Author Topic: Other Forums |OT| ♀ C O R E V A L U E S ♀ Sponsored By THQNordic  (Read 6449023 times)

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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53100 on: January 16, 2019, 10:18:59 PM »
No one else is curious what posts got purged, huh

benji, have you checked to make sure your exposé posts on The Bire mods' incestuous sex scandal are still intact?


  • TheBore rulez
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53101 on: January 16, 2019, 10:22:51 PM »
No one else is curious what posts got purged, huh

benji, have you checked to make sure your exposé posts on The Bire mods' incestuous sex scandal are still intact?


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53102 on: January 16, 2019, 10:22:59 PM »
"You're a fascist" is exactly what someone who calls everyone who disagrees with them a fascist would say.



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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53103 on: January 16, 2019, 10:24:15 PM »
No one else is curious what posts got purged, huh

benji, have you checked to make sure your exposé posts on The Bire mods' incestuous sex scandal are still intact?

Curiosity is predicated on any posts in this thread actually mattering

PogiJones is in here #allpostsmattering

For real they probably clicked onto a random page and deleted a block of 28 posts about how era clear sounds like an acne medication


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53104 on: January 16, 2019, 10:34:09 PM »
"You're a fascist" is exactly what someone who calls everyone who disagrees with them a fascist would say.


Well, in terms of antifa it does actually fit quite well. They seek to suppress differing viewpoints with violence, which is exactly what fascists do.

Of course they say they are combating Nazis, but then there is plenty of evidence of them attacking people that aren't that at all.

Bore Expert

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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53105 on: January 16, 2019, 10:44:15 PM »

The heavy breathing during the unwrapping really added a sense of terror and dread. I was sure someone was gonna die at any minute. Scarier than any RE game

Joe Molotov

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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53106 on: January 16, 2019, 10:46:29 PM »
I still wanna know where Joe purged nearly a full page of posts, though. It didn't seem to be from the recent pages.

It was Page 2.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53107 on: January 16, 2019, 10:56:33 PM »
I can only assume that was the page exposing the mod sex scandal that's been rocking The Bire ever since


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53108 on: January 16, 2019, 10:59:59 PM »
What posts got deleted and why was the site down for a day.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53109 on: January 16, 2019, 11:12:45 PM »
Why is Benji having a hissy fit

Deleting his own posts  :foodcourt


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53110 on: January 16, 2019, 11:19:49 PM »
he's got the catch scratch fever


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53111 on: January 16, 2019, 11:49:56 PM »

History of history of history of history of history


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53112 on: January 16, 2019, 11:55:39 PM »

History of history of history of history of history

That is quite a history.  Maybe one day either of these people can get a history. Well more like a "private warning."  So nice of the mods to be discrete and not drag out bans and warning publicly.

People, he only has 27 posts.

74 in over a year.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2019, 12:20:31 AM by clothedmacuser »


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« Last Edit: January 17, 2019, 01:55:41 AM by VomKriege »


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53116 on: January 17, 2019, 01:56:18 AM »
If he banned all the assholes there wouldn't be much of a site left, so the plan is to slowly coax the user base into being less repulsive. Seems like more effort than it's worth.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53117 on: January 17, 2019, 02:02:03 AM »
american news outlets are technically illegal here lol

Freedom of expression
Section 16 contains detailed provisions with regard to freedom of expression, stating “Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, which includes freedom of the press and other media; freedom to receive or impart information or ideas; freedom of artistic creativity; and academic freedom and freedom of scientific research.”

Section 16 contains the following limitations to freedom of expression “The right in subsection does not extend to propaganda for war; incitement of imminent violence; or advocacy of hatred that is based on race, ethnicity, gender or religion, and that constitutes incitement to cause harm...”


  • Defender of Centrist Scum
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53118 on: January 17, 2019, 02:07:28 AM »
Sometimes men don't wipe because it's gay - Condtra Points

Timpstamps are broken
« Last Edit: January 17, 2019, 02:18:22 AM by clothedmacuser »


  • Do the moron
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53119 on: January 17, 2019, 02:08:10 AM »
I want to think less than zero due to MAD

Less than zero is not a thing.

I still think Trump or Putin doing it is super possible. What do these narcissistic sociopaths have to lose as they get older and start losing power? "fuck you, I had mine"

You don't think Trump would just love to go down in history as a world-ending demon if he can't go down in history as King America, the Emperor that MAGA?

