Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1878831 times)

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The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Wait, does he essentially try to make the point that spending on health care is stupid, because one ethnicity here has roughly the same health statistics as the same ethnicity in another country?

"Black people always die younger, look at Africa!"


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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He's just jealous of the Swedes.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Bad policy can decimate the social fabric, but good policy can only modestly improve it.

Wait what

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Yglesias on Brooks and Brad DeLong's response to the article
(I haven't read it yet)


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Bad policy can decimate the social fabric, but good policy can only modestly improve it.

Wait what

Recently, Brooks has mustered his powers of sloppy pseudosociological observation in support of a vaguely defined program of communitarianism, blathering on about trust and mutual support.  I wouldn't be surprised if the extent of his research was buying a book of Norman Rockwell pictures and staring at them really, really hard until the ideas started flowing.

It's a more genteel telling of the bootstrap narrative where whole communities are (reluctantly, lamentably) condemned for not having the proper "culture of achievement".  Thus we shouldn't give money to the darkies in Haiti until they learn to stop worshiping the wrong deities.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Therefore, the first rule of policy-making should be, don’t promulgate a policy that will destroy social bonds. If you take tribes of people, exile them from their homelands and ship them to strange, arid lands, you’re going to produce bad outcomes for generations. Second, try to establish basic security. If the government can establish a basic level of economic and physical security, people may create a culture of achievement — if you’re lucky. Third, try to use policy to strengthen relationships. The best policies, like good preschool and military service, fortify emotional bonds.

Idealistic, but unrealistic. This has already happened with some minorities such as blacks in America. But replace "basic security" with evasive socio-economic terrorism and discrimination. Brooks is talking about Steps A and B when we're already at X.

Sounds like we should introduce Brooks to Gabron so they can wax poetic all night about the perfect worlds they have created in their minds.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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On a side note, Ezra Klein's latest tweet

Lupe Fiasco is still underrated. "That case in court did not defer the dream/I am still a raisin in the sun/raging against the machine"

And his previous tweet was under #realtalk. Might have to invite him to Evilbore

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
We have enough mouth breathers.

Anybody got a spare $6,000 burning a hole in their pocket?


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
Republicans calling other republicans untrustworthy. I'm shocked

Fresh Prince

  • a one-eyed cat peepin' in a seafood store
  • Senior Member
On a side note, Ezra Klein's latest tweet

Lupe Fiasco is still underrated. "That case in court did not defer the dream/I am still a raisin in the sun/raging against the machine"

And his previous tweet was under #realtalk. Might have to invite him to Evilbore

Yeah after bringing back Cheebs and The Dark Shake 3000  ::)

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
So Michael Brown is going on a media tour saying crazy shit. How is it possible for Brown of all people to get away with that?

ohh he was on Fox. Makes sense now

Matthews annihilating Brown


  • "Hero" isn't the right word, but its the first word that comes to mind
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Obama will give commencement speech at Kalamazoo Central Highschool


Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Finally a black person will visit Kalamazoo

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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On a side note, Ezra Klein's latest tweet

Lupe Fiasco is still underrated. "That case in court did not defer the dream/I am still a raisin in the sun/raging against the machine"

And his previous tweet was under #realtalk. Might have to invite him to Evilbore

I used to chat with him over AIM.  Maybe we can get him to talk about video games n' bitches like the old days.

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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About the UK election in a few days.


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Matthews annihilating Brown

I got to the part where Michael Brown, director of FEMA in 2005, says "it's Katrina all over again" and I couldn't go on.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Brownie is doin' a heckuva job.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Sounds like he's blaming Bush for Katrina lol


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I hope Lincoln loses badly in the primary. Regardless of whether Halter would win in November, she needs to go asap

Missed this earlier.  Pretty goddam racist.

To Lincoln's credit TNR says she condemned the ad (run by a corporate astroturf group) immediately.  Since the ad isn't attributable to an actual politician, we'll probably miss all the great "I don't see anything racist in there" denials that come with official campaign spots.


  • Merry Christmas
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Bangalore needs manymany jobs! Thank you, Bill Halter!

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Why is that racist ???


  • Murdered in the digital realm
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The guys behind that ad are the most disgusting people on earth.

