Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1881148 times)

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Well didn't McConnell say last night that Republicans wouldn't be irresponsible and let us default?  I assumed he was saying that if it happened they would have done everything they could have and it was Dems being stubborn that caused it.  But I guess not.  Wow.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
I just finished explaining that Mitch McConnell epic passing of the buck to President Obama amounts to one of the most brazen and open admissions of cynicism I've ever seen. McConnell is saying: Debt, Schmedt, we'll let you do pretty much anything as long as we're got the politics wired to help us. But I spoke too soon because there are at least a few Democrats who are as craven or perhaps simply as weak-minded as McConnell. Sam Stein tweeted that while Redstate is calling for McConnell to be "burned in effigy" one "Dem source" calls McConnell's move that of an "evil genius".

Now the idea here is clear enough. All the blame for increasing the national debt falls on Democrats. But really if McConnell's gambit played out it would simply cede to Democrats the ability to govern as they think is best for the country and presumably best for them politically. If they think a serious deficit reduction plan is necessary, they can still pass it. Yes, there are some ins and outs and complications. Republicans could still raise the debt ceiling and not allow the president's party to vote its own debt reduction plan.

At the end of the day though, McConnell's "evil genius" move seems like all it does is make the Democrats go to the public with what they believe is best for the country and be accountable for it. I have a hard time seeing that as being a meaningful threat. Since that's what people who are given the power to govern are supposed to do.

so in 6 months..
republican: durr you raised deficit
obama: durr you punked out, i cut spending
regular voter: where's the jobs :(


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I wish McConnell had this "fine, you can make the decisions" attitude a few years ago.


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Especially when no benefits are extended by Republicans and millions lose their lifeline and the economy tanks! yay!

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
How long until multiple tea party GOPers start calling Obama a dictator and demanding impeachment.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
That happened Nov. 2 2008.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Boehner sides with McConnell, wow

Huge chutzpah points to House Speaker John Boehner's spokesman Michael Steel, who sends along a statement of support for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's byzantine plan to avoid a debt default.

"The Speaker shares the Leader's frustration," Steel says. "Republicans are unified in our commitment to ensuring that the debt limit is not used as leverage to saddle small businesses with increased taxes that destroy jobs."

So it was the Democrats using the debt limit as leverage this whole time? I have a whole bunch of corrections to write. In any case, Democrats would have to buy in to this plan, and they could just as easily keep turning the screws on Republicans and force a showdown over a major 10 year debt and deficit plan, including significant new taxes. But time's running out, and this (or something like it) is potentially a way out for everyone.

on a side note, chutzpuh is one of those words that no matter how many billion times I look up its meaning, I never remember it the next time I see it in an article.  :-\


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
mega yawn for mega spin. More revisionist history bullshit.


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
New taxes please.


  • sy
  • Senior Member
How long until multiple tea party GOPers start calling Obama a dictator and demanding impeachment.

he's becoming an emperor, not a dictator, and will hopefully be impeached through fast and furious means anyway :P


  • Icon
he's becoming an emperor, not a dictator, and will hopefully be impeached through fast and furious means anyway :P

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Occupied the White House while being black I MEAN AMIRITE HERE OR WHUT


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
if people still don't have drew on their ignore list, they should.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
So allegedly Obama abruptly walked out of today's debt meeting after multiple tense exchanges with Cantor, who then ran to Fox News to tell everyone.

When Obama was concluding the meeting, giving the closing remarks and talking about returning to the White House for a Thursday meeting, Cantor interrupted him and raised for the third time doing the possibility of a short-term extension. At that point, Obama had had enough and shut him down, said, "See you guys tomorrow," and left.

Republicans dispute the account, saying it was Obama who lost his cool and stormed out. Cantor's push for a short-term extension, a GOP aide said, was completely warranted because the White House had been "walking back" the savings on the number discussed during the earlier negotiations with Vice President Biden all week.

"Thursday it was $2 trillion, Monday it was $1.7-1.8 trillion, Tuesday it was $1.6-1.7-1.8 trillion," the staffer said. "This morning our staff met with White House folks and the wrap-up from that meeting said that the White House is now at $1.5 trillion."