Eh, I still think some equivalent of the deep state has removed or coerced some link in the president->launch nuke chain so there's that, maybe... but who knows what nihilistic trolls are manning the launch codes in Russia.

Launch code : PEPE


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53121 on: January 17, 2019, 02:13:35 AM »
Lets ask Stanislav Petrov whether he thinks nuclear war is improbable.


  • Do the moron
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53122 on: January 17, 2019, 02:13:46 AM »
Yeah my cousin at 6 suddenly brought up how water is making the frogs gay last year and I was horrified wondering who told him that. His older bros around 3 and 5 years older told me he’s been watching info wars and try to get him to stop.

Totally happened for real.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53123 on: January 17, 2019, 02:14:00 AM »
Will help him feel normal


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53124 on: January 17, 2019, 02:15:19 AM »
We will never have decent societies (I mean, consisting of lot of decent people, I know it's never been perfect) because of YouTube and social media.

Seriously, I don't think I'm exaggerating.

That thread :rejoice

honestly at this point I blame the lack of punk rock.

when I was a white middle class teenager I had stuff like NOFX and bad religion telling me to not trust the government.

The truth does not always win out even when we have a free internet. It is extremely disturbing and must be fixed before the world is doomed.

It might already be too late.

Who knows what nihilistic trolls are manning the launch codes in Russia !?

LOL yeah because Era is so welcoming to members with differing opinions. Her little bro would be banned in an hour.

You fucking strawmanning junior troll, who said he could join the conversation ? He can read and LISTEN.

It does help. It helped me see a lot of things in a clearer light. There's a reason Mods give out warnings or temp bans.

Praised be the mods !

the Alt Right has the internet on lock.

*Xi Jinping laughs*

Seems weird that evilore would ever allow his site to sink that low, especially when not talking about it in a negative sense is in this site's TOS.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2019, 02:28:24 AM by VomKriege »

who is ted danson?

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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53126 on: January 17, 2019, 02:31:16 AM »
OK, I made my way through a Contra Points video and never will again.  It was as painful as watching Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and . . .  other people Era suggest to watch?

The era of idiots speaking is such a cool.  I can't wait to buy a gun to put in my mouth knowing that these are our modern thinkers.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2019, 02:36:29 AM by clothedmacuser »


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53127 on: January 17, 2019, 02:37:39 AM »
I watched one contrapoints video once and deleted it from my viewing history as well as ensured I get no more recommends to those videos.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53128 on: January 17, 2019, 03:08:06 AM »
I watched one contrapoints video once and deleted it from my viewing history as well as ensured I get no more recommends to those videos.


  • Do the moron
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53129 on: January 17, 2019, 07:23:33 AM »


At least youre not a 350 pound virgin small dick cuck with a minimum wage dead end job who thinks about suicide every day.

Would you want to date/sleep with a girl that was more interested in someone else?
At this point I'd take what I can get.

I used to think I'd never find anyone, then I tried online dating and know it for a fact.

I'm getting some incel-ish vibes from some of the terms being used in the OP ("a strong 6 or a soft 7") and in some of the posts in this thread.

Get the youngest brother to read this forum. Seriously, it could help.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53130 on: January 17, 2019, 07:51:13 AM »
Nothing better to change the mind of a radicalized person than to put he against other radicalized crazies.

- "Hey guys, I think leftist agenda is shit"
- "well, you're a nazi and I hope you die"


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53131 on: January 17, 2019, 08:32:29 AM »


Needs the full quote from that first guy:
Quote from: Skyebaron, post: 16941082, member: 23940
At least youre not a  350 pound virgin small dick cuck with a minimum wage dead end job who thinks about suicide every day. Give yourself to porn and prostitutes or learn to not give a fuck. Youre still young. If you care so much about the baldness, get fit.

EDIT: Banned!  :lol
User banned (1 Week) Inflammatory Commentary and Language
« Last Edit: January 17, 2019, 09:01:53 AM by bork »


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53132 on: January 17, 2019, 08:39:49 AM »
I am the only person on this entire forum who has called this correctly from beginning to end. I will not give up too much PI to tell you exactly how I've known all this all along, but read my posts in the brexit thread over the last 3-5 months. I know exactly what he's trying to do because I've spoken to the people around him who are sick to their back teeth of the games.

