Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1878055 times)

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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Why do conservatarians think it's a brilliant insight to point out that government spending is funded either by borrowing or taxation, and why do they think that this implies a zero sum game where the government is only ever capable of redistribution, rather than raising the overall level of production?

Do they not realize that business spending is also funded by debts and revenues?  Or do they also think the private sector is equally incapable of creating wealth?

These insights are rarely made by conservatives who happen to be in power; Reagan and Bush II raised spending yearly, and republicans in the house/senate went along with it

Should be funny watching Sen. Rand Paul vote for President Romney's deficit building legislation in a few years


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I found this hidden treasure trove of pictures that prove that the Scouts are nothing but fascist racists out to destroy everything that we hold dear.

spoiler (click to show/hide)

Look at this young chap. Looks innocent enough until you realize he is actually a dock worker waving in a ship full of slaves fresh from the African coast. *shudder

These scouts are actually patrolling the Rio Grande looking for anyone that isn't white. They have been given strict orders to shoot on site. Despicable.

With the liberty Bell in the background it appears harmless right? WRONG! Look at this picture. There isnt one black scout in it. Liberty bell? More like Slavery Bell. This just disgusts me.

Hiking. What could represent scouting more than that. A walk in the woods amongst nature; perhaps a few of the scouts are even working on their nature merit badge. Surely, this cannot be anything other than what it seems on the surface. Again my naive friend, you would be wrong. They are actually doing the bidding of the mega-corps under the direct order of Dick Cheney. And what orders are those? They are looking for ways to drill for oil in the middle of our National Parks. They are raping our land.  :'( And just look at the boy on the left. you know he just can't wait to get back and beat a black person.

This probably looks like some kind gathering of peace among nations, but only to the untrained eye. It is in fact even more devious than you would think. They are marching towards the white house to demand that minorities sit in the back of the bus. But what about the little black boy in the group you ask? An uncle tom if I ever saw one.



  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Who could refudiate that?


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I'm so ashamed of America.   :-\

Save me Obama! Save me from my white guilt.  :'(


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Beardo is being thick on purpose, right?  Right?


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Breitbart has sex with goats

"When you get in your car, when you go forward, what do you do? You put  it in 'D,' " Obama said last week at a Democratic National Committee  event in Atlanta. "When you want to go back, what do you? You put it in  'R.' " :smug
« Last Edit: August 09, 2010, 01:30:05 PM by Zero Hero »

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
  • Banned
duh, obama. and the country wants to go in R until we get back to the time when Things Were Better -- when uppity black folks knew their place, and robber barons were respected!

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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and you can keep you elitist socialized "pavement"

Roads to Ruin: Towns Rip Up the Pavement
Asphalt Is Replaced By Cheaper Gravel; 'Back to Stone Age'

SPIRITWOOD, N.D.—A hulking yellow machine inched along Old Highway 10 here recently in a summer scene that seemed as normal as the nearby corn swaying in the breeze. But instead of laying a blanket of steaming blacktop, the machine was grinding the asphalt road into bits.


The moves have angered some residents because of the choking dust and windshield-cracking stones that gravel roads can kick up, not to mention the jarring "washboard" effect of driving on rutted gravel.

But higher taxes for road maintenance are equally unpopular. In June, Stutsman County residents rejected a measure that would have generated more money for roads by increasing property and sales taxes.

"I'd rather my kids drive on a gravel road than stick them with a big tax bill," said Bob Baumann, as he sipped a bottle of Coors Light at the Sportsman's Bar Café and Gas in Spiritwood.  :american


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Breitbart has sex with goats

"When you get in your car, when you go forward, what do you do? You put  it in 'D,' " Obama said last week at a Democratic National Committee  event in Atlanta. "When you want to go back, what do you? You put it in  'R.' " :smug

Obama truly is an intellectual giant. We are not worthy of even his most simple musings.


  • Banana Grabber
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certainly a joke at a democratic committee meeting highlights his intellectual capacity.  surely.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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When you get called to heaven, it's called Rapture. when you go to hell, it's called Damnation :smug


Hitler Stole My Potato

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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politi
« Reply #10211 on: August 09, 2010, 05:52:34 PM »
Say what you want about the Boy Scouts but they are the most wholesome quintessential symbol of american values. Getting booed by them? That's pretty bad. Obama is gonna end up worse than carter at the point.

Fuck that.  When I was in high school, I worked at Chuck-E-Cheese and had to attend a Boy Scout jamboree dressed as Chucky and they kicked the fucking crap out of me to the point I took of the costume head and started swinging it at the motherfuckers.

If they represent the most wholesome symbol of american values then we're all completely fucked.  Time to move to Canada.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Update: The “accomplishments” page is now online. An RNC official insists they never removed the page; before publishing this post, I tried to access the site, multiple times and on different browsers, and found the page in question missing. Doug Heye of the RNC says the GOP site was reorganized, so the “Learn” page, where the accomplishments section lived, became “Issues.”

Awww. Of course, it just wouldn't be the GOP if they happened to be consistent.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
So nobody thought it was humorous that there was not a single minority in any of the Boy Scout photos that Beardo posted? :lol


  • Senior Member
This is all kinds of awesome.

