Author Topic: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town  (Read 225442 times)

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2820 on: October 30, 2022, 02:03:48 PM »
Obama's act still works.  :lol

Who's got your backs? That's right the guy that bailed out the banks and greenlit their plan to evict you from your homes.

Who's got your backs? The guy that used big tech to collect all your personal data for his campaigns.

Who's got your backs? The guy that handed Crimea to Putin.

Who's got your backs? The guy that toured the entire Middle East to promote Democracy in stable yet autocratic countries and then threw the protestors under the bus.

Who's got your backs? The guy that told you there was lead in all the water and you shouldn't complain about it.

Still love this clip

I like how even the headline: "Obama drinks flint water" is fake  :lol


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2821 on: October 30, 2022, 02:06:43 PM »
Remember the time Obama celebrated he got out of his presidency scandal free? :dead


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2822 on: October 30, 2022, 10:40:17 PM »
As a guy who spent nearly a decade in corporate security where millions of dollars were poured into it I’ll say - security is mostly a show to make people feel safe. It’s designed to detect the obvious and stereotypical security threats. It’s always the weird folks who make no efforts to actually elude security to pull off strange stunts that make it past. A question I’ll never forget that I had to help answer “how did we miss a dozen topless protesters walking through a gate and across campus in the middle of the day?!”
The government will admit this is true for them too from time to time. The politicians don't, it'd undermine their entire purpose, but the actual people tasked with it will.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2823 on: October 30, 2022, 11:05:05 PM »
Strength vs weakness

A lot of my positioning revolves around the idea of strength. I respect what's strong. I do not respect what's weak.


I think the mindset of conservatives is needed in our community and what is best for it. At the end of the day only the strong survive. Strength is right.
It's somewhat of a category error to assume that this is so easily determined though. Take your complaint about victimhood, you argue this is weakness. But it's not in a culture that rewards weakness which is the very purpose of the progressive stack, the subaltern, lived experiences, identity politics, etc. They argue that the victim status should prioritize people, then they argue that victim status should able to be claimed by anyone. This empowers those willing to claim victim status at all times.

Look at one of your pet concerns, trans issues. It's now pregnant person, ACLU rewriting RBG quotes and demanding books be destroyed, claims of genocide when women claim womenhood as exclusive to females, etc. You yourself claim that the "gay agenda" has taken over everything. How is this not strength? Shouldn't you support them since they're constantly displaying strength? Instead you reject their strength and align with conservative weakness, appealing to select friendly states and locals to protect you from the all-powerful agenda.

If you want to make concrete claims and establish simplistic principles you have to logically extend and analyze them. I can make categorical and general claims that less state is good and more state is bad because my position as an anarchist is that the state is inherently bad, there's never any contradiction because I'm willing to stick to the moral claim underlying the entire thing. ("Ah but benji, you support UBI and universal emergency health insurance (not Medicare4All) so this is CURIOUS?" This is because I believe humans experience linear time.) If you want to establish strength as your principle then you need to outline what would be strength from let's call it a veil of ignorance (lol Rawls) rather than go through things in the current state and declare things semi-randomly to be strength or weakness then announce that all your picks just happen to align perfectly with strength. You started to approach this as you turned towards individualism but I think it doesn't speak to strength being relative and to many people that means the power they can wield in society, collectivist ideologies (progressivism, Trumpism, etc.) deceive because they claim by submitting your individuality to The People you will have more power since you will be aligned with society. (Something that becomes a tautology in systems like communism where any opposition is outlawed and considered treasonous.)


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2824 on: October 31, 2022, 02:45:45 AM »
That's well argued. I was going to leave it for the morning but I'll continue it now.

It's true that the collectivist ideologies contain certain societal dominance but dominance does not necessarily equal to strength. In my experience it is not people who support these ideologies that gain real, hard power sans grift (Black Lives Matter, Nikole Hannah-Jones;etc.). When I speak of power and strength I speak of self empowerment too. Not just hard power that is quantifiable. I, as an individual, deserve to have my opinions and individuality respected. I am more than a black person, or someone of my class, sex, or my religion. Where collectivist ideologies stray is when they exert their power on the individual. The human, always seeking his own freedom, will reject the collectivist thought. Essentially, a collective without individualism is inherently self defeating no matter what strength they happen to convey and the human spirit will always burn to rebel against it.

