Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1886647 times)

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  • Banana Grabber
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both look decently badass.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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My uncle sent me some nonsense about the upcoming Moslem invasion. A quick google search revealed

herp a derp   :-\


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Remember Rachael Ray's jihadist Dunkin' Donuts scarf? Yeah.
« Reply #13683 on: August 27, 2011, 09:09:52 PM »
Man, it's like every single racist meme, fake outrage, and hysterical chain email aimed at Arabs can be traced back to Pam Geller.  It's impressive, in a way.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Remember Rachel Ray's jihadist Dunkin' Donuts scarf? yeah...

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
My uncle sent me some nonsense about the upcoming Moslem invasion. A quick google search revealed

herp a derp   :-\

lol kentucky


Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Looks handicapped to me.


  • HastilyChosenUsername
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I'm pretty sure most of those are homemade, and why does Osama Bin Laden need a less flattering nickname?  Its not like calling a monsterous person Inept Hitler or Joesph Stalling is any better then their actual names.

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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O Slimy Bin Rotten

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Loser Farrakorn
Nancy Pelousy
Mao Ding Dong


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Most of those aren't even glib.

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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:punch Adhess Market :punch

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  • HastilyChosenUsername
  • Senior Member
I loved PD's

Ellen Degenerate
Oprah Winy-frey
Harry Recedes
Matt Blam'em
Ben Affsuck
Anderson Kooky
Bill 'paps'Mahr
Wolf Spits-on-Her


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Apparently some college student is circulating a petition for the redistribution of GPA, to make a brilliant point about socialism yadda yadda.

The comparison is so inapt and the reasoning behind it so blithely dumb that it doesn't need an explanation.  I'm linking this mostly to preempt Beardo's inevitable post.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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That would only make sense if we were living in a meritocracy, but that's clearly not the case.

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That, and a host of other obvious reasons, of course.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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« Last Edit: August 29, 2011, 09:53:29 PM by The Experiment »


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Anyone in here read "The Next 100 Years" by Friedman?  I'm halfway through it and it'd be cool to find someone to discuss some of his stuff with.  A lot of it does seem way too optimistic for the US.


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Heard of it, haven't read it.  Had to Google just now to confirm that it wasn't Tom Friedman.

What are the major predictions?


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Heard of it, haven't read it.  Had to Google just now to confirm that it wasn't Tom Friedman.

What are the major predictions?
Basically that Russia will begin to reassert its influence in its old Soviet borders.  The US will back Poland and Turkey to create regional powers but eventually Russia will collapse again.

China will fragment, close itself off Maoist style again or collapse around 2020 as the government tries to appease both the poor on the inland and the rich on the coastline. 

Japan will become another major power feeding off the labor and resources of the old Russian state and failed Chinese state.

Tensions will rise over the Southwest again over the increasing hispanic population and a rise in power from Mexico. 

There will be another world war in the middle of the century involving the powers mentioned (Turkey, Poland, Japan and the US).  I haven't gotten to the specifics of this yet (about halfway through the book) but I believe it's Japan reasserting its naval power in the Pacific.  The green boom really kicks into gear around this time off of some technology that comes out of the war. 

He discuss the 50 year crisis pattern (I'd heard of this before but never looked into it really) in US politics/economics and says that in the 2028 or 2032 election the President elected will inherit a huge crisis.  He'll follow a failure of a Presidency that tries to fix the issues with the same tactics; cuts for the wealthy and investment incentives.  But the real problem is a lack of labor and real immigration reform will follow which includes incentives for immigrants to come here.  What follows is an economic boom in the 2040's.

There's probably a bit more that slipping my mind at the moment, but I don't really have that much time to go into detail.  It's pretty interesting and he makes some very convincing arguments about why the US will still be in a dominant position and he definitely supports his theory well.  But I'm not completely buying certain aspects.  He definitely seems way too optimistic for the US and pessimistic for China in particular.  He uses past trends of China opening up its borders to trade only to shut itself off again when inequality and unrest become rampant to predict its downfall while I don't think the political situations are entirely similar. 

He argues that this isn't the decline of the US era, but basically the dawn.  The mess we're in now is simply a misstep created by the chaos in certain regions from the fallout of the Soviets.  He likens it to two people playing tug of war and when one gives up and lets go the other stumbles and struggles to find its footing. 

