Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1880831 times)

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  • Banana Grabber
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Sorry Oblivion, I don't think Stewart "destroyed" David Barton in the sense that you were arguing on GAF.  Seemed to be a well-spoken argument on both sides, and in fact, I think Stewart was running away with things just to uphold his usual "these right-wingers be crazy, yo" position.  Barton was merely trying to explain something he believed in using documents and historical evidence he thought pertained to the issue at hand.  I don't agree with his claims, but in no way was there any "destruction."

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Stewart doesn't destroy anyone. He attacks a bit before falling back to "funny guy" status, and is usually intimidated by people who are well versed in their bullshit (John Yoo)


  • Banana Grabber
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No, he's definitely destroyed people before.  Just not this guy.

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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Stewart doesn't destroy anyone. He attacks a bit before falling back to "funny guy" status, and is usually intimidated by people who are well versed in their bullshit (John Yoo)

That's because he is a funny guy. It's not 60 minutes.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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True. Speaking of funny guys, GOP debate live:


  • Murdered in the digital realm
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Any highlights?

Paul won the debate (good answers on foreign policy and drug legalization.)

Johnson was shafted I lol'd at that question "What would your reality TV show be about?"  Seriously what kind of question was that for a presidential debate.  It's almost like he's taking bullets for Paul this go around. 

Cain's a good speaker, but some of his answers were mind boggling.  "Mr. Cain, what is your position for the war in Afghanistan now that Bin Laden has been killed?"  His answer, "I don't have a plan, but I'll get the generals to come up with one."  :lol

The Fox crowd seemed to like Cain's rhetorical style though.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2011, 11:51:14 PM by ShogunOfFear »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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crowds are easily swayed by charismatic black men :teehee

I hope someone puts Ron Paul's drug legalization answer on youtube, it was classic. Chris Wallace was annihilated

Human Snorenado

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Where is FoC?  I needs me some good ol' fashioned RON PAUL LOLZ.

There was a Republican debate tonight? Huh.


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Yeah, first official one.  None of the heavy hitters from last cycle showed up, though.

Tim Pawlenty was described as "the only major candidate" to attend by several news outlets, which in itself is a victory for him.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Pawlenty fell flat, and was hit with some tough questions about his past positions on cap and trade. Overall the debate wasn't really a "debate," it was essentially a bunch of fringe candidates trying to move further to the right faster than the next guy. There were no arguments between candidates, no debates on policy, no nothing.

I can't wait to see everyone jumping on Romney in a few months.

Human Snorenado

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Personally, I can't wait until Bachmann starts showing up and everyone starts trying to outlunatic each other to appeal to the teatards.  Gonna be sweet.

"No Chris, I for one don't believe that merely ending Medicare is enough.  We should make our seniors fight to death in Thunderdome."

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Luntz is pissed  :lol
Update: More bad news for Tim Pawlenty. The focus group also thinks that Rick Santorum was the runner up winner. Meanwhile Herman Cain is up 300% on Intrade.


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Pawlenty fell flat, and was hit with some tough questions about his past positions on cap and trade.

It's funny that he and Romney can't give the real answer here.

"Look, I said I supported cap and trade because a few years ago that was just what politicians did.  I didn't realize our primary voters would turn into a bunch of lunatic conspiracy-theorists skeptical citizen-scientists.  It's not like I actually did anything to make it happen, anyway.  I just paid it lip service!  And now I know how you guys feel, so I won't even do that.  We good?"

Personally, I can't wait until Bachmann starts showing up and everyone starts trying to outlunatic each other to appeal to the teatards.  Gonna be sweet.

"No Chris, I for one don't believe that merely ending Medicare is enough.  We should make our seniors fight to death in Thunderdome."

It'll be interesting to see how she and the other fringe candidates behave.  Some run to be the voice of a marginalized ideology (Ron Paul, Kooch), some are there to pin down the main candidates on a single issue (Tancredo), some run like a contender as if they just wanted to pretend for a bit (Dodd), and some just want to show off their awesome Al Sharpton impersonation (Al Sharpton).

The big question for me is whether Bachmann/Santorum/etc. are openly critical of any of the mainstream candidates, especially Romney, who seems to have a knack for rubbing people the wrong way.  They might not get a lot of votes, but they could add to the impression that one or more of the big contenders has an authenticity problem with conservatives.

