Author Topic: The Evilbore Old School Gaming Appreciation Thread  (Read 1649 times)

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The Evilbore Old School Gaming Appreciation Thread
« on: August 14, 2006, 03:43:04 AM »
So, if you've been keeping up with my latest rants, shouts, and bitching, you know that I work at GameStop.... but, last weekend (checked the official GameStop employee manual first for approval) I moonlighted at a smaller, but vastly better game store known as the Game King. This store specialized in video games. Not just the new ones, mind you, but ALL OF THEM. If you can think of one, the store dealt with them.

Anyways, while I was down there, I decided to purchase some old school games, and acquired games that I rented multiple times back in the day, but never bought. Those games happened to be Super Mario RPG and TMNT 4: Turtles in Time for the SNES. Not only that, I am getting a Genesis/Sega CD console tomorrow with the money I earned that night in the store... this will be the first Sega console I have ever owned, for the record, and I can't wait to hook that fucker up and play some Sonic, Vectorman, Comix Zone, and other games that I missed out on that I really wanted to play (and the superior versions of other games that weren't as good on the SNES for processor reasons)

So, anyone else have any awesome old school gaming stories? Post those motherfucking stories here, for the enjoyment of us all.


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Re: The Evilbore Old School Gaming Appreciation Thread
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2006, 04:02:05 AM »
ugh Bloodwake please quit that shit job dude...please PLEASE.

My ultimate old school gaming expereince still goes to the classics:

Mario 1: The very first videogame I ever played in my whole life...when I was about 6 I got my Nintendo and since then I always had a special place in my heart for the duck hunt / mario game that I spent HOURS upon HOURS on.

Mario 2: Fuck you.  This game is fun, quirky, and different.  Had the Super Mario Bros 2 JAP came out over here I think I would ahve been very dissapointed.

Zelda 1: Great great game...first game that gave me the feeling of wow this is huge and complex...when your a kid in the young age, this game was a big deal for you.  I feel so nostalgic thinking about all the shit that is now...we've come so far in such a short time I kinna wish we had that old feel sometimes...

TMNT II:  One was shit...serioulsy that game was ass of all kinds.  Me and my friends LOVED this game I STILL remember that snow board with the thing coming out of the drill transporter being hard as fuck and then the board becomes sunny after you beat it...good stuff.  Man this game was crazy fun back in the day...and it was hard as hell too come the end boards.

Megaman II: Loved it...loved every single second of it.

Man I wish I could go back to being a child broke my heart knowing that I wouldn't have the suffix of -teen two months ago, and now remembering games is just heartbreaking.  I just wish that I could get back into videogames somehow...I'm just so bored of them.  I feel bad for you Bloodwake...if I worked in a gaming store I'd be pretty fucking sick of videogames.

Phoenix Dark

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Re: The Evilbore Old School Gaming Appreciation Thread
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2006, 10:15:58 AM »
Super Mario World: First game I ever played. I was blown away

Jurassic Park (Genesis): Screw the haters! This game scared the shit out of me as a kid!

Street Fighter II: I remember playing this at my grandma's house all the time. One time my asshole cousin (he's adopted -_-) came over while I was playing, and he unhooked the Genesis and wouldn't let me play. So a few hours later I saw him playing it, and I asked if I could play. He said I could play as long as I wanted if I could beat him. I picked Ken and promptly kicked his ass. After that he took me outside and beat me up. What a bastard :lol


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Re: The Evilbore Old School Gaming Appreciation Thread
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2006, 12:00:15 PM »
Police Quest
Leisure Suit Larry
Kings Quest
Shadow Warriors
Rise of the Triad
Super Mario Bros 2

Van Cruncheon

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Re: The Evilbore Old School Gaming Appreciation Thread
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2006, 12:12:45 PM »
I used to be obscenely good at the arcade R-Type and Ghouls and Ghosts -- I could single-credit (dinner for one, lolz) both of them. Now I get shut down on R-Type's level 7 (fucking first half of the level requires flawless timing and precision) and I get waxed on the water slides section of Ghouls and Ghosts level 4.  :'(


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Re: The Evilbore Old School Gaming Appreciation Thread
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2006, 01:55:27 PM »
I used to be obscenely good at the arcade R-Type and Ghouls and Ghosts -- I could single-credit (dinner for one, lolz) both of them. Now I get shut down on R-Type's level 7 (fucking first half of the level requires flawless timing and precision) and I get waxed on the water slides section of Ghouls and Ghosts level 4.  :'(

Oh yeah?  Well I could beat the original Ninja Gaiden (NES) without getting hit, and ran through Genny Strider in 5:20 flat.  Bow down, DC, bow down. ;)

Van Cruncheon

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Re: The Evilbore Old School Gaming Appreciation Thread
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2006, 03:31:14 PM »
I used to beat the arcade Strider in stupid time, but since it was such an easy game, I didn't count it!

