Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1879305 times)

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Let's see the cult set try to spin this one.

Hate to break it to you, but on the internets Elizabeth Warren has way more of a cult than Obama at this point.


  • Senior Member
Let's see the cult set try to spin this one.

Well, not sayin that this was Obama's plan, but this could mean that Warren may be running for the Senate.


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I'd love it if she could knock out Scott Brown before he becomes a Snowe/Collins style tenured moderate.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
Consumer protection, huh? Sounds like another layer of unnecessary government control!


  • Senior Member
Man, this has gotta suck for T-Paw:

In a sign that former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s campaign is still struggling, Public Policy Polling announced Monday night that Texas Gov. Rick Perry will replace Pawlenty in general election polling match-ups against Pres. Barack Obama.

Pawlenty will still be included in the organization’s Republican primary polls, but his removal from this company’s general election poll match-ups bodes badly for Pawlenty, who has faltered in recent polls, leading some observers to speculate that his campaign is sinking.


Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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damn I thought he could get the nom. At the time he was the only candidate who could appeal to the tea party, Evangelicals, and regular conservatives. Oh well, can't wait to see Rick Perry make Romney squirm

Human Snorenado

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...the fact that you thought Pawlenty remotely had a chance proves you don't know shit about politics.  Like, Cheebsian level of knowledge and shit.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Of course he had a chance. Solid governing record (by GOP standards), ties to the religious right, early tea party acolyte. I assumed the base would reject Romney and make a unified choice of someone who everyone liked to some degree, even if they weren't completely sold on him; basically the John Kerry of 2012.

Pawlenty's campaign died when he couldn't attack Romney to his face at the first big debate.

Human Snorenado

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Pawlenty's campaign died when he was a boring midwestern governor without a solid donor base... ie, BEFORE IT FUCKING STARTED. 

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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Pawlenty never had a chance, pretty much like everyone predicted several pages back.  He says a lot of the same things other candidates have but without the fundraising skills and/or being a marginally attractive woman that can command the attention of horny middle aged men and suburbanite soccer moms.  His campaign died well before he announced it.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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A Bachman nomination will be a gop conciliation until 2016. Plus, with the loss of the senate and house seats back to Dems in '012, the public will have shown the referendum on the right's toxic rhetoric/politics. By time '016 rolls around, the Green party will have more of the popular vote than the gop and good riddance.

Human Snorenado

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There's absolutely fucking no telling what will happen in next year's elections, but I wouldn't put money on the dems regaining the house.  They may very well lose the Senate.


  • Senior Member
A Bachman nomination will be a gop conciliation until 2016. Plus, with the loss of the senate and house seats back to Dems in '012, the public will have shown the referendum on the right's toxic rhetoric/politics. By time '016 rolls around, the Green party will have more of the popular vote than the gop and good riddance.

Two years into a presidency that succeeded what was widely deemed by historians as the worst administration in the country's history, the 'American People' voted to put the same fuckheads back in power, and at HISTORIC levels. The Bush years should have given the Dems control of the House, Senate and White House for the next century, at the very LEAST. But we all know how that turned out.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Meh, elections are always volatile and people have short memories. Mid term elections also tend to be dominated by whatever partisan group is pissed off the most (recently 2006 and 2010). Considering republicans won control of entire states on the state level last year, I can't really see dems winning them back next year; redistricting will also ensure the GOP keeps a host of seats.

It seems like folks are realizing divided government isn't working, so perhaps 2012 will see a clear movement to one side or the other. Personally I think Obama is fucked, and will probably take a one year ban bet with Triumph if he has the balls.


Human Snorenado

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I honestly don't see how Obama loses... unless the economy is even more in the shitter and Romney is the nominee.

I would do a ban bet, but iirc no admin here wants to enforce them and I doubt you would just leave for a year, Maurice.