Russia is going to grow from controlling the hydrocarbons delivered to Europe.  They'll use this to build up their military slowly and reassert authority over former Soviet nations create the satellite states as buffer states again.  But while Russia is controlling the tap to natural gas the rest of the world will be investing in alternative fuel and Russia will miss the boat and slowly collapse as they're unable to make the transition economically.

Either way, it's a pretty interesting read and there's a lot to be debated because each one of his points he backs up by tons of historical trends and political/economic incentives for those actions/events.


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I saw "Friedman" and "optimism" and thought why the fuck is Mupepe reading Thomas Friedman?
I didn't even know who that was  :-\

Hey, and answer your PM's brochacho :)


  • The Smooth Canadian
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Those predictions are dumb


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I'm not arguing for them either way.  It's just something interesting to read and that's why I brought it up in here to hear from others who are more knowledgeable. 

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Why would China fragment, or close themselves off, it would ruin their economy. They're already on quite a dangerous real estate bubble of their own, not to mention some civil unrest and high inflation. China temporarily collapsing wouldn't be unlikely, but China closing themselves off then collapsing sounds very unlikely.

Mexico seems more likely to turn into an officially cartel run state than rise to power


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First chapter for anyone interested in his broad reasoning...

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An Introduction to the American Age
Imagine that you were alive in the summer of 1900, living in London, then the capital of the world. Europe ruled the Eastern Hemisphere. There was hardly a place that, if not ruled directly, was not indirectly controlled from a European capital. Europe was at peace and enjoying unprecedented
prosperity. Indeed, European interdependence due to trade and investment was so great that serious people were claiming that war had become impossible—and if not impossible, would end within weeks of beginning—
because global financial markets couldn’t withstand the strain. The future seemed fixed: a peaceful, prosperous Europe would rule the world.
Imagine yourself now in the summer of 1920. Europe had been torn apart by an agonizing war. The continent was in tatters. The Austro- Hun gar ian, Russian, German, and Ottoman empires were gone and millions had died in a war that lasted for years. The war ended when an American army of a million men intervened—an army that came and then just as quickly left. Communism dominated Russia, but it was not clear that it could survive. Countries that had been on the periphery of European power, like the United States and Japan, suddenly emerged as great powers. But one thing was certain—the peace treaty that had been imposed on Germany guaranteed
that it would not soon reemerge.
Imagine the summer of 1940. Germany had not only reemerged but conquered France and dominated Europe. Communism had survived and the Soviet Union now was allied with Nazi Germany. Great Britain alone stood against Germany, and from the point of view of most reasonable people,
the war was over. If there was not to be a thousand- year Reich, then certainly Europe’s fate had been decided for a century. Germany would dominate Europe and inherit its empire.
Imagine now the summer of 1960. Germany had been crushed in the war, defeated less than five years later. Europe was occupied, split down the middle by the United States and the Soviet Union. The European empires were collapsing, and the United States and Soviet Union were competing over who would be their heir. The United States had the Soviet Union surrounded and, with an overwhelming arsenal of nuclear weapons, could annihilate it in hours. The United States had emerged as the global superpower.
It dominated all of the world’s oceans, and with its nuclear force could dictate terms to anyone in the world. Stalemate was the best the Soviets
could hope for—unless the Soviets invaded Germany and conquered Europe. That was the war everyone was preparing for. And in the back of everyone’s mind, the Maoist Chinese, seen as fanatical, were the other danger.

Now imagine the summer of 1980. The United States had been defeated in a seven- year war—not by the Soviet Union, but by communist North Vietnam. The nation was seen, and saw itself, as being in retreat. Expelled from Vietnam, it was then expelled from Iran as well, where the oil fields, which it no longer controlled, seemed about to fall into the hands of the Soviet Union. To contain the Soviet Union, the United States had formed an alliance with Maoist China—the American president and the Chinese chairman holding an amiable meeting in Beijing. Only this alliance seemed able to contain the powerful Soviet Union, which appeared to be surging.
Imagine now the summer of 2000. The Soviet Union had completely collapsed. China was still communist in name but had become capitalist in practice. NATO had advanced into Eastern Europe and even into the former Soviet Union. The world was prosperous and peaceful. Everyone knew that geopolitical considerations had become secondary to economic considerations, and the only problems were regional ones in basket cases like Haiti or Kosovo.

