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  • Defender of Centrist Scum
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Quote from: Frank O'Connor, Franchise Development Director for the Halo franchise at 343 Industries
I defer to established experts on method and conclusion, although I find the philosophy of Skepticism interesting on its own merits) and have already declared a complete lack of credentials - I'm an

This man has a tumor in his brain.  Somebody warn him!


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Master Chief (not of the Covenant) John Spartan (named after the historic enemy of Athens, but not Persia who was an enemy of the collective Greek city states) enters. Cortana turns "seashells, toxic masculinity construct awaits." John Spartan rockets into the air. A Halo is infinite.

The End.


  • おっぱいは命、尻は故郷
  • Global Moderator
Very good summary of why RE is REEEEEEEEEE from Resetera's favorite host, Joe Rogan:



  • Live Más
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is it cause they don't workout and take dmt?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Quote from: Frank O'Connor, Franchise Development Director for the Halo franchise at 343 Industries
There's a lot of great and relevant moral teaching in the new testament and other books - but you're not going to find proof in a book. If faith doesn't lead you to believe outside of evidence then you should come to terms with that and there's nothing wrong with following a moral code you believe in (and can rationally justify) while ignoring the supernatural aspects. Maybe God will find you? Some folks find spiritual or transcendent comfort through art or science or cosmology and so on.

Edit. That sounded way more hippy and edgelord than I intended it to

he makes 20 posts a day on, almost zero of them about Halo or even games except for today when somebody picked up on something he tweeted...this is the weirdest midlife crisis I've seen, except that he's gotta be older than that by now


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
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An Auntie Maxine? Is that a euphemism?
Milquetoast politicians who push a rather non-revolutionary ideology of choice are often branded as Auntie, Abuela, Momma etc.  as a means for wypipo to get the minorities to pretend they are following a charismatic leader.
damn dude you really are latino


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
At least he's loaded?
someone needs to get the gun away from him then, safety first


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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I wish I could monetize Halo twitter comments that don't contain any information. The I could buy that crazy Sony short throw projector.

For context, it was the usual rinse repeat thread about how there's only one "true" flavor of Halo, and I was doing my continuing reminder that consensus is not decided by folks agreeing on one twitter thread in that conversation - and because it's Twitter, I almost always have to over explain that position to prevent people taking it out of context and trying to infer meaning or conclusions from. It's either that or remain completely aloof from conversations about the game that I find illuminating and essential to doing my job. In this one in particular, I also noted that even if you used math to poll every single Halo conversation ever, and average out what the game being discussed would look like, feature by feature, setting by setting, tune by tune, you would end up with an "objective" game that likely wouldn't match a single person's "subjective" view of what it should be.

I can tell you without even reading the thread, that there's no meaningful indications from me in it other than the bland and unsurprising revelation that I am currently enjoying our MP playstests. UnlessI get donged on, obviously.

Maybe there's an opportunity here for a meta-thread, about this response. Mods, can I get ad revenue share? Because I will say crazier stuff on twitter for sure.

Cauliflower Of Love

  • I found my bearings, they were in the race
  • Senior Member
if i could fly i'd go to the fucking moon, what kind of stupid fucking question is that?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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oh look, shosta's favorite:
Quote from: Hobbes
Hopefully this game doesn't have another MCC launch, and hopefully the majority of reviews won't come from fucking press events.


  • Senior Member
A reasonable take
My hopefully-reasonable take is that murdering a man in his sleep and stealing his possessions, certainly valued at way over a felony amount with the Ford F150 thrown in, to give to another person results in a life sentence.

The extenuating circumstances of her being a sex trafficked juvenile at the mercy of her pimp should/would commute that life sentence to a term much shorter. 14 years likely being more than justified at this point.

Her apparently being a model prisoner and having shown a positive rehabilitation by getting her GED and a degree shows that she should be given a chance at life as an adult that she wasn’t afforded as a child.

