Beat more games (been in a gaming mood):
Lunastice - Fairly decent indie 3d platformer that is like a halfway between Sonic speed and non-Sonic jumping/attacking 3d platformer. But takes a bit to get good and then is over in <3 hours so isn't all that satisfying. Would love to see a sequel that is double the size.
Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore - Thought this was going to be a gag, but it was actually freaking great 2d stage based metroidvania. Really fun gameplay, good level design, funny cutscenes, great music. Only complaint is too much backtracking at endgame to collect everything. But surprisingly fantastic game.
Crow Country - Was solid. Great visuals and detailed environments, fun and challenging puzzles, actually a good story. Combat is kind of shit and it's basically a bite sized RE you finish in like 5 hours so it's satisfying but feels small and short. It's a good game, could've been better though.
Off-Peak - Was an ok short little free adventure game by Cosmo D (first release on Steam by Cosmo D prior to Norwood Suite).
The Secret of Retropolis - VR adventure game noir style. Was solid with some good writing and VA and nice art style, but easy puzzles and only like 6 rooms total or something in an hour. Too short like a lot of AA VR projects. There is a sequel that's like 3x as long so might play it at some point.
The Frog Detective 1: The Haunted Island - This was funny as hell but also barely a game at like 40 mins. Still recommendable because the writing is hilarious. I'm about midway through game #2 now.
The Moon Sliver - First steam released game by David Szymanski of Dusk and Iron Lung fame. Walking sim. Quite well written and interesting how much he's able to do with so little game (very small area and journals to grab). Impressive.
The Music Machine - Second steam released bigger game by David Szymanski. Walking sim again. Really well written and good story. Also connects to The Moon Sliver. Between these and Iron Lung and Dusk, Szymanski is one of the best game designers/writers currently in the industry imo.
Still Wakes the Deep - First really disappointing game I've played in a while. I really liked Dear Esther and Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs (Haven't gotten to Everyone's Gone to the Rapture). So I thought I liked The Chinese Room developers. And a period piece Scottish supernatural lovecraftian tale on an oil rig in 1975 six hour interactive movie? Sounded great! But then everything about this game is bad. The story isn't very strong and with no audio logs or even really a mystery hook the only story is "Isaac go here and fix this. Isaac go here and fix that" on an oil rig that is falling apart. Yeah, it's basically Dead Space (including basically Necromorphs; this is Color out of Space; not Call of Cthluhlu) without Dead Space's combat and story stuff. So what you get is a very boring to play walking sim with bad stealth sections, bad swimming sections, with an uninteresting story that never goes anywhere. The dialogue is solid and the Scottish VA is great. Art is good. But it just felt pointless by the end. Why waste six hours on a game that has no gameplay and not much of a story? Very disappointing and I wonder if it had dev issues. Will still get to Everybody's Gone to the Rapture at some point since I've heard good things. But more hesitant about any future stuff from The Chinese Room after this.

Finally I'm late to the party but started getting into
UFO50 last week. So far I've cleared Ninpek (good but made me rage), Magic Garden (good but maybe a bit simple), Barbuta (good but never would've figured this without a guide and with a guide you kind of lose the experience), Bug Hunter (really good strategy game but a lot of rng with your loadouts), Planet Zoldath (really basic/simple game but I kind of dug it?). Would like to clear all 50 games, but may give up on some that I know just aren't going to be for my skillset like I did with Paint Chase. Very impressed by the quality and depth of mechanics in the games so far.
Currently playing: More UFO50 games, LOUD, The Frog Detective 2, Lorelei and the Laser Eyes, Tales from Off-Peak City, MvC Infinite Beyond Mod