Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1880898 times)

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Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
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american jesus is pissed, it's time to throw the abortionlenders out of the temple


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Got this from the House Dem's blog, listing the immediately benefits of the Health care bill.

As soon as health care passes, the American people will see immediate benefits. The legislation will:

Eliminate lifetime limits and restrictive annual limits on benefits in all plans;

Require plans to cover an enrollee's dependent children until age 26;

Require new plans to cover preventive services and immunizations without cost-sharing;

Ensure consumers have access to an effective internal and external appeals process to appeal new insurance plan decisions;

Require premium rebates to enrollees from insurers with high administrative expenditures and require public disclosure of the percent of premiums applied to overhead costs.

By enacting these provisions right away, and others over time, we will be able to lower costs for everyone and give all Americans and small businesses more control over their health care choices.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 12:23:00 AM by Rman »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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the BEST BEST part is not having to endure cheeb's triumphalism over a totally pyrrhic victory -- the bill sucks ass as far as real reform goes, with its only upside being the blown minds of teabaggers and maybe ending recission

Eh, there's a good deal of reform in the bill, and they threw nearly every cost bending idea at the problem (except the public option). This is a pretty big deal and will help millions of people. It's not the greatest shit ever and is far from perfect, but it's going to create the ground work for a more universal system


  • The Muffin Man
  • Senior Member
Its juvenile, no doubt, but I'm highly interested in some of the reactions this'll garner this week. Part of the problem  :'(

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
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the communogay abortisocialist mulattohitlers have won, now jesus is going to deny america his return and all the canadians will inherit heaven :'(


  • The Muffin Man
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Stolen from GAF


Joe Molotov

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Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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Barry Egan

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Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 01:31:37 AM by My F*cking Grandpa »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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it's fake but awesome  :lol


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My Facebook friends are having meltdowns. :american

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
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my facebook is packed with filthy libruls getting their triumphalism on

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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:smug :smug :smug :smug :smug :smug :smug :smug :smug :smug :smug :smug :smug :smug :smug :smug :smug :smug :smug :smug

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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"So this is how democracy ends. To thunderous applause."

— Sen. Amidala

Never were truer words spoken.


Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Tomorrow I will finally get approved for my govt. handout to open a Homobortion Smack Parlor and Day Care and realize my lifelong dream of having gay sex with unwilling suburban men while perform abortions high on heroin and watching toddlers.  SUCK.  IT.  DOWN.

Barry Egan

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Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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sorry to be so indiscreet about my schadenfreude but...well fuck it you guys know you love it too:

I know exactly what you mean. After the vote went down, I went outside and looked at the sky. I had the thought this this wasn’t a sky over America anymore, and there is no America now, and it felt like America just disappeared into the night’s sky, and now I was standing on someone else’s land, someone else’s home, and I could never go home again.

I will forever look at others as strangers, wondering, “Whose side were you on the night it all disappeared?”

This is the night that Ben Franklin feared when he replied to the question as to what they, the founders had given us, “A republic, if you can hold it.” We failed. We failed to stop the media from destroying George Bush to the point that America thirsted for Democrat rule. The media started the Reichstag fire, and we stood by without even lunging for a water hose

:teehee :-\
« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 05:26:39 AM by My F*cking Grandpa »


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I'm with you, man.

There'll be plenty of time to hash out the substance of the bill, but schadenfreude?  You want that fresh.  For example:

Quote from: Applebee's Salad Bar Manager
David Brooks: But I persist in the belief that government is more fundamentally messed up than ever in my lifetime. Barack Obama campaigned offering a new era of sane government. And I believe he would do it if he had the chance. But he has been so sucked into the system that now he stands by while House Speaker Nancy Pelosi talks about passing health care via “deem and pass” — a tricky legislative device in which things get passed without members having the honor or the guts to stand up and vote for it.

Deem and pass? Are you kidding me? Is this what the Revolutionary War was fought for? Is this what the boys on Normandy beach were trying to defend? Is this where we thought we would end up when Obama was speaking so beautifully in Iowa or promising to put away childish things?