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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lol fake I get the joke now.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2011, 11:30:40 AM by Stoney Mason »


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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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edit: wrong thread



  • Senior Member
Sorry Oblivion, I don't think Stewart "destroyed" David Barton in the sense that you were arguing on GAF.  Seemed to be a well-spoken argument on both sides, and in fact, I think Stewart was running away with things just to uphold his usual "these right-wingers be crazy, yo" position.  Barton was merely trying to explain something he believed in using documents and historical evidence he thought pertained to the issue at hand.  I don't agree with his claims, but in no way was there any "destruction."

Go to hell, Brandnew.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
though you're probably right

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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Stewart doesn't destroy anyone. He attacks a bit before falling back to "funny guy" status, and is usually intimidated by people who are well versed in their bullshit (John Yoo)

That's because he is a funny guy. It's not 60 minutes.

I agree.  He is a comedian.  It is just that the bar is set so low that a comedian can leap over it better than most "serious, hard hitting journalists" can these days.

Although he has destroyed people (Jim Cramer) and shows (Crossfire) in the past.  So I think he should be given some respect there.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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I came across this.  A little outdated but might bring the lols as the 2012 campaign starts heating up:



  • Senior Member
I wanted to make a bingo chart for the debate on Thursday, but didn't have the time (or talent).  :'(

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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I like how the story makes it seem like the 2003 event was cancelled because lefties were protesting Emily Dickinson when the real issue was the invasion of Iraq.  Also, I remember it as poets declining the invitation and the administration cancelling rather than outright threats of disruption.  Could be wrong.

Anyways, quit linking to Tucker Carlson's website, you goober.  You'll just encourage him.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2011, 02:22:28 AM by Mandark »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Randomly checked Drudge and saw the link. Can't wait for Fox to do more lyric digging and stumble across Lonnie's interracial dating views


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No idea.  Depends on if the GOP treats this as the big fight over spending or a preview for the 2012 budget negotiations.

But the Democrats could have passed a big increase in the deficit ceiling back when they were in power and avoided this whole thing.  Ditto for passing a 2011 budget and avoiding the mess we had a couple months ago.

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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GOP Freshmen On Medicare Attacks: Let's Let Bygones Be Bygones

House Republican freshmen admit that their so-called "MediScare" attacks on Democrats helped them win a big majority in 2010. Democrats had voted for the health care law, which included $500 billion in "cuts" to Medicare -- primarily slashing overpayments to private insurers -- and Republican challengers never let them forget it.

Now, they say, it's time to let bygones be bygones.

Nearly a dozen House Republican freshmen held a press conference outside the Capitol Tuesday morning to "wipe the slate clean," and "hit the reset button."

"Yeah, I mean there's been -- again, this is a both-sides issue," said Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) when asked if GOP candidates and the NRCC had engaged in 'MediScare' tactics last year. "To say that one side is blameless in trying to use issues to win votes is just dishonest."

On Tuesday, Kinzinger and 41 of his colleagues sent a letter to President Obama, asking him to rein in Democratic attacks on GOP members who voted for the House budget, which includes a plan to privatize Medicare and cap spending on the program.

"We ask that you stand above partisanship, condemn the disingenuous attacks and work with this Congress to reform spending on entitlement programs," the letter reads.

To preempt the press conference, the DCCC responded to the letter with a long list of NRCC and candidate attack ads and statements from the 2010 election -- all of them targeting Democrats for cutting Medicare, all on behalf of GOP candidates who are now hoping for a truce on Medicare attacks.

"Let's get past the past. Let's move forward to the future, and say, 'ok, today is today, and we have a real problem,'" Kinzinger said.

It's a pretty clear indication they're feeling the heat from Dem attacks -- and realize that, after 2010, they're in a pretty weak position to ask for a truce. Read the letter here.



  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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I'm sure that will work.  ::)

Human Snorenado

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Paul Ryan is either stupid or thinks everyone else is stupid or probably both.  Anyway, apparently his fragile feelings keep getting bruised when people point out that his "budget" is a f'n joke.  The first person to hurt this delicate flower?  The Evil Muslin Soshalust Kenyan Presnint.  The latest? "Left leaning pressure group" AARP.  Yup, AARP.  The horrors!  They pointed out Ryan's stupidity, and he lashed back that they're in the business of selling insurance.  Their response is, well, priceless.