Take progressive thought. They currently are transforming the Democratic Party and politics in general. You could, as you've surmised, posit that they have cultural power and therefore are strong. But they also present their ideas as the only solution.and despite their clinging to the doors of their own orthodoxy, they experience loss after loss after loss because of their unwillingness to compromise. Despite gaining in popularity with a subset of people they aren't truly politically strong. No one is running out to buy EVs besides a small number of rich people. Parents are openly backlashing against Critical Race Theory and sexual/gender politics being shoved into schools to the point where entire states such as Virginia are flipping to reject progressivism. It's a niche. Just because they're loud doesn't make them strong.

There is a case to be made for collectivist framework among groups of people. A big part of the reason Asian-Americans and African Americans (actual Africans) are so successful is because of their tight knit communities. The same is true for Jewish communities. I've experienced the same within Islamic communities. So there's a case to be made for some soft collectivism and looking out for your own. The trouble is when this collectivism turns into a form idolatry of the self, whether in a racial or gender lens. While those that paint themselves as victims are certainly gaining a certain clout rewarded for their identity that's mostly within their own communities. In the real world where they lack hard power, they are weak and aren't progressing to self sufficiency the way others are. The people I know the most well off, the most free, are those that worked their asses off in the pursuit of the belief of their own abilities. The others merely complain.

And as progressivism increases in popularity notice too that people are more comfortable being mediocre. Progressivism helps promote a weak society. Yes, they might have social clout within their sphere but culture is also stagnant because it doesn't instill a culture of risk. Covid and its aftermath being a great example. Through their fear of Covid progressives and liberals have caused delay in children. Overuse of masks in schools has delayed these children's educations. Kids are stumbling with reading and are said to be years behind in schooling. Overly coddled children leads to weaker children, and an overly coddled society that overly relies on government, the collective, or the group leads to a weak society.

No matter what you say about this man's legacy or the fact he made the government larger during his tenure as President, the idea still sticks with me.

Fuck big government. Thanks for opening my eyes Covid and NYC. I agree with your suppositions of the state.

That being said, your post is something I can consider. I simply do not find making yourself an endless victim to be self empowering. On the contrary, I find it to be very pathetic.

You started to approach this as you turned towards individualism but I think it doesn't speak to strength being relative and to many people that means the power they can wield in society, collectivist ideologies (progressivism, Trumpism, etc.) deceive because they claim by submitting your individuality to The People you will have more power since you will be aligned with society.

Please rephrase.

Also, I do not want to live in the Midwest to get away from progressives. I could stay in Texas and do that. I want cheap living, access to good education for my future family, four seasons, and down to Earth culture.

Look at one of your pet concerns, trans issues. It's now pregnant person, ACLU rewriting RBG quotes and demanding books be destroyed, claims of genocide when women claim womenhood as exclusive to females, etc. You yourself claim that the "gay agenda" has taken over everything. How is this not strength? Shouldn't you support them since they're constantly displaying strength? Instead you reject their strength and align with conservative weakness, appealing to select friendly states and locals to protect you from the all-powerful agenda.

This is true. There's more to this world than strength, though. There's also right and wrong. Morals. And "birthing people", letting men take over or speak for women,  and refashioning women's quotes to fit narratives is morally wrong as it strips women of their womanhood. It is true that by my own virtue of valuing the strong I should support them and they definitely are strong politically, but it doesn't make them right or remove the fact that personally they can crater to weakness under any hint of criticism. Even Chappelle Netflix specials and Cyberpunk is too much but despite their protests they've managed to change not a single thing,. They're just loud, and their loudness will merely just result in tired people sick of outrage. Their "strength" is limited.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2022, 03:05:06 AM by Himu »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2825 on: October 31, 2022, 02:40:36 PM »

But how RADICAL are things? Did they poll that?



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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2826 on: October 31, 2022, 04:58:42 PM »
You'd think PedoHitler would be getting up to a lot more evil shit.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2827 on: October 31, 2022, 05:30:19 PM »
Watching a nuke detonate while holding hands with his child bride is pretty evil tho.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2828 on: October 31, 2022, 06:53:25 PM »
"I like strength and don't like weakness" is pretty standard fascist fair. You also want to go back to the good old days too, I reckon...

There are things that I am pretty out of bounds on, when it comes to normal liberal discourse or views. I'm a feminist, yet truly believe intersectional feminism is brain poison that is largely the crux of much of the stupid discourse in this country. People, mainly white women, collecting badges of victimhood in order to deflect or neutralize their white privilege. There are also aspects of the trans debate that trouble me, however I fully support their rights. Finally yes, identity politics ties back to the intersectional issue when it comes to conditioning multi billion dollar corporations to appeal to victimhood to sell you a product. We talk way more about that than prevent monopolies, corporate tax rates, etc. It's certainly a clever trick of deflection though, and clever marketing.