After reading such compelling arguments, it's a wonder anyone believes liberals on any area of science, like global warming. :smug

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
So many worthy quotes, omg  :lol

Virtually no one who is taught and believes relativity continues to read the Bible, a book that outsells New York Times bestsellers by a hundred-fold

Reminds me of 50 Cent arguing album sales trump album quality. Bill O'Reilly does this all the time too

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
  • Banned
So nobody thought it was humorous that there was not a single minority in any of the Boy Scout photos that Beardo posted? :lol

that was the reason i commented in the first place, JESUS H CHRISTOS

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
So nobody thought it was humorous that there was not a single minority in any of the Boy Scout photos that Beardo posted? :lol

that was the reason i commented in the first place, JESUS H CHRISTOS

I'm not talking about the video, I'm talking in his little, sarcastic rebuttal. You didn't reply to that at all!

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
  • Banned
oh, well that's because he's a fat figgurt


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Typical liberal response to paint with broad strokes.



  • Member
So nobody thought it was humorous that there was not a single minority in any of the Boy Scout photos that Beardo posted? :lol

that was the reason i commented in the first place, JESUS H CHRISTOS

I'm not talking about the video, I'm talking in his little, sarcastic rebuttal. You didn't reply to that at all!


HOLY COW! You have stumbled upon something that even I didnt notice. Perhaps Norman Rockwell as a secret Nazi KKK racist? Further investigation is required.


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After in-depth research in the bat-lab (aka wikipedia). I found the smoking gun.
spoiler (click to show/hide)
As you can see by this rare photo.

Mr. Rockwell is indeed white. Which means he is racist. Case Closed. I can't believe I missed that one wilco.  I owe you a beer for uncovering the evil truth.



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Beardo:  A while back you said that Bush was an underrated president and the real problem was Congress.  How you figure that?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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easy: Bush became president in 2006


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Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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Who the fuck cares about the Boy Scouts?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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The new Medicare Trustees Report is out. Comparing Table IIIA-2 in this year’s report and last year’s report, we get this.

In other words, the Medicare actuaries believe that the cost-saving provisions in the Obama health reform will make a huge difference to the long-run budget outlook. Yes, it’s just a projection, and debatable like all projections. And it’s still not enough. But anyone who both claims to be worried about the long-run deficit and was opposed to health reform has some explaining to do. All the facts we have suggest that health reform was the biggest move toward fiscal responsibility in a long, long time.

in short, ben nelson is a distinguished mentally-challenged fellow #2325343


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Beardo:  A while back you said that Bush was an underrated president and the real problem was Congress.  How you figure that?

Two separate issues.

1. I dont think Bush was a good president, I just think when history is settled that he will be seen as much better than he was considered at the time.

2. Because all the liberals who rage over the Iraq forget that even Ted Kennedy said that Iraq was dangerous and Saddam needed to be removed. Congress voted to go to war. Bush didnt just push a magic button.

FYI, Blaming bush for all your woes is not going to win elections. I'm sorry that you guys have no other issues that people want to hear about.


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(Image removed from quote.)
The new Medicare Trustees Report is out. Comparing Table IIIA-2 in this year’s report and last year’s report, we get this.

In other words, the Medicare actuaries believe that the cost-saving provisions in the Obama health reform will make a huge difference to the long-run budget outlook. Yes, it’s just a projection, and debatable like all projections. And it’s still not enough. But anyone who both claims to be worried about the long-run deficit and was opposed to health reform has some explaining to do. All the facts we have suggest that health reform was the biggest move toward fiscal responsibility in a long, long time.

in short, ben nelson is a distinguished mentally-challenged fellow #2325343

They reduced the cost because they were taking the money from elsewhere right?

What Krugman fails to talk about is that everyone agrees that the Obama health care plan did nothing to combat high medical costs. So why would spending go down?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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I have a feeling that debate will boil down to a "lol CBO numbers" response, so I'm not biting


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Wasn't the CBO wrong about the Stimulus? or was it healthcare?

PD, do you think the new Health Bill will lower medical costs?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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According to the CBO, yes I do believe most people's premiums will go down

Only problem is many people/businesses will have to wait for some time for the exchanges to be set up before this kicks in. And the problem of some groups having modest to minimal savings

The CBO often under-estimates savings, Beardo...

edit: fuck me I bit  :-\

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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On a side note before I go to work, this is the type of bullshit the WSJ is known for

Yea, that guy Obama should have listened to is totally bringing Obama down


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I hope you are right PD. I really really do hope that medical costs go down.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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medical costs would go down a hell of a lot more with a full scale public option or medicare for everyone...but socialized medicine :piss2



  • Member
medical costs would go down a hell of a lot more with a full scale public option or medicare for everyone...but socialized medicine :piss2



Yes, clearly making a healthcare a monopoly will decrease costs across the board. Perhaps there are other things you would like socialized too? I want socialized video games. Having multiple VG systems is just too much for the common man to have to worry about. What about the auto industry? Have you seen how many choices are out there? It's just mind boggling.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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 :lol That gif never gets old.