Yes, I know Republicans have used the deem and pass technique. It was terrible then. But those were smallish items. This is the largest piece of legislation in a generation and Pelosi wants to pass it without a vote. It’s unbelievable that people even


Either this whole city has gone insane or I have or both. But I’m out here on the ledge and I’m not coming in the window. In my view this is no longer about health care. It’s just Democrats wanting to pass a bill, any bill, and shredding anything they have to in order to get it done. It’s about taking every sin the Republicans committed when they were busy being corrupted by power and matching it with interest.

Of course, they didn't use the self-executing rule in the end.  Even more predictably, it seems that Brooks never wrote a single word against the practice when the GOP was using it.

At what point does he have to turn in his Sensible And Moderate card?  Dude is hyperventilating over normal parliamentary procedure.


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Quote from: Clive Crook
Looming over all is the biggest risk for the Democrats. Albeit in a worthy cause, Obama has broken faith with American voters. He promised post-partisan leadership. He promised to moderate the warring tribes on Capitol Hill, and strive for common-sense, centrist solutions. Then, on this epic issue, he allied himself with--in fact, subordinated himself to--liberal Democrats in Congress. With help, to be sure, from a rabidly partisan Republican party, he has divided the country more deeply than ever. And he has pushed through a far-reaching measure that country does not want. In November we will find out what, if anything, it will cost his party and his presidency.

So some people who should really know better still subscribe to this fiction that Obama just as guilty as  Republicans for both Congressional and countrywide partisanship. How the fuck is the current bill not a "centrist" solution? If anything, it's a Republican solution circa 1993. And why is common sense conflated with centrism?

Green Shinobi

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Calling it now. The Dems are barely going to lose any seats this fall. This bill will become far more popular now that the vote is done and the smear campaign is over.

Eric P

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so what's next?  immigration reform?

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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I think its education :rock not sure though


  • Member
Calling it now. The Dems are barely going to lose any seats this fall. This bill will become far more popular now that the vote is done and the smear campaign is over.

The smear campaign isn't over; it will resume around September. I'm not sure, however, from what angle the Republicans will be campaigning. If it's repealing the bill--which is what they're threatening now, provided that they eventually gain the number of seats that they want--then what are they going to say? "Put us in office and we'll give power back to insurance companies to deny you insurance because of pre-existing conditions! Put us in office and those of you who are back on your parents' insurance plans are shit out of luck!"


  • Casted Flamebait lvl. 3
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so what's next?  immigration reform?

Isn't DADT still in the pipeline?


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Am I the only one who is looking forward to listening to Rush Limbaugh today just for the whining? :teehee

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Frum made the point that the bill features some language republicans used for their health care ideas during the Clinton wars. I haven't looked it up yet, but if true that's definitely interesting.

It would have only taken a couple republican senators to get a deal, maybe less subsidies and more malpractice reform for instance. With that, they could have walked away from the table with a modest victory ("we got tort reform and had Obama cut pork barrel spending out the bill hurrr"). Instead they walk away with their hands totally empty; even though the bill features more than a few republican "ideas" and amendments, they've spent the last year telling the American people that democrats totally ignored them.

This is what the legislature process looks like, and yes it's quite American. In fact, what does this say about Bush's legislative legacy. Republicans had the presidency and congress for six years and managed to start a war, give rich people tax cuts, create the perscription drug donut hole, create No Child Left Behind, and let energy companies write the energy bill. All while racking up massive debt and deficits.

In contrast, Obama has passed a stimulus package and managed to do something multiple presidents have failed at over the last century: a comprehensive (I'm not calling this universal) health care bill.


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Bank reform next plz.


  • Iconz
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Congrats America.

I'm still dumbfounded how Americans are more willing to go to war than to ensure their own people.
If only you could stigmatize war with the stain of socialism or communism.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Maybe if we declare war on Israel :smug

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
So when can I start lining up for my free abortions funded by federal moneys? :hyper

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
I doubt Obama touches immigration next, simply because the only thing that stirs up the Tea Party base more than health care reform is GIVING RITES TO DEM ILLEGAL ALIENS DAT TOOK ER JERBS!!!

Eric P

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yes, but i think it would be hilarious from the casket blowing perspective.

on sunday, there was a pretty large march for immigration reform in dc.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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yes, but i think it would be hilarious from the casket blowing perspective.

on sunday, there was a pretty large march for immigration reform in dc.

Over 200k, but they weren't calling people taco or distinguished black fellow so the media didn't bother to cover it.  Next time they should march with guns if they want coverage.

