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Video Game Bored / Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Last post by MMaRsu on June 26, 2024, 02:24:07 PM »
Allright maybe he is a scumbag but that (cheating on spouse) doesn't automatically make you an entirely bad person in my eyes.
The minor shit, well yes that does.

I'm just saying you can fall in love with someone else and something can happen between two people in love
I'm not excusing it but doesnt make you a bad person

Video Game Bored / Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Last post by demi on June 26, 2024, 02:21:06 PM »
idk if you cheat on your wife you are a bit of a scumbag dude... come on now
Video Game Bored / Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Last post by bork on June 26, 2024, 01:13:08 PM »
I won't be vilifying a man for cheating on his spouse.
Thats something that happens all the time, and not saying I am fine with that, but that doesn't make a person a scumbag in my eyes.

Video Game Bored / Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Last post by Polident Hive on June 26, 2024, 12:08:04 PM »

That’s random.

Some of those early Capcom 360 games still look great to me (on PC). Lost Planet, DMC4, Dead Rising.

I played some Lost Planet recently and it’s a shame the two sequels, or three with that anime 3DS thing, went in different directions.
Video Game Bored / Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Last post by MMaRsu on June 26, 2024, 11:52:38 AM »
Allright buddy. I don't have a hard-on for the guy at all, I just think he is was entertaining and he lifted streaming itself to a new level at the time of PUBG and all that.

However amoral something is, and you are fine in your judgement of him, I won't be vilifying a man for cheating on his spouse.
Thats something that happens all the time, and not saying I am fine with that, but that doesn't make a person a scumbag in my eyes.

Messaging minors isn't cool tho, and I do condemn that.

But there isn't any correlation between people who cheat on their spouse and people who entertain sexual conversations with minors.
Video Game Bored / Re: What are you playing?
« Last post by Joe Molotov on June 26, 2024, 10:06:29 AM »
Elden Ring is still so good. :rejoice
Video Game Bored / Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Last post by bork on June 26, 2024, 07:02:40 AM »
Unexpectedly he's confirmed inappropriately messaging them and the service used. The only thing he disagrees with is the semantics of describing it as sexting as nothing veered into being actually criminal (which was the general expectation I'd seen given this was settled privately).

That's the edited version- he quickly dropped "minor" from that Tweet, but it was caught before he changed it.

Meme of it that's more clear:

(Image removed from quote.)

Can't believe a dude who cheated on his wife and streamed from a public bathroom could be such a scumbag!

...Oh, wait.  :doge

Not saying I approve because messaging minors isnt on at all, but plenty of people cheat on their spouse and dont message minors.. dumbest correlation ever

The correlation here is that he's an established scumbag who has done other amoral shit.  I know you have a hard-on for the guy, but it's time to let go.
Video Game Bored / Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Last post by MMaRsu on June 26, 2024, 05:33:38 AM »
Unexpectedly he's confirmed inappropriately messaging them and the service used. The only thing he disagrees with is the semantics of describing it as sexting as nothing veered into being actually criminal (which was the general expectation I'd seen given this was settled privately).

That's the edited version- he quickly dropped "minor" from that Tweet, but it was caught before he changed it.

Meme of it that's more clear:

(Image removed from quote.)

Can't believe a dude who cheated on his wife and streamed from a public bathroom could be such a scumbag!

...Oh, wait.  :doge

Not saying I approve because messaging minors isnt on at all, but plenty of people cheat on their spouse and dont message minors.. dumbest correlation ever
The Superdeep Borehole / Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Last post by D3RANG3D on June 25, 2024, 11:01:53 PM »
Video Game Bored / Re: Playstation 5
« Last post by Svejk on June 25, 2024, 05:27:26 PM »
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