Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1880857 times)

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  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Even though more whites are on welfare than teh blackies.

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
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well they are lazy too, but they are OUR lazy


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No joke. Today I saw a black truck outside the library that said,"Obama's 2010 Plan". It had two drawings: one on the left, one on the right. The one on the right showed loads of cash stacked up high and it was labeled "the feds". The one on the left had a gravestone with RIP written across it, labeled "the rest of us".

I couldn't stop laughing.


  • Senior Member
Even though more whites are on welfare than teh blackies.

Maybe in raw numbers, but as a percentage based on race, the darkies have the teabaggers beat. :smug

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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So it looks like the republicans are gonna block financial reform from even being debating on the senate floor.
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has rounded up 40 signatures on a letter, to be delivered to Democratic leadership, pushing for a compromise package that has pre-cooked bipartisan support, according to a GOP aide. Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) is the sole Republican who has not signed on yet--but though she's been long viewed as a potential crossover vote, she's decided to oppose the Dodd bill in its current form.

"I oppose Senator Dodd's bill," Collins said

So if she votes with her party, the bill doesn't go to the floor. Can we get rid of the filibuster plz kthnxbye '

Went to the Tea Party thing. Very odd experience. Video is ON THE WAY. :hyper


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Bipartisan bills are THE most watered down bills.

Republicans opposing Obama will get the headlines while at the same time siding with the banks doesn't even get a mention.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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So when will Rahm call Reid and tell him to throw a bipartisan bill together to pass, resulting in months of concessions and set backs.


  • Murdered in the digital realm
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This should be the Dem's absolute easiest wedge issue and they won't do shit to call out the Repubs.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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gotta be a class a bigot to disagree on that

« Last Edit: April 16, 2010, 02:09:20 AM by Phoenix Dark »


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Gaborn's not impressed. Not surprisingly.

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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Gaborn's not impressed. Not surprisingly.

That's because he's a hypocritical slightly bigoted dumbass.


  • Banana Grabber
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bubububu the love of my life


  • Banana Grabber
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...he's very openly gay


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IIRC Gaborn's gay and think that any incremental progress in LGBT rights is bad because it will make people complacent about lobbying for totally equal rights.

He's also stunningly ignorant of history.  Like crazy uninformed.  I think Boogie can vouch for this.


  • Banana Grabber
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I always giggle whenever he brings up court precedent...and then fails to explain said precedent.

"bububu blank V blank"

Human Snorenado

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IIRC Gaborn's gay and think that any incremental progress in LGBT rights is bad because it will make people complacent about lobbying for totally equal rights.

He's also stunningly ignorant of history.  Like crazy uninformed.  I think Boogie can vouch for this.

Yeah, he's the idjit that wanted McCain to win because it would, in his estimation, speed up the process of marriage equality.  "Something something incrementalism, blah blah blah" or what have you.  I also think he's a libertopian, or has those tendencies.

Although I will say that if I were gay, I would be pretty frustrated with some of the gay lobbying groups like HRC which don't really do a good job of issue advocacy imo.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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If he's a libertarian why should he be concerned about the gubment giving him rights? :smug


  • Murdered in the digital realm
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...Because when you're bleeding out on the street you don't exactly have the opportunity to be selective on what hospital you wind up in and make sure they are going to respect your rights.


  • Murdered in the digital realm
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Oh ok


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Quote from: jaydubya
Why should the federal executive branch have any say about the visitation policies of a hospital?

Why do hospital visitation rights depend on what you do with your dick?


  • Member

gotta be a class a bigot to disagree on that

No, I don't.

Why should the federal executive branch have any say about the visitation policies of a hospital?

If he's a libertarian why should he be concerned about the gubment giving him rights? :smug

Silly PeeDee, gubments can't give rights.

Stay tuned! Tautologies to follow in 3, 2, 1...


  • Murdered in the digital realm
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Quote from: jaydubya
Why should the federal executive branch have any say about the visitation policies of a hospital?

Why do hospital visitation rights depend on what you do with your dick?

Is it really that hard for you to see why the type of person you fall in love with is equivalent to your presence in an ICU in the eyes of a hospital? I mean, manbutts are so gross man.


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Governments can't give rights? Who gave African Americans and women the right to vote then?


  • Murdered in the digital realm
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Communist insurgents


  • Nylonhilist
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John Adams.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Wow, you're right!

Listen up black people, back to pickin' cotton! Nobody is free until the bourgeoisie deems it so without federal interference!

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Sweet, I'm totally gonna get me a couple of black people when I go out to the store today.

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
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we will only be truly free when business owners have final say in every aspect of our lives

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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IIRC Gaborn's gay and think that any incremental progress in LGBT rights is bad because it will make people complacent about lobbying for totally equal rights.