Eric P

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  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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Not to be all Doubting Thomas (especially since I totally support any kind of healthcare reform in this country, even though I am hoping this is just a stepping stone to single-payer)... but are there any accurate breakdowns on where the gov't is getting the money for this?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Yes, I need some ammo against a fiscal conservative buddy of mine, who works as an accountant at PWC.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
“Look at that idiot!” said Linda Cocsy, a New Yorker who’d spent the weekend in Washington for the protests, pointing at one of the young Democrats who’d infiltrated the protest, holding up a pro-reform sign provided by a pro-choice Catholic group. “This one, here with the stupid grin on his face! He looks likes he’s brainless. You look at these people and, they really look like jerks. You look at the other people, with the Don’t Tread on Me [flags], and they look like real people!” Cocsy stared off at another protester, waving a sign he’d picked up from a pro-immigration reform protest that had broken up around the time that Stupak announced his flip. “I just wanna kill them!” said Cocsy.

:rofl :rofl :rofl

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Not to be all Doubting Thomas (especially since I totally support any kind of healthcare reform in this country, even though I am hoping this is just a stepping stone to single-payer)... but are there any accurate breakdowns on where the gov't is getting the money for this?

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Yes, I need some ammo against a fiscal conservative buddy of mine, who works as an accountant at PWC.

Getting the money for what? Making everyone buy private health insurance? This not really the public option. The exchange and additional health expansion stuff will be paid for in taxes I think in 2014 or something.

EDIT: I believe the most costly thing are all the subsidies for low income families.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 02:40:14 PM by The Fake Shemp »

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Could be true. We'll find out.

I speculate several years down the road, when the bill is fully implemented, Democrats will use this as an excuse to push a single-payer system through the Congress. "See, we told you insurers are evil! We need universal health care!"


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so what's next?  immigration reform?

I think the list of domestic priorities has remained roughly the same, and goes like this:

1) Emergency measures (stimulus, bailouts)
2) Health insurance reform
3a) Financial regulatory reform
3b) Energy bill with carbon caps
3c) Education policy changes/reauthorization
4) Everything else

Dodd's been working on banking reform and Kerry on energy in the Senate.  The House has already passed its version of each bill.   Both of them aren't reconciliation eligible, which means they'll need Republican support in the Senate.  Maybe the education bill gets done just because The Act Formerly Known as NCLB is due for reauthorization and is the most likely candidate to get bipartisan support.

Immigration isn't as further along (I think one of the House committees passed a bill, but the whole House hasn't even started working on it) and I don't think the Democrats want to deal with that in what's already looking like a rough election year.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Isn't Dodd leading the charge for banking reform a total joke, though?

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Oh man, the signs are amazing. I give the Tea Party folks massive points. :lol

wtf :lol

oh no not the pie! :lol


Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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but mandark, democrats poisoned the well of the senate. republicans cannot possibly work with them again this year after such a totalitarian take over  :ussrcry

I'd love to see immigration addressed, and obviously Obama has promises to keep but it might not be possible in this climate. But oh would it be glorious


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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Quote from: Willco
Isn't Dodd leading the charge for banking reform a total joke, though?

Weirdly, no.

He was up for reelection and his approval numbers were tanking because people saw him as being in the pockets of the big banks, so he tried to salvage his reputation by proposing a much stronger approach than Frank's plan in the House and Obama's campaign promises.

It didn't work and he's retiring now, and the bill's been watered down pretty badly in both houses as they look for GOP votes in the Senate and blue dog votes in the House.  In this case, unlike with health care, I'd much rather they propose a strong bill that can't pass and dare the conservatives to vote against it rather than try to pass a weak compromise bill.

Social programs create their own constituencies, so it becomes relatively easier to expand them (like adding a drug benefit to Medicare).  Financial regulations are like FEMA:  you only get the impetus for changes after things have already gone to hell.  Passing weak reforms will just create a feeling of complacency until the next giant meltdown a couple decades down the line.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Obama said he would do everything in his power to forge a bipartisan consensus on immigration reform this year.

Any chances that health care passing might give democrats enough confidence to re-strengthen the financial reform bill, and roll the dice?


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Is this true or just right-wing FUD:

A high earning physician told me his tax load will increase by $100,000 per year when this bill is fully implemented.