Given those figures, Cantor pointed out that right now the two sides were very far apart on their goal of reaching $2.4 trillion in savings, which would satisfy minimum House GOP goals. Cantor told the president that he was moving the goal posts, and pressed for s short-term extension.

That's when Obama got visibly angry, telling Cantor that he could reach major savings if Republicans would agree to revenue increases, according to the GOP aide. He then upped the stakes by telling the group that he isn't afraid to veto a bill Congress produces and take the message and defend it to the American people.

Obama also let it be known that he had enough, noting that if U.S. defaults, it would amount to a tax increase on every American.

"I have reached the point where I say enough," Obama told the leaders, according to the account. "Would Ronald Reagan be sitting here? I've reached my limit. This may bring my presidency down, but I will not yield on this."



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Thank God he has some balls

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
Obama's doing a pretty good job of keeping the GOP on the defensive on this issue, which is good.

I think pretty much everyone, regardless of political stripe, wants something seriously done about the deficit and he came up with a plan that incorporated the ideas of both parties.  The GOP is being the GOP but this time, I don't think they're going to find a significant portion of the population that wants to settle for a continuing resolution.  I understand why they want to do it: they want to shriek that Obama and Co. are still incapable of coming up with a budget and Obama turned it around on their sorry asses.  Obama outmaneuvered them and I think the GOP is scrambling to find the fiscal high ground (in their mind) but can't find it.  They're trapped and since Obama in the past has been proven to be bitch-made on serious issues, I think they expected (and still expect) him to fold and give in.

Hopefully he sticks with it while the GOP continues to squirm.  It gives him a chance to look like he's serious about reform while the others just want petty squabbling.


  • hi, i suck
  • Senior Member
having had years of public choice theory shoved down my throat, i'm finding this all mildly amusing, especially by how the gop is playing their base -- they're pros. i'd say not to worry given that they're accomplishing what they set to do. no one is fucking distinguished mentally-challenged enough to allow us to default. no one.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
god i hope i'm right. my family will be ruined


  • Senior Member
So allegedly Obama abruptly walked out of today's debt meeting after multiple tense exchanges with Cantor, who then ran to Fox News to tell everyone.

When Obama was concluding the meeting, giving the closing remarks and talking about returning to the White House for a Thursday meeting, Cantor interrupted him and raised for the third time doing the possibility of a short-term extension. At that point, Obama had had enough and shut him down, said, "See you guys tomorrow," and left.

Republicans dispute the account, saying it was Obama who lost his cool and stormed out. Cantor's push for a short-term extension, a GOP aide said, was completely warranted because the White House had been "walking back" the savings on the number discussed during the earlier negotiations with Vice President Biden all week.

"Thursday it was $2 trillion, Monday it was $1.7-1.8 trillion, Tuesday it was $1.6-1.7-1.8 trillion," the staffer said. "This morning our staff met with White House folks and the wrap-up from that meeting said that the White House is now at $1.5 trillion."

Given those figures, Cantor pointed out that right now the two sides were very far apart on their goal of reaching $2.4 trillion in savings, which would satisfy minimum House GOP goals. Cantor told the president that he was moving the goal posts, and pressed for s short-term extension.

That's when Obama got visibly angry, telling Cantor that he could reach major savings if Republicans would agree to revenue increases, according to the GOP aide. He then upped the stakes by telling the group that he isn't afraid to veto a bill Congress produces and take the message and defend it to the American people.

Obama also let it be known that he had enough, noting that if U.S. defaults, it would amount to a tax increase on every American.

"I have reached the point where I say enough," Obama told the leaders, according to the account. "Would Ronald Reagan be sitting here? I've reached my limit. This may bring my presidency down, but I will not yield on this."

It's all theater. I'll wait until the debt deal is reached before I pop open the champaign bottles.


  • sy
  • Senior Member
WTF are you talking about?