He's also stunningly ignorant of history.  Like crazy uninformed.  I think Boogie can vouch for this.

This. He has lots of weird theories about social progress that he has mixed with his "libertarianism". He has a hard time reconciling the fact that people who self identify as conservatives in this country hate his specific social group at worst and at best don't want them to gain any additional rights. 

The bigoted comment came after suddenly he was mad at black people after that prop in California and made some especially ignorant comments. Which hey lets face it. There is rampant and nasty homophobia in the black community which is lame. But let's not pretend 6% of the population of California dicatated what occured in that state.

He also backs himself into stupid corners like with his spirited defense of Sarah Palin when she was originally nominated for the VP slot.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Here's the other rub.  If you grant that president A can dictate this, you grant that president B can dictate the opposite.
So President's shouldn't be allowed extend rights to individuals that another President can remove? So basically President's should do....nothing? So FDR shouldn't have guaranteed the elderly the right that they will have a monthly income because a President could theoretically remove this right? Same applies to the right of freedom for slaves implemented by Lincoln. Since the possibility exists a crazy enough President & Congress could reinstate slavery. Basically this could apply to every single right individuals cherish that came about since post-constitution & bill of rights.

Our country wouldn't be able to function without the rights granted to people in the mid-20th century stretching from FDR through LBJ. You can't seriously debate against that fact.

Hell look, some schools in Mississippi are STILL trying to use segregation as of 2010. If it wasn't for an activist federal government granting the much needed rights to the black community who knows how long it would have taken the south to catch up if the state governments would have been left to do it themselves. It sure has hell wouldn't have happened in the 60's nor most likely the 70's.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2010, 12:16:42 PM by Cheebs »


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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If people have God-given rights, one would hope that self-ownership is among them.  That implies being able to reach a mutual agreement (a "contract" even) regarding who will speak for the patient when they are incapacitated, and who the patient can consult with for major decisions.  Telling care providers to respect the autonomy and choices of their patients and not coerce* them into accepting new terms seems like a damn fine libertarian goal to me.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
* Cause let's be honest.  If someone says "Do this or we pull the plug, in which case there's a very good chance you'll be in severe pain/permanently injured/dead" that's coercion.


  • Senior Member
IIRC Gaborn's gay and think that any incremental progress in LGBT rights is bad because it will make people complacent about lobbying for totally equal rights.

He's also stunningly ignorant of history.  Like crazy uninformed.  I think Boogie can vouch for this.

Yeah, he's the idjit that wanted McCain to win because it would, in his estimation, speed up the process of marriage equality.  "Something something incrementalism, blah blah blah" or what have you.  I also think he's a libertopian, or has those tendencies.

Yeah, I've seen him say similar things, and it's baffling how that rationale works.


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It's almost like he think's we'll get gay marriage if we treat gays badly enough. I find it really odd. Most social changes and acceptance in our society happened incrementally.

Schools weren't desegregated, and blacks weren't given full voting rights soon as the the slaves were freed. I have no idea where in American history his rational has basis.


  • Senior Member
He's not black by any chance as well, is he? :lol



  • Banana Grabber
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It's almost like he think's we'll get gay marriage if we treat gays badly enough. I find it really odd. Most social changes and acceptance in our society happened incrementally.

Schools weren't desegregated, and blacks weren't given full voting rights soon as the the slaves were freed. I have no idea where in American history his rational has basis.

Yeah.  It's almost like he wants to be subjected to scrutiny and skepticism so he can always have something to point towards for his shortcomings.

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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It's almost like he think's we'll get gay marriage if we treat gays badly enough. I find it really odd. Most social changes and acceptance in our society happened incrementally.

Schools weren't desegregated, and blacks weren't given full voting rights soon as the the slaves were freed. I have no idea where in American history his rational has basis.

Yeah.  It's almost like he wants to be subjected to scrutiny and skepticism so he can always have something to point towards for his shortcomings.

I don't necessarily think its that or there isn't enough evidence to come to that conclusion. I think its more accurate to say he has a fundamental disconnect and lack of understanding about how social progress actually takes place historically. Which is very common, the younger a person generally is.

He seems to operate in a fantasy libertarian world where he thinks the the rules of the actual world follow his philosophy.

EDIT: To be fair this fallacy tends to afflict those on the far left and far right also who are absolutely rigid about their personal philosophies.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2010, 05:44:29 PM by Stoney Mason »


  • Senior Member
Since when did El Rushbo and his ilk suddenly start loving NASA of all things?


