me, I ain’t the donor class so I’m dead ♪

Eddie Murphy:
♪ My girl wants to caucus all the time, caucus all the time, caucus all the time ♪

Justin Bieber:
♪ And I was like pay me, pay me, pay me, oooh, like pay me, pay me, pay me, oooh, pay me, pay me, pay me, oooh, for my overtime ♪

Michal Jackson
♪ Annie are you okay, are you okay, are you okay Annie, you’ve been hit by, you’ve been struck by, a smooth criminal ♪ (In this one the words are the same but it’s recontextualized to be about Annie’s access to healthcare)
from your friendly neighborhood Fireworker


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
  • Senior Member

Interesting how this guy wasn't banned a month(!) for "pushing the envelope."

Who was SweetNicole on GAF and why does she hate everyone?


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member

Interesting how this guy wasn't banned a month(!) for "pushing the envelope."

Who was SweetNicole on GAF and why does she hate everyone?

We've never always allowed discussion on that person.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
I for one think political song parodies are a crucially underutilized in the modern political sphere. This is actually why Trump one: we need more political song parodies.

Here are some of my ideas. These ones are free.

Smash Mouth:
♪ SomeBODY once told me the Feds are gonna roll me, I ain’t the donor class so I’m dead ♪

Eddie Murphy:
♪ My girl wants to caucus all the time, caucus all the time, caucus all the time ♪

Justin Bieber:
♪ And I was like pay me, pay me, pay me, oooh, like pay me, pay me, pay me, oooh, pay me, pay me, pay me, oooh, for my overtime ♪

Michal Jackson
♪ Annie are you okay, are you okay, are you okay Annie, you’ve been hit by, you’ve been struck by, a smooth criminal ♪ (In this one the words are the same but it’s recontextualized to be about Annie’s access to healthcare)
from your friendly neighborhood Fireworker
checks out:


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
I for one think political song parodies are a crucially underutilized in the modern political sphere. This is actually why Trump one: we need more political song parodies.
This line reminds me of my favorite Occupy story that I am physically unable to not reference whenever I am reminded of it:
A few years ago, Joe Therrien, a graduate of the NYC Teaching Fellows program, was working as a full-time drama teacher at a public elementary school in New York City. Frustrated by huge class sizes, sparse resources and a disorganized bureaucracy, he set off to the University of Connecticut to get an MFA in his passion—puppetry. Three years and $35,000 in student loans later, he emerged with degree in hand, and because puppeteers aren’t exactly in high demand, he went looking for work at his old school. The intervening years had been brutal to the city’s school budgets—down about 14 percent on average since 2007. A virtual hiring freeze has been in place since 2009 in most subject areas, arts included, and spending on art supplies in elementary schools crashed by 73 percent between 2006 and 2009. So even though Joe’s old principal was excited to have him back, she just couldn’t afford to hire a new full-time teacher.


At one of Arts and Culture’s meetings—held adjacent to 60 Wall Street, at a quieter public-private indoor park that’s also the atrium of Deutsche Bank—it dawned on Joe: “I have to build as many giant puppets as I can to help this thing out—people love puppets!” And so Occupy Wall Street’s Puppet Guild, one of about a dozen guilds under the Arts and Culture working group, was born.


  • Member
I wanted to make a thread but I'm not allowed to yet (Adopt-a-user thread is closed unfortunately), can I ask something here that didn't sit right with me regarding the movie? While we're on the topic of what we disliked about the movie.

...Was Finn sexually assaulted by Rose?

Like, okay, I get people might think its ridiculous (it's just a movie!) but on its face, the guy showed no interest in Rose in that way throughout the entire movie, maybe even the opposite. It was clear to me as a viewer it was a platonic relationship on his end. But she grabbed and kissed the dude without his consent. It's weird to me that it's gone so under the radar especially with such a spotlight being shown on unwanted advances. If it weren't Star Wars or maybe if it wasn't woman-on-man maybe it would be getting more attention? I don't know, I'd just like to hear some thoughts because to me it's something that at least deserves a conversation, and if this is too much of a derail someone could maybe make a thread on it and I'll be happy to delete my comment.
this is incredible


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
I actually looked the puppet guy up years later and ironically, IIRC, he and some other people he met through OWS found a niche market just over the border in CT (i.e. where lots of rich people who work in NYC live) to setup a drama/art school for all ages but with a focus on school age kids whose schools were having that same crunch mentioned in the first paragraph of the Nation article. While also providing themselves a place to perform their shows. Though they presented it the other way around.

