I forgot there was an OT
Just kidding, this shit is gonna die hard brehs.
Playing the ten hour trial on EA Access. Playing on Xbone X, installed on an external HD. Played all major Bioware releases except DA:I and ME:A.
ProsGame can look very pretty depending on the lighting and environment. Abilities in combat look spectacular.
Abilities are satisfying to use as the Storm class. Cooldowns are quick, can hover longer in combat. Lightning ability is great for AoE.
The majority of story stuff can be skipped. Most cutscenes and all dialog options can be skipped.
Combat is fun when everyone is spamming abilities. Matchmaking with randos is usually pretty efficient.
ConsIncredibly bland cast of characters, worst cast in a Bioware game easily. First person stuff in the main fort is complete fluff. Give less of a shit for the characters versus something like Destiny or Diablo (pretty damning imo).
Game's visuals are very inconsistent. Character models, the Javelins, animations in general, look really outdated. Mass Effect Andromeda looks better after all it's patches, and has better animation across the board.
Loot has been total shit. No excitement for what you'll get from enemies. Leveling up unlocks more slots to equipe passive modifiers. All abilities can be loot drops, crafting seems to level up existing abilities? All armor is cosmetic.
Enemy design is bland. Mission design is bland (not surprising, but good loot would offset this, and vice versa).
Performance on Xbone X is fucking terrible. Turning off motion blur and chromatic aberration, you can see just how juddery and inconsistent the framerate is. Doesn't matter if you're staring at a tree or neck deep in red crab monsters, it runs horrendously.
Load screen nirvana.
VerdictIf this was free to play, I could consider this to be decent competition against Warframe, a decent start
that could lead to something great. As a $60 game, god damn, you can buy a lot more enjoyable games.
My take on it. Unless there's a major overhaul or expansion planned, avoid for the foreseeable future. I've enjoyed dumping time into Destiny as a franchise, and Diablo 3. Anthem does have a slightly addictive flavor to it, but I don't foresee a rewarding endgame.