Followed by typical REEEEE

*16 year old girl, a CHILD SEX SLAVE, repeatedly raped, drugged, assaulted, forced into sex work, again, A CHILD SEX SLAVE, finds herself in a room with a fucking pedophile whos showing off his massive gun collection and feels threatened because, once again, she is a CHILD SEX SLAVE and has no way to defend herself if he decides to rape/murder her (I mean it's already rape because you know CHILD SEX SLAVE but you know what I mean) so kills him, a pedophile*

y'all motherfuckers: but what about the PEDO's life smdh

Era really hates women and it's not even subtle l m f a o


How did we forget about Persephone in the WOTY Poster discussions?  :stahp

We all slept on this one, really underappreciated.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
these are probably better for shosta:
Quote from: Hobbes
I love when OP says American's have terrible chants but compares it to Football fan's chants as if Football is massively popular here.

Go to a hockey game OP, you'll see chants for days.
Quote from: Hobbes
Just a reminder that a mate of mine went from using a tool that's considered a hack to take pictures of Battlefield to working at DICE in their media department.

Use photo tools, people. Even they're considered hacks.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
How did we forget about Persephone in the WOTY Poster discussions?  :stahp

We all slept on this one, really underappreciated.
for starting the "era's women problem" thread she probably should win Era's Woman of the Year, yes

hopefully this post combined with that child sex slave freak out indicates something as good is coming:
Mmm can't wait to run out of both antidepressents and birth control which regulates my insanely heavy periods. Because depression, anxiety, OCD and bad PMS is sure to be a winning combo.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
these are probably better for shosta:

If he's the senior editor, what are the junior editors like?  :doge


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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MP1st Staff

Alex Co wanted to write about games for a living ever since he picked up his first gaming magazine way back then. The stars aligned or just by dumb luck, that became reality. Now, Alex is the co-owner of MP1st and living the dream with his wife and two daughters while swearing loudly in every multplayer match.

Managing Editor
Writer of Articles, Maker of Videos, and Topper of Leaderboards. Currently attempting to conquer Westeros.

Senior Staff Writer
Den Kovacs joined MP1st in 2013 as a writer and continues to publish news and reviews for the site, even after a brief hiatus from MP1st in 2016. He is known for his cram-it-down-your-throat tweets, his stellar writing ability when it comes to video games, and his die-hard conviction for ethics in the games industry.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
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his die-hard conviction for ethics in the games industry.
:drudge GATOR ALERT :drudge


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
lol they reviewed four games in all of 2018: Battlefield V, Black Ops, Spider-Man and Monster Hunter World, three of which were by Alex Co


  • Dumbass Monkey
  • Senior Member
its not the quantity, its the ethicisizm


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Like the war the game is based on, Battlefield V was met with incredible backlash and skepticism when it was announced earlier this year. Unlike its predecessor that took the FPS genre and the series to a new and virtually unexplored era, Battlefield V was heading back home to its World War 2 roots, and the expectations on DICE were massive.

“Historical accuracy,” and “Historical authenticity,” became the battle cry of a community that expected something DICE hadn’t even promised. Thread after thread, comment after comment, everywhere Battlefield V was, so were the people angriest about its direction. They said the game would fail. They rallied around its supposed low pre-order numbers. They relished in the outrage that many of them would probably denounce if it were some other subject. It seemed to plenty of people that the ones criticizing the game forgot that it is just that — a game. But is Battlefield V a good one?

Since Battlefield 1, DICE has opted out of its cliché, and disastrous single-player campaigns of past Battlefield titles (They sucked, and that’s a fact) and have decided its far more entertaining and relevant to tell the stories you don’t hear about in documentaries, TV shows, and movies. These War Stories, as DICE calls them, tell the tales of incredible feats by the underdogs, and in Battlefield V, it’s no different.

DICE does a beautiful job of executing high action and emotion in an anthology-esque single-player campaign. With excellent voice acting and mo-cap, I felt like I was watching an HBO series produced by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg. That’s not to say it’s the best single-player portion of a shooter of all time, but it is the best single-player portion of any Battlefield game to date. Quick side tip for those who hate playing the single-player of a game mainly focused on multiplayer: You can unlock unique weapons by completing those chapters.

