Author Topic: The Other Forums Thread for 90's Kids ONLY  (Read 2192253 times)

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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15060 on: February 09, 2018, 11:21:14 PM »
So the Nolan thread is going to be derailed because: GAMERGATE!!!!!

That medium article dared to have this

While Gamergate is complex, it is not impenetrably so. You can understand them and their movement, but it takes time and effort and not many are willing to offer these precious commodities. Had more people done so at the beginning of Gamergate way back in August of 2014, we would not still be talking about it today.

ElBoxyBrown need to have a gif.


We are back again to "Harassement doesnt need a victim"  :doge

Oh it's clear that Wu was opportunistic here. But I specifically said in my post that I have issues with Wu. And even without Wu's role in this story, I've known about Atari's culture already, it's documented. There's a fun episode of The Dollop about it, getting into the history of Pong and how Bushnell didn't copyright the game so people were making ripoffs left and right. But the episode also gets into the cocaine culture of the company, and the 'party atmosphere'. So it's not a fabricated story by any stretch. It's just how we choose to interpret it. I consider those anecdotes provided to be classic examples of abusing a power dynamic and boss-employee relationship.

« Last Edit: February 09, 2018, 11:30:53 PM by Boredfrom »


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15061 on: February 09, 2018, 11:24:29 PM »
That reminds me, shout-out to IrishNinja for including a reference to how the recent rise in fascism started with Gamergate.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15063 on: February 09, 2018, 11:27:31 PM »
This is only tangentially related to Wu's clear political ambitions, but it might be easier to start a MeToo in gaming by exploring the past, because if you try to investigate it in current companies, you'll have a lot of the same issues that led to the MeToo movement, which is to say: women not speaking about their experiences, in fear of being blackballed. We already know the gaming industry has a major problem, as NONE of the major developers/publishers said Gamergate by name during the height of the movement. So it's a tough hill to climb.

So this is a witch hunt.

team filler

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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15064 on: February 09, 2018, 11:27:39 PM »
So am I to get this straight:

Bobby signs up for RE, makes about 100 posts a day, finds out being an asshole to everyone doesn't work as well with warning buttons, so he gets warned and banned. He then briefly comes back to complain and be more of an asshole, then gets called out for being an asshole by multiple people while talking about how TOXIC and WHITE MALE the RE user base is, which causes him to pout and leave for a few weeks. He briefly returns once more to, believe it or not, be an asshole, then leaves the site again. Now he's complaining about it on Twitter?

What an asshole.
That's the beak of it.

Great Rumbler

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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15066 on: February 09, 2018, 11:38:24 PM »
Gamergate gets proven right

Bobby is alone on his twitter account

GAF has less traffic than voat

Reset is purple drank


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15067 on: February 09, 2018, 11:46:40 PM »
Gamergate gets proven right

Bobby is alone on his twitter account

GAF has less traffic than voat

Reset is purple drank

Of what?

Of being incompetent and dumb enough to lose the PR battle with people like Brianna Wu?

That said...

Yeah, ultimately this is the problem. No one is discounting that a lot of people were likely okay with the culture of Atari at the time (and if it benefited them, I'm fairly certain they were probably even happy about it). The idea that everyone was ok with things like being solicited by their boss is absurd


"Harassement doesnt need a victim"


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15068 on: February 09, 2018, 11:48:45 PM »
that you realize it was just a PR battle with a liar like Wu means they win


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15069 on: February 09, 2018, 11:54:36 PM »
that you realize it was just a PR battle with a liar like Wu means they win

Not because of them, The fact that people still derail discussions with the sole mention of them should tell you how ineffective it was.