Clicky linky

    “We make decisions on policy based on what we believe will be in the best interests of Americans over age 50. A recent attack on AARP from a political action committee erroneously suggests otherwise. The truth is that the budget plan passed by the House probably would present more opportunities for AARP to strengthen its finances, since every older American would be forced into private Medicare plans, including those that AARP brands.

    “But we opposed the legislation nonetheless because we believe the goal should be to strengthen Medicare, not upend it, just as we’ve expressed concern about alternative plans that could use unelected boards to cut Medicare benefits. That has been AARP’s long-stated position, and the well-being of those who need Medicare is the only ‘interest’ we have in this debate.”

Cooooooold bloooooooooded

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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Someone hasn't lost their faculties!

Howard Alan Treesong

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Gingrich 2012: He Will Always Love America. Unless It Gets Cancer.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2011, 08:51:22 PM by Howard Alan Treesong »


  • Senior Member
So, I've learned that nothing destroys friendships like politics. After yesterday, I'm pretty much done with my idiot conservative x-roommates, and I don't mean just discussing politics, but just done with them entirely.

Allah almighty knows I've never considered myself the brightest knife in the drawer, and I've been owned plenty of times, particularly this thread even, but if nothing else I've always been willing to give the other side a chance to speak. Meanwhile these mouthbreathing redneck fuckheads come in and spew bullshit that they picked up in chain e-mails and speak like they're fucking constitutional scholars and Ivy league climatologists, and try and roll their eyes at me cause I read the NY Times. The one thing they've managed to convince me during our years of arguing is that some people DO deserve to get fucked over. Hard.

Sorry, just needed to internet rage for a bit.


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In other corners of the interwebs, I found this amusing:


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It seems one of Bill O's minions accidentally uploaded a video of an SNL sketch that was edited by an anti-Bill O user. Wonder how long it'll stay up before someone figures it out.


  • Member
So, I've learned that nothing destroys friendships like politics. After yesterday, I'm pretty much done with my idiot conservative x-roommates, and I don't mean just discussing politics, but just done with them entirely.

Allah almighty knows I've never considered myself the brightest knife in the drawer, and I've been owned plenty of times, particularly this thread even, but if nothing else I've always been willing to give the other side a chance to speak. Meanwhile these mouthbreathing redneck fuckheads come in and spew bullshit that they picked up in chain e-mails and speak like they're fucking constitutional scholars and Ivy league climatologists, and try and roll their eyes at me cause I read the NY Times. The one thing they've managed to convince me during our years of arguing is that some people DO deserve to get fucked over. Hard.

Sorry, just needed to internet rage for a bit.

u mad?


  • Senior Member
So, I've learned that nothing destroys friendships like politics. After yesterday, I'm pretty much done with my idiot conservative x-roommates, and I don't mean just discussing politics, but just done with them entirely.

Allah almighty knows I've never considered myself the brightest knife in the drawer, and I've been owned plenty of times, particularly this thread even, but if nothing else I've always been willing to give the other side a chance to speak. Meanwhile these mouthbreathing redneck fuckheads come in and spew bullshit that they picked up in chain e-mails and speak like they're fucking constitutional scholars and Ivy league climatologists, and try and roll their eyes at me cause I read the NY Times. The one thing they've managed to convince me during our years of arguing is that some people DO deserve to get fucked over. Hard.

Sorry, just needed to internet rage for a bit.

u mad?

Yes, I mad!  :maf

Also, this is pretty interesting. Kent Conrad suggests millionaire's surtax:

Millionaires would be hit with a 3 percent surtax under a draft Senate Democratic budget.

A Senate aide told The Hill on Wednesday that the draft 2012 budget outline presented at Tuesday's Democratic policy lunch by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) called for a 3 percent surtax on income over $1 million a year....

For their part, Republican leaders in both the House and the Senate have said that tax increases are off the table in the talks over deficit-reduction, as Washington officials have coalesced around a target of lopping at least $4 trillion off the deficit over a decade.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), one of the more liberal members of the Democratic caucus, introduced legislation earlier this year that would have placed a 5.4 percent surtax on annual of more than $1 million. Sanders said that policy would create roughly $50 billion a year in new revenues for the United States.


Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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You'd think Gingrich would be smart enough (:teehee) to realize he has no chance at winning the nomination or presidency. Oh well, should be fun


  • Senior Member
Well that assumes Gingrich wants to actually win.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Yeah, sorry guys.  Gingrich is in it to keep making money by being Newt Gingrich.


