Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1880656 times)

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I don't know why I ever got the impression that The Atlantic was anything of quality.
Marc Ambinder is great and Andrew Sullivan can be sometimes.

Phoenix Dark

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Over the weekend, Obama broke with years of protocol and slipped off to a soccer game without the "protective" pool that is always in the vicinity of the president in case the unthinkable occurs. Obama joked about it later to Pakistan's prime minister, saying reporters "were very upset."

I'm guessing he's talking about the press pool, and if that's the case why do they have to be there in case the "unthinkable" happens? To take pictures? He makes it sound like Obama ditched the secret service, David Palmer style.


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Over the weekend, Obama broke with years of protocol and slipped off to a soccer game without the "protective" pool that is always in the vicinity of the president in case the unthinkable occurs. Obama joked about it later to Pakistan's prime minister, saying reporters "were very upset."

I'm guessing he's talking about the press pool, and if that's the case why do they have to be there in case the "unthinkable" happens? To take pictures? He makes it sound like Obama ditched the secret service, David Palmer style.
Obama wanted to watch his daughter play soccer without the press there snapping pictures the whole time? How dare he.

Carter once ditched his secret service protection when fishing on vacation when he was President.

Human Snorenado

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The Washington media is nothing but a bunch of spoiled fucking babies.


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The Washington media is nothing but a bunch of spoiled fucking babies.
I like how they act like it is protection in case some emergency happens.  :lol What they mean is they want a picture of Obama from that moment they can paste on every magazine cover in case of an emergency.

Although I am not that sure Obama sitting in a lawn chair at a elementary school soccer field will fit the the ideal photograph if a terrorist attack hits.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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Election 2012: Barack Obama 42%, Ron Paul 41%

Pit maverick Republican Congressman Ron Paul against President Obama in a hypothetical 2012 election match-up, and the race is – virtually dead even.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of likely voters finds Obama with 42% support and Paul with 41% of the vote. Eleven percent (11%) prefer some other candidate, and six percent (6%) are undecided.

Ask the Political Class, though, and it’s a blowout. While 58% of Mainstream voters favor Paul, 95% of the Political Class vote for Obama.

But Republican voters also have decidedly mixed feelings about Paul, who has been an outspoken critic of the party establishment.

(more at the link...)

<FoC>:smug </FoC>

Phoenix Dark

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mainstream lolol

Human Snorenado

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Phoenix Dark

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Some good posts/discussion on the START issue

You'd think securing loose nuclear material would be the type of bipartisan issue that would go beyond petty politics and into "making the country safer" territory everyone could agree on. As a senator Obama worked on the issue in a bipartisan manner, and as president he's taking substantial steps on the issue alongside an coalition of nations. Yet the media and republican response has been a wall of incoherence, distortion, and concern trolling.

You never forget how to ride a bike, but clearly the media and the GOP have not only forgot what the legislative process looks like, they also forgot what diplomacy looks like after 8 years of darkness.


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You'd think securing loose nuclear material would be the type of bipartisan issue that would go beyond petty politics and into "making the country safer" territory everyone could agree on.

Except the Goldwater wing of the GOP has always been paranoid about any type of disarmament (I'm pretty sure Reagan took a lot of fire from the right over the INF treaty), and a Democratic president gives them more incentives to fearmonger.

Here's a NYT story on the Obama-Medvedev negotiations that led to the agreement.  Take it with a grain of salt, since stories like these are always sourced to insiders with an agenda.  Either way, the opening bit is great if you're a Dr. Strangelove fan, as it features an exasperated US president on the phone cajoling a Russian leader named Dmitri.

Phoenix Dark

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The meeting went so well that the Americans returned to their hotel and exchanged high fives

By Friday, the two presidents set aside the discord underlying those statements. Speaking on the phone, according to an American official, they congratulated themselves on breaking through the mistrust. “If you want something done right,” Mr. Medvedev began in English, and Mr. Obama finished his thought: “you do it yourself.”

can't wait for these scenes in the Obama movie!


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Considering that poll is from Rasmussen, isn't that kinda good for Obama?


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CNN did a poll this week of Obama vs. every current potential GOP nominee and his lowest lead (which was over Romney) was 8%. So yeah, of course Rasmussen shows him roughly tied with Paul.

Dickie Dee

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I just wish Rasmussen had a syllable I could insert "lol" into  :-\

What a clown show

btw, anyone know what's the timetable for the Supreme Court nom?
« Last Edit: April 14, 2010, 08:41:14 PM by Mamacint »

Human Snorenado

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I just wish Rasmussen had a syllable I could insert "lol" into  :-\

What a clown show

btw, anyone know what's the timetable for the Supreme Court nom?