What a big win, being perpetually labelled as harassers even by people that dislike Social Studies Warriors.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15070 on: February 10, 2018, 12:09:43 AM »
But they don't really believe it was harassers

Right now, a lot of people are going along with stuff they truly don't believe. It's the nature of our hysteria, but once that cloud of mental static passes, then the sky will clear, clarity will trickle in and people will confess they just went along with the bullshit.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15071 on: February 10, 2018, 12:10:05 AM »
Gamergate is lame, but Reee (and GAF before them) made them out to be some sorta super insidious woman raping cult when in reality it's just a bunch of lame twitter/reddit fuckheads arguing on the internet, with the occasional rando taking it too far.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15072 on: February 10, 2018, 12:17:22 AM »
But they don't really believe it was harassers

Right now, a lot of people are going along with stuff they truly don't believe. It's the nature of our hysteria, but once that cloud of mental static passes, then the sky will clear, clarity will trickle in and people will confess they just went along with the bullshit.

Who? Even people in this forum will just call them bunch of harassers and take people like Wu at face value. The fact that there were actual harassers and GG tendency to appeal the yellow right wing press makes them easier to ignore or believe they are a fascist sex cult.

And, even if people learn about some of the shady shit that antiGG did, I bet you they still will hate the fuck off of Gamergate (like me)


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15074 on: February 10, 2018, 12:17:52 AM »

And that's what I mean. People realize the accusation was bullshit. That the people attacking GG were jackasses.

This is after years of media sources trashing it, name dropping it, and trying to bury it. But by the act of continually bringing it up out of nowhere, they draw continued attention to it that only leads normal people to question their honesty and intentions.

You spend years calling gamer nerds the third reich, eventually everyone else realizes it was only nerds recognizing these lunatics as lunatics faster than the rest.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15076 on: February 10, 2018, 12:20:17 AM »

And that's what I mean. People realize the accusation was bullshit. That the people attacking GG were jackasses.

This is after years of media sources trashing it, name dropping it, and trying to bury it. But by the act of continually bringing it up out of nowhere, they draw continued attention to it that only leads normal people to question their honesty and intentions.

You spend years calling gamer nerds the third reich, eventually everyone else realizes it was only nerds recognizing these lunatics as lunatics faster than the rest.

Here is the thing, Etiolate:

Gamergate are also a bunch of jackasses.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15077 on: February 10, 2018, 12:21:00 AM »
But they don't really believe it was harassers

Right now, a lot of people are going along with stuff they truly don't believe. It's the nature of our hysteria, but once that cloud of mental static passes, then the sky will clear, clarity will trickle in and people will confess they just went along with the bullshit.

Who? Even people in this forum will just call them bunch of harassers and take people like Wu at face value. The fact that there were actual harassers and GG tendency to appeal the yellow right wing press makes them easier to ignore or believe they are a fascist sex cult.

And, even if people learn about some of the shady shit that antiGG did, I bet you they still will hate the fuck off of Gamergate (like me)

The second sentence in my post is key.

They say harasser, but they don't truly believe it. It takes too much energy to keep that lie going inside yourself to continue it forever. Eventually, they just shrug and say yah it was all bullshit we went along with.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15078 on: February 10, 2018, 12:31:21 AM »



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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15079 on: February 10, 2018, 12:31:21 AM »
Bobby did delete that tweet after I linked it here. 👀

The first reply, with no top comment now:

Huh, you're right. It was something like "Well, now I know why I'm not on reddit" or whatever.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15080 on: February 10, 2018, 12:34:00 AM »
MattWilsonCSS said:
Gamergate still exists and it is still active. I think the game industry HAS abusers in it, not that it's FULL OF abusers. We already know of Brad Wardell who is still around and still an ass. We also know if the harassment at IGN, the harassment from Polygon's Nick Robinson. If you want to pretend that this doesn't exist in the industry just because people haven't been outed yet, that's your call.

As far as turning a blind eye, Nintendo did not stick up for Allison Rapp when she was targetted by Gamergate. They fired her and left her to the wolves. They may have had to make a move based on the moonlighting thing that was revealed from the doxxing, but the way they went about it was so wrong. They were silent during the harassment, let her go, then let out a whimpering burp of a response that wouldn't even name Gamergate.