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
Fucking christ maurice, you're awful at election predictions  :lol

There's no reasonable scenario where Obama loses.  No one in the GOP running right now has a decent shot other than Romney and maaybe Perry.  The crazier the GOP gets, the stronger their base gets but the more they distance themselves from general conservatives and independents.


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:piss ban bets :piss2

Just make a vow to lay off declarative statements about politics (or basketball :teehee) for a year, if you want to feel something is on the line.

If the economy gets worse, Obama could be in trouble.  If it gets better, he'll do better.  Romney will likely be the nom (and I wish I could have bet on him online a couple years ago) and he'll run a center-right campaign which the crazy wing of the GOP will support because Obama's a fuckin' sleeper Commie jihadist.  Presidential elections are when people fall back in line.

The voting public has no strong feelings about divided government.  They hated Congress when it was Republican, then hated it when it was Democratic.  They hate it now that it's split.


  • sy
  • Senior Member
Nobody but Mick and Perry, huh? I think Ron Paul has a chance this time, more people are coming around to him as straw polls and fundraising indicate and waking up to the fact that the whole rep dem thing is a sham and at the end of the day they still work for the same people.


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It's insane how ingrained it is to the lay public that you either vote red or blue. I'm planning on voting Paul if I have to pencil it in.

Well aren't you a snowflake.


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Ron Paul has a chance?  :lol  Advocating legalizing heroin would kill him if ever actually got the nom.  I can see the ads now...

"Ron Paul supports legalization of drugs, including heroin.  Ron Paul wants your kid to shoot up.  Is that the kind of America you want?

Paid for by the Group of People Who Want A Drug Free America"


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
fucking drew is worse than PD :rofl

Ron Paul has a chance...with piece of shit laze about 4channers

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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JD, do you agree with Grover Norquist that raising taxes EVER AT ALL is basically the same as Auschwitz?


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
Yeah the openly racist gold-standard fagtard is the best option.  Mhm.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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paul is racist?  ???


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Accountability for thee, not for me
« Reply #13104 on: July 21, 2011, 01:56:08 PM »
No, it's just the Ron Paul Newsletter had a bunch of racist op-eds that ran without bylines.  Paul says he didn't write them and won't reveal who did, and that settles the matter for me!  It would be terribly bad manners for anyone to ask any followup questions or treat him as if he were even partially responsible.


  • sy
  • Senior Member
If he doesn't get the nom, and admittedly that's likely, the best option among what remains will get my support. 

that's the thing, there is no "best option" beyond paul, everyone else will continue the agenda of the previous president, and the the president before him, and the president before him...


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I think either Drew has taken his first political science class or he's been watching too many truther videos on Youtube lately.  It's all a conspiracy, bro.


  • sy
  • Senior Member
i took my first poli sci class in 05 and am not a truther nor have i ever even mentioned one thing on here to suggest that i would be one :wtf
« Last Edit: July 21, 2011, 04:44:17 PM by drew »


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You seem like you'd fit in with them.  Still love ya, bro.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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There's absolutely fucking no telling what will happen in next year's elections, but I wouldn't put money on the dems regaining the house.  They may very well lose the Senate.

I think Obama's chances are directly hitched to the economy: the better the economy does, the better he will end up doing.  Regarding Congress, I have no clue.  There are thousands of x factors that nobody here will know about until shortly before the election.  Mark Foley and the damage his scandal caused is an excellent example.


  • Senior Member
JD, do you agree with Grover Norquist that raising taxes EVER AT ALL is basically the same as Auschwitz?

I'm actually curious about this myself. I was thinking about Norquist's distinguished mentally-challenged pledge for the past several months and it's just baffling how even the most anti-tax tea bagger could keep such a promise. I mean, forget ideology and all that abstract stuff, how do you, in a practical manner not raise ANY taxes? It's fundamentally impossible.

Take Los Angeles for instance. A couple of years back, we ran into some budget problems, and we chose not to raise taxes, instead just sticking to cutting spending. I'm sure Jaydubya might have liked that, except that our public transit system, the MTA, cut services but also INCREASED fares, and bus pass prices and shit. Our colleges and universities cut classes and INCREASED tuition and a whole other shit.