Let’s get to the bread and butter of this review – The Multiplayer. After spending 10 hours of gunning down Nazis, hearing the agony of being shot, the cries for a medic, and being wowed by the locations this game goes to, I have to say upfront that this is the best Battlefield multiplayer since Battlefield 3. DICE took what Battlefield 1 did right, but gave it that addicting “I want to play this game until the sun comes back up,” feeling that only Battlefield 3 had. You might ask yourself how this can be, and I’m surprised by my feelings myself.

This is coming from someone who has had a love-hate relationship franchise ever since Battlefield 3 launched. I spent a lot of time praising the game, and it’s what pushed me to join Battlefieldo as a staff writer because I loved it so much way back in 2013. But then Battlefield 4 came out. It was a disaster. I despised my colleagues in the press for rating the game so good because they played it as a press event instead of a live setting, so their review didn’t reflect at all the broken state the game was in and stayed in for six months.

So as someone who has been branded as an “extremely negative hater” by some in the community, I think it’s incredible that DICE has finally created a Battlefield title that has restocked the adrenaline I get when playing the multiplayer.
Battlefield V keeps the same formula as previous titles with four classes that players can choose from; Assault, Medic, Support, and Recon. Some might say it’s a tired formula, that you can’t teach an old class new tricks, but DICE makes the game so they don’t care what some might say, because they’ve revamped these classes to not only better suit the game’s setting, but to also improve the quality of life of players when they choose those classes.
What About Muh Historical Accuracy?

Probably the most controversial bit of Battlefield V is the customization in the game because you can customize just about anything (except vehicles which will come post-launch), including gender and race; a surprise, to be sure, but a one that’s welcomed by some (including me). Many in the community loathe this change because they expected the game to be historically accurate in looks, but I’m incredibly happy that DICE have stepped away from believing that only their majority male audience needs to be catered to. Women, people of color, and more have made it apparent that they are players too, and that representation in a historically fictional piece of entertainment is important. That last part is essential for some readers to understand because it gives context and reasoning to why DICE has gone this direction. This isn’t a period piece, it’s a video game and needs to be treated like one.

DICE thinks the same way because the character customization I mentioned before is beyond what I imagined. Overcoats, masks, helmets, and… Characters? Yes, characters. You can choose from a wide range of characters to play as in the multiplayer, all from different races and genders.
One of, if not the biggest, issues I have with this game is the fact that DICE has once again failed to launch Battlefield with features it has announced before launch and features expected to be included with the game by default. What are these features? Vehicle customization, a rental server program for community managed servers, body dragging soldiers, iconic locations and battles like D-Day and Operation Market Garden, the rest of the main factions that fought in World War 2 like the Americans, French, Japanese, and Russians. These things coming post-launch is not only annoying but pure madness for a game literally about a war that the entire world was fighting in.

EA and DICE’s decision to run with a games-as-a-service model has been questionable. Vague information floats around to what it even is, if it’ll also include any of those factions, and if the game will last more than three years. Communication from the company has improved incredibly over the past few years, but it is still falling short.

DICE’s Battlefield V sets a new bar for World War 2 shooters by having an incredible arsenal of maps, player customization, weapons, and gameplay features new to the series, despite its shortcomings in many areas players would expect to see on launch day.

Score: 8.5/10

Fantastic gunplay
Map and sound design are incredible
Grand Operations is the best new game mode DICE have introduced to the series
Class changes give players more freedom to play how they want
A vast amount of great customization

Fortifications aren’t good
Vehicles seem like an afterthought, aren’t powerful enough
Lack of iconic locations, battles, and factions

Battlefield 5 review copy provided by publisher. You can read MP1st’s review and scoring policy right here. All credit for the headline goes to iRAWRasaurus of ResetEra and their excellent OT which can be found here.

Writer - News
Den writes the news and does so with style. You can email your inquiries, comments, concerns, and questions to


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
i can't stop thinking about that first sentence


  • Senior Member
Like the war the game is based on, Battlefield V was met with incredible backlash and skepticism when it was announced earlier this year.