I will say this. Democrats have leaned more into twitter reality than real reality. One of the reasons Fetterman was doing so well - before the stroke symptoms became more prominent - was due to focusing on shit most people care about. Minimum wage, more local jobs, preventing politicians from buying stock, legalizing weed, etc. Going back to Obama, he actually did decent with rural voters compared to Hillary or Biden. He didn't get wiped out in most counties and districts that he lost. I remember him saying there's a big difference between losing a county by 40 points and losing it by 20 points, and a lot of it boils down to showing up in person. You're not gonna win, but the goal is to not get blown the fuck out. A major reason Hillary lost is because she completely wrote those people off. Biden got back to Obama's approach, although certainly not as effective (pandemic, being an old dude who didn't campaign as much, etc).

Long story short democrats would rather run up the score with demographics they expect to be blue, than to mitigate and neutralize losses on the other side. I'm not a moderate so I'm not calling for moderation. Instead my argument is that...if your entire demographic math push boils down to trying to get Hispanic voters to vote in a bloc like black voters, you're fucked. They're miscalculating what Hispanic voters want, and they're miscalculating what black voters want to be frank. Ironically Biden has at least put points on the board with regards to shit young voters care about.



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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2829 on: October 31, 2022, 07:31:12 PM »
I feel that's the reason why old Joe is still doing this and planning to do this in 2024.
He can't retire until the other Democrats sort their shit out.

Kamala dropped out as one of the first in the primary because she had no support and the Biden bump at least gets her to lose only single digits against Trump in current match-ups.
A gap of about 7 or 8 points that she could overcome if she plays her cards right. We've seen Republicans close those type of gaps over the past few months.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2830 on: October 31, 2022, 07:45:14 PM »
Watching a nuke detonate while holding hands with his child bride is pretty evil tho.
Well, I mean, I don't know that he's the one who set off the nuke. Innocent until proven guilty, Jack.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2831 on: October 31, 2022, 07:49:58 PM »
Kamala dropped out as one of the first in the primary because she had no support and the Biden bump at least gets her to lose only single digits against Trump in current match-ups.
A gap of about 7 or 8 points that she could overcome if she plays her cards right. We've seen Republicans close those type of gaps over the past few months.
That's just Generic Democrat polling two years out. Kamala's problem is the primary, most any mainstream Democrat will be competitive within the margin of error.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2832 on: October 31, 2022, 07:57:31 PM »
"I like strength and don't like weakness" is pretty standard fascist fair. You also want to go back to the good old days too, I reckon...

Lol Okay. :lol

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2833 on: October 31, 2022, 08:41:13 PM »
Gonna be real interesting watching the "black women magic" brigade and how they react to Kamala being challenged and (likely) trounced in a primary. Could result in some wild shit that hurts whoever the candidate will be - assuming it's not Biden. I have no idea what happened to the Kamala the senator, during the early part of her term...but she is a disaster now. Completely consumed by twitter-centric identity politics and messaging. The exact opposite of how Biden ran, and the opposite of his natural political inclinations.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2834 on: October 31, 2022, 08:51:41 PM »
I have no idea how she survives in the party being a tough-on-crime police advocate with a bunch of footage of her laughing about all the kinds of people she incarcerated


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2835 on: October 31, 2022, 09:20:52 PM »
I have no idea how she survives in the party being a tough-on-crime police advocate with a bunch of footage of her laughing about all the kinds of people she incarcerated
FACT CHECK: Cops are based actually:


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2837 on: November 01, 2022, 12:53:28 AM »
Kamala will lose in a primary even as VEEP.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2838 on: November 01, 2022, 01:10:29 AM »

As per someone else's words:

Yeah, no.. While many of us said "we don't know, so let us make our own choices," there were some who felt compulsion was the correct choice. You don't get to make our lives hell, ruin the global economy, and just make everything worse for two years and then say we should "forgive each other."

Also the Biden admin still considers Covid an "emergency". Luls.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2839 on: November 01, 2022, 04:09:06 AM »
Election season is wild:

fringe elements
With 120 million Soros is by far the biggest Dem donor and single biggest donor this cycle. Not even the paypal maffia can keep up. Palmer Luckey got cancelled for way less.
Still I doubt this. As history has shown people often don't show up at the polls.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2022, 04:42:33 AM by Nintex »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2840 on: November 01, 2022, 07:20:33 AM »


Democrats scramble to avert shock Senate loss in Washington state

Incumbent Patty Murray’s support has slipped in recent weeks, prompting outside groups to pour in millions to prevent a sleeper victory by Republican Tiffany Smiley.