Shouldn't that in a way count as a tax increase, JD? Or are you one of those people that think that as long as you don't call it a 'tax', it's perfectly fine?

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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FUCK, I haven't been this angry in awhile.

Compensation for company loyalty and years of on-the-job knowledge? Heck no! These are tough economic times and the boss needs to pay off his third Gulfstream.

“We infantilize workers like Joe by insulating them from the harsh economic realities by paying above market wages … and that failure can be corrected by treating Joe as an adult and having him face the market realities.”

Oh Lord Almighty.  :-\

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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I guess I'm not sure what the problem is with that quote.  We have been spending decades worshiping CEOs and billionaire entrepreneurs while shitting on blue collar labor as often as possible.  This is just a development of that worship.  The people at the top aren't really scared to pull any kind of bullshit imaginable.  This recession should have had Lloyd Blankfein and Co.'s heads on pikes.  Instead, we basically fellated them whilst cupping their balls while telling ourselves that we deserve to take the brunt of the recession because we shouldn't punish genius.


  • Senior Member
Welp, seems Boehner's out. Again.


  • Banana Grabber
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God, Boehner is fucking awful.  I mean, most Republicans on Congress are, but christ, he is just the absolute worst.  If he's doing this simply as some political teehee to try and make Obama look like the bad one...then he doesn't understand what's at stake, nor is it fucking working.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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We're getting to the point where Obama should just pull back and dare the GOP to let the country default. Or he should raise it unilaterally and tell the house "see you in court"

Human Snorenado

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If he does try to raise it unilaterally/goes the 14th amendment route, he's really gonna piss off a lot of people whose votes he needs next year.  As distinguished mentally-challenged as it sounds, a lot of squishy moderates/independents/people who stroke their chins and take David Brooks articles seriously because he doesn't say "fuck" that I know are really impressed with Obama for continuing to negotiate and make stupid attempts to cut spending because... it's "bipartisan" or something equally distinguished mentally-challenged.  When I try to explain to them that this is distinguished mentally-challenged, they refuse to listen because I inevitably call them stupid... and say "fuck" a lot.  What a bunch of fucking pussies.

The Republicans will cave, but probably in a manner that results in the Democrats making a series of votes to raise it, so they can repeatedly hang it over their heads come election time.


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Your lack of seriousness is disturbing.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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I wonder if there's somewhere I can bet on which gets resolved first- the NFL lockout or the debt ceiling impasse.

Also, clearly the NFL lockout is more important to REAL MURKINS.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
FUCK, I haven't been this angry in awhile.
Sort of reminds me of this piece I read yesterday:

Except what's good for American business isn't necessarily good for Americans.

It's stunning how many people, ordinary people, staunchly believe otherwise.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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If he does try to raise it unilaterally/goes the 14th amendment route, he's really gonna piss off a lot of people whose votes he needs next year.  As distinguished mentally-challenged as it sounds, a lot of squishy moderates/independents/people who stroke their chins and take David Brooks articles seriously because he doesn't say "fuck" that I know are really impressed with Obama for continuing to negotiate and make stupid attempts to cut spending because... it's "bipartisan" or something equally distinguished mentally-challenged.  When I try to explain to them that this is distinguished mentally-challenged, they refuse to listen because I inevitably call them stupid... and say "fuck" a lot.  What a bunch of fucking pussies.

The Republicans will cave, but probably in a manner that results in the Democrats making a series of votes to raise it, so they can repeatedly hang it over their heads come election time.

Polls show voters overwhelmingly don't like the GOP's position here, and for once the media seems to be doing a decent job reporting on their refusal to compromise. I don't think Obama would face some huge backlash if he raised the limit unilaterally because of this. Both sides have been arguing for weeks, Obama has offered them everything but the kitchen sink, etc. It's pretty obvious they don't give a shit - well, the freshmen GOPers. Seems like Boehner and the other oldschool guys know this is bullshit.

