Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1878532 times)

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Quote from: CSMonitor
David Broder covered national politics for the Washington Post for 45 years. The Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist, who died Wednesday, set an example of fairness and tenacity.


But really, not cool when anyone dies (cept maybe Rush, Beck, Savage and Hannity). R.I.P. Sweet Prince :(


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I'll take a week off to grieve when Michael Savage dies.  That man is hilarious.

Positive Touch

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But really, not cool when anyone dies (cept maybe Rush, Beck, Savage and Hannity). R.I.P. Sweet Prince :(

fuck that, i'd only need to be respectful if i was talking to his family.  he said loads of stupid things that no doubt made stupid people do stupid things that hurt other people.  there's plenty worse out there, but still fuck him.

Human Snorenado

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Judging from his columns, his brain died years ago.

I can't wait for all of the Media/Establishment screeds to "this fine journalist" etc etc

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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His final thoughts were probably "Obama will win re-election because he listened to my advice"


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Dickie Dee

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Judging from his columns, his brain died years ago.

I can't wait for all of the Media/Establishment screeds to "this fine journalist" etc etc

Tim Russert  :'(


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Far be it that the military establishment want to expand its role.


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That guy is in a wheelchair. What an idiot.

Right guys?!

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
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yes we hate disabled people

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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I wonder if it's one of those medicare wheelchairs


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That guy is in a wheelchair. What an idiot.

Right guys?!

Wait..wha...what the hell?

Howard Alan Treesong

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I wonder if it's one of those medicare wheelchairs


Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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The mainstream media reports every trick him and O'Keefe pull despite the long history of fabrications and deceptive editing. Every thing Brietbart does is calculated. Whenever O'Keefe releases a video the first step is to demand the media give them attention or be exposed as liberal gate keepers. The media plays along, then a few days later after the damage is done (ie someone gets fired, or resigns) the media stumbles across what blogs have been reporting for days: the videos are fabricated. At that point Brietbart goes on a short PR campaign slamming the media/liberals and bemoaning double standards, political correctness, etc. Not that it matters considering the right has already won the argument and collected a scalp.

He doesn't deserve a spotlight to defend himself free of any type of opposing view point. All his targets focus on the idiotic guilt-by-association shit conservatives use against Obama (while conveniently ignoring all of Bush's ties shady folk, including the Bin Ladens derp derp). The NPR person was actually leaving the network anyway. Yet because this one person had a little too much real talk for the Beardos of the world, the entire NPR must be destroyed? Because one Planned Parenthood associate didn't call 911 asap, the entire organization should be taken down? Because a couple Acorn people said dumb shit, the entire organization is corrupt? I might as well get my camera and tape Walmart greeters, I can take down a multi billion dollar corporation too.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2011, 03:25:25 AM by Phoenix Dark »

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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It's because it gets those ratings/page views.  Breitbart doesn't give a shit whether people buy his defense, he just wants to keep his name on the lips of people before he pulls his next stunt.  Which it will do.  Reminds me of the people that bitch about Sarah Palin selling a book, then buying the book to bash it, and then piss and moan at the high sales of the book.

Human Snorenado

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A great comparison on the right would be the prank call to Scott Walker.  He got burned, but instead of turning over and biting the pillow for the plowing that supposedly goes along with allegedly saying something stupid, he just essentially battened down the hatches, extended his middle finger and now look- he got his union busting bill by hook or by crook.  Pussy ass liberals might learn something from this.


  • Unofficial Bore Prude
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It's because it gets those ratings/page views.  Breitbart doesn't give a shit whether people buy his defense, he just wants to keep his name on the lips of people before he pulls his next stunt.  Which it will do.  Reminds me of the people that bitch about Sarah Palin selling a book, then buying the book to bash it, and then piss and moan at the high sales of the book.

Sarah Palin made a book?  How cute.  How many pictures did she draw in it herself?   :lol

A great comparison on the right would be the prank call to Scott Walker.  He got burned, but instead of turning over and biting the pillow for the plowing that supposedly goes along with allegedly saying something stupid, he just essentially battened down the hatches, extended his middle finger and now look- he got his union busting bill by hook or by crook.  Pussy ass liberals might learn something from this.

I don't want to agree, but I have to.  You make a very valid point, sir.


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 :lol :lol :lol

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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in b4 Beardo posts video of Obama claiming he visited 52 states


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in b4 Beardo posts video of Obama claiming he visited 57 states

Fixed. :smug

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Obama was responsible for Manning's treatment as soon as he gave that "we've asked the military..." statement.

Firing Crowley is about keeping everyone on message.  You can't get caught bad-mouthing another part of the administration and expect to keep your job.  Ask Stanley McChrystal.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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That's true. I'm beyond disappointed in Obama's "he's being treated well because the Pentagon told me so" response, which was Bush/LBJ-esque; he is being tortured. I realize Manning did a pretty idiotic, illegal thing be he hasn't been charged or tried.


