Author Topic: Blu-Ray/4K UHD Talk Thread (+DVD/VHS/Betamax/Laserdisc/D-VHS/CED/VCD/8mm etc.)  (Read 15976 times)

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Joe Molotov

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Haven't been buying any Blu-Rays the past few months (partly cuz no money and partly cuz all my media shelves are overflowing), but I got a few nice pickups at a small fan convention I went to this weekend.

TCM2 has been OOP for a hot minute and the Creepshow 2 LE was just actually really limited. I have the regular edition, but the LE comes with a comic book adaptation of a planned segment that wasn't filmed. The Unholy isn't rare or anything, just something I'd like to have.

Joe Molotov

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Why do companies pay money to commission new cover art that looks this bad? It boggles the mind. Do they think people won't buy new discs if they have "old" art? At least make it not look like shit, geez.


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There's a lot of really good new cover arts though. I like the new Army of Darkness steelbook. Angel Heart steelbook was great.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2022, 04:20:00 PM by Bebpo »


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Reservoir Dogs getting a new 4k transfer/release in November. That'll be kinda neat. Haven't seen it in ages.

Phoenix Dark

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Curious what Angel Heart would look like in 4K. Very well directed film, could be quite the cinematic experience.

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actually i just wanna see Lisa Bonet naked and fucked silly in 4k  :doge


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Both looked pretty good to me!

Joe Molotov

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I keep forgetting that Disney occasionally releases niche catalog titles exclusively to their shitty Columbia House-style movie club. They put out The Black Cauldron, Something Wicked this Way Comes, and Watcher in the Woods last year. I'll have to get at least Watcher in the Woods off Ebay, I loved that movie.



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Something Wicked this Way Comes

Wait really? I figured this one would be lost in the vault for sure. :lol

Joe Molotov

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Yeah, I've never seen Watcher in the Woods and kinda curious so I ebay'd it after reading your post. Also I read Something Wicked This Way Comes like 3 years ago and the movie was out of print so I just saw some youtube clips of it. Wouldn't mind checking the whole thing out.

Also pet peeve, but it pisses me off how when reviewers write about older films that use major spoilers in the first line header that shows up in RT. I was checking the reviews of Watcher in the Woods and basically

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The review titles already spoiled that the Watcher is an alien and it's a sci-fi film.

Also that apparently they ran out of budget so the big blue alien isn't in the movie visually or something and the ending is a mess.

Still will give it a watch. But not that first time review titles haven't heavily spoiled shit. Really annoying.

Joe Molotov

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Glad this is finally coming out in NA, but too bad it's not in 4K.

Joe Molotov

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Yeah, I've never seen Watcher in the Woods and kinda curious so I ebay'd it after reading your post. Also I read Something Wicked This Way Comes like 3 years ago and the movie was out of print so I just saw some youtube clips of it. Wouldn't mind checking the whole thing out.

Also pet peeve, but it pisses me off how when reviewers write about older films that use major spoilers in the first line header that shows up in RT. I was checking the reviews of Watcher in the Woods and basically

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The review titles already spoiled that the Watcher is an alien and it's a sci-fi film.

Also that apparently they ran out of budget so the big blue alien isn't in the movie visually or something and the ending is a mess.

Still will give it a watch. But not that first time review titles haven't heavily spoiled shit. Really annoying.

That's too bad, but I hope you still enjoy it. I think it has a really great atmosphere, despite the ending being a bit of a mess.


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Also bigger news is the WONG KAR-WAI 4K FLOOD BEGINS with In the Mood for Love 4k.

My holding off on that Criterion World of WKW set is finally gonna pay off. Knew with all new 4k transfers for all the films it was just a matter of time until they released in 4k proper. Gimme Chungking Express 4k!


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Annoying thing is definitely stuff like that Infernal Affairs being:

New 4K digital restorations, with 5.1 surround DTS-HD Master Audio soundtracks

Like I understand it's 99% likely a licensing thing, but still sucks they have new 4k transfers sitting right there and the only way to watch them is a downsampled 2k transfer that gets re-uppressed to your 4k TV.