Ninja Gaiden NES merits a LITTLE respect, though.


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Re: The Evilbore Old School Gaming Appreciation Thread
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2006, 03:36:36 PM »
Damn Chris, my NES gaming memories are pretty close to yours. I think I got my NES when I around 3 or 4 though.

SMB/Duck Hunt fucking rocked so much. It still does. Nintendo has to come out with a new Duck Hunt for the Wii. I don't give a shit if it's the same damn game. I just want that shotgun shell thingy to play Duck Hunt.

SMB2 was cool, but...

SMB3 was my favorite game as a kid. I still play through it without using whistles once in a while. My favorite game of all-time.

Mega Man 3 was an great game, but it was soooo hard. I never beat it as a kid...and I still haven't beat it in the MMAC.

TMMT2 was the multiplayer game for my friends and I. Ass-kicking awesomeness.

Double Dribble was cool just because of the "OMG IT LOOKS LIKE REAL-LIFE" graphics that would flash on screen when you dunked.

Sega Genesis was my next console because SONIC OMG LOOKS HOW FAST HE IS MOM BUY ME THAT I WANT THAT

But my best friend had the coolest games growing up...Road Rash and Streets of Rage II. It was because he had an older brother that knew his games. Damn, those games were awesome. Street Fighter II was fucking great as well. I still pronounce Ryu wrong. Who doesn't?

I played Super Mario World, Mario Kart, and Star Fox over another friends house all the time as well. I was such a nerd growing up. My dad always made me get the fuck outside.


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Re: The Evilbore Old School Gaming Appreciation Thread
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2006, 05:03:31 PM »
The original SMB and Legend of Zelda captured my imagination in a way that no other game did until Mario 64.

Ninja Gaiden NES merits a LITTLE respect, though.

Don't try to downplay my accomplishment, beeyotch.  :P  The key is to keep the jump & slash powerup throughout the entire game, which makes all the bosses cake.  Of course, you have to know exactly where all the other powerups are located so as to not accidentally pick them up.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2006, 05:05:07 PM by Loki »


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Re: The Evilbore Old School Gaming Appreciation Thread
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2006, 07:15:10 PM »
I woke up every day at 6:00 am for three years to play SMB, Skate or Die, and Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom on my NES before I had to go to school.

In retrospect my time with SMB was solid fun, Skate or Die was a bizarre and confusing gauntlet of dumb, and Temple of Doom was almost impossible to finish because of the final area. You have to cross the lava by making a bridge out of dead lava dragons (I wish I was making this up) and you only get enough ammo to kill about one bridge's worth. Out of the six possible bridges, only one was the right one. And yet I never tired of it.


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Re: The Evilbore Old School Gaming Appreciation Thread
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2006, 10:30:08 PM »
Instead of the Genesis, I got the game I was never exposed to until I downloaded the ROM a few years ago, and found out that EGM was right for once.



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Re: The Evilbore Old School Gaming Appreciation Thread
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2006, 08:50:18 AM »
Super Mario World: First game I ever played. I was blown away

Jurassic Park (Genesis): Screw the haters! This game scared the shit out of me as a kid!

Street Fighter II: I remember playing this at my grandma's house all the time. One time my asshole cousin (he's adopted -_-) came over while I was playing, and he unhooked the Genesis and wouldn't let me play. So a few hours later I saw him playing it, and I asked if I could play. He said I could play as long as I wanted if I could beat him. I picked Ken and promptly kicked his ass. After that he took me outside and beat me up. What a bastard :lol
I am all confused. I am basically the same age as you yet I grew up on NES(and I got SNES day one) and you grew up on SNES/NES.

Re: The Evilbore Old School Gaming Appreciation Thread
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2006, 03:43:49 PM »
I bought a Master System last weekend and have been playing awful games all week. What a purchase.


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Re: The Evilbore Old School Gaming Appreciation Thread
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2006, 06:35:18 PM »
I bought a Master System last weekend and have been playing awful games all week. What a purchase.

Did you by any chance pick up Phantasy Star?  I've always wanted to play it since I loved part 2.