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So Mitch McConnell is planning on holding the debt ceiling hostage unless the White House agrees to [strike]cutting[/strike] reforming Social Security, and repealing HCR.

Odds that Obama's gonna cave? :smug

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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Mitch McConnell will cave.


  • Unofficial Bore Prude
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Mitch McConnell - Kentucky's Black Sheep

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Yea as will Boehner. But will the tea party house go along with it?


  • HastilyChosenUsername
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Obama is waaaaaaaaaaay too pragmatic in too many things, but I do like how he's been intractable in further watering down/halting the HCR.  If only he had as much moxie for other issues.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Yea as will Boehner. But will the tea party house go along with it?

The fact that the tea party thinks it has any say in things is something that makes me chuckle a bit everyday.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Yea as will Boehner. But will the tea party house go along with it?

The fact that the tea party thinks it has any say in things is something that makes me chuckle a bit everyday.

Why wouldn't they, though? The tea baggers have the likes of Boehner scared shitless.


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Also, what the hell:

From: Sen.Fitzgerald
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 3:52 PM
To: *Legislative Senate Republicans
Subject: Senate Democrat voting privileges in standing committees

Dear Members,

With the return of the Senate Democrats this weekend, questions have arisen regarding Democrat members’ participation in Senate standing committee public hearings and executive sessions.

Please note that all 14 Democrat senators are still in contempt of the Senate. Therefore, when taking roll call votes on amendments and bills during executive sessions, Senate Democrats’ votes will not be reflected in the Records of Committee Proceedings or the Senate Journal. They are free to attend hearings, listen to testimony, debate legislation, introduce amendments, and cast votes to signal their support/opposition, but those votes will not count, and will not be recorded.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact my office.

Thank you,

Scott Fitzgerald
Senate Majority Leader
13th Senate District

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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I don't think Boehner or McConnell are particularly serious about much of anything outside of making their donors richer, but they aren't stupid. They've been elected officials long enough to know the dangers of a government shut down, and they both were around when Gingrich did it; in fact that farce is what put Boehner on track to become the minority leader.

That can't be said of the tea party folks, some of whom don't know what they're playing with, and others simply don't care. They're more concerned about raking in donations and ensuring a further right candidate can't challenge them in two years. Democrats are finally pulling back and saying hey, we've offered some concessions while you guys have offered nothing, screw you. Eventually this "fund the government 2weeks at a time" bullshit is going to stop and they'll need to come up with a compromise.

This is why Obama will probably win in 2012. The GOP is being held hostage by a group of insane people, and they're more energized than the George Will types who sit on the sidelines pouting. Whoever gives them the most red meat is going to get their vote.


  • is calmer than you are
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So Mitch McConnell is planning on holding the debt ceiling hostage unless the White House agrees to [strike]cutting[/strike] reforming Social Security, and repealing HCR.

Odds that Obama's gonna cave? :smug

While they're in the saving mood, offer to gut defense.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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I don't think Boehner or McConnell are particularly serious about much of anything outside of making their donors richer, but they aren't stupid. They've been elected officials long enough to know the dangers of a government shut down, and they both were around when Gingrich did it; in fact that farce is what put Boehner on track to become the minority leader.

That can't be said of the tea party folks, some of whom don't know what they're playing with, and others simply don't care. They're more concerned about raking in donations and ensuring a further right candidate can't challenge them in two years. Democrats are finally pulling back and saying hey, we've offered some concessions while you guys have offered nothing, screw you. Eventually this "fund the government 2weeks at a time" bullshit is going to stop and they'll need to come up with a compromise.

This is why Obama will probably win in 2012. The GOP is being held hostage by a group of insane people, and they're more energized than the George Will types who sit on the sidelines pouting. Whoever gives them the most red meat is going to get their vote.

I hope that by Fall 2012, the teabagging movement will be on an irreversible decline.  Glenn Beck supposedly has lost about a million viewers in the past few months and I don't think the GOP is too happy about the tea party alternatives costing a few sure things (Colorado, Delaware, Nevada, etc.) that probably would have meant controlling the Senate.  I'm probably being too optimistic but it seems like luck is starting to run out for them, with tea party paymasters dropping out of the movement and funding safer and saner candidates (ie, not Palin, Bachmann, or DeMint) for 2012.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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The problem is that primaries are dominated on a grassroots level, and the GOP grassroots is crazy. Nearly half of primary voters think Obama isn't a US citizen. If they manage to rally around one candidate, he or she could win early states like Iowa, SC, and maybe NH given all the crazy stories coming from there recently.

It's also very likely they'll split the vote enough for someone like Pawlenty or Huck to get through


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As he does every year, the President filled out his brackets predicting the winners of the men's and women's NCAA basketball tournaments, but discussing it with Doris Burke of ESPN, he began with a call to stand with the people of Japan

Priorities people! NCAA brackets and then Japan. No need to be rash.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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I love how conservatives can pick and choose what Obama should be doing with his time. Never mind the warships full of aid having already been dispensed days ago.

Protip: America does not rule the earth.