Figure out when the next session starts, and also all of the congressional recesses in between then and now.  I'm too lazy to do it!

Prediction:  Snowe, Collins, Brown and like one or two other Repubs end up voting for the nom.


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Scott Rasmussen who runs the site has a book about the evils of big government and his polls have an exclusive  release deal with Fox News. His polls are done literally entirely for fox news talking points. Have you noticed none of the networks ever source Rasmussen? I remember once Chuck Todd mentioned it once and said no one in the media takes their polling seriously.

Phoenix Dark

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Probably because he asks some pretty loaded questions. Nate Silver showed Ras polls were rather accurate during the election iirc, so that's not the question.

Most people don't know who Ron Paul is, and putting much clout in a telephone survey of likely voters is rather ridiculous


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Probably because he asks some pretty loaded questions. Nate Silver showed Ras polls were rather accurate during the election iirc, so that's not the question.

Most people don't know who Ron Paul is, and putting much clout in a telephone survey of likely voters is rather ridiculous
I think its mostly because Scott Rasmussen is openly Republican and the media probably doesn't want to showcase polls that are done by a partisan pollster even if they get a lot elections right.

Dickie Dee

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Probably because he asks some pretty loaded questions. Nate Silver showed Ras polls were rather accurate during the election iirc, so that's not the question.

Most people don't know who Ron Paul is, and putting much clout in a telephone survey of likely voters is rather ridiculous

Not gonna Nate Silver this cause I don't really know, but wide election spreads in polls tighten up for the final results, Ras polls happening to be on the lower end is just his dumb luck


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Rasmussen had Bush's approval in the high 40's for years after everyone else had it in the 30's.


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the r[evol]ution begins anew

Human Snorenado

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Someone find FoC and make him post in this thread, I want to poke him with a stick.

Phoenix Dark

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If you're running a news organization and you tend to cite Rasmussen's polls disproportionately, it probably means that you are biased -- it does not necessarily mean that Rasmussen is biased.

Also he discusses the loaded wording often found in Ras polls. His polls of the 08 election turned out to be rather accurate compared to say, Zogby lol

Dickie Dee

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haha dude's welding a battle axe

Think about what the crossover is between them and LARPers/Medival Faire goers
« Last Edit: April 15, 2010, 12:56:31 AM by Mamacint »


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If you're running a news organization and you tend to cite Rasmussen's polls disproportionately, it probably means that you are biased -- it does not necessarily mean that Rasmussen is biased.

Also he discusses the loaded wording often found in Ras polls. His polls of the 08 election turned out to be rather accurate compared to say, Zogby lol
haha wtf Jimmy Fallon attacked Rasmussens polling on his late night show.  :lol


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Jim Bunning has apparently endorsed Rand Paul to succeed him as the Senator from Kentucky.

Phoenix Dark

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This is good news for John McCain

Stoney Mason

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There is a humorous Senate primary down here in Florida where Charlie Crist is being challenged by a "real conservative" Marco Rubio


Crist will win easily and the Democrat stands no chance but these purity wars are always funny.

Phoenix Dark

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Crist will easily win? Isn't he down like 30 points or some shit. Kos has been dreaming about Crist switching parties, but Crist pretty much closed that door when he started going full distinguished mentally-challenged fellow on health care.

Poor Meeks. Whoever wins, he loses.

Stoney Mason

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Crist will easily win? Isn't he down like 30 points or some shit. Kos has been dreaming about Crist switching parties, but Crist pretty much closed that door when he started going full distinguished mentally-challenged fellow on health care.

Poor Meeks. Whoever wins, he loses.

Crist is down at the moment according to the polls (hugely down according to Rasmussen) but I just don't believe that will be the case when the primary rolls around although I'll be the first to eat my words if Rubio happens to win.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2010, 01:47:37 AM by Stoney Mason »


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Crist is down by like 20-30% and the primary is pretty soon. Rubio is a star and a hero to the GOP base he cant lose.

Human Snorenado

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Rubio also wants to eliminate medicare and social security and is too stupid to lie about it, both major no-nos in Geriatricland.

Phoenix Dark

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It blows my mind that he's talking about shitcanning medicare/social security and is still up 30% in fucking Florida. That should be ALL Crist talks about. Instead he takes weak pot shots smh

Stoney Mason

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It blows my mind that he's talking about shitcanning medicare/social security and is still up 30% in fucking Florida. That should be ALL Crist talks about. Instead he takes weak pot shots smh

Honestly most normal people are only really starting to pay attention to this stuff now and going forward. The primary isn't until August which is still a lifetime away. I expect it to get much more nasty and negative as we get closer.