What has Obama done that's impeachable?

he ignored pentagon lawyers that were telling him he needed congressional approval to start dropping bombs over Libya, when Congress told him that they'd have his blessing he blew them off saying he didn't need them anyway - a violation of the War Powers Act and an act of high Treason since he seems to be taking his orders from the UN now

what i'm talking about here is the ATF (DEA & FBI) Gunwalker scandal, i personally believe that it was from formation a false flag attack meant to attack gun rights here in the States, I don't buy it that Obama knew nothing of the operation, which is the current statement from the White House.  Under intensive trial I believe it very well might be Barack right at the tippy top of the totem pole

if people still don't have drew on their ignore list, they should.

also by suggesting that you have me on ignore and that others should despite the fact that you DON'T makes you the definition of a hypocrite
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 01:55:17 AM by drew »

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
  • Banned
the drugs, man. they're our vietnam


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  • Senior Member
Jesus Christ, I don't know whether to be scared or excited about all of this. Definitely more of the former, but still.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
There's no chance Obama loses outside of some insane freak event. People who think otherwise are delusional.
please explain
Sorry, forgot to check this thread. Basically what others have said based on the candidates within the Republican party. But also because I think there will always be turnout for Obama. Anecdotal completely but many people I know seem to think he's some kind of king and everything but him is irrelevant. Same thing they said about Bush.

It works twofold. If the Republicans nominate Palin, Bachmann, etc. it brings them out but the self-declared moderates flee to Obama. If Republicans nominate Romney, the Tea Party types will bail.

I should disclose, I am biased. I want the Republicans to nominate Gary Johnson, even though he will never win the nomination and never win the general. I may or may not bother to vote for him if he's still around come primary season.

If I cared about winning I wouldn't bother with politics. I encourage third party voting simply because it gives them ballot status.
he ignored pentagon lawyers that were telling him he needed congressional approval to start dropping bombs over Libya, when Congress told him that they'd have his blessing he blew them off saying he didn't need them anyway - a violation of the War Powers Act and an act of high Treason since he seems to be taking his orders from the UN now

what i'm talking about here is the ATF (DEA & FBI) Gunwalker scandal, i personally believe that it was from formation a false flag attack meant to attack gun rights here in the States, I don't buy it that Obama knew nothing of the operation, which is the current statement from the White House.  Under intensive trial I believe it very well might be Barack right at the tippy top of the totem pole

also by suggesting that you have me on ignore and that others should despite the fact that you DON'T makes you the definition of a hypocrite
If the President does it, it's not illegal!

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member

I like her hair in that video.  It almost distracts me from her crazy eyes and her equally crazy opinions.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
I like her hair in that video.  It almost distracts me from her crazy eyes and her equally crazy opinions.
Why did you have to bring this up, I've watched this twice now looking at her hair. I almost wish it was real.


  • The Smooth Canadian
  • Icon

what i'm talking about here is the ATF (DEA & FBI) Gunwalker scandal, i personally believe that it was from formation a false flag attack meant to attack gun rights here in the States, I don't buy it that Obama knew nothing of the operation, which is the current statement from the White House.  Under intensive trial I believe it very well might be Barack right at the tippy top of the totem pole

 :rofl :rofl :rofl :hans1
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 07:15:53 AM by Boogie »


  • The Muffin Man
  • Senior Member
First, a piece by China Mieville that Prole hipped me to on ocean-based, nationality-free utopias.

A parable from seasteading’s past goes some way in explaining. In 1971, millionaire property developer Michael Oliver attempted to establish the Republic of Minerva on a small South Pacific sand atoll. It was soon off-handedly annexed by Tonga, and, in a traumatic actualized metaphor, allowed to dissolve back into the sea. To defeat the predatory outreach of nations and tides, it is clearly not enough to be offshore: True freedom floats.

I actually chortled at this. Oh man.


  • sy
  • Senior Member
:rofl :rofl :rofl :hans1

it really isn't far fetched, at all, this is how government operates, and this time they got caught with their pants down

by the way nice rebuttal, i look forward to further battles of cognition and wit with thou ::) ::) ::) :dur


  • The Smooth Canadian
  • Icon
:rofl :rofl :rofl :hans1

it really isn't far fetched, at all, this is how government operates, and this time they got caught with their pants down

by the way nice rebuttal, i look forward to further battles of cognition and wit with thou ::) ::) ::) :dur

"This is how government operates."

