People predicting the demise of baseball seem to forget that there will always be new old people.
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Quote from: samfish on March 19, 2018, 11:10:28 PM's posting delicious thick booty and samfish goes and posts a stick figure asian chic spoiler (click to show/hide)I don’t know what a thot is :'([close]
i dont follow any thot instas. i'll link some kinda titillating posts from my feed for u thirsty dogs.
Thot: noun, Slang: Disparaging and Offensive. 1. a woman considered to be sexually provocative or promiscuous; a slut or whore. Origin of thot. acronym for t(hat) h(o) o(ver) t(here) ; see ho3.
i dont wanna discourage legit thot posting tho. would follow if you could hide who you're following, and disable ur activity feed.
Also where are the male thots Do they not exist?
Times are tough down under gotta earn dem $ pics of quietID(Image removed from quote.)(Image removed from quote.)(Image removed from quote.)
^^ ?
spoiler (click to show/hide)I don’t know what a thot is :'([close]
does it make me king homo if i confess that these absolutely do my head in?shit's fucking bleak.
never said i didn't like. that's some real fedora tipping shit from assimilate above. dude has a ridiculous body but his face is like peak butterface, his hair is disgusting, and his voice sounds like someone strangling cats
this thread rules
The only stalker with good taste, so far, is Agrajag.