  • Finish the Fight
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Watched Inception last week, hadn't seen it for a while. Still holds up really well including the visual effects and soundtrack, despite no Atmos or DTS:X.
The Tom Hardy character is still kind of ridiculous though, he can fight off an entire army by himself  :lol

This week the 4K CE of Edge of Tommorow should arrive. I'm looking forward to that one, they've redone the soundtrack with Atmos.
I remember that they toned down the bass from the original cinematic release in later digital and physical releases but lately in these new 4K versions such mistakes have been fixed (like the fucked up colors in the Matrix), so fingers crossed they restored the 'oomph'.
Even though I didn't really like No Time to Die the steelbook was too cheap to pass on so that should be here soon as well.


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Annoying thing is definitely stuff like that Infernal Affairs being:

New 4K digital restorations, with 5.1 surround DTS-HD Master Audio soundtracks

Like I understand it's 99% likely a licensing thing, but still sucks they have new 4k transfers sitting right there and the only way to watch them is a downsampled 2k transfer that gets re-uppressed to your 4k TV.

Do you mean there's some 1080p version based on a new 4K master? As there's an Ultra HD release box set coming to France in October btw.

Edit: should mention that some Euro only Ultra HD releases lack English subtitles. Not a problem for anyone ripping the disc to PC since they can be muxed from other sources but would be an issue if playing from a regular player. Always good to check the official details.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2022, 07:44:15 AM by Coax »


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I learned about UK's Second Sight films with Dog Soldiers. They seem kind of like Mondo but for BDs?

Basically Shout Factory released a version in the US and Second Sight released a version in the UK. Both transfers are identical (Shout Version has a few second audio pop at one spot that Second Sight caught in QA and fixed), both have the same disc extras, but second sight version has kickass packaging and comes with a 150 page physical book of interviews, essays, making of info.

Grabbed that and their LE of The Witch. Pretty nice physical stuff and good cover art. Dog Soldiers is my favorite Neil Marshall film and favorite Werewolf movie.

Would've got the Drive LE from June 2022 but it's out of print. Will keep an eye on their releases going forward.

Worth noting that Dog Soldiers was 16mm, and The Witch was 2k digital intermediate and Drive was 2k digital intermediate, so it seems like some/most?/all? of their 4k releases are 2k upscales vs native 4k stuff. But in these cases these are still the best versions these films will probably get and the physical packaging and extras in the LEs make them standout.

Also worth noting that regular BDs are region-locked so USA BD player won't play UK BDs, but 4K BDs are region free and Second Sight is careful to make sure all the on-disc extras are replicated on both the 4K disc and BD disc so if you import it and can only play the 4K disc you still get all the on-disc extras.



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I saw Arrow's Pitch Black 4k from 2020 was on sale for $18 so I looked up if it was an upscale since it's from that 2000-2018 era where 95% of films made used digital effects and ended up with 2K digital intermediates so the 4ks are just upscales with no new detail.

Discovered that the 2020 remaster of Pitch Black got the legit as fuck masterclass treatment where they actually went back to the 35mm camera negatives and scanned a 4k print and then overlayed the digital effects which were 2k over it. So the 4k release has 1080p looking effects (which isn't too bad, 1080p still holds up well and effects are less noticeable) but the actual image otherwise like the people and environments and objects are true 4k rich detail. Apparently it's a really nice looking transfers especially with the HDR.

Pretty awesome. Best Vin Diesel movie got best treatment. Disc also has like a million extras and the 2d anime Dark Fury on it as well. Looking forward to rewatching this.

Joe Molotov

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I'm weird, but I really like Dark Fury and Peter Chung's style in general (Aeon Flux, Reign: The Conqueror).


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Wall-E Criterion 4k

Criterion collection striking a deal with Disney seems like a big deal.