Democrats are adding millions in television spending to boost Sen. Patty Murray, a sign that the party is employing a take-no-chances approach even in solidly blue Washington state.

The 30-year veteran of the Senate is facing a challenge from Republican Tiffany Smiley, a political newcomer whose campaign has seized on quality-of-life issues, from urban crime and homelessness to inflation, to tarnish Murray. In recent public polling, Smiley has closed a sizable gap since this summer, when Murray led by 18 percentage points in an 18-candidate, all-party primary.

A Seattle Times poll released last week showed Murray slipping slightly, from 51 percent in a July survey to 49 percent now, with Smiley’s support increasing from 33 percent this summer to 41 percent now. The poll also finds that Smiley has improved with independents in the state, capturing 50 percent of their support to Murray’s 34 percent.

The national political environment currently favors Republicans in the midterms, and the fact that Democrats are spending to shore up an incumbent in a solidly blue state is not a good sign for them.

“It doesn’t surprise me that this race has tightened,” said Alex Glass, a Democratic strategist based in the state who noted voters still weren’t paying close attention to the race over the summer.

I pray to God it tightens further.

Stray comment:

Issue #1 is crime. The state Democrats have been terrible on crime in the last half decade. Seattle has become a shithole of homeless drug addicts that openly use on the street without repercussion. Vagrant camps have been put up around schools. It is not uncommon to see needles and human feces on the ground when you walk around downtown Seattle. Recently an 18 month old child OD’d on a loose fentanyl pill found at playground.

Washington has been a one party state for so long that the Democrats own all of these failures. Furthermore, the progressive wing of the party has actively exacerbated the problem. From CHOP/CHAZ and the “summer of love”of 2020 to the recent state crime reform bill that makes it impossible for police on the streets to actually do their jobs to running a legitimate police abolitionist for city prosecutor, the state Democratic Party has been associated with being weak on crime.

All of this plays into Tiffany Smiley’s adds which have been hammering Murray on crime. Granted, none of the above is Murray’s fault, but a significant number of voters are tired of the Democratic Party being beholden to the most progressive of voices in the state and are looking to punish the party.

Political punishment should happen more often. One party completely owning a state is dumb dumb, whether blue or red. You need checks and you need balances. Democrats need to lose power to humble them push them to the right to force them to be more reasonable. Kind of like letting a kid touch an oven to realize they burn. Or telling your kid,"if someone hits you hit them back" to teach the other kid a good lesson in boundaries. If Dems don't get it, continue to punish them until they finally do and you get the government you want. Likewise, states like Texas are in serious need of reasonable blue representation to offset the Republicans heterodox of Tejas politic. This is why flip states are actually the smartest states and why flip voters are actually the smartest voters. Partisans are r-etards.


Here's to a few upsets rocking the boat of progressives and their God awful policy. Here's hoping for a decade of conservatives rule. Cheers.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2022, 07:26:19 AM by Himu »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2841 on: November 01, 2022, 07:41:21 AM »
Ahahaha what I say about vaccine mandates the last year. But the authoritarian Dems, the stupid and inept Biden government, and Covid overcorrection leads to this. "We have vaccines for measles!" Measles isn't a a virus that will go away in a few years. Lol. But you stupid Dumbocrats had to push! You haaaaaad to force the vaccine on the population to the point where someone like myself that still supports vaccination is labeled an anti-vaxxer because I think it's dumb and authorstive to force people to get a vaccine for a CORONAVIRUS in order to KEEP THEIR JOBS.

And now look. 27% of the police force quit in Seattle because of mandates.

Actions have consequences. Dems need punishment for their love of crime, for their love of authority and control. I want the Washington and Oregon upset. *rubs hands* but I won't be shocked if those partisans still stick with their one party rule. Let's see if PNW people are smarter than Californians. If the Dems in the PNW can't be outsed you will see more people leaving those states because the politics are unchangeable just like California.

For a bunch of so called pro-workers Dumbocrats sure do treat people as expendable. Hypocrites, all the way through. Disgusting. This will only further accelerate the Republican Party as the new party for the working class.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2022, 07:47:49 AM by Himu »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2842 on: November 01, 2022, 08:36:43 AM »

As per someone else's words:

Yeah, no.. While many of us said "we don't know, so let us make our own choices," there were some who felt compulsion was the correct choice. You don't get to make our lives hell, ruin the global economy, and just make everything worse for two years and then say we should "forgive each other."

Also the Biden admin still considers Covid an "emergency". Luls.

Ah, some more good, sobering comments.

Regardless of if various mitigation measures were "worth it" or not (a calculation that is probably far too subjective and based on too much conjecture to ever be resolved), I think it is very hard to overlook the lack of acknowledgement that such measures had some real victims.