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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The term "tea-bagger" is like uttering the "n" word, some say. Though he aspires to promote civility, evidence has surfaced that President Obama has added "tea-bagger" to his public lexicon, though it's considered a cheap and tawdry insult by "tea party" activists. Watchdogs at Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) barked when they saw the proof, tucked in a sneak peak of Newsweek columnist Jonathan Alter's new book, "The Promise: President Obama, Year One," to be released May 18. Indeed, it appears the president joined certain partisan critics and the liberal media, and took the tea-bag plunge.

"This remark is the equivalent of using the 'n' word. It shows contempt for middle America, expressed knowingly, contemptuously, on purpose, and with a smirk. It is indefensible to use this word. The president knows what it means, and his people know what it means. The public thought we reached a new low of incivility during the Clinton administration. Well, the Obama administration has just outdone them," ATR president Grover Norquist tells Inside the Beltway.


Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Taxation with representation=slavery
Tea bag=n word

Hmm I wonder what's going on


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Tea bag is an apt name. The lay their heads back, open their mouth, and let the GOP dip it's nuts in said mouth. Fucking hell yeah it's derogatory and rightfully so.


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I got that beat
« Reply #9146 on: May 05, 2010, 01:30:00 PM »
Not only was Jay Nordlinger at the National Review making this comparison last fall, he was taking it back:

Quote from: Nordlinger
The word has gone mainstream, really. I have seen it in conservative columns — columns critical of the protesters — which is really deflating. How is it that an obscene putdown is instantly and everywhere acceptable? Not very long ago, Al D’Amato was practically run out of politics for saying “putzhead.”

It could be that conservatives will “own the insult” and use “teabagger” as a badge of honor. It could become some proud conservative N-word. President Reagan said, “I’m a contra, too.” Well, I’m a teabagger too — and the Anderson Cooper types can [go jump in a lake]. Still, I find the word kind of sickening, and its rapid spread and acceptance even more sickening.


  • Senior Member
Holy shit, check out this scumbag:

Nashville, Tenn.: "Judson -- Are you willing to admit that taxes have actually gone down for the vast majority of Americans under President Obama?

Judson Phillips: No"

Okay - can you provide actual evidence that taxes have increased or stayed the same under President Obama?

Judson Phillips: Let's start with him allowing the bush tax cuts to expire.

Sidney, N.Y.: Many Tea Party supporters I know in Upstate New York receive federal single payer health benefits from VA, Medicare and Medicaid, which they profess to support while vehemently arguing against the still most private market health-care insurance reform. Please help me make sense of this.

Judson Phillips: And I know liberals who believe in the tooth fairy.

Socialism: Are you willing to publicly state that, while you might disagree with President Obama's policies, he's clearly not a socialist?

Judson Phillips: He clearly is. And I strongly disagree with him.

Alexandria, Va.: Are you willing to admit that marginal tax rates went up for the majority of Americans during the Reagan administration? Do you know the difference between average and marginal tax rates? Could you answer a simple econ 101 questions regarding the impact of progressive taxation on the labor-leisure choice?

Judson Phillips: No.

Kansas City: I keep hearing the "I want my country back" Frankly I don't understand what that means. If anything OUR country was taken from US in December 2000 when the Supreme Court got involved in state issues and didn't let counting go one, permitting the second place guy to end up in the White House.

Also, you do understand that the Bush tax cuts expire AFTER 2010 if not reapproved? I believe the previous question was about have taxes gone down now, not guessing about the future.

Judson Phillips: And as soon as we vote out the obama/pelosi/reid axis of fiscal evil, we will get out country back.

Miami: Judson: RE: The Reagan plan

Regardless of what he said he was going to do he brought a tripling of the Gross Federal Debt, from $900 billion to $2.7 trillion.

Among Reagan's failures was that he did not control federal spending growth. Federal spending rose 69 percent from 1981 to 1989.

Why is he a hero to you?

Judson Phillips: Should Reagan have vetoed some of those spending bills. Sure. He should have. But no one is perfect. He defeated communism which is one of the reasons he is a hero to me. The simple fact is under Reagan and his tax cuts, GDP grew faster in a shorter period of time than it did under either Bush or Clinton.

