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Video Game Bored / Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Last post by Svejk on July 10, 2024, 11:38:34 AM »
A new 3D Double Dragon coming by Arc System Works!

Arc System Works has announced a new 3D Double Dragon game for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals. It will launch in 2025.

According to the magazine, the new game faithfully reproduces the thrill of old school side-scrolling action games, with updated controls and difficulty settings for the modern era, and utilizing Arc System Works’ fighting game development experience. Jimmy Lee, Billy Lee, Roper, Abobo, and more will appear in stylish 3D.

Weird to me is that it looks oddly similar to the new Streets of Rage Sega revealed last year.  But hell, I'll take a 3D beat'em up renaissance.  Still waiting for the Final Fight Remake from the big Capcom leak.
Video Game Bored / Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Last post by D3RANG3D on July 09, 2024, 08:49:47 PM »
Video Game Bored / Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Last post by Svejk on July 09, 2024, 01:38:09 PM »

RIP, CDPR.  You had a good run with all of your 2 banger games.
The Superdeep Borehole / Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Last post by james on July 08, 2024, 12:21:09 PM »
did you guys hear the biden is old
The Superdeep Borehole / Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Last post by MMaRsu on July 08, 2024, 11:57:28 AM »
Video Game Bored / Re: What are you playing?
« Last post by demi on July 08, 2024, 01:34:28 AM »
Saturn gaming:

- Enemy Zero

I had to finally try this game, again after reading it in magazines for so long. I enjoy D, I enjoy D2, why not Enemy Zero? Well, I couldnt do it. The D-like exploration bits are fine, but the actual gameplay parts where you navigate the hallways are not good. You basically have to navigate maze-like corridors that have invisible enemies. You can tell how near the enemies are by a simple beep. That's it. If they are REALLY close, you get another noise and your only options are to charge up your gun (which only shoots like, 3 bullets?) and hope you shoot correctly, or you die. About that - this game restricts how many times you can save your game. Ok, well Resident Evil has ink ribbons! True, but in this game you get penalized for LOADING your game too! So on "easy" mode you get 99 energy. That's it - if you save too much, youre fucked. If you die a lot and load too much, youre fucked. I tried to get over the hurdle of dying, but I was just not enjoying the game. FLUSHED

- Nights into Dreams (vod:

Played this for the first time in many years, my only real experience with the game has been a random demo from many years ago, where I had no idea what the fuck I was doing. Now, after reading about the game and watching videos, I have an idea on how to play the game! So I did, and earned all achievements on the Xbox version. This includes unlocking all levels, earning A ranks on all levels, and random misc. achievements. I love the music in this game. I also learned that the 360 version is more of a port of the PS2 version, so purists arent the biggest fan of this. I briefly played the original Saturn version and I can understand the reasoning, but I dont have a 3D pad so playing this game with a DPad does not sound the most fun.

- Guardian Heroes (vod:

Another game I've always read about in magazines, now I finally played it. The RPG mechanics are very light, and honestly I'm not sure why they are in the game. It really is just a short simple beat em up. I tried all the characters, and landed on Han and Serena as my favorites. I unlocked all achievements available, which wasn't very difficult. Some of the endings required me to juggle an enemy enough to get high negative karma, which gave me (very) small variations of some endings.

- Deep Fear (vod:

It's Resident Evil! On an underwater base! This game was only released in Europe, but there is a US prototype that works perfectly fine (ask me how I know). This game came out about 2 years after Resident Evil, so it had some time to improve on the formula - and it does! At least in regards to control, in Deep Fear you can actually move while shooting - running and dodging! That's about the extent of the improvements, the rest of the game is pretty run of the mill survival horror. The story basically boils down to space aids spread by monkeys (just trust me on this). I did enjoy this though - it only has one ending. It is not that difficult, mostly because you literally get infinite ammo and infinite healing items that are replenishable in various rooms. It also has an air system where rooms gradually lose air, but you can refill those rooms and your breathing mask (for underwater rooms) with no concern.

With this I am finally ready to play some RPGs. I don't know which one to start with, so I might just I dunno throw them on a randomizer wheel and spin. Throw a dart at a wall. Maybe start with the lesser known ones first?
Video Game Bored / Re: Dragon's Dogma II, brehs
« Last post by Let's Cyber on July 07, 2024, 06:38:28 AM »
The short answer is yes, just no Everfall.

Video Game Bored / Re: Dragon's Dogma II, brehs
« Last post by demi on July 06, 2024, 08:53:57 PM »
I love the anime crazy endgame sequence in the first game, I just want to know if it gets as bullshit as that
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