Then came September 11, 2001, and the world turned on its head again.

At a certain level, when it comes to the future, the only thing one can be sure of is that common sense will be wrong. There is no magic twenty- year cycle; there is no simplistic force governing this pattern. It is simply that the things that appear to be so permanent and dominant at any given moment in history can change with stunning rapidity. Eras come and go. In international relations, the way the world looks right now is not at all how it will look in twenty years ...or even less. The fall of the Soviet Union was hard to imagine, and that is exactly the point. Conventional political analysis suffers from a profound failure of imagination. It imagines passing clouds to be permanent and is blind to powerful, long- term shifts taking place in full view of the world.

If we were at the beginning of the twentieth century, it would be impossible to forecast the particular events I’ve just listed. But there are some things that could have been—and, in fact, were—forecast. For example, it was obvious that Germany, having united in 1871, was a major power in an insecure position (trapped between Russia and France) and wanted to redefine the European and global systems. Most of the conflicts in the first half of the twentieth century were about Germany’s status in Europe. While the times and places of wars couldn’t be forecast, the probability that there would be a war could be and was forecast by many Europeans.

The harder part of this equation would be forecasting that the wars would be so devastating and that after the first and second world wars were over, Europe would lose its empire. But there were those, particularly after the invention of dynamite, who predicted that war would now be catastrophic.
If the forecasting on technology had been combined with the forecasting on geopolitics, the shattering of Europe might well have been predicted. Certainly the rise of the United States and Russia was predicted in the nineteenth century. Both Alexis de Tocqueville and Friedrich Nietzsche forecast the preeminence of these two countries. So, standing at the beginning of the twentieth century, it would have been possible to forecast its general outlines, with discipline and some luck.

Standing at the beginning of the twenty- first century, we need to identify the single pivotal event for this century, the equivalent of German unification
for the twentieth century. After the debris of the European empire is cleared away, as well as what’s left of the Soviet Union, one power remains standing and overwhelmingly powerful. That power is the United States. Certainly, as is usually the case, the United States currently appears to be making a mess of things around the world. But it’s important not to be confused by the passing chaos. The United States is economically, militarily, and politically the most powerful country in the world, and there is no real challenger to that power. Like the Spanish- American War, a hundred years from now the war between the United States and the radical Islamists will be little remembered regardless of the prevailing sentiment of this time.

Ever since the Civil War, the United States has been on an extraordinary economic surge. It has turned from a marginal developing nation into an economy bigger than the next four countries combined. Militarily, it has gone from being an insignificant force to dominating the globe. Politically, the United States touches virtually everything, sometimes intentionally and sometimes simply because of its presence. As you read this book, it will seem that it is America- centric, written from an American point of view. That may be true, but the argument I’m making is that the world does, in fact, pivot around the United States.

This is not only due to American power. It also has to do with a fundamental shift in the way the world works. For the past five hundred years, Europe was the center of the international system, its empires creating a single global system for the first time in human history. The main highway to Europe was the North Atlantic. Whoever controlled the North Atlantic controlled access to Europe—and Europe’s access to the world. The basic geography of global politics was locked into place.

Then, in the early 1980s, something remarkable happened. For the first time in history, transpacific trade equaled transatlantic trade. With Europe reduced to a collection of secondary powers after World War II, and the shift in trade patterns, the North Atlantic was no longer the single key to anything. Now whatever country controlled both the North Atlantic and
overture the Pacific could control, if it wished, the world’s trading system, and therefore the global economy. In the twenty- first century, any nation located on both oceans has a tremendous advantage.

Given the cost of building naval power and the huge cost of deploying it around the world, the power native to both oceans became the preeminent actor in the international system for the same reason that Britain dominated the nineteenth century: it lived on the sea it had to control. In this way, North America has replaced Europe as the center of gravity in the world, and whoever dominates North America is virtually assured of being the dominant global power. For the twenty- first century at least, that will be the United States.

The inherent power of the United States coupled with its geographic position makes the United States the pivotal actor of the twenty- first century. That certainly doesn’t make it loved. On the contrary, its power makes it feared. The history of the twenty- first century, therefore, particularly the first half, will revolve around two opposing struggles. One will be secondary powers forming coalitions to try to contain and control the United States. The second will be the United States acting preemptively to prevent an effective
coalition from forming.