Honestly in terms of film history I’d rather they have gotten Sleeping Beauty or Snow White. But if you’re gonna pick one Pixar movie, Wall-E is a good choice.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2022, 08:48:18 PM by Bebpo »

Joe Molotov

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Damn, that’s wild. Disney doesn’t really seem that interested in 4K UHD releases, so this can only be a positive.


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Now reissue the Criterion version of Armageddon with that Ben Affleck commentary and the commentary from someone at NASA.

Joe Molotov

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Great moments in US Presidential History:



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Criterion announced their December slate and I think it's the first month since they started releasing 4K discs to not include a single 4K even though two of the films have new 4K masters/restorations.

Or maybe they're splitting up announcements these days in batches like how they added Wall-E later. Dunno.

I've got too much of a 4K backlog at the moment to catch up on, so I'm holding off on their 4Ks starting with Blow Out until the next 50% off sale and then I'll catch up.

Joe Molotov

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Got my copy of the Police Story Trilogy 4K from Amazon UK today.

Woah, THE Jonathan Ross liked it!!!


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Watched a bit of that new Army of Darkness 4k and holy shit that looks insane. This is gonna be fun to rewatch. Don't think I've seen this since DVD.


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Finished it. Yeah, the daytime stuff at the start and end are like reference quality for older films in 4k. The rest looks great with close-ups and lit scenes looking super sharp and detailed, and some scenes a bit grainy/soft and special effects being a mix depending on how they did them. But pretty much A++ transfer work.

It's too bad the 15 min longer Director's Cut isn't in 4k with this release. Just the Theatrical Cut.


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Fyi, Criterion is doing a special extra 50% off sale for the next 12 hours or so if you buy directly from their site.

Was a few things I was waiting for the next 50% B&N Criterion sale, so that works out.


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This is going to look really nice in 4k HDR/DV.

Joe Molotov

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The Goonies & Gremlins 4K discs are $9.99 at Amazon or Best Buy.


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The Goonies & Gremlins 4K discs are $9.99 at Amazon or Best Buy.

Yeah, I grabbed them a few weeks ago when they were $12.99 but this is even better.


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Picked up these two, one incredible eye candy and the other really not.

Frozen Planet just looks :delicious

Ghostwatch was shot on video for early 90s TV so looks bad by DVD standards, let alone Blu-ray, but it's a really nice SE for a classic that's only been on OOP DVD for years.


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Criterion 50% off sale at Amazon/B&N time again.

This time includes In the Mood for Love 4k which I guess just came out this week. FYI, the reviews for that say yeah it's the same stuff that was in the World of Wong Kar-Wai box from 2018ish except at higher resolution and double bitrate. No HDR/DV. Not that much reason to upgrade if you have that box probably.

*edit* Actually reading reviews of the 4k for In the Mood for Love, apparently it's almost indistinguishable from the exiting 2K BD because DNR kills the extra grain/detail that would've been gained  :-\  Gonna cancel my 4K order and just pick up the WKW 2K set next time it's $99. Doesn't seem like any 4K releases will be much of an upgrade over that set.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2022, 11:39:41 AM by Bebpo »


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*edit* Actually reading reviews of the 4k for In the Mood for Love, apparently it's almost indistinguishable from the exiting 2K BD because DNR kills the extra grain/detail that would've been gained  :-\

I suppose that's one way to see it, though tbh it's the French release which had poor DNR, while the German and Criterion releases preserve the grain present in the new master, even the existing 1080p BD.

Left to right, cropped from caps-a-holic: French, German, Criterion UHD, Criterion (1080p) BD


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Yeah, the Criterion ones are realllllly close. Like if you need to zoom in 200% and squint carefully to slightly see the difference...ehhh. With no extra HDR and no extra audio/supplements, it just seems kind of a waste in terms of any upgrade and a waste of a slot in Criterion's monthly 4k lineup.

WKW & Christopher Doyle's extremely cinematic visual approach of these films seem like they'd be prime candidates for 4k HDR restorations rich with grain, detail and colors. least this release isn't it.