Tea Party composition: All polls indicate that the typical tea partier is indeed white and over 50. Why won't you admit this? Your anecdotal answers aren't persuasive.

Judson Phillips: And your polls are not either. You know what Disreali said. There are lies, damn lies and then there are liberal polls.

Reagan: "The simple fact is under Reagan and his tax cuts, GDP grew faster in a shorter period of time than it did under either Bush or Clinton."

At a cost of the tripling of the deficit.

Let's be real here, you don't have a problem with debt, the deficit, or government spending. You have a problem with Democrats doing it.

This is why no rational person acknowledges your "movement" as anything beyond a cheap shill for the GOP.

Judson Phillips: Yes, and your heros, the liberal democrats of the 80's were spending like drunken democrats. I have problem with democrats and liberals being in control of the government. IT's sort of like leaving a convicted sex offender alone with children. It is a very bad idea.

Maryland: I am sorry but your answer of "I think the political class is afraid of the Tea Party movement. After all, we get people out as volunteers and get them to the polls. For them, it cannot be the same as usual in D.C. A lot of them are going to be unemployed after the first of the year and that does scare them" is really offensive. This us vs. them mentality is really repulsive to me. I am a hard-working middle class American and I don't agree with anything you are saying, and I have a right not agree with you. But you spliting the citizenry into classes of "elites/political class/Washington insiders/liberals" vs "real Americans" is just plain wrong! and that's the problem with your movement.

Liberals are just as American as you are and you and your movement has no right to question people's patriotism or Americanness just because they disagree with you.

Judson Phillips: Yes we do. You folks in the left do far worse. Patriotism is not something that cannot be measured. It can be. And you folks on the left, as a general rule are not patriotic. You do not love this country. You are embarrassed by us.

I hate to tell you this, but those of us in fly over country are the real americans.

Definitely some great pushback questions in there, at least.


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My taxes went up by $3 a month this year and I make less than $40,000  :(


  • The Smooth Canadian
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"Judson Phillips: And your polls are not either. You know what Disreali said. There are lies, damn lies and then there are liberal polls."



oh, nevermind.  :-\


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
who is this guy?

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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The Reality Defense Shield is strong with this one

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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Any brits on the board?  Just wondering about your thoughts on the election tomorrow.

I remember a lot of people outside of this country being sort of baffled by the results of the 2000 election and our electoral college. Seems like the UK is heading towards their own unique weird situation potentially.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2010, 07:49:12 PM by Stoney Mason »


  • The Smooth Canadian
  • Icon
Any brits on the board?  Just wondering about your thoughts on the election tomorrow?

I remember a lot of people outside of this country being sort of baffled by the results of the 2000 election and our electoral college. Seems like the UK is heading towards their own unique weird situation potentially.

eh?  Doesn't really seem to be a situation very different compared with any other parliamentary democracy, as far as I can tell.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Any brits on the board?  Just wondering about your thoughts on the election tomorrow?

I remember a lot of people outside of this country being sort of baffled by the results of the 2000 election and our electoral college. Seems like the UK is heading towards their own unique weird situation potentially.

eh?  Doesn't really seem to be a situation very different compared with any other parliamentary democracy, as far as I can tell.

Probably, but from an American pov it's quite odd. A comparable analogy would be if in 2008, there was no presidential election per se, and instead the presidency was won by whichever party won the required seat majority in the House of Representatives (the senate is so shitty it doesn't exist in my analogy!). A lot of people just assume Brits are going to go out and vote for Brown, Cameron, or Clegg.

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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eh?  Doesn't really seem to be a situation very different compared with any other parliamentary democracy, as far as I can tell.

It probably isn't although a lot of the foreign press and even british press seems to be making a big deal out of the potential outcome and declaring that a lot of reform needs to be done to the process. As an outsider of course perhaps I'm not up to speed with how actual people feel though.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2010, 08:11:16 PM by Stoney Mason »


  • The Smooth Canadian
  • Icon
eh?  Doesn't really seem to be a situation very different compared with any other parliamentary democracy, as far as I can tell.