  • Senior Member
It really is a work of art, yeah


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
"Another war? But they said the last one was the war to end all wars? Total ripoff! And Germany vs. France/Britain AGAIN?!? Think of something new already!"


  • Senior Member
We are pleased to announce World War 2 coming later this year


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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"What's next? The Germans taking a shortcut through the Low Countries again?"


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
You have to be a genius to come up with something like that.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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"And we aren't even getting an Eastern Front at launch?!?!? WTF!"


  • Senior Member
This one's missing features the first one had. Where's my chemical warfare?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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"Bet the American expansion pack comes last this time too."


  • Senior Member
And of course powercreep is gonna make them overpowered, throwing off the balance


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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"Wow, the French campaign is waaaay shorter than last time. So lazy."


  • Senior Member
Lol a bomb that destroys an entire city in one go, are you serious? I'm done with this series.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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"The British campaign involves just sitting on the Isles getting bombed for 4/5ths of the war wtf"


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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"You probably won't even be able to find anyone still playing on the old maps by the time the Soviet DLC comes out."


  • Senior Member

"What is this sjw crap? Guess realism doesn't matter any more to the devs"


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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"Can't wait for JordanN's AI mod so the African forces play more accurately."


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
This is too much for me to swallow down


  • Senior Member
Half the time you're just playing that stupid code-deciphering mini-game


  • GunOn™! Apply directly to forehead!
  • Senior Member
I love you both. Please don't stop.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Established in 2011 by David Viselka and Fahed Jaradat, MP1st’s focus on multiplayer quickly allowed it to carve its own niche among the litter of gaming sites on the internet.

Fast forward to today, and MP1st is still fragging, dominating and taking names! With the acquisition of the MP1st brand by gaming media veterans, Alex Co and Mack Ashworth, and uniting it with the Pixel Enemy brand that has been around since 2010, MP1st is expected to be the #1 source when it comes to multiplayer gaming news, reviews, features, videos and more!

Of course, multiplayer gaming can’t be accomplished without enemies to frag, or teammates to play with; and this is the heart of MP1st: camaraderie, competitiveness, community spirit and sense of togetherness. Regardless if you’re a shooter fan, someone who’s been playing fighting games since the ’90s, or a MOBA freak; as long as you enjoy playing with others, MP1st is the perfect destination for you.

Multiplayer gaming is here to stay and is already a big part of most peoples’ lives. If it’s something you’re as passionate about as we are, you’ve come to the right place.

These are their reviews since Fall's almost like a parody site:
Call of Duty: AW
Halo: MCC
BF: Hardline
Mortal Kombat X
Gears of War: Ultimate
Halo 5
Call of Duty: Black Ops III
Star Wars: Battlefront
Rainbow Six: Siege
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2
The Division
Battlefield 1
Titanfall 2
Madden NFL 18
Gran Turismo Sport
Call of Duty WWII
Rocket League: Switch Edition
Star Wars: Battlefront II
Monster Hunter World
Marvel's Spider-Man
Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII
Battlefield V


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
"omg the American campaign is just a bunch of ship based combat for the first half"


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
"why would you ever land in Northern France after fighting up the Italian Peninsula? who wrote the script for this shit?!?"


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
"I bet there isn't even a final mission in the Japan campaign, probably just ends after two fancy cutscenes."


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Call of Duty 2 actually kinda has that ending. You do a terrible, easy mission where you take out a tank and then it shows a cutscene where everyone goes "war is over! we're going home!" and CREDITS.


  • Teach by day, Sleep by night
  • Senior Member
Wait, Stinkles is an actual game developer, not a fake one like stufte? Wild.


  • Senior Member
Quit being a fuddy-duddy, riotous


  • Senior Member
This re-branded spin-off has been a huge disappointment. I'll just keep waiting for a true sequel, The Great War 2.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Quote from: JordanN
Europeans colonized all corners of the globe. Would they have done that if there was something in the water that would make them sick?
maybe? i dunno


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Quote from: JordanN
Africa is already westernized.
Even the idea that Africa is just now modernizing is ridiculous. Africa has had railroads since the 1860s, but a lot of them now lay in ruin after independence.
he's really bad at this


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
lore unban me and filler and we'll post some real dank race realism shit


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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don't make me take it all to and become an admin in two months, Lore!