In comparison the Criterion Wall-E 4k which uses the same exact video transfer as the existing and way cheaper Disney release has about an hour or so of new supplements and a new Dolby Vision layer on the transfer. It's still a minor upgrade there, but it's something.

Also as much as I'm a big fan of Criterion since the LD/DVD days, they've been fucking up a bit on quality control in their very small pool of 4k releases so far and it's a little worrisome.

Citizen Kane - the 2K included BD has a greyscale fuck up 30 mins in (they did a replacement program; plus it doesn't affect the 4k disc)

The Beatles A Hard Day's Night - the 4k disc is legit missing 3 shots during an end sequence  :lol the 2k version included is fine (they did a replacement program, I didn't bother sending it back because it's 3 shots)

The Sound of Metal - At certain parts in the plot the main character uses sign language. In the Amazon streaming release the sign language dialogues were subbed. In the Criterion release there's no subs at all for the sign language parts so you just can't understand what they're saying. (Criterion hasn't responded to fans about this and if they will do a replacement program)

Idk, you've got that stuff and this In the Mood for Love transfer, weird stuff like Night of the Living Dead which looks GREAT and is a fantastic disc rich with detail but also doesn't have HDR which is a bit weird when a lot of B&W films of the time do and the HDR works well for the highlights, Criterion is just being a bit more iffy than usual on this first year of 4k discs. Hopefully they'll work out the kinks because otherwise the quality of their releases is stellar.


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Maverick looks and sounds predictably incredible on disc.


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Nope's IMAX scenes looked pretty amazing and reference quality. When Maverick goes on sale will grab that for the Imax stuff too.


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I've been buying too many 2K Criterion discs lately in these 50% off sales of stuff I never picked up and/or haven't seen but always wanted to. This is going to bite me in the ass if/when they start re-releasing a lot of these in 4Ks down the line. But some won't and some will take years, so eh.


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Found myself in town today and checked out the fire sale in HMV. Surprisingly good prices on Arrow stuff so grabbed these two.

Exorcist III is Ł15 everywhere I checked online, and the Hellraiser box set is OOP and was Ł40, so I'm happy with those.

Joe Molotov

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Hellraiser :lawd

Part of me wishes Arrow would go full sicko mode and release a follow-up 4 - 8 boxset. :sicko


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Would that mean we get a box set for Revelations and Judgment as well?  :whew

Joe Molotov

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I hope not. :yuck

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Although I'd probably still buy it.


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Speaking of Arrow stuff, started getting into the world of region-free 4k BD imports due to the good USD exchange rate currently. Saw one of the Arrow releases that hasn't made it the US Arrow branch yet was Videodrome, which I've never actually watched but always wanted to since it seemed up my alley. Got that. Seemed like a good transfer:

Though weirdly enough mine has a different cover wtf?
This is what I ordered straight from their store:

This is what I got. Contents are all the same outside the worse cover.

Apparently they had two versions and this is called the "original art" version and for whatever reason is more sought after. Weird. I think the new art cover is way better. In the end it's the same contents so who cares, just an uglier box on the shelf.

Also ordered that Police Story Trilogy box that Joe got on the last page. Haven't seen those in forever. It's on the slow boat from UK and should get it sometime in the next month.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2022, 05:26:31 PM by Bebpo »

Joe Molotov

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Criterion has Videodrome (and also Police Story 1 & 2 for that matter) in the US, so no 4K release over here until they decide to do it.


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I know people were worried about Reservoir Dogs since apparently the old BD transfer is shoddy and this is a cheap Lionsgate catalogue release, but it sounds like the new video transfer is good. Will grab it for <$10 during a sale.

Joe Molotov

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Hoping for some good 4K dealz for Black Friday.

Joe Molotov

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Ghost Watch was fun.

Joe Molotov

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Coming out soon on Blu-Ray too (probably already rips online from the UK release :shh )



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Ghost Watch was fun.

Never heard of it. What's its deal?