If we view the beginning of the twenty- first century as the dawn of the American Age (superseding the European Age), we see that it began with a group of Muslims seeking to re- create the Caliphate—the great Islamic empire that once ran from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Inevitably, they had to strike at the United States in an attempt to draw the world’s primary power into war, trying to demonstrate its weakness in order to trigger an Islamic uprising. The United States responded by invading the Islamic world. But its goal wasn’t victory. It wasn’t even clear what victory would mean. Its goal was simply to disrupt the Islamic world and set it against itself, so that an Islamic empire could not emerge.
The United States doesn’t need to win wars. It needs to simply disrupt things so the other side can’t build up sufficient strength to challenge it. On one level, the twenty- first century will see a series of confrontations involving lesser powers trying to build coalitions to control American behavior and the United States’ mounting military operations to disrupt them. The twenty- first century will see even more war than the twentieth century, but the wars will be much less catastrophic, because of both technological changes and the nature of the geopolitical challenge.

As we’ve seen, the changes that lead to the next era are always shockingly unexpected, and the first twenty years of this new century will be no exception.
The U.S.–Islamist war is already ending and the next conflict is in sight. Russia is re- creating its old sphere of influence, and that sphere of influence will inevitably challenge the United States. The Russians will be moving westward on the great northern European plain. As Russia reconstructs its power, it will encounter the U.S.- dominated NATO in the three Baltic countries—Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania—as well as in Poland. There will be other points of friction in the early twenty- first century, but this new cold war will supply the flash points after the U.S.–Islamist war dies down.

The Russians can’t avoid trying to reassert power, and the United States can’t avoid trying to resist. But in the end Russia can’t win. Its deep internal problems, massively declining population, and poor infrastructure ultimately make Russia’s long- term survival prospects bleak. And the second cold war, less frightening and much less global than the first, will end as the first did, with the collapse of Russia.

There are many who predict that China is the next challenger to the United States, not Russia. I don’t agree with that view for three reasons. First, when you look at a map of China closely, you see that it is really a very isolated country physically. With Siberia in the north, the Himalayas and jungles to the south, and most of China’s population in the eastern part of the country, the Chinese aren’t going to easily expand.

Second, China has not been a major naval power for centuries, and building a navy requires a long time not only to build ships but to create well-trained and experienced sailors.

Third, there is a deeper reason for not worrying about China. China is inherently unstable. Whenever it opens its borders to the outside world, the coastal region becomes prosperous, but the vast majority of Chinese in the interior remain impoverished. This leads to tension, conflict, and instability. It also leads to economic decisions made for political reasons, resulting in inefficiency and corruption. This is not the first time that China has opened itself to foreign trade, and it will not be the last time that it becomes unstable as a result. Nor will it be the last time that a figure like Mao emerges to close the country off from the outside, equalize the wealth—or poverty— and begin the cycle anew. There are some who believe that the trends of the last thirty years will continue indefinitely. I believe the Chinese cycle will move to its next and inevitable phase in the coming decade. Far from being a challenger, China is a country the United States will be trying to bolster and hold together as a counterweight to the Russians.

Current Chinese economicdynamism does not translate into long- term success.

In the middle of the century, other powers will emerge, countries that aren’t thought of as great powers today, but that I expect will become more powerful and assertive over the next few decades. Three stand out in particular.

The first is Japan. It’s the second- largest economy in the world and the most vulnerable, being highly dependent on the importation of raw materials, since it has almost none of its own. With a history of militarism, Japan will not remain the marginal pacifistic power it has been. It cannot. Its own deep population problems and abhorrence of large- scale immigration will force it to look for new workers in other countries. Japan’s vulnerabilities, which I’ve written about in the past and which the Japanese have managed better than I’ve expected up until this point, in the end will force a shift in policy.

Then there is Turkey, currently the seventeenth-largest economy in the world. Historically, when a major Islamic empire has emerged, it has been dominated by the Turks. The Ottomans collapsed at the end of World War I, leaving modern Turkey in its wake. But Turkey is a stable platform in the midst of chaos. The Balkans, the Caucasus, and the Arab world to the south are all unstable. As Turkey’s power grows—and its economy and military are already the most powerful in the region—so will Turkish influence.