  • Donate to the JAMES FUND
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Let's play a game.

What horrible disease from the dark ages are they talking about?

These dumb shits are going to bring REDACTED back and other viruses that should have been wiped out decades ago. I look forward to catching REDACTED from some anti-vaccinator who thinks they are smarter than a fucking doctor. People keep thinking climate change will be the end of us, no it’ll be anti-vaccinators that’ll wipe out humanity in another Black Plague.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
User Warned: Ableist Slur.

everybody knows mac is for dirty libtards
User Banned (1 Day): Ableist Slur. History of infractions.

Everyone knows mac is for brain dead republitardeds. Think about who can't master the pc and settles for babies first putter.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
Make it a federal law for children to be vaccinated. Charge parents with a crime if they refuse and fine each family 5 thousand dollars every 30 days past any given deadline. After a certain amount of time passes and parents still refuse, social services gets involved.
I would have thought social services would get involved after the parents go to jail for the many thousands of dollars in fines.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
PoliERA handicaps who should respond to Trump's proposed immigration speech, breaks down the policy details:
Quote from: Autodidact
Pelosi's the most powerful Democrat in the country. She should be the one.

With a good script she'll be fine.
AOC should deliver the response. Light them up
Quote from: Autodidact
Actually, if the goal is to piss of Trump, I don't think AOC has personally gotten under his skin yet.

If Pelosi's not the one, Auntie Maxine.
Let Obama do it.
that would be lit af
Have clinton do it: "you couldn't get up and vote for me, huh?"
I think [AOC] too. Capitalize on that rising star.
I would think it's gotta be Pelosi
With Beto (because El Paso is on the border
give the dem response to BETO
I mean, he has been hanging out at the border a lot. But i feel it will go with the people actually in positions like Pelosi or something. Maybe it will be both Pelosi and Schumer.
[Pelosi] With AOC one of the crew behind her. BOOM instant ratings bigger than Individual One's EXTREEM Depends Challenge
Oh yeah they should invite the all-star team to stand behind them even if only one or two people speak.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
passive aggressive flare up in PoliERA:
spoiler (click to show/hide)
Quote from: ZOONAMI
So he is ordering the IRS to do what he wants, it seems we've forgotten the muslim ban actually is in effect right now, no one really seems to be doing anything about child internment camps, and now all signs point to a falsified national emergency. Seems like the SC will support whatever he wants to do on the southern border and it won't actually take that long to get there either. Cpb and tsa already did what he asked them to when it was and still is on dubious legal grounds. Seems like the irs is happy to as well. You think the military won't?
Quote from: Autodidact
We currently have a much-weakened version of the Muslim ban that only passed muster in the courts after three revolutions of the merry-go-round. Shitty, yes, but nowhere near as bad as it could've been.

The camps are closing as the children have begun being placed with sponsors here. The tent city in Texas has literally ~two weeks left before it closes because the company will be moving on due to lack of occupants. That happened partly because of protest and pressure.

A national emergency is a specifically defined bureaucratic process that (1) doesn't give him all-encompassing powers and (2) can be overruled by the courts or Congress.

Can you really look at the 3-4 articles published today saying they have no plan and conclude this is some masterful strategy?
Quote from: ZOONAMI
The muslim ban still caused tremendous chaos.

Also, do you have newer numbers than December 13 when 15,000 children were detained?

If he does declare a national emergency or close border points tomorrow, it will again cause massive chaos. Yes, the courts will eventually limit said chaos, but arguably you're being irrationally dismissive of the muslim ban, ordering around the irs, and unless your can show me the children in detention has shrunk from 15,000 to almost nothing as you claim in a few weeks, deceptive. An 8 year old died less than 2 weeks ago.