It probably isn't although a lot of the foreign press and even british press seems to be making a big deal out of the potential outcome and declaring that a lot of reform needs to be done to the process. As an outsider of course perhaps I'm not up to speed with how actual people feel though.

I think the British press is making a big deal of it because the UK hasn't had a hung/minority parliament in quite a while (1974, or so wikipedia tells me).

In contrast, Canada has had  minority governments continually since 2004, and it's quite common in other countries as well.

As for calls for reform, many countries that follow the Westminister "First-past-the-post" model always have people bitching about it and desiring a system of proportional representation.  I've never been sold on PR, but then, I'm not far-left in my politics, which is usually the segment that cries out for PR.

Probably, but from an American pov it's quite odd. A comparable analogy would be if in 2008, there was no presidential election per se, and instead the presidency was won by whichever party won the required seat majority in the House of Representatives (the senate is so shitty it doesn't exist in my analogy!). A lot of people just assume Brits are going to go out and vote for Brown, Cameron, or Clegg.

Ya, that's a decent analogy.  And even though Brits technically aren't directly voting for Brown, Cameron, or Clegg, the leaders of the parties can often be what people base their vote on, not their specific member of parliament.

Certainly here in Canada, the results of our most recent election had a lot to do with the leadership aspect of Harper vs. Dion. 
« Last Edit: May 05, 2010, 08:25:21 PM by Boogie »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
So I heard Drudge is gay. Wow, didn't know about this

n 2003, Drudge faced criticism for describing ABC reporter Jeffrey Kofman as "openly gay" in the headline "ABC News Reporter Who Filed Troops Complaint Story — Openly Gay Canadian" after Kofman interviewed anti-war soldiers in Iraq.[30][31][32][33] Drudge's critics, like gay American writer and national talk radio host Michelangelo Signorile,[34][35] point to the allegations of homosexuality leveled at Drudge himself by David Brock of Media Matters in his memoir Blinded by the Right,[36][37] and by columnist Jeannette Walls in her book Dish.[38][39][40][41] Walls wrote that Drudge had a long homosexual relationship with Washington D.C. landscaper, David Cohen. Cohen confirmed the relationship to the New York Daily News.[42][43] Drudge denies that he is gay, telling the Miami New Times in 2001 that "I go to straight bars, I go to gay bars. [Walls] never said there was sex; she said there was dating. She never had enough to go that far."[44]

In 2002, Drudge discussed suing actor Alec Baldwin with his lawyer, after Baldwin claimed, during a Howard Stern interview, that Drudge had propositioned him.[45][46][47] In March 2008, Baldwin repeated the story to the LGBT magazine The Advocate, saying that there was "a kind of creepy quality" to Drudge's sexual advances, and that he was surprised Drudge was so "uptight about being gay".[48]

In 2005, Drudge told The Sunday Times, "No, I’m not gay. I was nearly married a few years ago."[49] He has also said: "How can I be gay when I'm dating a woman with boobs and rollers?"[40]

Out (magazine) named Drudge #6 of the 50 most powerful gay people in the United States in 2009.[50] However, Drudge described the depiction of him in Out as "loving Chaka Khan, The Young and the Restless, and sex with men," and also "antigay, anti-choice and anti-tolerance", as "False. False. False. I do not love sex with men. My site is not anti-gay. I present both sides of the anti-choice-life issue... I liked Chaka in the eighties, and have not watched Young and the Restless in twenty years!"[51] He argues that questions about his sexual orientation are "more examples of liberals attempting to use culture, even dance culture, to advance their agenda."[44]

First time I've heard Drudge speak/seen him in video. Yeah...I'm gonna go with definitely gay


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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He could have easily have been the fifth Ghostbuster if he just played himself.


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So I heard Drudge is gay. Wow, didn't know about this

That was the juiciest tidbit in David Brock's book about being a rightwing operative.

Not surprising, since there are a bunch of closeted guys active in conservative politics.  Him, Ken Mehlman, David Dreier (of Barney Frank's "moderate bar" one-liner), Charlie Crist, Larry Craig, and Karl Rove.


  • captain of my capsized ship
  • Senior Member
I love Drudge's obsession with Janet Napolitano. I laugh everytime he puts a bad picture of her on the website.