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Ghost Watch was fun.

Never heard of it. What's its deal?

British TV movie from 30 years ago, presented as a legit live broadcast about an investigation into a haunted suburban house. It was a pretty innovative format for back then and picked up a cult following over the years because it was never broadcast again due to tons of people thinking it was real, including one guy who killed himself.

Someone posted it on the Internet Archive:


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I didn't even particularly love this movie (A++ art direction, ok movie), and I already bought the original 4k for $9.99, but these jerks getting me to double dip because I like good art and the movie is good art and that packaging is good art and I'm curious about the new 20 min short film Lowery filmed this year that's on this (along with some new extras) + the art book/green knight stuff.


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I just watched Wayne’s World in 4K and not only did it look surprisingly decent but they also restored Stairway to Heaven to the “no stairway” joke. No more royalty free generic riff — he now starts playing Stairway to Heaven, which I don’t think has been the case since the original theatrical release.


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I got this because I'm getting tired of these 4k limited edition boxes selling out and then they never release the movies individually. Plus I really like Run, Lola Run and makes me miss Tom Twyker at his crazy ADHD early era (I gotta watch that Babylon show he did one of these days) and I either like or haven't seen the rest (pretty even split for me, haven't seen Orlando, Still Alice, Volver, or Call me By Your Name, just watched The Celluloid Closet for the first time last night).

What surprised me the most about this box is how barebones it is. Like those Columbia Classics editions that are like $80-$100 for six movies are fucking nice sets. Big bulky package, huge high quality book with essays on each film, each movie is like 2-3 discs with 4k, BD and special features. Digital copies of all the movies. The Columbia Classic boxes are a good deal imo. Plus they may become pretty pricey collectors editions. Volume 1 from 2020 (the only one I missed out on) is going for $999 on ebay (or $220 with like 30 people still bidding on it).

But this Sony Classics box, which is double the price of those Columbia boxes at $200 (but 11 movies instead of 6), is really barebones once you open the weird shape box. There's a tiny little 30-40 page booklet that's got a single essay about the studio of Sony Pictures Classics, then the individual moves you open up and they only have a single 4k disc each. No BDs, no digital copies. It's also a very oddball collection of indie stuff. It definitely comes across as a budget release by some passionate people at SPC who wanted to get some of the smaller stuff like SLC Punk, City of the Lost Children and Run, Lola Run out in new 4ks.

I'm not sure if there's any new special features. It feels like they went out and licensed all the previous special features from previous BDs and that's about it. Like The Devil's Backbone has most of Criterion's special features (and I just bought that Criterion 2k disc not too long ago :|).

Anyhow, dunno if I'd recommend it to anyone other than hardcore indie fans of these films with too much money sitting around. I think it's a good pick of titles and from the couple of reviews of the box the quality of the transfers are quite good but a lot of these were very budget titles with simple visual palettes.


  • Finish the Fight
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The selection of movies seems kind of random(?)

If they wanted to go with Sony pictures 'classics' purely from a quality standpoint they should've included the likes of Leviathan.
If they wanted to go with films people remember, where is Black Book, The Raid, Layer Cake or MOON?


  • Senior Member
The selection of movies seems kind of random(?)

If they wanted to go with Sony pictures 'classics' purely from a quality standpoint they should've included the likes of Leviathan.
If they wanted to go with films people remember, where is Black Book, The Raid, Layer Cake or MOON?