For god sake, Alison Rapp moonlighted as a prostitute while having a old thesis were she defends child pornography. They are not a charity taking care of stupid people.



  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15081 on: February 10, 2018, 12:36:13 AM »
Wait, did you edit Stufte out as a copy-paste fail, or did he actually say that? :doge


And that's what I mean. People realize the accusation was bullshit. That the people attacking GG were jackasses.

This is after years of media sources trashing it, name dropping it, and trying to bury it. But by the act of continually bringing it up out of nowhere, they draw continued attention to it that only leads normal people to question their honesty and intentions.

You spend years calling gamer nerds the third reich, eventually everyone else realizes it was only nerds recognizing these lunatics as lunatics faster than the rest.

Both sides are shit. Congrats, there's your middle of the road answer.

GamerGate are harassers. They are the shitty side of nerd culture because they don't understand why people would view them as assholes.

Rapp, Wu, Anita, et. al. are shit reporters/women/journalists/whatever you want to call them where 9/10 of the time they're seeking attention and got it by baiting the moronic GamerGate crowd that couldn't see that if they fucking ignored the girls, the girls would've flamed out within a month. Now they are able to claim harassment 24/7 and the stupid fucks continue feeding their harassment claims as if that'll stop them.

The whole thing is shit. What are you trying to prove with this? Why can't you be like Magus if you truly believe in GamerGate and fuck off to the ether?


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15082 on: February 10, 2018, 12:37:11 AM »
So the point of gamer gate was that sjws are dumb?  :comeon


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15083 on: February 10, 2018, 12:37:48 AM »
what is that idiot yammering on about in regards to Brad Wardell?


edit: i should link


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15084 on: February 10, 2018, 12:39:01 AM »
Wait, did you edit Stufte out as a copy-paste fail, or did he actually say that? :doge

Copy paste fail.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15085 on: February 10, 2018, 12:44:31 AM »
Wait, did you edit Stufte out as a copy-paste fail, or did he actually say that? :doge


And that's what I mean. People realize the accusation was bullshit. That the people attacking GG were jackasses.

This is after years of media sources trashing it, name dropping it, and trying to bury it. But by the act of continually bringing it up out of nowhere, they draw continued attention to it that only leads normal people to question their honesty and intentions.

You spend years calling gamer nerds the third reich, eventually everyone else realizes it was only nerds recognizing these lunatics as lunatics faster than the rest.

Both sides are shit. Congrats, there's your middle of the road answer.

GamerGate are harassers. They are the shitty side of nerd culture because they don't understand why people would view them as assholes.

Rapp, Wu, Anita, et. al. are shit reporters/women/journalists/whatever you want to call them where 9/10 of the time they're seeking attention and got it by baiting the moronic GamerGate crowd that couldn't see that if they fucking ignored the girls, the girls would've flamed out within a month. Now they are able to claim harassment 24/7 and the stupid fucks continue feeding their harassment claims as if that'll stop them.

The whole thing is shit. What are you trying to prove with this? Why can't you be like Magus if you truly believe in GamerGate and fuck off to the ether?

You don't believe this. You know its not true. You can go to KiA right now and know its not true. You know its the press that gave those fakes attention.

And this is fatherly advice, if you keep up that lie for no reason then it will be of no good to you. There's no reason to keep up that nonsense.

There is a pattern. An investment/reward system. As a popular lie starts, the reward for going on with the lie is high and the effort to continue the lie is small. As time passes, the effort investment and the social reward go in opposite directions. Eventually, the lie is far more taxing than the social reward. Just ditch the lie.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15086 on: February 10, 2018, 12:52:20 AM »
KiA is full of bitchbabies, but if it's supposed to be representative of what Reee thinks gamergate is... well it's doing a poor job of "coordinated, targeted harassment"



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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15087 on: February 10, 2018, 12:57:57 AM »
Wait, did you edit Stufte out as a copy-paste fail, or did he actually say that? :doge


And that's what I mean. People realize the accusation was bullshit. That the people attacking GG were jackasses.