Which reminded me of both the required art/drama classes I took in college where both instructors said the arts was their profession and teaching their hobby. And I was like, strike that, reverse it. (Especially after looking up their "studio"/etc.)


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
That puppeteer story reads like a prequel to Being John Malkovich.


  • Senior Member
To be fair to those defending the films, some of those critics (at least those that get discussed on ERA) are incredibly trite. Apparently they've been debating for several dozens of pages and many days about Hyperspace Tracking or some shit ? That would be as asinine as overanalyzing the diet of Rocinante in Don Quixote to hold it as a major flaw to the story.

I don't get too deep into nerdy detail. That also seems to be more of a Trek nerdom thing.

Someone had a decent post about how the concept isn't consistent in the same film. which is less a nerd science issue and more a writing issue. The purpose of the Hyperspace Tracking is to create narrative tension via a ticking clock. This is standard film writing stuff. However, when your film shows various people leaving and returning to the ship after hyperspace jumps, and sending messages while hyerspacing, then power of your tension building  starts to wear off because the masterful trick of your villian seems not so impressive.

To which people respond, "well it's all just silly fantasy so what does it matter?" Except consistent rule logic is a basic block of any world building fiction and if you don't do it then you don't pass the class. It's the same as inconsistent character behavior in story telling. You create an imaginary place that requires the moorinf of your audience in it via consistencies, even when you are asking them to buy into power, magic or science fiction they have no experience with. 

It's really just respecting how the brain works. Our brains don't shut off because we're flying in space in a X-Wing. They don't shut off when Luke lifts the X-Wing with this "force". They actually tally up the information and glitch up a bit when info conflicts.

We're told Santa is real and believe it. We then run into more Christmas stories, more Santa movies, and expereince more Christmas with families. We tally up information until we start to see information conflict and glitch up. The amount of leeway we give magic is inverse to the amount of information we have upon that magic.

I already regret typing this all out.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
(I'm graciously allowed by my editors to be an infrequent film critic because those editors like the way I explain how and why films make me feel the things I do. It doesn't really have anything to do with my ability to spot and/or explain away plot holes)

I'm not actually a doctor., but I do feel very strongly about diagnosis.

But what about Diagnosis: Murder? :thinking


  • Haughty and a little naughty
  • Senior Member
I for one think political song parodies are a crucially underutilized in the modern political sphere. This is actually why Trump one: we need more political song parodies.

Here are some of my ideas. These ones are free.

Smash Mouth:
♪ SomeBODY once told me the Feds are gonna roll me, I ain’t the donor class so I’m dead ♪

Eddie Murphy:
♪ My girl wants to caucus all the time, caucus all the time, caucus all the time ♪

Justin Bieber:
♪ And I was like pay me, pay me, pay me, oooh, like pay me, pay me, pay me, oooh, pay me, pay me, pay me, oooh, for my overtime ♪

Michal Jackson
♪ Annie are you okay, are you okay, are you okay Annie, you’ve been hit by, you’ve been struck by, a smooth criminal ♪ (In this one the words are the same but it’s recontextualized to be about Annie’s access to healthcare)
from your friendly neighborhood Fireworker

Is this what punching up looks like? Oh boy, oh boy


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
To be fair to those defending the films, some of those critics (at least those that get discussed on ERA) are incredibly trite. Apparently they've been debating for several dozens of pages and many days about Hyperspace Tracking or some shit ? That would be as asinine as overanalyzing the diet of Rocinante in Don Quixote to hold it as a major flaw to the story.

I don't get too deep into nerdy detail. That also seems to be more of a Trek nerdom thing.

Someone had a decent post about how the concept isn't consistent in the same film. which is less a nerd science issue and more a writing issue. The purpose of the Hyperspace Tracking is to create narrative tension via a ticking clock. This is standard film writing stuff. However, when your film shows various people leaving and returning to the ship after hyperspace jumps, and sending messages while hyerspacing, then power of your tension building  starts to wear off because the masterful trick of your villian seems not so impressive.

To which people respond, "well it's all just silly fantasy so what does it matter?" Except consistent rule logic is a basic block of any world building fiction and if you don't do it then you don't pass the class. It's the same as inconsistent character behavior in story telling. You create an imaginary place that requires the moorinf of your audience in it via consistencies, even when you are asking them to buy into power, magic or science fiction they have no experience with.

