Author Topic: Eternal: Official Thread of this game is better than Hearthstone  (Read 1057 times)

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Human Snorenado

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Eternal: Official Thread of this game is better than Hearthstone
« on: February 28, 2018, 03:37:34 PM »
Game has been around for a couple years now and is still "technically" in open beta but has 3 sets out and is really polished and pretty well balanced, especially in comparison (COUGH HEARTHSTONE COUGH)

It was developed by a bunch of M:tG pro players/hall of famers (LSV, Chapin, Conley Woods, etc) and it shows in the general quality of the product and innovation in design. The game is on Steam, and also available for phones/tablets on iOS and android. Runs just fine on my 2016 Pixel XL. Complexity wise it sits comfortably in between Hearthstone and Magic- you get to play "fast spells" which are basically instants if you're familiar with Magic lingo. You can build decks with cards from whatever "color" or "faction" you want unlike Hearthstone.

There are a bunch of different game modes- a main campaign where you play through a deck in each of the "colors" to familiarize yourself with the game and mechanics, then one overly scripted dumb game after that that has story implications if you're one of those weird fuckers that cares about lore in games like these. Fucking nerdlings. There's also Gauntlet where you grind against a series of 7 AI opponents with a better prize payout. There's Forge, which is like Arena in Hearthstone but against AI opponents but fuck that cause you don't wanna play that, you wanna play Draft, which is against human opponents. There's also constructed casual and ranked play. You get a free pack of whatever the most recent expansion is for your first constructed win against a non-AI opponent each day.

Let's talk cost: it's F2P with microtransactions just like all of these fucking games. However, I would contend that this game is a lot more F2P friendly than most. As usual, you'll get all sorts of free shit thrown at you early on as you're playing through the main campaign and then start exploring the various other game modes. Packs come at you early and often for completing in game quests and achievements. Just like Hearthstone, there's a couple different in game currencies: you get gold for pretty much everything and you can use it on drafting, which will net you 4 packs that you use to draft with. You get to keep all of the cards you build your deck out of, AND there's pretty generous prizes in the draft too. The game pays out regular, bronze, silver, gold, and diamond chests with increasingly better prizes in each. You also have a random 10% chance to upgrade to the next level of chest when claiming prizes. You can also buy gems to use as entry fees to drafts, buy packs, etc.

And yeah, there's no trading between players but you can craft shit just like in Hearthstone. Cards salvage into "shiftstone" which can be used to craft whatever you're looking for. There ARE some cards that are only available in two separate "campaigns" that you have to either shell out a lot of gold for, or some gems. But there's not a lot of them and they're mostly not used in tournament decks if that's what you're looking to do.

Anyway, that covers the main points of the game. It is better than Hearthstone in every conceivable way unless you're just one of those fucking subhumans that loves Warcraft shit, in which case I'ma pray for you.

Here's a video showing some gauntlet gameplay and a general overview of shit:

official site:
some strategy sites or whatever, fuck I dunno: and

Human Snorenado

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Re: Eternal: Official Thread of this game is better than Hearthstone
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2018, 04:15:26 PM »
Here's a good article for noobs:

If you wanna fuck around with the game and don't wanna put any money into it, here's what I'd recommend: play through the main campaign and get all your prizes n shit. Wait to open up all of those packs, you greedy asshole. When you're done with that what you're gonna wanna do is open everything up and salvage ALL the rares from the campaign decks AND packs except for I think maybe you get 1 Pyroknight in the red deck. Save that if you do. Otherwise, dust it all.

Next, you're gonna craft a Rakano gauntlet grinder deck. You'll have a lot of the shit in it already. You can start out SUPER budget and the deck will still roll face. Something like this to start if you want and DON'T want to salvage your completely useless trash rares like some sort of collector asshole:

This version of the deck literally has no rares in it and will wreck the gauntlet pretty reliably for a while. Play dudes, kill their dudes, attack with your dudes, benefit from the Warcry mechanic. Simple.

If you wanna sink some shiftstone into it and craft some useful rares, this is a good next step that you can probably afford:

There are some changes I'd make but this is a good list. I'm not in love with Fearless Nomad but whatever. I don't know why the fuck you only play two Rakano Outlaw, that card is the tits.

Here's what I use to grind the Gauntlet and play Ranked matches:;1-13:4;1-16:4;1-8:4;1-314:4;1-139:4;1-20:4;1-143:3;1-26:3;1-315:2;3-122:4;1-151:4;3-254:4;1-510:2;1-1:6;1-126:6;1-425:4;1-422:1;1-427:4;0-56:4;



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Re: Eternal: Official Thread of this game is better than Hearthstone
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2018, 11:51:01 PM »
I've been playing super casually since like Janurary on my phone if I have time available to spend (and Pokemon side-loading has an update since Google Play HATES letting me update something that "isn't compatible with your device", ANYWAY...) but I haven't seen any guides on gaining Gold. I know you get some from Puzzles. But is that it PvAI side? I want to get the campaigns, but I'm not sure of how to gain them.

Human Snorenado

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Re: Eternal: Official Thread of this game is better than Hearthstone
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2018, 03:56:45 PM »
You can grind gold on the gauntlet, and by doing your daily quests and stuff. If you get master rank on the gauntlet tho it becomes harder. I recommend this budget Rakano deck that I linked above for gauntlet grinding.