This is after years of media sources trashing it, name dropping it, and trying to bury it. But by the act of continually bringing it up out of nowhere, they draw continued attention to it that only leads normal people to question their honesty and intentions.

You spend years calling gamer nerds the third reich, eventually everyone else realizes it was only nerds recognizing these lunatics as lunatics faster than the rest.

Both sides are shit. Congrats, there's your middle of the road answer.

GamerGate are harassers. They are the shitty side of nerd culture because they don't understand why people would view them as assholes.

Rapp, Wu, Anita, et. al. are shit reporters/women/journalists/whatever you want to call them where 9/10 of the time they're seeking attention and got it by baiting the moronic GamerGate crowd that couldn't see that if they fucking ignored the girls, the girls would've flamed out within a month. Now they are able to claim harassment 24/7 and the stupid fucks continue feeding their harassment claims as if that'll stop them.

The whole thing is shit. What are you trying to prove with this? Why can't you be like Magus if you truly believe in GamerGate and fuck off to the ether?

You don't believe this.

lol, there are entire chat logs documented of KiA strategizing, screenshot of death threats, etc. Anyone who browsed 4chan knew what happened under the scene before GG became mainstream anyway. Of course KiA claims"they are fake" or "not true gatos", but your distinguished mentally-challenged movement is entirely anonymous and uncoordinated, there is no such a thing as a "true gator".

Go to Kia

>Black Panther thread
>Milo thread
>Another black panther thread
>Comic book thread
>ANOTHER black panther thread
>#Metoo thread by C. Hoffman

E-ethics of game j-jounalism? 


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15088 on: February 10, 2018, 12:59:48 AM »
banana, why do you come here when you know I will melt you like a birthday candle?


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15089 on: February 10, 2018, 01:02:21 AM »
banana, why do you come here when you know I will melt you like a birthday candle?
Epic, upvoted.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15090 on: February 10, 2018, 01:02:51 AM »
Last post I'll make on this, because it's pretty off topic now, but it was because she was an outspoken woman on social media, and Gamergate needed a target for their ire in the wake of both Tokyo Mirage Sessions' mild censorship and Fates' editing. Rapp had nothing to do with the censorship, she was in marketing. The harassment had gone on for months before the doxxing found her moonlighting and her VERY dubious thesis and accompanying tweets. She would post compilations of the kind of harassment she was getting, and Nintendo would continue to do and say nothing.

Like I'm not a fan of her whole viewpoints on child exploitation in media, it's a bit distressing. They could get her out because of her old tweets and moonlighting. What really bothered me most is that a woman employee at Nintendo was being harassed for months and Nintendo did nothing. Honestly, I think it will happen again. Something will get editted in the next Fire Emblem game for Switch, and there will be a new scapegoat, and they'll be harassed, and based on what happened to Rapp, they'll probably get no support from their company.

Yeah, ask the corporation to defend a low level employee in stupid internet fights involving prostitution and child pornography.

Stop being a dishonest asshole,

Brianna Wu pulled some dumb shit, Gamergate will probably use this as an excuse to harass her even more. Neither action absolves the other but I don't see how this justifies Gamergate and their bullshit in anyway.


Dude, she is running for congress with a platform only based on "I got harassed by GG". You dont even now half of the shit she pulled while being "harassed". There is a reason why Resetera doesnt like her.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15091 on: February 10, 2018, 01:04:21 AM »
Last post I'll make on this, because it's pretty off topic now, but it was because she was an outspoken woman on social media, and Gamergate needed a target for their ire in the wake of both Tokyo Mirage Sessions' mild censorship and Fates' editing. Rapp had nothing to do with the censorship, she was in marketing. The harassment had gone on for months before the doxxing found her moonlighting and her VERY dubious thesis and accompanying tweets. She would post compilations of the kind of harassment she was getting, and Nintendo would continue to do and say nothing.