AFAIK, there's no tax targeting physicians.  I guess he could be talking about the 3.8% tax on unearned income, but that would mean he's pulling at least $2.5 a year just in dividends and interest, in which case cry me a river.


  • The Muffin Man
  • Senior Member
I love how to the Tea Party, the essence of America are various trinkets, food and a very large bird.


On another note, lots of great articles explaining the bill floating around, about its benefits and cost to the taxpayer. Gonna email them out to family members.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 04:04:40 PM by BlueTsunami »

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
I just find it funny that everyone seems oblivious to the fact or is too afraid to admit that the Tea Party is fueled by thinly veiled racism.

Eric P

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thinly veiled?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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I get the impression that they're trying so hard not to just bubble over with full racism. Instead they...compromise by pulling out some Nixon-esque woe-is-me language and a couple pinches of shoe polish. They have signs declaring white tax payers are the new "niggars," they constantly use analogies to slavery when discussing the burden of paying low taxes to guvment run by a black dude, they overwhelmingly believe Obama is foreign, etc. Just enough to send a clear signal to believers while denying everything to the media/sane people.

There's a 48 second video on Red State with John Lewis and Clyburn walking to congress as they're heckled; no racial epithets or spitting is on the video. And this is evidence enough for them to label the charges as blatant lies from more black folk playing the race card. Lewis and Clyburn playing the race card. Yeah.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 04:43:34 PM by Phoenix Dark »

Eric P

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While we're on the subject:
Quote from: Dan Balz
But former Republican House speaker Newt Gingrich said Obama and the Democrats will regret their decision to push for comprehensive reform. Calling the bill "the most radical social experiment . . . in modern times," Gingrich said: "They will have destroyed their party much as Lyndon Johnson shattered the Democratic Party for 40 years" with the enactment of civil rights legislation in the 1960s.
Quote from: David Brooks
Blond argues that over the past generation we have witnessed two revolutions, both of which liberated the individual and decimated local associations. First, there was a revolution from the left: a cultural revolution that displaced traditional manners and mores; a legal revolution that emphasized individual rights instead of responsibilities; a welfare revolution in which social workers displaced mutual aid societies and self-organized associations.


The effort to liberate individuals from repressive social constraints didn’t produce a flowering of freedom; it weakened families, increased out-of-wedlock births and turned neighbors into strangers. In Britain, you get a country with rising crime, and, as a result, four million security cameras.

Remember, these are the leading intellectual lights of the conservative movement right now.

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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I just find it funny that everyone seems oblivious to the fact or is too afraid to admit that the Tea Party is fueled by thinly veiled racism.

Ever since the 60's the media has fallen back on the habit of labeling conservative based protest movements as more normal and traditional than liberal based protest movements which are often deemed radical and un-american rather than evaulating each one on their positive and negative attributes. This effects their tone of coverage.

Let's face it also. The way the news portrays a group of black "protesters" versus a group of white "protesters" also is often portrayed differently and has a different effect when the viewing audience is black or white. 
« Last Edit: March 22, 2010, 04:49:52 PM by Stoney Mason »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Wow. I'm still slogging through Nixonland; it really puts some things into perspective. If there's anything positive in Gingrich's comments, I guess you could say a republican is finally admitting the white backlash/race baiting caused democrats to get shitcanned, not simply Vietnam.

turned neighbors into strangers

I wonder why  


The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Politics seems like wrestling to me at this point. The Republicans enjoy playing the heel, but behind the stage, both Democrats and Republicans are best friends. Both are owned by corporate interests - this watered down health care reform bill is evidence of just that.

All this red state/blue state nonsense is less about substance and trying to fight for particular ideologies, but rather manufactured noise created to widen the rift and keep people oblivious to the fact neither party really wants to do anything to help their actual constituencies.

This stupid battle is going to play out in public, with both sides bickering at one another for months, while insurance companies and Big Pharma laugh all the way to the bank. This isn't what I wanted, I guess it's better than nothing, but let's not act like it's a big blow against the insurance industry.

And although I don't doubt that talking heads like David Brooks are legit, along with a handful of equally ridiculous legislators (Bachmann for instance), most are just like Judd Gregg - they know better, they're just spouting garbage to deflect accountability away from lawmakers.