I am not completely in the loop with things, but I will say that, (and though I don’t feel I need to say it, yet seems to be necessary to be said to some listeners) especiallly as a minority, within a minority, within a minority, and as a politically independent person with no party affiliation, it really frustrates me when people, in real life or online, let parties, peers, trends, personal preferences, and politics form a close-minded, binary system of either acceptance or hate. In real life, too many times have I seen people hated simply because they don’t fit the “standards”, for lack of better term.
Are people in general now so weak that they can’t accept any deviation from an arbritary standard? What’s gonna happen when wold war 3 happens? Will allies be a thing any more since people tend to not be able to set aside differences for a common good or goal anymore?
Like, some people are so blind that they don’t see what’s in front of them. Here’s an IRL example from me. I still am furious at the maddening fact that local democrats here in my town, along with major groups of privileged queers, actually celebrated in the streets and failed to realize they actually LEGALIZED discrimination against queers to the most vulnerable and unprivileged queers and youth in my city. It’s like only I, and a few from the ACLU saw what a step backwards and how damaging it was.
Doesn’t matter what the topics at hand are: only a sith deals in absolutes.
Or maybe I’m just getting bitter and old. Who knows?
Yeah, I might be old.