As a mother of a daughter who was struggling with addiction during that time, the mitigation measures  had a very real and very deadly cost. In person meetings shut down. Many rehabs and detoxes shut down, or had minimal beds available. Further, forced isolation caused by all the shutdowns destroyed the mental health of many, particularly the young.

Our deaths due to despair have skyrocketed (suicides, drug and alcohol deaths). My daughter was one of them. Until I hear a politician acknowledge that they made a trade-off that probably contributed to my daughter's death, it's going to be really hard to move on. We sacrificed the young to save the elderly, and too many pretended that anyone who wasn't 100% on board with this was some evil grandma killer.

My Uncle died by himself in an isolated hospital room with no visitors or family and was buried with 3 people at his graveside - all because of the policies and procedures put in place by following the data that the author holds so sacred in her virtuous Twitter bio.

And when I dared to even once question any of it..I was at best talked down to and at worst cursed at and lectured by people exactly like Ms. Oster.

So no, I won't be forgiving and forgetting. No one is really to blame you see - it's all "the government's fault" or some other entity that is beyond being held truly accountable.

Oh my gosh this article is infuriating.  They think they deserve no accountability because “we didn’t know.”  That’s no excuse.  They didn’t even attempt to listen to the other side at all during the pandemic.


*"We didn't know!"*

'Well people tried to tell you, you said they were racists and denying science and supported mass murder. Then you cut off their ability to share their views with others, ended their livelihoods, irreparably damaged their mental health, and then fired them if it was even remotely possible.'

*"Yeah, but we didn't know they were -right- or we would've listened to them! Let's call it a draw and go back to being friends??"*

I'm not one for arguments about white privilege- but if there's anything more "white privilege" than an economist from Brown telling people that 'mistakes were made, we should come together now before it's politically inconvenient for me and my friends', I dunno what it is. Imagine thinking you can put a bandage on the gunshot wound that is still festering after shoving a poker in there for 2 years and hope you'll be forgiven.

The audacity of even pitching that outside your group of friends is something you really just will only find in someone who hasn't been questioned by anyone their entire lives outside a thesis defense. Like, it'd never even occur to me to try to gaslight everyone reading The Atlantic as effectively as this woman tries to; because I know I'd never get away with it.

Maybe it's not a racial thing because that's a shitty lens- but maybe it kinda is?

A entire generation of students had their education stunted. Loved ones died alone and were denied funerals while George Floyd was permitted to have three. Millions of people lost their jobs, first to lockdowns and then to illegal vaccine mandates that were later struck down by the courts. Trust in institutions and experts was destroyed. People who questioned any of this were censored relentlessly by Big Tech while the bullies who called them "plague rats" and "grandma killer" got a free pass. Young children were still forced to wear masks at school well into 2022.   

Has any official been fired for their role in this?

Has any official offered a single apology for the amount of trauma they caused?


There cannot be "amnesty" and "moving on" until there is accountability. There is no "moving on" until we make absolutely sure that this can never happen again.

My dad was in the hospital for a month and not allowed visitors during that time because of Covid hospital policy. My family bad to wait a month, not even allowed a Zoom call unless via nurse approval once a week. We were lucky in that we were allowed into his room and let him die around family the night we decided to take him off life support. The damage of Covid policy cannot be minimized.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2022, 08:49:13 AM by Himu »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2843 on: November 01, 2022, 09:19:17 AM »
If your dad had got Covid from someone who was infected when they visited a loved one in hospital, would you still feel the same I wonder.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2844 on: November 01, 2022, 04:20:14 PM »

« Last Edit: November 01, 2022, 04:35:02 PM by Nintex »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2845 on: November 01, 2022, 04:37:55 PM »
Every time a political attack happens or a mass shooting and it's endless probes on the assailants history to see if they were a right wing nazi or a left wing communist. It's pretty tiring.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2846 on: November 01, 2022, 04:49:11 PM »
Every time a political attack happens or a mass shooting and it's endless probes on the assailants history to see if they were a right wing nazi or a left wing communist. It's pretty tiring.

when was the last good old fashioned unpoliticized mass shooting


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2847 on: November 01, 2022, 04:55:29 PM »
Every time a political attack happens or a mass shooting and it's endless probes on the assailants history to see if they were a right wing nazi or a left wing communist. It's pretty tiring.

when was the last good old fashioned unpoliticized mass shooting

Just had the 20 year birthday of these bad boys

At the 2006 trial of Muhammad, Malvo testified that the aim of the killing spree was to kidnap children for the purpose of extorting money from the government and to "set up a camp to train children how to terrorize cities," with the ultimate goal being to "shut things down" across the United States

Why cant we go back to how things used to be


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2848 on: November 01, 2022, 05:10:11 PM »
Every time a political attack happens or a mass shooting and it's endless probes on the assailants history to see if they were a right wing nazi or a left wing communist. It's pretty tiring.

when was the last good old fashioned unpoliticized mass shooting

I'm saying not all mass shootings are political. Dude mowed down kids in Uvalde and there's zero motive that I've seen that points to a particular political motive. Yet after the fact people rushed to classify him as a right winger or a left winger to score political points for their "team".