Spent a lot of time in government and federal law enforcement, have you? :smug


  • sy
  • Senior Member
even people with experience in those fields don't know what in the hell their masters are up to, as you have just demonstrated perfectly
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 10:15:21 AM by drew »

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Yup, drew has gone off the deep end.  Welcome to the ignore list.


  • sy
  • Senior Member
oh, I'm sorry, did I interrupt your little rep dem rock em sock em match? please do continue...


  • The Smooth Canadian
  • Icon
even people with experience in those fields don't know what in the hell their masters are up to, as you have just demonstrated perfectly

Does the phrase "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" hold any meaning to you?

Because all you have offered is:

1) I bet Obama is behind it.  Yep, wouldn't surprise me if this whole op came from him.


2) "this is how government works", even though, umm, it's NOT.


  • sy
  • Senior Member
Obama has a long history of having the desire to reinstate the assault weapons ban as well as a cornucopia of other firearm prohibitions, he even said at one point that to get it done they would need to go under the radar, which coming back to your main point I would dig up a direct quote of this but I'm on an iPhone at work and will be all day and night then will be going to a place without Internet for four days, sometime next week I'll make a post here with a load of links backing everything up.  false flag attacks are nothing new, they've been used for justification of war for as long as history has been written down and for policy for as long as at least this past decade 
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 12:09:21 PM by drew »


  • The Smooth Canadian
  • Icon
ohhhhhh.. I see.

So in actual fact, your compelling case is:

1) Obama doesn't like guns.


2). False flag operations have totally happened in the past, yo.

Welp, I for one am convinced.



  • sy
  • Senior Member
again I can't very well put forth a compelling case on an iPhone thats sucking off of 3G while I'm at work all day, the evidence is out there in black and white, please feel free to investigate yourself if you are that impatient :P


  • you might think that; I couldn't possibly comment
  • Senior Member
Steve Jobs is an Obama supporter, right? Do you think he planned it this way to impede you from getting the word out?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
I wish Obama would re-instate the assault weapons ban. Alas he hasn't touched the issue, which you would think would reassure paranoid types like Drew. But noo, any day he's gonna ban em right? He's just waiting for the chance to piss on your freedomz.

It must be so easy to sell bad stock to you guys, jesus

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
He's a poor white dishwasher.  Most poor white people are wingnut conservatives.  He's just finally embracing his nature.  I think it's an angry reaction to powerlessness and hopelessness.


  • Icon
I gotta disagree with PD on the assault rifle ban.  I want muh gunz!


  • Senior Member
WASHINGTON -- The Senate's top two officials are working on what one aide called a "hybrid," fail-safe solution to the debt ceiling debate that could garner enough political support to pass Congress.

The plan, which is being hatched by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), would ensure that over $1.5 trillion in cuts over ten years be passed into law. It would also grant President Obama the authority to extend the debt ceiling through the 2012 election season while requiring him to propose -- but allowing him to ultimately veto -- cuts beyond those initial $1.5 trillion.

Additionally, the deal would create a new "deficit commission" compromised solely of lawmakers who would be tasked with finding additional savings in the budget. The commission's recommendations would be given automatic, amendment-free votes in both chambers of Congress.

First reported by The Washington Post, the plan is far from complete. A Republican source on the Hill cautioned not to treat it as an official option, let alone a top one. "There are a lot of people with a lot of ideas," the source said. A Democratic source said that the language -- let alone composition -- of each part of the deal remains un-finalized.

But the contours do, on the surface, seem promising. The basic premise is to blend the debt ceiling deal crafted in talks led by Vice President Joe Biden with the plan that McConnell proposed this week, which would give the president authority to raise the debt ceiling while vetoing corresponding cuts.

As the dual plan is envisioned, House Republicans would be able to claim that they passed a deal without including revenue raisers or tax hikes. The president, meanwhile, will be able to move the debt ceiling debate into 2013, albeit while having to hold a largely pre-determined vote for a second extension (once the $1.5 trillion in cuts run out) before the election. Democrats would have to swallow a deal that didn't include revenues, but they will have protected entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare from cuts.