Yeah, it's a unique selection, but I also find it kind of more interesting because of how oddball it is. They're all great? films (I dunno anything about Orlando). I think the theme is "first breakout hit from a director"

Like you've got:

City of the Lost Children - First major fan favorite of Jean-Pierre Jeunet (Delicatessen would've been the weirder pick, Amelie more the mainstream favorite pick)
The Devil's Backbone - Same for Guillermo Del Toro's collection (Cronos maybe more indie pick, but Devil's Backbone more wider known)
Run Lola Run - Best Tom Twyker film, though also first breakout indie hit

But then you've got:

Synecdoche, New York - I think this got included because Phillip Seymour Hoffman is gone and this was his last big indie flick. It's a pretty inaccessible Charlie Kaufmann movie compared to like Adaptation, which would've been a better pick. Though honestly that Netflix one he did a few years back (I'm Thinking of Ending Things) is probably even less accessible. I've only seen Synecdoche, New York once and it basically flew over my head and didn't care for it that much outside PSH's performance which was really good.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - This isn't "indie" at all, it's also probably the biggest mainstream hit and well known film of Ang Lee's career. It's also the only film in this box that had a separate release already in 4k. It's a pretty weird entry in this set, but I think for Sony Pictures Classic, this is one of their biggest hits they've ever had and they felt like they should include it since the box is supposed to represent the last 30 years of the studio. Plus they probably wanted some Asia film representation since everything else is Euro or USA.

Then you've got:

SLC Punk - Which is a weird pick. I don't even remember the movie outside Matt Dillon's performance. But it's become a bit of a cult favorite and as someone that grew up around this era, locale and this scene I'm all for punk movie rep in here.

The Celluloid Closet - I'm not well versed in what documentaries SPC has done over the last thirty years, but seems like a good pick as it's a very quality documentary on an important subject of gay representation and film history.

As for the rest that I haven't seen:

Volver - I remember when this came out people talked about it a lot, especially the visual style and acting. Had some Oscar noms. Seems like a good pick.
Call Me By My Name - same thing. I haven't seen this but I really enjoyed Luca Guadagnino's Suspiria remake. Looking forward to seeing Bones and All.
Still Alice - I know absolutely nothing about this, but Julianne More won the oscar this year for it.
Orlando - Yeah, don't know anything about this, but the tagline of Billy Zane in period piece getup living for 400 years with Tilda Swinton sounds interesting.
Also Orlando came up in 2020 which is probably when they would've started on this project so that probably is why it was included:

Orlando, both the film and the novel, was the primary inspiration for both the 2020 spring exhibition of the Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the 2020 Met Gala. The exhibition, entitled "About Time: Fashion and Duration", was specifically inspired by the "labyrinth" scene in Orlando, where Tilda Swinton runs through the labyrinth dressed in an 18th-century gown before she reappears dressed in mid-19th century garb.[25] Using that scene as the initial inspiration, curator Andrew Bolton took "Orlando’s concept of time and the manner in which she/he moves seamlessly through the centuries" to "trace more than a century and a half of fashion, illustrating how garments of the past influence the present."[25] Although the COVID-19 pandemic forced the cancellation of the Met Gala, the opening of the exhibition itself was postponed until October 2020.

As for your suggestions, I haven't seen Leviathan or Black Book, so I've got no comment on those. The Raid is amazing, but this is a generally family friendly-ish set. Feels like an ultra-violent film like The Raid wouldn't fit. Layer Cake would've been a fantastic pick, I agree. Breakout hit for Mathew Vaughn and maybe Craig (not sure if he had big films before this). Moon...hmmm, I found it kind of disappointing and Duncan Jones hasn't really gone on to an impressive career, though Source Code was good. Also has the Kevin Spacey is blacklisted factor. Wouldn't be a bad pick, but I can see why they would've skipped it.

Joe Molotov

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Arrow’s Shawscope Collection Vol. 2 is out this week. Features

- The 36th Chamber of Shaolin
- Return to the 36th Chamber
- Disciples of the 36th Chamber
- Mad Monkey Kung Fu
- Five Superfighters
- Invincible Shaolin
- The Kid with the Golden Arm
- Magnificent Ruffians
- Ten Tigers of Kwangtung
- My Young Auntie
- Mercenaries from Hong Kong
- The Boxer's Omen
- Martial Arts of Shaolin
- The Bare-Footed Kid


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Got this to go with Alligator in my burgeoning John Sayles Jaws ripoff collection.

Joe Molotov

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I love Piranha, such a fun movie.