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Yeah I found the sudden right outrage over scrapping the moon program strange. It's a govt. program and govt. spending after all. NASA fits the definition of "big government" pretty damn well. The idea of privatizing space travel seems like the ideal situation for the the right. I think it just makes it more and more obvious they oppose much of what Obama does purely due to intense personal dislike of him rather than any real honest worry about how much govt. spending there is.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2010, 10:53:11 PM by Cheebs »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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NASA is more than a govt program.



  • How's my posting? Call 1-866-MAF-BANS to report flame bait.
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NASA is more than a govt program.

It is, but think about it. Space travel and advancement being done via privatized businesses rather than on the govt. dime would be what conservatives in theory would prefer, no?

This is purely a knee jerk reaction because it was an Obama decision. If Obama announced he was vastly increasing spending on the moon program instead you know very well Rush would  say he is wasting tax payers dollars.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2010, 10:57:08 PM by Cheebs »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Not really. I think you're putting too much emphasis on text book descriptions of conservatives. NASA's missions have influenced the hopes and dreams of millions of Americans regardless of political ideology. And of course a lot of NASA's technological advancements have influenced domestic and military products.

Then there's the whole nationalistic part of things which is right up conservative's alley. Letting China, Russia, etc get ahead of our space programs is not ideal from that perspective.

The only think about that comment that made me take note was the idea that dismantling NASA is some liberal concoction.


  • How's my posting? Call 1-866-MAF-BANS to report flame bait.
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Not really. I think you're putting too much emphasis on text book descriptions of conservatives. NASA's missions have influenced the hopes and dreams of millions of Americans regardless of political ideology. And of course a lot of NASA's technological advancements have influenced domestic and military products.

Then there's the whole nationalistic part of things which is right up conservative's alley. Letting China, Russia, etc get ahead of our space programs is not ideal from that perspective.

The only think about that comment that made me take note was the idea that dismantling NASA is some liberal concoction.
So you are saying they put NASA in the sacred place with the military in which govt. spending is great and should never be cut? I get that, makes sense.

Though Obama is increasing NASA's funding by 600 million. Not really a good first step if you want to start dismantling of NASA.

It would be funny for Obama, a self-confessed Trekkie to be the one to cut apart NASA though lol.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2010, 11:06:43 PM by Cheebs »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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I'm not a nerd so this doesn't bother me :smug

How about a cut to Israeli aide kthnxbye


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I'm not a nerd so this doesn't bother me :smug
You read fantasy books and play WoW. :smug

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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Republicans hold no special love or allegiance towards NASA. In fact arch conservatives like Tancredo openly are antagonistic towards it and advocate for deep cuts.

NASA is one of those programs that people are leery of spending big bucks despite our love affair with the romantic moon missions nostalgia we have from the 60's (liberal and conservative alive. Liberals because it envokes idealism. And conservatives because it invokes patriotism) especially when the country is hurting because the direct impacts are hard for regular people to see. It can seem like a vanity project during hard times.

If Obama said tomorrow that clubing and killing seals was fun and a neat thing to do, then Limbaugh would immediately become a save the sweet puppy dog seals kind of guy. 

« Last Edit: April 17, 2010, 12:44:13 AM by Stoney Mason »

Human Snorenado

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I'm not a nerd so this doesn't bother me :smug

You read fantasy books and play WoW. :smug

One can't possibly "play" WoW.  :smug


  • Merry Christmas
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Quote from: jaydubya
Why should the federal executive branch have any say about the visitation policies of a hospital?

Why do hospital visitation rights depend on what you do with your dick?

Love how JayDubya had absolutely no reply to this. :lol


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the BEST BEST part is not having to endure cheeb's triumphalism over a totally pyrrhic victory -- the bill sucks ass as far as real reform goes, with its only upside being the blown minds of teabaggers and maybe ending recission



  • How's my posting? Call 1-866-MAF-BANS to report flame bait.
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Too bad it isn't wasn't just a pure pyrrhic victory. Pure socialized single payer system isn't the only definition of improved reform.

Your opinion isn't the only one possible boys.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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something something riding in the back of mom's car

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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tl dr. waiting on the government to read it for me


  • Merry Christmas
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lolbertarian. :lol


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Wait how is giving old people social security money as you put it "morally" wrong? Supporting our citizens who are too old to work for an income themselves is morally wrong? Whaaa
« Last Edit: April 17, 2010, 09:45:35 AM by Cheebs »


  • Merry Christmas
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Wait how is giving old people social security money as you put it "morally" wrong? Supporting our citizens who are too old to work for an income themselves is morally wrong? Whaaa

To quote a great libertarian:



  • Merry Christmas
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Maybe. But I hang out with the Evangelion character designer.  Jealous? :smug