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Video Game Bored / Re: Dynasty/Samurai/Orochi/Whatever Warriors Thread
« Last post by Bebpo on January 16, 2025, 05:19:04 PM »
I've been playing Dynasty Warriors since PS1.

I still have no idea who Lu Bu is except that everyone who plays DW fears him.
Video Game Bored / Re: Dynasty/Samurai/Orochi/Whatever Warriors Thread
« Last post by MMaRsu on January 16, 2025, 04:29:11 PM »
While Dynasty Warriors Origins is looking awesome and already getting some good reviews, I think I'm passing on it for now- the main reason being that I really don't want to be stuck playing as 'generic NPC dude' for the entire game.  It's a big head scratcher to me why a series known for a huge number of playable characters and custom characters in its Empires games now has you just playing as a single one who can't be customized. 

Although he can use different weapon types, apparently it's limited to only 10 weapons total.  This sucks.  And it sucks even more because I really liked the demo a lot.  It's pretty fun to play and a big step forward for these games, but the campaign is supposed be something like 30 hours long for one full playthrough (and there's a point where you need to align with one of the three kingdoms, which changes the story up, so it's a huge RPG-like campaign that you need to play at least three times to see everything) and I'm just not really sold on the idea of playing as NPC dude for that long. 

I hope they patch it to allow for you to play as anyone, add in CAW options, or play as your partner character for as long as you want.  That might help.  But to me this seems more like a "wait for the XL version or sequel" type of game.  Supposedly no XL version or equivalent DLC will be coming, but this is Koei we're talking about so I'm inclined to not believe them on that.

Video Game Bored / Re: Nintendo Anounces Switch 2
« Last post by Svejk on January 16, 2025, 01:06:51 PM »
The leakers finally got it right, 18th time's a charm!
A broken clock is still right twice a day. Lol

Glad they at least confirmed it exists and is BC.  So far though, ain't sold on shit yet.  Already hate the joycons.
Video Game Bored / Re: Nintendo Anounces Switch 2
« Last post by Joe Molotov on January 16, 2025, 09:40:45 AM »
The leakers finally got it right, 18th time's a charm!
Video Game Bored / Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Last post by bork on January 14, 2025, 09:36:24 PM »
Replacement Brick #2 (Brick #3 overall lolz) came early.  I like it, but I think I prefer black over the white colorway.  Its imperfections/seams are a lot more noticeable.  So have another black one coming in a couple of days- if that one arrives and is OK, I'll keep it and return the white one.  Otherwise, white it is.  Yes, I know this is :derp but it's fun fucking around with this stuff.

Also funny how the TrimUI and this came with SD cards full of roms and pirates portmaster games. The Trimui must’ve been used or they just use the same image for all units. Retroarch showed Nintendo roms in the play history tab that were deleted. It’s a mess of different naming and formats. Wiped all of it and put my own sets on there. Couldn’t find a spare 128GB card so I’m using their random shenzen one.

When you get a chance, get a quality micro SD card.  The cheap shitty ones that come with these things tend to fail pretty quickly.

One bonus thing that's nice about buying and returning these devices to Amazon?  Grabbing all the roms off the cards they come with.   :lol  This new Brick had some games on it I didn't have, so adding them to the set.  I also found a pretty nice torrent on that has rom sets properly named.  No more numbers and shit.
The Superdeep Borehole / Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Last post by MMaRsu on January 14, 2025, 05:25:40 PM »
Top 2-3 BotW ever tbh. What a great combo of guest and videos.

Video Game Bored / Re: What are you playing?
« Last post by Joe Molotov on January 14, 2025, 11:08:57 AM »
Replaying Ys Oath in Felghana on the PS5; on the last dungeon , still a fun game. Not very meaty but it doesn’t outstay its welcome.

Also playing Mid of the Year candidate Dragon Age: The Midquard, the latest midsterpiece from MidWare. This sure is top tier AAAA *CONTENT* to consoom, inject the slop into my veins. :rejoice
The Superdeep Borehole / Re: RedLetterMedia Thread
« Last post by Coax on January 14, 2025, 04:49:31 AM »
Top 2-3 BotW ever tbh. What a great combo of guest and videos.

Video Game Bored / Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Last post by Polident Hive on January 13, 2025, 09:42:14 PM »
Got the TrimUI Brick from Amazon. May return it.

For what it is, it’s great. Controls are good. Screen is good. Solid build quality. But I don’t think these vertical handhelds are for me. Went in expecting if I didn’t use the shoulder buttons, it’d be fine. Nope.

You might just want to swap it out for the Smart Pro instead.  Seems like that form factor may be better for you.  While the screen isn't as good IMO, it's still excellent for the price.  I  also still think that it's one of the most comfortable handhelds out there.

Would’ve gone with the Smart Pro if it shipped in time. But I’m quite happy with this purchase. I’d only change having six large buttons. That’s my issue with all sega style controllers where I end up remapping it. Big A/B/C mapped to Y/B/A, X/Z are both X for button combos.

Rocknix seems good. Glad I could drag my old Batocera data over and all the scraping, images, and even favorites lists were compatible. Every system you’d want play without analog sticks run well.

Also funny how the TrimUI and this came with SD cards full of roms and pirates portmaster games. The Trimui must’ve been used or they just use the same image for all units. Retroarch showed Nintendo roms in the play history tab that were deleted. It’s a mess of different naming and formats. Wiped all of it and put my own sets on there. Couldn’t find a spare 128GB card so I’m using their random shenzen one.
Video Game Bored / Re: What are you playing?
« Last post by chronovore on January 13, 2025, 09:15:02 PM »
Erased my save file and started RDR2 over.  JFC these controls make no sense.  I’m supposed to hold X to move/ride, then tap X to go faster/keep up while riding…. But you have to press L1 to slow down, not slowing your tapping.  It’s like QTE type inputs when there’s no QTE.  Who came up with this egregious gameplay?  I just can't.

My particular bugaboo when going back to RDR2 is the weapon and equipment wheel. The radial menu is one of the best solutions for navigating with a controller, but Rockstar managed to galaxy-brain their way into fucking it up. At one point I figured out that if I want to change my current longarm/rifle or its ammo, I need to press something like four buttons, with three of them being pressed as a chord. Was it L1 for menu, Right analog stick to point at weapon type, d-pad L/R within the weapon type, another different button to change ammo type, and then X to select - or maybe it was just release to dismiss the menu?

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