"It is a hybrid approach," said the Democratic official familiar with the proposal. "It is a way to get us some cuts now while making sure we have an option that we do not default on our debt."

While the concept may seem politically palatable, it could easily fall apart over the specific details. For starters, negotiators are not yet locked in to the actual cuts that have been suggested during the Biden talks. The president, meanwhile, continues to push for a larger package of cuts and reforms. The failure to include revenue increases in the hybrid plan could pose serious problems for Democratic lawmakers. Further, the composition of the deficit commission -- let alone the number of members -- is subject to haggling.

"There is a lot of detail on the commission part not locked," acknowledged one source familiar with the McConnell-Reid talks.

UPDATE: Speaking to reporters on Thursday, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) seemed to embrace the idea of combining the McConnell approach with the Biden talks.

"We would like to see, even if we can't get a grand deal, that some real cuts be added to Senator McConnell's proposal and perhaps Senator McConnell's proposal be modified," Schumer said. "That is another possibility, not as good as a larger deal, but certainly better than just avoiding default."

I'm at a loss as to why this wouuld be even a remotely positive thing. It takes the McConnell idea of giving responsibilty for the debt ceiling to Obama, but WITH the cuts the GOP wants, with no revenues whatsoever. What the heck?


  • sy
  • Senior Member
a conservative? me?! now that is some funny shit right there.

also cohen really showed the lot of you up today, golf claps are in order


  • The Smooth Canadian
  • Icon
Yeah, because I've never heard the phrase "the paranoid style in American politics" before.


  • sy
  • Senior Member
I wish Obama would re-instate the assault weapons ban. Alas he hasn't touched the issue, which you would think would reassure paranoid types like Drew. But noo, any day he's gonna ban em right? He's just waiting for the chance to piss on your freedomz.

somehow missed this.  i would predict that if he were re elected and had nothing to lose he would push forward with some sort of anti gun agenda, he has shown nothing except for inactivity to prove anything else to me.  this is a man who has a history of wanting to ban handguns outright and who has appointed numerous anti gunners to positions of power.  REGARDLESS he has touched this issue, you are wrong - He wrote an editorial some time after the Arizona pop off calling for new "common sense gun laws" and put together a meeting between gun ban groups like Brady and gun protection groups like the NRA, who declined to attend and whose president wrote a response article, search engines are your friend

anyways why would you want the assault weapons ban back? it was a silly prohibition of "evil" looking rifles of absolutely no merit, i would guess it's because you have no interest in it and you don't know what you're actually talking about, while you have that google tab up search for the barrel shroud lady, who like you has no knowledge of what they want banned

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
I hadn't really read up on the issue until today, but apparently News Corp has landed itself in some pretty deep trouble:

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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You'll know they're actually in trouble in the US when people like Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer start openly gunning for them.  That means they no longer are worried about one day potentially needing to be able to work for for Murdoch, so they'll start stating the obvious for a change.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
President Palin will just pardon them all in a few years


  • Senior Member
Speaking of Caribou Barbie, it seems her big movie's about as successful as that Atlas Shrugged movie was:

I hurried through the teenage hordes, bypassed a concession stand that sold 1,020 calories of soda for $5.25, and entered theater number 30, hoping I'd have ample time before the previews to talk to some people. But inside, the theater was empty. I sat there alone for 20 minutes, at which point an usher stuck his head in the door, gave me a quizzical smile, and said, "How come you're not watching Harry Potter?" Then he left me by myself again, and without any good answer.


Jamie Watkins, 22, is a Missouri native, which qualifies her as a real American. She only recently moved to Southern California, and her little sister, Jessie, age 18, was visiting for the first time.

"So, um, what made you come out here tonight?"

"We're going to Disneyland tomorrow," Jamie said, "but she just got here, so we decided we should go out."

"We looked online for the latest movie playing," Jessie added. "But all the Harry Potters were sold out, and then we saw 'The Undeafeated.' We don't even actually know what we're seeing."

"Well welcome to California," I said. "You're about to see a documentary about Sarah Palin."