  • HastilyChosenUsername
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isn't it funny how Obama's administration has been more help to a foreign country suffering from a flood disaster then Bush was in dealing with one of our own?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Remember when Obama beat that old guy because he could multitask instead of suspending everything to focus on one problem? :teehee

I'm confident Obama can address Japan and fill out his bracket at the same time. Harvard education :bow



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As he does every year, the President filled out his brackets predicting the winners of the men's and women's NCAA basketball tournaments, but discussing it with Doris Burke of ESPN, he began with a call to stand with the people of Japan

Priorities people! NCAA brackets and then Japan. No need to be rash.

I was wondering when this particular 'outrage' would ooze its way here.


  • The Smooth Canadian
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As he does every year, the President filled out his brackets predicting the winners of the men's and women's NCAA basketball tournaments, but discussing it with Doris Burke of ESPN, he began with a call to stand with the people of Japan

Priorities people! NCAA brackets and then Japan. No need to be rash.

How much time did Bush spend at his ranch chopping wood, again?

Van Cruncheon

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heckuva job, brownie.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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First listen to the rest of the story, then respond to 9/11.


  • Hail Hydra
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As he does every year, the President filled out his brackets predicting the winners of the men's and women's NCAA basketball tournaments, but discussing it with Doris Burke of ESPN, he began with a call to stand with the people of Japan

Priorities people! NCAA brackets and then Japan. No need to be rash.

Seems like first Japan, then NCAA brackets to me :smug

Human Snorenado

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Wait, I'm confused... is Beardo saying we should increase the amount we spend on... FOREIGN AID??? :smug


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Noted without comment
« Reply #12169 on: March 17, 2011, 12:41:36 AM »

Today in the Kansas House Appropriations Committee, during a discussion about methods used to exterminate feral swine (which include shooting them from a helicopter), Rep. Virgil Peck (R- Tyro) suggested that Kansas should use the same approach to address immigration.

“It looks like to me if shooting these immigrating feral hogs works maybe we have found a [solution] to our illegal immigration problem,” said Peck.

Peck was approached by press after the committee meeting. He was unapologetic and said he was “just joking.”

"I was just speaking like a southeast Kansas person," Peck said to the Lawrence Journal Word. 


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Wait, I'm confused... is Beardo saying we should increase the amount we spend on... FOREIGN AID??? :smug

The outrage for not helping out the poor widdle weaboos is all the more amusing considering Rush has been making fun of the tragedy since it started.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Re: Noted without comment
« Reply #12171 on: March 17, 2011, 01:07:50 AM »

Today in the Kansas House Appropriations Committee, during a discussion about methods used to exterminate feral swine (which include shooting them from a helicopter), Rep. Virgil Peck (R- Tyro) suggested that Kansas should use the same approach to address immigration.

“It looks like to me if shooting these immigrating feral hogs works maybe we have found a [solution] to our illegal immigration problem,” said Peck.

Peck was approached by press after the committee meeting. He was unapologetic and said he was “just joking.”

"I was just speaking like a southeast Kansas person," Peck said to the Lawrence Journal Word. 

Clearly he was just misinterpreted.


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Wait, I'm confused... is Beardo saying we should increase the amount we spend on... FOREIGN AID??? :smug

It's almost as though Beardo wants annihilation, but I guess every forum needs its resident shitwit.


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In a Fox Business Network interview, Former Vice President Dan Quayle defended President Obama from Republican criticism that he plays too much golf when there are so many troubles around the world.

Said Quayle: "I'm glad he's out playing golf. I happen to be a golfer. I think presidents deserve down time. And believe me, he is in constant communication with what's going on... I mean, what do you want him to do, stay in his house and be on the phone with the ambassador to Japan all the time?"

Ponder this little development for a moment: Dan Quayle has become the voice of reason in the Republican Party.

Beardo annihilated yet again.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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Probably a lot of joke responses but apparently independents would rather vote for Charlie Sheen than Sarah Palin

Human Snorenado

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  • The Muffin Man
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I wonder how people will look back on the Tea Party movement a decade or more from now... assuming the Earth doesn't implode by the end of next year.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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In a Fox Business Network interview, Former Vice President Dan Quayle defended President Obama from Republican criticism that he plays too much golf when there are so many troubles around the world.

Said Quayle: "I'm glad he's out playing golf. I happen to be a golfer. I think presidents deserve down time. And believe me, he is in constant communication with what's going on... I mean, what do you want him to do, stay in his house and be on the phone with the ambassador to Japan all the time?"

Ponder this little development for a moment: Dan Quayle has become the voice of reason in the Republican Party.

Beardo annihilated yet again.

You'd think Man Code in general would prevent hacks from attacking Obama here. A guy can watch sports and do laundry, and he can play golf after a long day of work.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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I wonder how people will look back on the Tea Party movement a decade or more from now... assuming the Earth doesn't implode by the end of next year.

America's was hit by a tsunami of stupid.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Has Obama even been to camp David yet?