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It blows my mind that he's talking about shitcanning medicare/social security and is still up 30% in fucking Florida. That should be ALL Crist talks about. Instead he takes weak pot shots smh

Honestly most normal people are only really starting to pay attention to this stuff now and going forward. The primary isn't until August which is still a lifetime away. I expect it to get much more nasty and negative as we get closer.
The base votes in the primary not "normal" people though.


  • HastilyChosenUsername
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also, Crist has teh gay (closted, of course).  And if being gay and republican isn't a liability, then I don't know what is.

Phoenix Dark

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also, Crist has teh gay (closted, of course).  And if being gay and republican isn't a liability, then I don't know what is.



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also, Crist has teh gay (closted, of course).  And if being gay and republican isn't a liability, then I don't know what is.

you've seen those pics of crist at the college town clubs? Gaay.

Bill Maher once outed him as gay on Larry King and it was edited out of the repeat.  :lol

Phoenix Dark

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I haven't seen the pics  ???

Phoenix Dark

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You mean the elite Obama is taxing the shit out of? :teehee

I thought taxing the poor and giving tax breaks to the rich was what our country's economy was founded on? :bow :usacry

Obama's just playing it by the book, guys!

I just found out there's gonna be some Tea Party event in New York City today. I'm seriously considering crashing it. Apparently Lou Dobbs will be there :teehee :hyper


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Jim Bunning has apparently endorsed Rand Paul to succeed him as the Senator from Kentucky.

Anything to get rid of Bunning.  He is the craziest most infuriating fucker on Earth as far as I'm concerned.

If I am not mistaken Rand Paul and running ahead of Trey Greyson in the polls right now.  Paul might be a LOLbertopian (even though he is running R) but his replacing Bunning can only be an improvement.

Eric P

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glad to be working from home
I just found out there's gonna be some Tea Party event in New York City today. I'm seriously considering crashing it. Apparently Lou Dobbs will be there :teehee :hyper



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I just found out there's gonna be some Tea Party event in New York City today. I'm seriously considering crashing it. Apparently Lou Dobbs will be there :teehee :hyper

(Image removed from quote.)

Yes! Do it and make a hilariously weird sign to carry around.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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Commute home from work is gonna suck, I pass right by a tea party in Hauppauge, in front of the Korean War monument no less (wtf?)...

Maybe I'll pay a trip to the supermarket so I can get a carton of eggs.


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I almost wish I didn't live in hippie college town land just so I could sneak into a tea party.

« Last Edit: April 15, 2010, 12:21:49 PM by Cheebs »


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Phoenix Dark

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holy shit  :lol

So apparently the protest is happening tonight from 7-9 at the huge post office in midtown:

Yeah, I'm probably gonna check it out :D


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So apparently the protest is happening tonight from 7-9 at the huge post office in midtown:

(Image removed from quote.)

Yeah, I'm probably gonna check it out :D
Bring my sign idea :(


Eric P

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i used to live a few blocks from there on 29th st

I don't have time or the resources to make a badass sign :'(


  • Hail Hydra
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I'm sure any amount of time you spent would be more effort than most teabaggers put into it.


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And nearly three-quarters of those who favor smaller government said they would prefer it even if it meant spending on domestic programs would be cut.

But in follow-up interviews, Tea Party supporters said they did not want to cut Medicare or Social Security — the biggest domestic programs, suggesting instead a focus on “waste.”

Some defended being on Social Security while fighting big government by saying that since they had paid into the system, they deserved the benefits.

Others could not explain the contradiction.

“That’s a conundrum, isn’t it?” asked Jodine White, 62, of Rocklin, Calif. “I don’t know what to say. Maybe I don’t want smaller government. I guess I want smaller government and my Social Security.” She added, “I didn’t look at it from the perspective of losing things I need. I think I’ve changed my mind.”


Human Snorenado

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They want smaller govt. so that those dirty poors and strapping young bucks don't get any handouts.

Van Cruncheon

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it's really all about displaced rage and the need to look down on SOMEONE when times are hard. in this case, it's looking down on LAZY POORS LOOKING FOR HANDOUTS, which, thanks to the fact that many minorities are poor, often appears as racism (or is indeed actual racism).

american exceptionalism causes the strange refusal by the lower classes to accept that THEY ARE THE ONES BEING SHAT UPON. instead of raging against the shitters, they prefer to pretend that they themselves are in some sort of shitting position, although, as we've seen, it's getting harder to ignore the stench
« Last Edit: April 15, 2010, 09:32:24 PM by Professor Prole »

Van Cruncheon

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bubububububububu class warfare