I was there when the shadow EU minister found out he was going on holiday mid referendum. I know exactly what he's up to and I've been telling you all for months and months and months.

I don't know about his receipts but Holy Mary mother of Jesus :ego


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53133 on: January 17, 2019, 09:00:39 AM »
This is some sad, sad shit.
Quote from: Van Dine, post: 16942495, member: 51732
I gave up on companionship along time ago. i have too many severe body image issues (and not in a way that can be solved by going to the gym, so please dont hit me with that cliche) to be able to enjoy any sort of intimacy, and I have too much shame and internalized homophobia to be comfortable being in a public relationship with another man, so there's next to no point in dating.

I won't pretend it doesn't get lonely OP, but it does get easier the longer time goes on, so hang in there. Fantasy and Escapism helps quite a bit, and its definitely possible to eke out a life worth living even if you are alone, you just need to find some healthy coping mechanisms for when things get dark.

Quote from: bluehat9, post: 16942786, member: 7720
I used to think I'd never find anyone, then I tried online dating and know it for a fact.

Quote from: Mewn, post: 16943069, member: 385
Some of us just aren't made for dating and relationships. Work on yourself, and live for yourself.

Quote from: N.Domixis, post: 16943998, member: 22855
Your not alone, I gave up in middle school. I remember I had a friend that was all depressed in middle school because he never had a girl friend and yet here I am at 26 with no relationship ever with a girl. He fell into peer pressure I guess.

Quote from: killdatninja, post: 16944171, member: 8756
I feel you OP. I've got no confidence, I'm not interesting and have a hard time holding a conversation with women... which makes getting dates/dating difficult.

Keep your head up, do the only thing you can do... self-improvement... and learning from your mistakes. Hope things turn around for you OP.

Quote from: Replicant, post: 16944732, member: 6543
Me too, OP. I’m 40. I’ve dated enough though. I just think some people are better off single.

Quote from: Kain-Nosgoth, post: 16945110, member: 3650
That's where i'm at right now too

I'm 30, i gave up searching or making effort to find someone! I'm still open to it of course, and if by chance (not likely to happen) i meet someone i like, i will try something, but i don't actively search anymore! I will probably be alone and i'm fine with it

Sure it's still frustrating at time, especially when at every family gathering or with friends i'm always the one alone, but it's not that big of a deal in the end, i made peace with it

Quote from: CoyoteSpitfire, post: 16947792, member: 23975
I've given up without really trying at all, so kudos for doing that at least. I deeply envy your drunkenness though.

Quote from: Plywood, post: 16948899, member: 4139
Welcome to the club!

"I've given up without really trying at all" seems like it would make for a good RE slogan. :thinking


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53134 on: January 17, 2019, 09:06:03 AM »
I gave up in middle school.
If it hasnt happened by middle school, it is pretty much hopeless.

ResetERA : Hopium


  • brutal deluxe
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53135 on: January 17, 2019, 09:19:12 AM »
wonder how long the average MGTOW meet up lasts before the topic turns to mutual masturbation?


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53136 on: January 17, 2019, 09:22:17 AM »
There's something wrong with the post count or page count.
The first post on page 1000 should be post number 60,000

Edit:  Never mind, it's correct. Post #60,000 will be the first post on page 1,001.

One year and only 60k posts.

I’m sure you’re all not being disingenuous.


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Don Rumata

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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53138 on: January 17, 2019, 09:28:50 AM »
I made peace with it.

"suppressed the thought as best i could" sounds more plausible.

The best part of that thread, however, is still the people trying to find an angle to show their wokeness somehow.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53139 on: January 17, 2019, 09:29:21 AM »
When you're as cute as I am, it's easier just to wait until the girl approaches you.

I like knowing that the girl was the one who saw me and liked me instead of the other way around. I guess i'm just emotionally lazy.