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I don't think we need to assume that Newt's judgment is so sound that he's got to have a secret rational motive.  The guy likes to project an image as a Great Man and seems to buy his own hype.

Besides, wouldn't it be more fun if he really thinks he can win?


  • Member
FYI, this is how I imagine all liberals.'s-flag-drawing

The family of Frankie Girard is claiming that their son's civil rights were violated after a teacher allegedly told him that hanging his picture of the American flag would offend another student.

The Butterfield Elementary School is at the center of controversy for the incident on Monday. According to Frankie Girard’s father, John, the boy was in art class drawing a picture.

"He was denied hanging the flag up. And, he asked if he could just even hang it on his desk, and he was told no.  He could take the picture that he drew and take it home and be proud of it there,” Girard said.


:piss Self loathing libruls

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
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i'm tempted to sue you just for mentioning the fl*g


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"Hey, maybe they won't click through and read the article!"
« Reply #12525 on: May 13, 2011, 02:23:01 PM »
From that article:

22News tried to contact the Superintendent, Dr. Paul Burnim. He refused to go on camera, but told 22News over the phone that nobody ever told Franklin the drawing was offensive, and said the only reason it wasn't hung was because Franklin was supposed to be doing other work; not drawing a picture.

Patriotism, the last refuge of a scoundrel slacker.

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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Beardo :lol


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
FYI, this is how I imagine all liberals.'s-flag-drawing

The family of Frankie Girard is claiming that their son's civil rights were violated after a teacher allegedly told him that hanging his picture of the American flag would offend another student.

The Butterfield Elementary School is at the center of controversy for the incident on Monday. According to Frankie Girard’s father, John, the boy was in art class drawing a picture.

"He was denied hanging the flag up. And, he asked if he could just even hang it on his desk, and he was told no.  He could take the picture that he drew and take it home and be proud of it there,” Girard said.


:piss Self loathing libruls
From that article:

22News tried to contact the Superintendent, Dr. Paul Burnim. He refused to go on camera, but told 22News over the phone that nobody ever told Franklin the drawing was offensive, and said the only reason it wasn't hung was because Franklin was supposed to be doing other work; not drawing a picture.

Patriotism, the last refuge of a scoundrel slacker.

This is how I imagine most conservatives, misinformed by selective editing.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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9 times out of 10, when parents get hot under the collar about something a teacher did or said to their child, it's usually because the parents are mouth-breathing idiots and not because the teacher did anything reprehensible.

"Our precious angel would NEVER do anything wrong! It must be the fault of that HORRIBLE [America-hating] teacher!"

Frankie's father told 22News that he is so outraged that he placed a call to the American Civil Liberties Union.

« Last Edit: May 13, 2011, 03:40:21 PM by Great Rumbler »


  • Senior Member
This site's pretty awesome btw:

Ewww...a gay touched my SUV. Thank Jesus I was doing 75 mph!


Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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9 times out of 10, when parents get hot under the collar about something a teacher did or said to their child, it's usually because the parents are mouth-breathing idiots and not because the teacher did anything reprehensible.

"Our precious angel would NEVER do anything wrong! It must be the fault of that HORRIBLE [America-hating] teacher!"

Frankie's father told 22News that he is so outraged that he placed a call to the American Civil Liberties Union.


Most parents are narcissists and believe that an attack on their child (even when breaking the rule) is an attack on them.  So while little Snotleigh is violating rule after rule, their parents are blaming the school system and getting litigious instead.  I can't wait to see what kind of fucked up adults these kids will be.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
My mom works at a local high school and literally sees this kind of thing every day. There are so many parents out there that either just don't care what their kids do or are absolutely convinced that their kids can do no wrong [and it's always the school's fault when their kids fail/get in trouble/don't come to class]

Van Cruncheon

  • live mas or die trying
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« Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 02:42:43 AM by Van Cruncheon »


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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  • The Muffin Man
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Yeah, sounds like he desecrated the flag. Considering the reverence he and the parents think a hand drawn flag should be given he should have been suspended for it.


  • Senior Member
why the fuck is fox news going after one of my favorite musicians

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
why the fuck is fox news going after one of my favorite musicians

Thank God you posted a link or otherwise I would not have known what the fuck you were talking about!