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Video Game Bored / Re: ASTRO MUHFUGGIN BOT
« Last post by Svejk on Today at 12:39:29 AM »
Damn, did they really put an Alundra bot in this? Sony really hitting the feels below the belt there.
Video Game Bored / Re: What did you finish in 2024?
« Last post by Rahxephon91 on September 09, 2024, 08:36:33 PM »
Over the weekend I fished the campaigns on PC:

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007)

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (2009)

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (2011)

Call of Duty Ghosts.
Which was the best out those?
Its still Modern warfare 2, but 3 is such a bombastic over the top campaign I don't know how anyone into these couldn't like it. At the end of the day it's CoD gameplay. So you're either into cinematic whack a mole with airsoft guns or not, but I truly believe all the IW games are solid.
Video Game Bored / Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Last post by Polident Hive on September 09, 2024, 05:13:20 PM »
I think the Razer Edge has a better processor, so still glad I went for it with the price drop.  Liking that the Retroids will have Linux support as an option now as well.  Maybe we'll get some Portmaster stuff.

Also interested in the Mini, but again this is definitely a brand whose products I'd wait at least a month or two on to let the early buyers beta test first.

There’s some twist in how they’re selling it. Not so much for the Mini, as it’s unchanged with only a $10 early discount. With the Retroid 5, they’re adding 2GB of ram and Android 13, so release price potentially going to $230 and up. Preorder price is $200. It’s a risk for saving $30+.

I’ll admit I don’t understand the controversy. Something about Switch emulation? Mini has that lesser ram and Android 10. Doesn’t seem to impact emulators I care about. And only the Mini has the Japan Saturn colors. Goofy but tempting over black.

(Image removed from quote.)

Not sure what controversy you're referring to, but it is to my understanding that Switch emulation needs 8GB of ram to work properly.  At least for 3D games.  Maybe that's it?  Dunno.

I would still advise against the FOMO and recommend waiting until after release to see what happens.  Can't say it enough- these guys have a bad track record with product launches but they do fix the problems with later batches.

That essentially answers it. Originally the two models were Android 10 and 6GB ram. People complained, I suppose, and the Retroid 5 got bumped to Android 13 and 8GB ram. Mini is releasing this month so they have the option to flash Android 13 but no hardware changes. With a 4:3 handheld, I don’t think people are looking to play Switch.
Video Game Bored / Re: What are you playing?
« Last post by Joe Molotov on September 09, 2024, 01:37:13 PM »
get FUKT
Video Game Bored / Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Last post by bork on September 09, 2024, 01:29:34 PM »
I think the Razer Edge has a better processor, so still glad I went for it with the price drop.  Liking that the Retroids will have Linux support as an option now as well.  Maybe we'll get some Portmaster stuff.

Also interested in the Mini, but again this is definitely a brand whose products I'd wait at least a month or two on to let the early buyers beta test first.

There’s some twist in how they’re selling it. Not so much for the Mini, as it’s unchanged with only a $10 early discount. With the Retroid 5, they’re adding 2GB of ram and Android 13, so release price potentially going to $230 and up. Preorder price is $200. It’s a risk for saving $30+.

I’ll admit I don’t understand the controversy. Something about Switch emulation? Mini has that lesser ram and Android 10. Doesn’t seem to impact emulators I care about. And only the Mini has the Japan Saturn colors. Goofy but tempting over black.

(Image removed from quote.)

Not sure what controversy you're referring to, but it is to my understanding that Switch emulation needs 8GB of ram to work properly.  At least for 3D games.  Maybe that's it?  Dunno.

I would still advise against the FOMO and recommend waiting until after release to see what happens.  Can't say it enough- these guys have a bad track record with product launches but they do fix the problems with later batches.
Video Game Bored / Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Last post by D3RANG3D on September 09, 2024, 01:09:31 PM »
Video Game Bored / Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Last post by Polident Hive on September 09, 2024, 05:26:24 AM »
I think the Razer Edge has a better processor, so still glad I went for it with the price drop.  Liking that the Retroids will have Linux support as an option now as well.  Maybe we'll get some Portmaster stuff.

Also interested in the Mini, but again this is definitely a brand whose products I'd wait at least a month or two on to let the early buyers beta test first.

There’s some twist in how they’re selling it. Not so much for the Mini, as it’s unchanged with only a $10 early discount. With the Retroid 5, they’re adding 2GB of ram and Android 13, so release price potentially going to $230 and up. Preorder price is $200. It’s a risk for saving $30+.

I’ll admit I don’t understand the controversy. Something about Switch emulation? Mini has that lesser ram and Android 10. Doesn’t seem to impact emulators I care about. And only the Mini has the Japan Saturn colors. Goofy but tempting over black.

Video Game Bored / Re: Random Gaming Talk Thread
« Last post by chronovore on September 09, 2024, 02:26:32 AM »
Eight years, though. I know how the sunk costs fallacy works, but even so I'd expect a little more effort in propping up Concord other than 2 weeks of bad sales.

Look at how SQEX ralled on FF XIV Online. That looked like a goner, but it was turned into a very successful game.
The Superdeep Borehole / Re: USA Politics Thread |OT| Cleaning up the town
« Last post by Nintex on September 08, 2024, 05:11:46 PM »

Polls this far out don't really matter :trumps
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