Like I'm not a fan of her whole viewpoints on child exploitation in media, it's a bit distressing. They could get her out because of her old tweets and moonlighting. What really bothered me most is that a woman employee at Nintendo was being harassed for months and Nintendo did nothing. Honestly, I think it will happen again. Something will get editted in the next Fire Emblem game for Switch, and there will be a new scapegoat, and they'll be harassed, and based on what happened to Rapp, they'll probably get no support from their company.

Yeah, ask the corporation to defend a low level employee in stupid internet fights involving prostitution and child pornography.

Stop being a dishonest asshole,

I've noped out of that thread for a while, I don't wanna give anyone there the impression that I at all support GG, because I don't want to get doxxed (again).


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15092 on: February 10, 2018, 01:07:07 AM »
Whatever though, I'm off to get high and play monster hunter like a REAL gamer. BYE LOSERS!  :doge


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15093 on: February 10, 2018, 01:09:16 AM »
Last post I'll make on this, because it's pretty off topic now, but it was because she was an outspoken woman on social media, and Gamergate needed a target for their ire in the wake of both Tokyo Mirage Sessions' mild censorship and Fates' editing. Rapp had nothing to do with the censorship, she was in marketing. The harassment had gone on for months before the doxxing found her moonlighting and her VERY dubious thesis and accompanying tweets. She would post compilations of the kind of harassment she was getting, and Nintendo would continue to do and say nothing.

Like I'm not a fan of her whole viewpoints on child exploitation in media, it's a bit distressing. They could get her out because of her old tweets and moonlighting. What really bothered me most is that a woman employee at Nintendo was being harassed for months and Nintendo did nothing. Honestly, I think it will happen again. Something will get editted in the next Fire Emblem game for Switch, and there will be a new scapegoat, and they'll be harassed, and based on what happened to Rapp, they'll probably get no support from their company.

Yeah, ask the corporation to defend a low level employee in stupid internet fights involving prostitution and child pornography.

Stop being a dishonest asshole,

I've noped out of that thread for a while, I don't wanna give anyone there the impression that I at all support GG, because I don't want to get doxxed (again).

You should at least tell that MattMatusalen dude that he should not silence women.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15094 on: February 10, 2018, 01:10:04 AM »
When did etiolate become an anime villain?

When did you start to passive aggressively liking anti-etiolate posts like a coward?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
I know, I know, shut the fuck up already.

spoiler (click to show/hide)


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15095 on: February 10, 2018, 01:13:06 AM »
As for what you tried as a retort:

the chat  logs are of a chat room that Zoe was a part of and predate KiA. It's actually just Zoe and one of her net circles making fun of Zoe. If you think thats awful then you have to all send me to the United Nations for testimony.  There are no screens of real gg death threats. The FBI. The fuckign F B I, had to waste time and energy investigating these Gamergate claims and found a few SA forum posters sending copy/pasta to Anita. It was trolling. The internet is full of jackasses. If you special fellow out on the net, expect them to come for you. It reflects nothing on gaming or what gets called gamergate. it is human behavior, as is talentless hacks crying wolf.

You listed KiA topics. None about attacking women. Nothing like that. Just a cycle of current news. It's as if the GG community moved on to other things and the other side is left with lying about an old man for congressional votes. Because they have nothing on their resume but playing victim.

Take my advice. Nobody cares you lied in the past. They should, but they don't. You're not important. You went along with bullshit for the ease of it. Stop lying, laugh at yourself and laugh at Wu. You're all too tiny to be held account.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15096 on: February 10, 2018, 01:24:49 AM »
Wait, did you edit Stufte out as a copy-paste fail, or did he actually say that? :doge


And that's what I mean. People realize the accusation was bullshit. That the people attacking GG were jackasses.

This is after years of media sources trashing it, name dropping it, and trying to bury it. But by the act of continually bringing it up out of nowhere, they draw continued attention to it that only leads normal people to question their honesty and intentions.

You spend years calling gamer nerds the third reich, eventually everyone else realizes it was only nerds recognizing these lunatics as lunatics faster than the rest.