Republicans will go ape shit but to be honest they've been going apeshit since the healthcare debate. I'm sure a deal will be done before we get to a point where Obama has to raise it himself.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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The House will absolutely, 195% impeach him if he does it unilaterally.  Guaranfuckingteed.  Might not be such a bad thing but I honestly don't know how such a court case would shake out with our current SC.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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The SC constantly rules in favor of business, there's no way they'd rule against Obama and crash the global economy.

I also doubt the house would attempt to impeach Obama. It would go nowhere and only bolster Obama's argument.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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None of that stopped an arguably less insane Republican House from impeaching Clinton for... lying about a blowjob.  This is something that OMG MIGHT NOT BE CONTITOOOOOOSHUNAL AND TYRANNY AND THESE COLORS DON'T RUN IMPEACH THAT SOSHALUST KENYAN MUSLIN know I'm right.  Just imagine the teatards reaction to Obama unilaterally raising the debt ceiling.  Try and think about it.  Yeah.


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
Yeah, but blowjobs > financial foresight in God's eye!!!!!!!

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
Obama doing things unilaterally may be the solution but y'all are forgetting that Obama is nowhere near that confrontational or we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.  I think the GOP will cave by mostly Boehner selling out the freshmen teatards.  I suspect that they're just trying to squeeze as many concessions from Obama as possible before voting on the the very last minute.  I think letting the country's economic stability roll off the cliff again will have dire consequences for the Republicans and Democrats alike I think the old guard GOP knows this deep down.

I can't see how anyone would vote Republican again after seeing this kind of dumbfuckery but we live in a society where more people care about the NFL lockout.  This country is fucked.

FUCK, I haven't been this angry in awhile.
Sort of reminds me of this piece I read yesterday:

Speed up?  We just call it where I work "doing more with less."


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I think the GOP will cave by mostly Boehner selling out the freshmen teatards.

How does he do this and keep his leadership position?

I'd be shocked if Boehner let a bill come to a vote if it didn't have the support of at least half the House GOP caucus.  Otherwise he's basically handing his Speakership to Cantor.


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
I wish there was a way to turn off comments on news stories posted online.  CNN's conserve-crazies have now settled on calling Obama the Communist Community Organizer.  And they're calling Boehner a hero in financial reform  le wut

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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I see the true extent of what we're facing out there every time I go to WalMart. :P


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member

I'm so glad I live in a city.  I don't have to deal with that sort of dumbfuckery nearly as much as I used to when I lived in Ohio.

Of course I live right down the street from Vanderbilt which is the modern definition of white entitlement, so maybe its not as good as I think it is.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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I now live in a small town full of retirees who are no doubt confused  about the Muslin Presnint coming after their Medicare.  Fortunately I can always just drive the 15 minutes to the People's Republic of Asheville if I need to be around hippies.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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JD!  So, *ARE* all tax increases the same as Auschwitz?


  • The Smooth Canadian
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What's wrong with a two-pronged approach to reducing the deficit? We'll cut the deficit down faster if government revenues are increased while spending is reduced. It doesn't have to be one or the other.

Because raising taxes is a violation of Natural Law.


  • The Smooth Canadian
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and from there the debate simply lies in arguing over what constitutes the government's "legitimate functions".


  • The Smooth Canadian
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and from there the debate simply lies in arguing over what constitutes the government's "legitimate functions".

What's there to debate?   :smug

Need some reference material?

That's just bait for you to post a link to the Constitution, isn't it? ;)

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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I poked the bear looking for crazed gibberish to come out of it's mouth, and I came away happy!  Also, this is the "taxes = Auschwitz" thing I was talking about, I kind of misspoke.  Grover Norquist said that claiming that an estate tax would only affect the very rich was "the very morality of the Holocaust."  Cheerful fellow, that one!

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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