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53140 on: January 17, 2019, 09:31:34 AM »
I don't know about his receipts but Holy Mary mother of Jesus :ego

yeah, his receipts are bollocks.
certain people in his party hate him because they think hes stopping them getting into power, which is all theyre interested in as politicians.

and while theres an interesting discussion to be had about ideals vs pragmatism and if a politician who holds fast to ideals that make them unelectable has any value as they will never be able to exert any political power to act on those ideals, most people would still prefer that to someone who has zero ideas or commitments beyond gaining power for the sake of having power.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53142 on: January 17, 2019, 09:48:56 AM »
oh my god bork bypassed his own word filter  :o :o


  • Dumbass Monkey
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53143 on: January 17, 2019, 09:57:17 AM »

Isn’t there a verified picture of his WHITE father online? I could’ve sworn his brother came out and already said it.

I used to like him but he’s been out of pocket for the past several months.

You might think this is some pretty fucking racist bloodline purity test, but its actually just policing the community.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53144 on: January 17, 2019, 10:36:02 AM »
Im a pretty ugly guy, and my personality isn't great, and my penis is average, but I've gotten laid every week for the past ten years



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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53145 on: January 17, 2019, 10:40:54 AM »
Sounds like ree is full of pre-incels


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53146 on: January 17, 2019, 10:44:06 AM »
Im a pretty ugly guy, and my personality isn't great, and my penis is average, but I've gotten laid every week for the past ten years


So you're rich then?

Ugly chicks need dick too

edit: unless you're married in which case I'm sure your wife is beautiful


  • captain of my capsized ship
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53147 on: January 17, 2019, 10:53:13 AM »
On one hand it's pretty sad when people don't accept their own lack of effort when it comes to romance. They are missing out on a huge experience in their one life they have.

On the other hand, it's equally sad to follow your dick around your entire life and base all your self-esteem and self-worth around how many times other people are touching it.

So, I hope that all my fellow dudes can find a happy medium.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53148 on: January 17, 2019, 10:59:33 AM »
On one hand it's pretty sad when people don't accept their own lack of effort when it comes to romance. They are missing out on a huge experience in their one life they have.

Lol. Enjoy hell heathen.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53149 on: January 17, 2019, 11:00:42 AM »
I only let one person touch my dick and that's Jesus

Don Rumata

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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53150 on: January 17, 2019, 11:01:01 AM »
Im a pretty ugly guy, and my personality isn't great, and my penis is average, but I've gotten laid every week for the past ten years

Big if true.

Don Rumata

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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53151 on: January 17, 2019, 11:01:53 AM »
I only let one person touch my dick and that's Jesus
Talk about problematic power imbalance.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53152 on: January 17, 2019, 11:37:13 AM »
If Jesus was alive he'd love Lennon, vaping, and Canada


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53153 on: January 17, 2019, 11:48:33 AM »
So you're rich then?

Im not broke, but Im no Y2Kev wallstreet bro

Ugly chicks need dick too

edit: unless you're married in which case I'm sure your wife is beautiful

My current long-term girlfriend is hotter than she should be. Can't explain it.

But yes, the key to getting laid with low self esteem is:

1. Realize women get horny too. Very horny.
2. Fat chicks need love
3. Plenty of girls also have low self-esteem.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53154 on: January 17, 2019, 11:50:39 AM »
So you're rich then?

Im not broke, but Im no Y2Kev wallstreet bro

Ugly chicks need dick too

edit: unless you're married in which case I'm sure your wife is beautiful

My current long-term girlfriend is hotter than she should be. Can't explain it.

But yes, the key to getting laid with low self esteem is:

1. Realize women get horny too. Very horny.
2. Fat chicks need love
3. Plenty of girls also have low self-esteem.

If your girl is hot then you need to get outta here with this false modesty man

I used to think I was an uggo until I landed a hot chick who was like "no you just have bad self-esteem you dope"

Most of the incel-ish dudes on ERA who are bemoaning their lack of relationships are probably decent enough looking fellas who are just ugly on the inside.


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53155 on: January 17, 2019, 11:55:45 AM »
So you're rich then?

Im not broke, but Im no Y2Kev wallstreet bro

Ugly chicks need dick too

edit: unless you're married in which case I'm sure your wife is beautiful

My current long-term girlfriend is hotter than she should be. Can't explain it.

But yes, the key to getting laid with low self esteem is:

1. Realize women get horny too. Very horny.
2. Fat chicks need love
3. Plenty of girls also have low self-esteem.

If your girl is hot then you need to get outta here with this false modesty man

I used to think I was an uggo until I landed a hot chick who was like "no you just have bad self-esteem you dope"

Most of the incel-ish dudes on ERA who are bemoaning their lack of relationships are probably decent enough looking fellas who are just ugly on the inside.