Both sides are shit. Congrats, there's your middle of the road answer.

GamerGate are harassers. They are the shitty side of nerd culture because they don't understand why people would view them as assholes.

Rapp, Wu, Anita, et. al. are shit reporters/women/journalists/whatever you want to call them where 9/10 of the time they're seeking attention and got it by baiting the moronic GamerGate crowd that couldn't see that if they fucking ignored the girls, the girls would've flamed out within a month. Now they are able to claim harassment 24/7 and the stupid fucks continue feeding their harassment claims as if that'll stop them.

The whole thing is shit. What are you trying to prove with this? Why can't you be like Magus if you truly believe in GamerGate and fuck off to the ether?

You don't believe this. You know its not true. You can go to KiA right now and know its not true. You know its the press that gave those fakes attention.

And this is fatherly advice, if you keep up that lie for no reason then it will be of no good to you. There's no reason to keep up that nonsense.

There is a pattern. An investment/reward system. As a popular lie starts, the reward for going on with the lie is high and the effort to continue the lie is small. As time passes, the effort investment and the social reward go in opposite directions. Eventually, the lie is far more taxing than the social reward. Just ditch the lie.

Yes it is true. There is numerous postings from women being harassed by men (that aren't employees in Tech or Video Games) because "they're attacking muh loli pedo games and we can't have that!" The underlined bit is so "false flag! CRISIS ACTOR!" Up-Your-InfoWars-Ass that me bothering to reply to you about this isn't really worth my while because I know I won't change your mind.

It does not fucking matter one bit what KiA is right this very fucking minute since at the start of GG: 8chan, 4chan (but m00t booted them to 8chan), KiA and some other shitty subreddit did harass women. You can't sweep that under the rug with the "false flag!" reasoning. If you're going to do that, you're just as bad as Hillary/co. thinking Russia alone is what sunk her "slam-dunk victory!"

Again: If you truly believe what you're writing, go fuck off like Magus and save us from this bullshit mental gymnastics to try to prove GG was "right" about anything beyond Anita and crew being shitstirrers that got fame (off their dumbasses).


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15097 on: February 10, 2018, 01:28:34 AM »

you are entering sunk cost fallacy territory

You just compared a bunch of twitter accounts  to InfoWar crisis actors conspiracies.

Think about that.


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15098 on: February 10, 2018, 01:32:49 AM »
You just compared a bunch of twitter accounts  to InfoWar crisis actors conspiracies.

I'm comparing a bunch of twitter accounts because you're going "Oh, but they aren't harassing now! that surely proves my point about them not being harassers right!"

Which totally fucking ignores that "GamerGaters" (who can't be pegged as "real" or not, hence Crisis actor conspiracies for your logic of trying to say there weren't harassers) did harass women. It was far more than Antia, Wu, and what's-her-face/3 women. All women that spoke-up or so much as said "I don't agree with this mentality that you want to push because I don't think it's good" were harassed.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15099 on: February 10, 2018, 01:35:04 AM »
As for what you tried as a retort:

the chat  logs are of a chat room that Zoe was a part of and predate KiA. It's actually just Zoe and one of her net circles making fun of Zoe.

Oh, so that's the narrative nowadays? I thought it was GG and the bad ones were just trolls. The narrative (I know you love that word!) keeps shifting.

If you special fellow out on the net, expect them to come for you. It reflects nothing on gaming or what gets called gamergate. it is human behavior, as is talentless hacks crying wolf.
Ok, so death threads did happen? How did you know they weren't from gators. Because you claim so? Are you seriously suggesting everyone involved with GG didn't send anything to Anita and co.?  Weird given they write wikias with their infos, special fellow about them for years, make edits like this:

But actual threats? Lordy, no!