Sure, I get that. I'm not above getting hung up on those details in a story either or being turned off a film for a small misstep. Glancing lazily over Era threads however, it did feel a lot of it devolved to the level of pointless pedantic nagging about the lore's internal consistency, a favorite pasttime of geek fandoms. Though it's probably the format of forum populated by many thousands who is at fault here.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
the funny part is "Smooth Criminal" is literal in its lyrics, it's about a woman being violently attacked...but he made it about access to healthcare, something vague by definition


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Annie, are you okay?
Will you tell us that you're okay?
There's a sound at the window
Then he struck you — a crescendo, Annie
He came into your apartment
Left the bloodstains on the carpet
And then you ran into the bedroom
You were struck down
It was your doom


So they came into the outway
It was Sunday, what a black day
Every time I tried to find him
He's leaving no clues, left behind him
And they have no way of knowing
Of the suspect or what to expect
Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
Sounding heartbeats, intimidations


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
even funnier is that he labeled it "Michal Jackson" when it's a cover of an Alien Ant Farm song


  • Do the moron
  • Senior Member
You can dislike it all you want and it's only a bad movie in your opinion. It's a great one in mine and many many others. It's also critically acclaimed



  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal

Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal (Official Video)
I know a lot about the law and various other lawyerings. I'm well educated. Well versed. I know that situations like this, this confirms the transfer of the copyright.


  • The Smooth Canadian
  • Icon

Interesting how this guy wasn't banned a month(!) for "pushing the envelope."

Who was SweetNicole on GAF and why does she hate everyone?

We've never always allowed discussion on that person.

What person?


  • Senior Member
I'm going to pretend that those parody lyrics posts are fake and a product of the fever I have right now.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
  • Senior Member
He couldn't even just leave it at one, no, it was clear to him that he struck some real gold here



  • Defender of Centrist Scum
  • Senior Member
I for one think political song parodies are a crucially underutilized in the modern political sphere. This is actually why Trump one: we need more political song parodies.

Here are some of my ideas. These ones are free.

Smash Mouth:
♪ SomeBODY once told me the Feds are gonna roll me, I ain’t the donor class so I’m dead ♪

Eddie Murphy:
♪ My girl wants to caucus all the time, caucus all the time, caucus all the time ♪

Justin Bieber:
♪ And I was like pay me, pay me, pay me, oooh, like pay me, pay me, pay me, oooh, pay me, pay me, pay me, oooh, for my overtime ♪

Michal Jackson
♪ Annie are you okay, are you okay, are you okay Annie, you’ve been hit by, you’ve been struck by, a smooth criminal ♪ (In this one the words are the same but it’s recontextualized to be about Annie’s access to healthcare)
from your friendly neighborhood Fireworker

Where does this shit come from?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
I my more pessimistic moments, I worry we're just another 1968 away from a new Civil War :(


  • Senior Member
How is someone are well off and successful as Boogie still so fat? The man has all the resources in the world to lose weight and yet still loses the likelihood he will ever see 40 every day. How has he not lost weight? idgi.

if resetera had likes what would it look like

I was disappointed that they didn't have them but now I'm glad they don't. What if my trans related comments had lots of likes and the people who liked the posts were then targeted by staff for agreeing with my seemingly transphobic viewpoints? I'd say for a forum like Reset Era they're probably not the best idea.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
How is someone are well off and successful as Boogie still so fat? The man has all the resources in the world to lose weight and yet still loses the likelihood he will ever see 40 every day. How has he not lost weight? idgi.
He had or was going to have gastric bypass at some point I think. He was over 600 pounds and had already lost over a hundred pounds. His goal according to an old reddit post I found is to hit 300 after the surgery.

A girl I knew in college dropped from 450 to 180 after the surgery.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
How is someone are well off and successful as Boogie still so fat? The man has all the resources in the world to lose weight and yet still loses the likelihood he will ever see 40 every day. How has he not lost weight? idgi.

Boogies is hardly the only fat but also rich person...


  • Senior Member
Sure, but still.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
That episode I watched of my 600 pound life or whatever it's called, where the woman for her "baths" would get hosed off on their front porch, her doctor said they wouldn't even perform the surgery unless a person already dropped below a certain weight and the total drop was a % of their highest weight.