"Oh, really?" they said, and started giggling again. I think they were expecting an action flick. When I returned to my seat, I thought maybe I'd talk to them after the movie, and get the perspective of two people who went in with no expectations. But they only lasted 20 minutes before walking out.

Much more lollerness at the link.


  • you might think that; I couldn't possibly comment
  • Senior Member
Shortly before the end of the film, a young couple entered, walked to the back row, started making out, then interrupted their session and left (spoiler alert) as Andrew Breitbart, who made one of several guest appearances, started talking about eunuchs.



  • Senior Member
You'll know they're actually in trouble in the US when people like Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer start openly gunning for them.  That means they no longer are worried about one day potentially needing to be able to work for for Murdoch, so they'll start stating the obvious for a change.

If that's the case, then maybe everyone in the beltway media will finally start treating Fox News as the propagandizing pieces of shit they really are.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2011, 11:27:16 PM by Oblivion »

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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You'll know they're actually in trouble in the US when people like Jake Tapper and Wolf Blitzer start openly gunning for them.  That means they no longer are worried about one day potentially needing to be able to work for for Murdoch, so they'll start stating the obvious for a change.

If that's the case, then maybe everyone in the beltway media will finally start treating Fox News as the propagandizing pieces of shit they really are.

Only if it's COMPLETELY obvious that Fox/Murdoch wouldn't survive this.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
Oh, this is just what Media Matters, George Soros lives for…you can take it to the bank they will dig and dig (and probably make up a few "facts") until they think they can try and take down Fox News. That is their mission in life… and since they incorrectly believe they 'got Glenn Beck', their chests are puffed out like the attack dogs they are. I can see their tongues salavating now!

Obama and the libs will do anything to degrade the reputation the FoxNews. If it wasn't for Fox, Americans would not hear anything about the lies and illegal operations for the Obama regime. There is nothing here. Holder should find out who the illegal gun runners are in the ATF and DOJ. Oops, it might be him.

George Soros sees a chance to take down his chief adversary and continue moving his Communist Empire forward. The Marxist's hate Murdock because he has a media empire that tells the truth. The destruction of NoBama and Soros will be someone telling the truth.

Non-news about a renegade tabloid. So what. Imagine this country without FNC. Implants!

Liberals are swiftly coming out to see if they can silence the most popular news in America. Well, let us see how this comes about. All those jump into the action are indeed supported by Soros financial empire at one time or the other.

Rupert Murdoch will survive all the pin head politicians. Mr. Murdoch was magnificent in 1980's when he did more than any politician to tear down the thugs known as unionists by closeing Fleet St. Plant. Mr. Murdoch you are a champion!

You can bet Soros and his media matters had something to do with this,..the IRS needs to look into media matters…

Well since it is well known that Democrats a liars and will make up anything (or do anything) if they thought it would benefit them politically, I find their claims to be suspect. Someone else will need to make these accusations, the Democrats simply have no credibility and cannot be believed.

this is just a way to rag on FNC and maybe try to knock them off the air or get their broadcat licence revoked.
congress again picking winners and losers the wniners in this case would be nbc cbs abc cnn msnbc the loser would be you guessed it fox news.
they like the days of old when they could tell america how to think

Unfortunately, News Corp really has nothing to worry about here.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Might need to think about eating grandma.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
"Let's go back to the fundamental issue," Cain said. "Islam is both a religion and a set of laws -- Sharia laws. That's the difference between any one of our traditional religions where it's just about religious purposes."

I pray a journalist will ask him if he thinks there is such a thing as Biblical law, and whether it has had any impact on US law/constitution. Gonna buy some popcorn in the meantime.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
That would work temporarily but eventually the economic shock of a default would hurt Obama's own numbers. That being said, we won't default and I agree if the GOP continues to dick around, Obama should walk away from the table and dare the GOP to fuck Wall Street. Seems like they've blinked already though


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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member

I feel ya, Michelle, I don't know what it means/how to pronounce it either


  • Icon
Goyim.    :'(

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
"if only liberals would defend Israeli security as fervently as they defend Israeli slang"