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2849 on: November 01, 2022, 05:41:29 PM »
the latest thing I keep seeing everywhere that kinda pisses me off: the pervasive narrative that republicans want to end social security, or that killing it is imminent in current active GOP plans somehow

constant memes, comments and fearmingering across the internet e.g.

I'd looked into this previously and it seemed like a whole lot of nothing but I just checked again:

the top link I get is washington post debunking it (but they're centrist so you can't trust them I guess), followed by an entire page of more fearmongering

the wapo article out from under paywall:

Now comes the latest iteration of this campaign attack. But it’s just as empty as the previous ones.

The main source of this accusation is a document issued by Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.), chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, which helps elect Republicans to the Senate. In February, Scott released a 60-page “11-point plan to rescue America” that offered 128 proposals.

Buried on Page 38, in a section on government restructuring, was one sentence: “All federal legislation sunsets in 5 years. If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again.”

“Sunset” is inside-the-Beltway lingo. The Congressional Research Service offers this definition: “The sunset concept provides for programs and agencies to terminate automatically on a periodic basis unless explicitly renewed by law.” In theory, then, even a venerable program such as Social Security or Medicare would have to prove its worth all over again every five years, though neither was specifically mentioned.

Scott’s plan was almost immediately rejected by most Senate Republicans. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) was especially harsh.

“We will not have as part of our agenda a bill that raises taxes on half of the American people and sunsets Social Security and Medicare within five years,” McConnell told reporters March 1. “That will not be part of a Republican Senate majority agenda.”

not only that, the guy who supposedly wants to end social security seems to want to save it:

During an interview with Fox News on March 27, Scott was asked whether his plan could “potentially sunset programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.” He dismissed that as “Democratic talking points” and said his proposal was intended to focus attention on how to deal with potential funding shortfalls in the future.

“No one that I know of wants to sunset Medicare or Social Security, but what we’re doing is we don’t even talk about it. Medicare goes bankrupt in four years. Social Security goes bankrupt in 12 years,” Scott said. “I think we ought to figure out how we preserve those programs. Every program that we care about, we ought to stop and take the time to preserve those programs.”

(It’s beyond the scope of this fact check, but Scott’s “bankrupt” language is exaggerated. Payments would continue but at reduced levels, according to the annual reports issued by the administrators of the programs’ trust funds. As we have noted before, Medicare’s Part A fund has, since 1970, been on the brink of going “broke” — but always manages to stay afloat.)

maybe he's fucking lying and insidiously saying he wants to save it when really given a moment's power over it would ax it immediately?

and there are also fake infographics floating around that claim to represent republican plans regarding social security:

I don't trust most republican plans or sources, nor do they usually deserve defense or benefit of the doubt, but I'd like to be able to trust...literally anyone


I don't even think republicans value social security and probably are looking for ways to screw people out of it or raise the minimum age, I just don't think it's imminent and if it were true would be wildly unpopular even within their base

like come the fuck on, don't pounce on the tiniest thing you think you can exploit to spread FUD


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2850 on: November 01, 2022, 05:46:26 PM »
Uncle now you're sounding like an American. Do you have a citizenship?

Democrats running on an invisible issue they think they can curate for votes is nothing new. Let the liberals fester in their "you hate people!!! :brazilcry" narrative and lose elections. :idont


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2851 on: November 01, 2022, 05:47:42 PM »
Im old enough to remember the speaker of the house, whats his name, the guy with the cringe gym photos, running on an "abolish SS" platform


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2852 on: November 01, 2022, 05:56:07 PM »
Im old enough to remember the speaker of the house, whats his name, the guy with the cringe gym photos, running on an "abolish SS" platform

sure but don't seize on one guy's plan, which doesn't even explicitly mention or target social security, which was also rejected by his own base, and according to his own words wants to find a way to stop social security from going bankrupt, and twist this into a major talking point

I mean if republicans are truly against social security then wouldn't going on fox news and talking about how to save it be political suicide?

this lie is all over the internet:


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2853 on: November 01, 2022, 06:04:33 PM »
Another day, another liberal SOB story through emotional blackmail claptrap.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2854 on: November 01, 2022, 06:13:27 PM »
Scaremongering by left leaning parties around eliminating and drastically cutting funding to welfare, public health and education is standard around the world.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2022, 06:53:23 PM by Potato »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2855 on: November 01, 2022, 06:25:38 PM »
Just like the left scaremongering about leaving conservative parties STARTING A COUP OMG BOLSONARO LOST AND THE NAZIS ARE GOING TO CAUSE A COUP

Bolsonaro government accepts loss.