It's as if the GG community moved on to other things and the other side is left with lying about an old man for congressional votes. Because they have nothing on their resume but playing victim.
So GG is not about game journalism? I wonder why they are so focused on stuff like Black Panther, though...  :doge

Take my advice. Nobody cares you lied in the past. They should, but they don't. You're not important. You went along with bullshit for the ease of it. Stop lying, laugh at yourself and laugh at Wu. You're all too tiny to be held account.
I can laugh at Wu while laugh at muh ethics of jounalism and muh sjw from /pol/tard trying to push regressive politics in medias.

(Image removed from quote.)
Funny, I think GG is one of the most easily offended groups of them all. I mean, for a group of people who claim stuff like "it's just a gaaaaameeeeee", they sure love to special fellow about random shitty blogs for hours and days.

Are you going to make a KiA thread about how mean we were to you and how the bore is full of Sexy Japanese Warriors, by the way?


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15100 on: February 10, 2018, 01:37:25 AM »
Anyone can be harassed. Technically, this forum harasses me every fucking day. Depite taking Warith out and having a sit-down, I don't complain about it much in comparison to the vitriol I get.

Because I don't pretend to not understand the internet when its beneficial to me.

You are making claims that you don;t' know to be true. Stop being a kid. Grow up. You are investing heavily into a lie that has no more social reward. Nobody cares if you don't carry the flag against Gamergate anymore.

I am urging you to give up the lie because this path of dishonesty goes straight to insanity.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15101 on: February 10, 2018, 01:43:08 AM »
I wonder how many people are being crazy off the deep end with "social justice" Because they think they need to in order to fit in or not get banned? I know that's what I did when I first joined GAF. Most of my shitting on GTAV was that. With ResetEra I've dropped all pretense, it's probably why I've been warned and banned for being "aggressive" and "wishing violence on politicians".
This makes sense. I noticed you going from a normal person to a complete moonchild. (I always recognized you cause I liked the Daniel Jackson avatar)


  • Lieutenant colonel, 26th Hate Machine battalion
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15102 on: February 10, 2018, 01:43:24 AM »
Yes it is true. There is numerous postings from women being harassed by men (that aren't employees in Tech or Video Games) because "they're attacking muh loli pedo games and we can't have that!" The underlined bit is so "false flag! CRISIS ACTOR!" Up-Your-InfoWars-Ass that me bothering to reply to you about this isn't really worth my while because I know I won't change your mind.

It does not fucking matter one bit what KiA is right this very fucking minute since at the start of GG: 8chan, 4chan (but m00t booted them to 8chan), KiA and some other shitty subreddit did harass women. You can't sweep that under the rug with the "false flag!" reasoning. If you're going to do that, you're just as bad as Hillary/co. thinking Russia alone is what sunk her "slam-dunk victory!"

Again: If you truly believe what you're writing, go fuck off like Magus and save us from this bullshit mental gymnastics to try to prove GG was "right" about anything beyond Anita and crew being shitstirrers that got fame (off their dumbasses).

Goddamn, you're one intellectually dishonest mofo. Someone after the Jordan Peterson interview checked death threats and harassment on the twitter accounts (iirc) of both Peterson and Cathy Newman. He found more harassment and way more death threats against Peterson than Newman. You know why the media didn't cover this and only whined about poor Cathy's harassment? Because Peterson isn't a poor. defenseless. FEMALE. victim. Plus, you know, Peterson isn't on their side and he isn't absolutely pathetic so he never whined about it to score sympathy points.

The fact is that people from gamergate have been doxxed, lost their jobs, received death threats, harassed and so on. The fact is that people like you are being intentionally obtuse about the reality of both sides having assholes that do this stuff. It could even be argued that the SJ W side has many more of these assholes but it's ignored because your precious corporate media don't cover the harassment.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2018, 02:11:35 AM by Optimus »


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15103 on: February 10, 2018, 01:43:38 AM »
Are you going to make a KiA thread about how mean we were to you and how the bore is full of Sexy Japanese Warriors, by the way?

Laughing Banana, you are not much better than him.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15104 on: February 10, 2018, 01:51:24 AM »
Optimus is right. The Peterson harassment narrative is the same exact dishonest playbook.