  • Murdered in the digital realm
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When buying a car or some video games, I definitely like to take my time and shop around. Just like when my kidneys fail or I'm shitting blood.

Sounds like former senator Ted Stevens was involved in a plane crash this morning in Dillingham, Alaska.

CNN isn't confirming him on the flight, but the people I know up there in Dillingham (family has a fish camp in the area, we fly through there yearly) say he was definitely on the plane.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2010, 12:41:49 PM by Mr. Gundam »


  • Member
I just got my auto insurance for the next six months and they sent me a list of car dealers I could buy from.

O wait that was my health insurance. :fbm
I wish buying health insurance was half as easy as buying car insurance. I wonder why its so hard...

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
  • Senior Member
On a side note before I go to work, this is the type of bullshit the WSJ is known for




  • Senior Member
medical costs would go down a hell of a lot more with a full scale public option or medicare for everyone...but socialized medicine :piss2



Yes, clearly making a healthcare a monopoly will decrease costs across the board. Perhaps there are other things you would like socialized too? I want socialized video games. Having multiple VG systems is just too much for the common man to have to worry about. What about the auto industry? Have you seen how many choices are out there? It's just mind boggling.

How would it be a monopoly with the public option? I somehow don't think that if the private insurers saw millions of people opting for the PO, that they would just go "woe is us  :'(" and file for bankruptcy. And if they CAN'T compete to offer better deals, then hey they deserve to fail. That's the free market, baby!


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Why cant they compete with government run (and completely subsidized) health care?  :rofl

How old are you? 12?

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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Why cant they compete with government run (and completely subsidized) health care?  :rofl

How old are you? 12?

The public option would've been cheaper because of efficiencies in economy of scale and bargaining power. It was kiboshed because it'd be too competitive, nothing to do with subsidies.


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If only corporations were bigger. Then they would be more efficient and prices would drop.

Curse you Howard Hughes!!

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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A public option would have made things a lot cheaper because of what it can bring to the table and what it could do to pricier private competitors (ie, force them to lower prices or go out of business).  Saying "lol, gubment" doesn't really work here.  Not to mention that compared to governments with a public option, we're paying out the ass for health care when we really don't need to be.  Government provides efficiency in this case.

I think the existing bill is a POS but anything to curb the out of control costs works for me.  I'm still not going to give props to a bill that was constructed by Washington getting on their knees and sucking as much corporate cock as possible without being entirely shameless.  The fact that we can't have any type of reform without fellating or subsidizing some type of corporate interest group is disturbing.  It's old Reaganomics shit that has proven not to work.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2010, 05:02:53 PM by T EXP »

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
If only corporations were bigger. Then they would be more efficient and prices would drop.

Curse you Howard Hughes!!

Isn't Walmart doing this with cheap generic meds?


  • Member
So then why do you trust government to be big enough to have "efficiencies in economy of scale and bargaining power." But not companies?


  • Member
If only corporations were bigger. Then they would be more efficient and prices would drop.

Curse you Howard Hughes!!

Isn't Walmart doing this with cheap generic meds?

Walmart isn't the government and this can't actually be doing anything good. It's a giant corporation thats full of poopy heads that only want PROFIT!!!!!

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
  • Senior Member
If private for-profits actually provided good care efficiently, almost no one would give a fuck. The point is, they don't. Sorry if the system as it exists in the real world is intruding on your deep poopy head vs. non-poop head ideological divide.


  • Senior Member

Why cant they compete with government run (and completely subsidized) health care?  :rofl

How old are you? 12?


I don't get it. Having a public option for education didn't cause institutions like Harvard and MIT to go under. Why would it be any different with health care?

I love the arguments that people like John McCain made in the past where they said socialized medicine would be so horrible that everyone would hate it, while at th same time it would be popular enough to have people fleeing their private insurers (even the ones apparently happy with their service).

So then why do you trust government to be big enough to have "efficiencies in economy of scale and bargaining power." But not companies?

Cause we've given them the opportunity to do just that for the past what, 70-80 years, and they've failed to get costs under control.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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The health care industry has had many a chance in the past century (I believe Theodore Roosevelt had socialized medicine in his platform in his 1912 run) to get their shit together but they refuse to do so.  A competent public option would dislodge their heads from their asses real quick like.



  • Member
If non-profit health insurance was the answer than why don't we see something ala credit unions? A non-profit member run organization? I'm a member of a credit union and I love it!  I would probably join the health insurance equivalence in a heart beat.


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In your liberal minds what the most efficient government agency?

Howard Alan Treesong

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If non-profit health insurance was the answer than why don't we see something ala credit unions? A non-profit member run organization? I'm a member of a credit union and I love it!  I would probably join the health insurance equivalence in a heart beat.

because money - real money, by which I mean fiat currency with nothing backing it - is a fungible commodity


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And your argument is that healthcare isnt...  ???


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Healthcare isn't a commodity. It's not bought to make a product to sell for profit.


  • The Smooth Canadian
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Why do American conservatives always treat government-run health care like a hypothetical?  It's always in theoretical terms, couched in the ideology of anti-government rhetoric, and ignoring, y'know, the actual first-world countries that seem to make it work allright here in reality...  ???