Nothing burger. I've seen so much outrage from left parties my life I no longer consider them anymore. Climate change? I seriously no longer give a fuck.

Let's see what the liberal lgbtqlmnop cries against next week. It's always fucking something. Always a need to protest something. They're never happy. It's like mother in When Doves Cry - she's never satisfied.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2856 on: November 01, 2022, 07:24:53 PM »
The issue with the social security programs is that there's no lobbying for them and they aren't very exciting for any politician to back from either party.
It's a pile of cash that's just 'there' and the NGO's don't benefit from those programs either because they already existed long before they could get their piece.

Once those programs are put on the table, politicians will cut social security 99% of the time (calling it a restructure or a modernization or whatever) and find it more interesting to invest in other things whether that's innovation, medical research, digital transformation, climate, defense, energy, security, tax cuts etc. . Bill Clinton cut them under the guise of reform and privitization, Obama cut them under the banner of austerity. Even Trump cut select social programs while increasing spending on others like veterans care.

When Kamala does her spiel about 'equity' and 'equality' she basically wants to take that bag of money and spend it differently. Remember that a significant part of the left leaning liberals also wants to replace the social security programs with UBI (universal basic income) and programmable CBDC's(Central Bank Digital Currencies). Which means that automatically some software company will get a slice of the pie creating and maintaining those systems.

Sometimes they simply impose a spending limit, which is a very cynical way of gutting social security.
That's how they're doing it in our country, they've decided that healthcare costs can no longer increase further, which of course means that due to inflation each year and a growing population (mostly because of migration) there will be less money for healthcare in the budget and with inflation between 10% - 20% those cuts will be severe.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2857 on: November 01, 2022, 08:16:47 PM »

New Hampshire now in the GOP column

One poll has Zeldin ahead in New York which is pretty crazy but inflation is obviously killing the Democrats.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2858 on: November 01, 2022, 08:20:30 PM »
The gop will block the debt ceiling extension which will cause a economic catastrophe which yes, will solve inflation


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2859 on: November 01, 2022, 08:27:16 PM »
Political punishment should happen more often. One party completely owning a state is dumb dumb, whether blue or red. You need checks and you need balances. Democrats need to lose power to humble them push them to the right to force them to be more reasonable. Kind of like letting a kid touch an oven to realize they burn. Or telling your kid,"if someone hits you hit them back" to teach the other kid a good lesson in boundaries. If Dems don't get it, continue to punish them until they finally do and you get the government you want. Likewise, states like Texas are in serious need of reasonable blue representation to offset the Republicans heterodox of Tejas politic. This is why flip states are actually the smartest states and why flip voters are actually the smartest voters. Partisans are r-etards.


Here's to a few upsets rocking the boat of progressives and their God awful policy. Here's hoping for a decade of conservatives rule. Cheers.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2860 on: November 01, 2022, 08:28:18 PM »
Just had the 20 year birthday of these bad boys

At the 2006 trial of Muhammad, Malvo testified that the aim of the killing spree was to kidnap children for the purpose of extorting money from the government and to "set up a camp to train children how to terrorize cities," with the ultimate goal being to "shut things down" across the United States

Why cant we go back to how things used to be
Remember how the media panicked for weeks about white vans and they were in a red car or whatever the whole time.


  • Virgo. Live Music. The Office. Tacos. Fur mom. True crime junkie. INTJ.
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2861 on: November 01, 2022, 08:33:11 PM »
Political punishment should happen more often. One party completely owning a state is dumb dumb, whether blue or red. You need checks and you need balances. Democrats need to lose power to humble them push them to the right to force them to be more reasonable. Kind of like letting a kid touch an oven to realize they burn. Or telling your kid,"if someone hits you hit them back" to teach the other kid a good lesson in boundaries. If Dems don't get it, continue to punish them until they finally do and you get the government you want. Likewise, states like Texas are in serious need of reasonable blue representation to offset the Republicans heterodox of Tejas politic. This is why flip states are actually the smartest states and why flip voters are actually the smartest voters. Partisans are r-etards.