By this time, too many people recognize the lie. My advice is

Mr. Nobody

  • Groovy.
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15105 on: February 10, 2018, 02:12:34 AM »
Gamergate in 2018


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15106 on: February 10, 2018, 02:19:59 AM »
STOP FIGHTING! People need to look for reasons to love each other, not hate each other.



  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15107 on: February 10, 2018, 02:22:57 AM »


  • Laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine -LB
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15108 on: February 10, 2018, 02:26:18 AM »

(Image removed from quote.)

Which of the Neogaf scab mods do you think he is?


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15109 on: February 10, 2018, 02:29:43 AM »

(Image removed from quote.)

Which of the Neogaf scab mods do you think he is?

What if Youngblood was Thug1 all along?  :mindblown

What if Youngblood was Benji's sock puppet account, that malevolent fuck.


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15110 on: February 10, 2018, 02:48:01 AM »
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Is Bobby a friend?


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15111 on: February 10, 2018, 02:52:43 AM »
Love ya TIMU <3


  • Senior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15112 on: February 10, 2018, 02:53:03 AM »
If you can consider a tumorous ass wart a friend, I guess


  • Finish the Fight
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15113 on: February 10, 2018, 05:57:47 AM »
Wu: "Gaming culture is toxic and I can't take it anymore!!"

People: "So what you gonna do?"

Wu: "I'm gonna run for Congress"

"Welcome miss Wu, how about we give this lady a big Washington welcome guys! But remember no harassing right? Am I right"

"Did you see that Alex?" "Gay Frogs Roger?" "No, we've got a new commie to troll"

What does she think is going to happen when she enters politics?

"I hate to drive, therefore I'm going to be a truck driver"



  • Junior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15114 on: February 10, 2018, 06:58:23 AM »
Part of my wants to see Wu in congress if only because then Pelosi would finally lose her title as the most batshit insane democratic congresswoman in the country.


  • 🙈🙉🙊
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15115 on: February 10, 2018, 07:31:18 AM »
What are you trying to prove with this?
That his own view on it is the only correct one. You're just too dumb or brainwashed to see it, kiddo.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15116 on: February 10, 2018, 07:43:52 AM »
So am I to get this straight:

Bobby signs up for RE, makes about 100 posts a day, finds out being an asshole to everyone doesn't work as well with warning buttons, so he gets warned and banned. He then briefly comes back to complain and be more of an asshole, then gets called out for being an asshole by multiple people while talking about how TOXIC and WHITE MALE the RE user base is, which causes him to pout and leave for a few weeks. He briefly returns once more to, believe it or not, be an asshole, then leaves the site again. Now he's complaining about it on Twitter?

What an asshole.

You forgot the part where he went through his post history and replaced 90% of them with a period   :lol


  • Junior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15117 on: February 10, 2018, 07:49:46 AM »
Part of my wants to see Wu in congress if only because then Pelosi would finally lose her title as the most batshit insane democratic congresswoman in the country.

Pelosi is a bog standard Democrat who is good at whipping up votes.

Hot Slice

  • Junior Member
Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15118 on: February 10, 2018, 08:10:03 AM »
I still can’t believe my friend is running for Congress. Such a surprising, at least to me, number of “gamers” running for Congress. I wonder what will end up happening this fall. Only thing I know is that I’m staying it of it. Wonder how online gaming communities in general will react if people do/don’t get elected who a part of those communities. I guess we will have to see what happens.


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Re: The Other Forums Gentlemen's Thread for Refined Discussion of Uncouth Behavior
« Reply #15119 on: February 10, 2018, 08:23:38 AM »
Part of my wants to see Wu in congress if only because then Pelosi would finally lose her title as the most batshit insane democratic congresswoman in the country.
How is she batshit insane?

She's the best Speaker of my lifetime. As much as I hate laying unknowable motives on people the hatred of Pelosi has always seemed super sexist to me.