Fresh Prince

  • a one-eyed cat peepin' in a seafood store
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David Brooks is a terrible person.

I could easily churn out an angry tl;dr rant about every single one of his columns lately, if I let myself get started.  He's just awful.
He's right though policy rarely works. Or rather government can rarely make policy work effectively.


  • Junior Member
It appears that Gaborn has single-handedly solved racism: it doesn't exist.


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He's right though policy rarely works. Or rather government can rarely make policy work effectively.

Nah, that's very wrong.


  • Merry Christmas
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Who's FoneBone and why is he a member of the walking dead?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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I love Drudge's obsession with Janet Napolitano. I laugh everytime he puts a bad picture of her on the website.


One of his most obnoxious running gags imo.


  • Member
Who's FoneBone and why is he a member of the walking dead?

One of my favorite GAF members. Welcome, FoneBone.  :-*


  • Member
I love Drudge's obsession with Janet Napolitano. I laugh everytime he puts a bad picture of her on the website.


One of his most obnoxious running gags imo.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
So I heard Drudge is gay. Wow, didn't know about this

That was the juiciest tidbit in David Brock's book about being a rightwing operative.

Not surprising, since there are a bunch of closeted guys active in conservative politics.  Him, Ken Mehlman, David Dreier (of Barney Frank's "moderate bar" one-liner), Charlie Crist, Larry Craig, and Karl Rove.

Some people also think Rush Limbaugh is gay.


  • Senior Member
Just because he likes to put things in his ass doesn't make him gay.


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On any other day at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, Daniel Galli and his four friends would not even be noticed for wearing T-shirts with the American flag. But Cinco de Mayo is not any typical day especially on a campus with a large Mexican American student population.
Galli says he and his friends were sitting at a table during brunch break when the vice principal asked two of the boys to remove American flag bandannas that they wearing on their heads and for the others to turn their American flag T-shirts inside out. When they refused, the boys were ordered to go to the principal's office.
"They said we could wear it on any other day," Daniel Galli said, "but today is sensitive to Mexican-Americans because it's supposed to be their holiday so we were not allowed to wear it today."

On a scale from 1 to 10 how happy does this story make EB liberals?

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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Human Snorenado

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Happier than keeping prayer out of public schools, but not as happy as forcing the homosexual agenda on impressionable teenagers.  So that's about a 7.5.


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An Ann Arbor elementary school principal used a letter home to parents tonight to defend a field trip for black students as part of his school’s efforts to close the achievement gap between white and black students.
Dicken Elementary School Principal Mike Madison wrote the letter to parents following several days of controversy at the school after a field trip last week in which black students got to hear a rocket scientist.

Didn't Dr. Martin Luther King have a dream? Something about treating people the same? We may never know his stance on segregating school activities.  :'(


  • Merry Christmas
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Did you get banned at GAF or something, Beardo?  Why the fuck are you even here?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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An Ann Arbor elementary school principal used a letter home to parents tonight to defend a field trip for black students as part of his school’s efforts to close the achievement gap between white and black students.
Dicken Elementary School Principal Mike Madison wrote the letter to parents following several days of controversy at the school after a field trip last week in which black students got to hear a rocket scientist.

Didn't Dr. Martin Luther King have a dream? Something about treating people the same? We may never know his stance on segregating school activities.  :'(

There are black kids in Ann Arbor?


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Searching for Bobby Fischer Ward Churchill


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Fox defends the Michael Brown interview because he is 'an expert on botched responses.'


Eric P

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An Ann Arbor elementary school principal used a letter home to parents tonight to defend a field trip for black students as part of his school’s efforts to close the achievement gap between white and black students.
Dicken Elementary School Principal Mike Madison wrote the letter to parents following several days of controversy at the school after a field trip last week in which black students got to hear a rocket scientist.

Didn't Dr. Martin Luther King have a dream? Something about treating people the same? We may never know his stance on segregating school activities.  :'(

is there a reverse racism aggregator out there or did you have to build your own?


  • Senior Member
definitely falls under benign/reverse discrimination.  The link's dead for me, but if it's a public school they're gonna get in trouble.