Here's to a few upsets rocking the boat of progressives and their God awful policy. Here's hoping for a decade of conservatives rule. Cheers.

Switching headmates before hitting send. We’ve all been there.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2862 on: November 01, 2022, 08:38:01 PM »
The gop will block the debt ceiling extension which will cause a economic catastrophe which yes, will solve inflation
Forget the GOP, the MAGA force is going to cause everyone a whole lot of trouble.  :doge

"Please Mr. Walker cast your vote for the defense bill so we can go home. It's been 10 hours" :stahp

"I'm for the voters, I ain't voting for anything that comes out of the establishment that's what the politicians do."

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2863 on: November 01, 2022, 10:37:18 PM »
The gop will block the debt ceiling extension which will cause a economic catastrophe which yes, will solve inflation

A return of "mint the coin" twitter whew  :doge

But seriously, there will be a confrontation and I don't expect Biden to cave. The problem with be that McCarthy isn't Boehner. He's a coward who won't have control of his caucus. Expect needless economic uncertainty.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2864 on: November 01, 2022, 11:28:27 PM »

wait, what story just played out in brazil?

an asshole incumbent conservative was narrowly voted out and replaced by a liberal, but is still throwing a tantrum? this constitutes defeating extremism and fascism?

george this literally already happened in the US in 2020



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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2866 on: November 02, 2022, 12:38:37 AM »
"This midterm election, we have seen a lot of ads by Republicans running for everything touting crime," Clinton said. "Crime is the issue. But when an 82-year-old man is attacked by an intruder in his own home, they don't seem to be too bothered by that, because that person is married to the speaker of the House, who's of a different political party."

"Like I said, the Republicans have been talking about nothing but crime, when a crime is committed against Paul Pelosi, they could care less," she said.

"These people do not really believe half of what they say," Clinton said of Republicans.

"Look, Paul Pelosi was attacked by a person who is an illegal alien in our country, should have never been here in the first place. My view very simply is that we need to deport violent illegal aliens, OK?" Vance said.

"When an illegal alien attacks Paul Pelosi it's tragic and it's terrible but it's not reflective of Republicans. It's reflective of the fact that we let way too many violent people live freely in our country," Vance said.
:dead :dead

spoiler (click to show/hide)
:american :american :american :american


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Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2868 on: November 02, 2022, 04:55:01 AM »
this thread used to have good links on current US policies and shit.

Now it's just himu and nintex writing stupid shit.

i'd say bork sort this but it's sorta an empty gesture.

and to be fair nintex at least post links to stuff you can trace back.

himu, jfc, what the fuck is this drivel?

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2869 on: November 02, 2022, 04:55:36 AM »
benji halp


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2870 on: November 02, 2022, 06:57:50 AM »

Cauliflower Of Love

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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2871 on: November 02, 2022, 07:23:42 AM »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2872 on: November 02, 2022, 08:50:19 AM »

wait, what story just played out in brazil?

an asshole incumbent conservative was narrowly voted out and replaced by a liberal, but is still throwing a tantrum? this constitutes defeating extremism and fascism?

george this literally already happened in the US in 2020


Lulu isn't a liberal though. He's the type of leftist South American leader the CIA would typically nuke lol. But in a comparison between him and an authoritarian strongman, he wins out.


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« Last Edit: November 02, 2022, 02:51:25 PM by Nintex »


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2874 on: November 02, 2022, 04:51:27 PM »
So, if this isn't some weird sex thing, what exactly is the explanation?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2875 on: November 02, 2022, 05:47:28 PM »
You guys still pretending the guy hasn't been arrested, hasn't made statements - including that he isn't gay - and that he planned on kidnapping Pelosi and targeting other politicians? Or is he lying to hide the Real Story too.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2876 on: November 02, 2022, 05:50:29 PM »
if I was arrested I would also loudly tell everyone who would listen that I'm not gay


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2877 on: November 02, 2022, 07:11:39 PM »
this thread used to have good links on current US policies and shit.
What do current US policies have to do with US politics? ???


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2878 on: November 02, 2022, 07:38:18 PM »

Bit of a wet noodle quickly gobbled together speech of nothing we haven't heard before.

Wonder if internal polls are really really bad at this point.


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Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Reply #2879 on: November 02, 2022, 10:00:02 PM »
You guys still pretending the guy hasn't been arrested, hasn't made statements - including that he isn't gay - and that he planned on kidnapping Pelosi and targeting other politicians? Or is he lying to hide the Real Story too.
That's just what they want us to think