Nah, Im an uggo.

I ran a little test once. I downloaded Twitter, and put some effort into my profile. That is, I chose actually good photos, not some blurry selfie that looks like it was taken by a microwave. One of them even had an adorable dog in it. I added some cute text too.

Naturally, I swiped on everybody.

Four days later, I had 4 matches. Two were bots. One was a lesbian looking for friends.

This was in NYC.

Also, didnt you say you were sharing pics of your wife with us?


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53156 on: January 17, 2019, 11:57:19 AM »
It's better to be bruised on the inside where no-one can see, like an apple. If you're pretty on the outside people might still want you but when they find out you are damaged goods they might not want you anymore, but you still got a chance.


  • Haughty and a little naughty
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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53157 on: January 17, 2019, 11:58:04 AM »
I can understand that people are pissed off at Ubisoft, especially since Ubisoft at one point said that they wont force any romance on the player, but that they're calling it rape is just absurd.

They’ll fix it for real with a rape and then apologize a second time shortly after...

Also instead of apologizing they just need to add a cutscene where Alexios' boyfriend jerks him off and then spits into a vagina. You're welcome Ubi


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53158 on: January 17, 2019, 12:15:35 PM »
So you're rich then?

Im not broke, but Im no Y2Kev wallstreet bro

Ugly chicks need dick too

edit: unless you're married in which case I'm sure your wife is beautiful

My current long-term girlfriend is hotter than she should be. Can't explain it.

But yes, the key to getting laid with low self esteem is:

1. Realize women get horny too. Very horny.
2. Fat chicks need love
3. Plenty of girls also have low self-esteem.

If your girl is hot then you need to get outta here with this false modesty man

I used to think I was an uggo until I landed a hot chick who was like "no you just have bad self-esteem you dope"

Most of the incel-ish dudes on ERA who are bemoaning their lack of relationships are probably decent enough looking fellas who are just ugly on the inside.

Nah, Im an uggo.

I ran a little test once. I downloaded Twitter, and put some effort into my profile. That is, I chose actually good photos, not some blurry selfie that looks like it was taken by a microwave. One of them even had an adorable dog in it. I added some cute text too.

Naturally, I swiped on everybody.

Four days later, I had 4 matches. Two were bots. One was a lesbian looking for friends.

This was in NYC.

Also, didnt you say you were sharing pics of your wife with us?

That test was not properly controlled!

Also no way I'm going to be sharing pics of my wife cause the weirdos from ERA that lurk this thread

I'll probably post a pic of us in the RPJ thread tho


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Re: Other Forums |OT| Book Reading, Free Speech, and Full-Blown Centrists Within
« Reply #53159 on: January 17, 2019, 12:23:28 PM »
So you're rich then?

Im not broke, but Im no Y2Kev wallstreet bro

Ugly chicks need dick too

edit: unless you're married in which case I'm sure your wife is beautiful

My current long-term girlfriend is hotter than she should be. Can't explain it.

But yes, the key to getting laid with low self esteem is:

1. Realize women get horny too. Very horny.
2. Fat chicks need love
3. Plenty of girls also have low self-esteem.

If your girl is hot then you need to get outta here with this false modesty man

I used to think I was an uggo until I landed a hot chick who was like "no you just have bad self-esteem you dope"

Most of the incel-ish dudes on ERA who are bemoaning their lack of relationships are probably decent enough looking fellas who are just ugly on the inside.

Nah, Im an uggo.

I ran a little test once. I downloaded Twitter, and put some effort into my profile. That is, I chose actually good photos, not some blurry selfie that looks like it was taken by a microwave. One of them even had an adorable dog in it. I added some cute text too.

Naturally, I swiped on everybody.

Four days later, I had 4 matches. Two were bots. One was a lesbian looking for friends.

This was in NYC.

Also, didnt you say you were sharing pics of your wife with us?

That test was not properly controlled!

Also no way I'm going to be sharing pics of my wife cause the weirdos from ERA that lurk this thread

I'll probably post a pic of us in the RPJ thread tho

Testw as good enough for me. Killed my self-esteem for a month. RIP.

There are other threads here?