And I never said there's a masterful strategy. He's a Russian asset. He tweets out Russian policy in broad daylight. He's here to create chaos. You don't need a masterful strategy to create chaos.
Quote from: Autodidact
I said individual camps, such as the tent city in Texas, have begun closing as the children are placed with sponsors:

Click to expand...Though it's about the Texas shelter, it says that over 2000 children have been released nationwide and placed with sponsors in the last few weeks. The number of children in custody is still too high because it's more than one. The fact it happened is a blight on this country, as are the deaths of the children you name.

I'm objecting to your claim that they've just gotten away with everything. No, there has been pushback and mitigation and litigation and avoidance of what could've been. The fact that it's still bad is evidence we need him gone, but this idea that everything's just gone unchecked, hunky-dory for them is wrong.
Quote from: ZOONAMI
You said "the camps" and to me it seems like you intentionally painted a picture of general progress with the internment camps when that clearly isn't the case by all media accounts. In fact, with this shut down, refugee applications are completely hampered. I never made the claim they've gotten away with everything. I'm just saying it seems like there's a lot of hand waiving going on in here at the prospect of a national emergency. It has the potential to be a complete fucking disaster, just like the Muslim ban was and is, just like the current state of refugee applications was and is, and just like him even being able to declare a national emergency in the first place with the courts left to deal with it over a period of months, and likely with the SC supporting a good deal of it down the line.
Quote from: Autodidact
Yes, and I provided you an article that says the camps - plural - have been releasing children, especially in the one closest to the border. Is it fast enough? No. Should it have happened? No. But they cannot keep them indefinitely, and there has been general progress. I'm not sure why you think I attempted to mislead you. I made a claim and cited an article that supports my claim and used that article to show, no, they haven't been unchecked or unopposed on their heinous actions and that opposition has had results.
Quote from: ZOONAMI
I'll take your word for it though that you weren't trying to mislead. You first posted without a source saying the camps were closing and it read like a pretty rosy picture.
Quote from: Autodidact
I really don't care whether you take my word or ship it back in a pine box, frankly.
Quote from: ZOONAMI
So no one is stopping me from sharing my views but that allows you to just be rude, saying "sorry you're so desperate for company" and basically telling to fuck off even though I said I believe you weren't trying to mislead. Ok.
Quote from: Autodidact
You can agree or disagree with whomever for whatever reason. Do you. I typically do not react well to people who accuse me of misrepresenting or minimizing innocent children being placed in camps or people being barred from this country for flimsy "national security" reasons. I'm fully aware of this administration's actions and try to view them soberly and on a factual basis so I can best respond to them. I merely wanted to show you that while yes, it's bad, it has not gone unchecked and the administration has not gotten away with everything - an argument pertinent to whatever he'll do or say tomorrow night.

If you feel I've been unnecessarily hostile, you have both an ignore button and a report button.

I wish you a pleasant evening. PM if you have more.

Quote from: ZOONAMI
Is that supposed to be reassuring? The method is madness. Y'all don't seem to see how simple it is.
Quote from: konka
So what are you doing about it.
Quote from: ZOONAMI
I'm an organizer, I volunteer, and I don't try and normalize or shrug off as "just an idiot/clown" what's happening talking with people irl or online. You?
Quote from: konka
I go to work every day for a non-profit that fights for minority voting rights.
Quote from: ZOONAMI
See, another thing, downgrading the EU diplomatic mission. The state department itself is a shell. A lot of institutions are shells of what they were. You can say that's by chance or incompetence, but I wouldn't be so sure. Its all obviously a Russian plot if you ask me. Maybe Russia only thinks they can get away with a 4 or 8 year diversion. You think they wouldn't try for more though?

And no, this isn't a conspiracy theory. There is enough evidence to be pretty certain the president of the United States is currently a Russian asset.


  • Y = λ𝑓. (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥)) (λ𝑥. 𝑓 (𝑥 𝑥))
  • Senior Member
I love konka. He got permabanned on GAF, and then made an alt called "kanka" and started posting in exactly the same threads. :lol

Crash Dummy

  • teleiophile
  • Member
i can't stop thinking about that first sentence
did you ever listen to the old gfw radio podcast? occasionally they would read reviews just like this one and rip them to shreds