So even if Boogie was scheduled for it (his video announcing it is from last summer), he may not have hit the standards yet.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
oh wait, guess he had it (also according to his videos from this week, he's apparently getting divorced)

video from before:
spoiler (click to show/hide)

video from this november:

i'm down 110 pounds, lost 7.5 inches from my waist line
Williams suffered from morbid obesity, weighing 587 lbs (266 kg) at his heaviest ... as of December 2017, Williams dropped down to 403 lbs (182 kg)

edit: his divorce related video from a couple weeks ago, he's really lost a lot of weight since even his prior update:
spoiler (click to show/hide)

edit2: oh, here's from last week...he's doing a white supremacist symbol in the freeze frame:
« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 10:56:41 PM by benjipwns »


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
for demi:


  • Now bringing you *Zen*
  • Senior Member
a post liked by a junior and a post liked by a resettlement advisor clearly should not be treated as equally liked

warnings and bans would also lower the value of a posters likes
Let's make something abundantly clear.

The staff was unequivocably opposed to the idea of having junior and regular member statuses because it introduced arbitrary and unnecessary social cleavage into the community. Its only purpose was to give regular members a free ad-hominem attack. Its removal was lauded for that very reason. It was an utterly brilliant decision, made by staff who love and care about their community and want everyone to be valued equally. And they made another brilliant decision, too. Their community is precious and fragile in the face of a dangerous internet. The staff was unequivocably opposed to the idea of the most important members' opinions, the very pillars of the community that keep the place the way it is, from being lost in a sea of voices, so they decided it was necessary to separate a few voices from the rest of everyone else. This lets anyone, at a glance, figure out who in a conversation is more likely to be disingenuous. Its addition was lauded for that very reason. It was an utterly brilliant decision, made by staff who love and care about their community and wanted to show these people that they especially valued them going through all the difficult work of starting a discord channel and being in the right place at the right time.

Keep up the good work.
Hahahaaha you're such a moron.

you never got punched in the fucking mouth.....


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
How is someone are well off and successful as Boogie still so fat? The man has all the resources in the world to lose weight and yet still loses the likelihood he will ever see 40 every day.
July 24, 1974 (age 43)



  • Senior Member
Oh wow. He's 43? :kobeyuck I'm glad he's losing weight then.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Subscribers   4.4 million
(December 30, 2017)
Popular vote   62,984,825   


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
  • Senior Member
How are you kids dealing with Trump?

My friends' daughter was groped last year by an older boy on the playground, who said it was ok to do it because Trump was elected. She was in kindergarten.

-My stepdaughter, let's call her Sally, is 8 years old. My wife was explaining to her that people aren't allowed to touch her without her permission, especially in her private areas, and she explained what those areas were. Sally hesitates for a moment and then says "I heard somewhere that's what Trump does." My wife then had to explain how yes, that was probably true, but that there is someone gathering evidence to make sure Trump gets punished for it; they just can't prove it yet so they can't do anything to him.

-While getting ready for bed, my wife asked Sally if she has a nemesis. Rather than say it out loud, she grabs my wife's phone, opens up a texting program, and types "Trump" in it.

 :comeon :cmonson Sure Jan.

But, to be fair, my sis-in-law does "parent teacher" duty in first grade twice a week and she say that kids really do talk about Trump and how much they don't like him.  She lives in San Diego and they weren't allowed to mention Santa but those stories above still reek of "and his name was Albert Einstein."



  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
my kid just tweets mindless anger at Trump's account, or at least he did before his forum empire imploded around him and he bailed on forums/twitter

alternative version: or at least he did until that whole child porn arrest and free urine donation thing


  • Member
Can ERA's staff just drop all pretence of serving as a platform for "civil discourse" and publish a list of things the mods hate or want to dog pile on. Make it so before the mod team implodes from internal contradictions please.   

What on earth is a Resettlement Advisor? A suck up to mods from the previous regime?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Can ERA's staff just drop all pretence of serving as a platform for "civil discourse" and publish a list of things the mods hate or want to dog pile on.
Seriously? Sigh...they shouldn't have to explain it to you. It's really getting tiring.


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
  • Senior Member

DP post

« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 11:24:12 PM by clothedmacuser »


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
  • Senior Member
Can ERA's staff just drop all pretence of serving as a platform for "civil discourse" and publish a list of things the mods hate or want to dog pile on. Make it so before the mod team implodes from internal contradictions please.   

What on earth is a Resettlement Advisor? A suck up to mods from the previous regime?

It was explained.

Let's make something abundantly clear.

The staff was unequivocably opposed to the idea of having junior and regular member statuses because it introduced arbitrary and unnecessary social cleavage into the community. Its only purpose was to give regular members a free ad-hominem attack. Its removal was lauded for that very reason. It was an utterly brilliant decision, made by staff who love and care about their community and want everyone to be valued equally. And they made another brilliant decision, too. Their community is precious and fragile in the face of a dangerous internet. The staff was unequivocably opposed to the idea of the most important members' opinions, the very pillars of the community that keep the place the way it is, from being lost in a sea of voices, so they decided it was necessary to separate a few voices from the rest of everyone else. This lets anyone, at a glance, figure out who in a conversation is more likely to be disingenuous. Its addition was lauded for that very reason. It was an utterly brilliant decision, made by staff who love and care about their community and wanted to show these people that they especially valued them going through all the difficult work of starting a discord channel and being in the right place at the right time.

Keep up the good work.

It's not the Animal Farm of GAF anymore.  It's more like Brave New World.  Some people are simply given higher positions because they are more able and better at it.


  • Senior Member
Can ERA's staff just drop all pretence of serving as a platform for "civil discourse" and publish a list of things the mods hate or want to dog pile on. Make it so before the mod team implodes from internal contradictions please.   

What on earth is a Resettlement Advisor? A suck up to mods from the previous regime?

Now Closing this thread due to toxicity


  • Have You Ever
  • Senior Member
How is someone are well off and successful as Boogie still so fat? The man has all the resources in the world to lose weight and yet still loses the likelihood he will ever see 40 every day. How has he not lost weight? idgi.
He had or was going to have gastric bypass at some point I think. He was over 600 pounds and had already lost over a hundred pounds. His goal according to an old reddit post I found is to hit 300 after the surgery.

A girl I knew in college dropped from 450 to 180 after the surgery.
There was also a video where he explained that years ago things got so bad that he developed huge necrotic holes in his legs and nearly lost them, and was septic, and now due to those complications he's in a struggle for the rest of his life just to keep his legs.  He has to do stuff like spend at least 10 hours every day with them elevated.  The doctor told him if you don't have these amputated you will have these issues forever and hate your life.

I imagine it's kinda hard to exercise with problems like those, though obviously still problems of his own making.

Let's Cyber

  • Banned (duration pending)
  • Senior Member
[RETRACTED] could have easily slid into a mod spot had he signed up a few months earlier, they handed them out to all the most prolific (which usually coincided with worst) off-topic posters. Instead he shows up late to the party and is going all scorched earth over a Disney children's movie.

He'll be lucky to even be a Community Resettler at this rate. How the mighty Lore Expert has fallen.



  • Senior Member
a post liked by a junior and a post liked by a resettlement advisor clearly should not be treated as equally liked

warnings and bans would also lower the value of a posters likes
Let's make something abundantly clear.

The staff was unequivocably opposed to the idea of having junior and regular member statuses because it introduced arbitrary and unnecessary social cleavage into the community. Its only purpose was to give regular members a free ad-hominem attack. Its removal was lauded for that very reason. It was an utterly brilliant decision, made by staff who love and care about their community and want everyone to be valued equally. And they made another brilliant decision, too. Their community is precious and fragile in the face of a dangerous internet. The staff was unequivocably opposed to the idea of the most important members' opinions, the very pillars of the community that keep the place the way it is, from being lost in a sea of voices, so they decided it was necessary to separate a few voices from the rest of everyone else. This lets anyone, at a glance, figure out who in a conversation is more likely to be disingenuous. Its addition was lauded for that very reason. It was an utterly brilliant decision, made by staff who love and care about their community and wanted to show these people that they especially valued them going through all the difficult work of starting a discord channel and being in the right place at the right time.

Keep up the good work.

User was warned for making posts in bad faith regarding Voices That Need To Be Heard™


  • Senior Member
I'd like to see the reaction to devilman crybaby from morrigan Stark and the like on era :lol


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
 NeoGAF will be going down to perform a major system update on January 6th, 2018, at approximately 6 PM EST (23:00 GMT).


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
  • Senior Member
NeoGAF will be going down to perform a major system update on January 6th, 2018, at approximately 6 PM EST (23:00 GMT).

As sure as things are finally over for Hillary this time, it seems like Tyler is finally bringing this Resetera sham to an end. The Update will be signal the completion of his magnum opus. The Statement was just a prelude.


  • Senior Member
I almost got in an accident taking this photo on the interstate. Hope you know I'm thinking of you Ronito

seagrams hotsauce

  • Senior Member
That would have been a super weak gag to die for


  • Senior Member
an appropriate legacy for me


  • Senior Member

All the SW threads are gold now.

Uh oh

All the talk about misogyny when in comes to TFA because people were calling Rey a Mary Sue. She is a Mary Sue. These people are trying so hard to not see it.