Finally there is Poland. Poland hasn’t been a great power since the sixteenth century. But it once was—and, I think, will be again. Two factors make this possible. First will be the decline of Germany. Its economy is large and still growing, but it has lost the dynamism it has had for two centuries. In addition, its population is going to fall dramatically in the next fifty years, further undermining its economic power. Second, as the Russians press on the Poles from the east, the Germans won’t have an appetite for a third war with Russia. The United States, however, will back Poland, providing it with massive economic and technical support. Wars—when your country isn’t destroyed—stimulate economic growth, and Poland will become the leading power in a coalition of states facing the Russians.

Japan, Turkey, and Poland will each be facing a United States even more confident than it was after the second fall of the Soviet Union. That will be an explosive situation. As we will see during the course of this book, the relationships among these four countries will greatly affect the twenty- first century, leading, ultimately, to the next global war. This war will be fought differently from any in history—with weapons that are today in the realm of science fiction. But as I will try to outline, this mid-twenty-first century conflict will grow out of the dynamic forces born in the early part of the new century.

Tremendous technical advances will come out of this war, as they did out of World War II, and one of them will be especially critical. All sides will be looking for new forms of energy to substitute for hydrocarbons, for many obvious reasons. Solar power is theoretically the most efficient energy source on earth, but solar power requires massive arrays of receivers. Those receivers take up a lot of space on the earth’s surface and have many negative environmental impacts—not to mention being subject to the disruptive cycles
of night and day. During the coming global war, however, concepts developed prior to the war for space- based electrical generation, beamed to earth in the form of microwave radiation, will be rapidly translated from prototype to reality. Getting a free ride on the back of military space launch capability, the new energy source will be underwritten in much the same way as the Internet or the railroads were, by government support. And that will kick off a massive economic boom.

But underlying all of this will be the single most important fact of the twenty- first century: the end of the population explosion. By 2050, advanced
industrial countries will be losing population at a dramatic rate. By 2100, even the most underdeveloped countries will have reached birthrates that will stabilize their populations. The entire global system has been built since 1750 on the expectation of continually expanding populations. More workers, more consumers, more soldiers—this was always the expectation. In the twenty- first century, however, that will cease to be true. The entire system of production will shift. The shift will force the world into a greater dependence on technology—particularly robots that will substitute for human labor, and intensified genetic research (not so much for the purpose of extending life but to make people productive longer).

What will be the more immediate result of a shrinking world population?

Quite simply, in the first half of the century, the population bust will create a major labor shortage in advanced industrial countries. Today, developed
countries see the problem as keeping immigrants out. Later in the first half of the twenty- first century, the problem will be persuading them to come. Countries will go so far as to pay people to move there. This will include the United States, which will be competing for increasingly scarce immigrants and will be doing everything it can to induce Mexicans to come to the United States—an ironic but inevitable shift.

These changes will lead to the final crisis of the twenty- first century. Mexico currently is the fifteenth- largest economy in the world. As the Europeans
slip out, the Mexicans, like the Turks, will rise in the rankings until by the late twenty- first century they will be one of the major economic powers in the world. During the great migration north encouraged by the United States, the population balance in the old Mexican Cession (that is, the areas of the United States taken from Mexico in the nineteenth century) will shift dramatically until much of the region is predominantly Mexican.

The social reality will be viewed by the Mexican government simply as rectification of historical defeats. By 2080 I expect there to be a serious confrontation
between the United States and an increasingly powerful and assertive Mexico. That confrontation may well have unforeseen consequences for the United States, and will likely not end by 2100. Much of what I’ve said here may seem pretty hard to fathom. The idea that the twenty- first century will culminate in a confrontation between Mexico and the United States is certainly hard to imagine in 2009, as is a powerful Turkey or Poland. But go back to the beginning of this chapter, when I described how the world looked at twenty- year intervals during the twentieth century, and you can see what I’m driving at: common sense is the one thing that will certainly be wrong.

Obviously, the more granular the description, the less reliable it gets. It is impossible to forecast precise details of a coming century—apart from the fact that I’ll be long dead by then and won’t know what mistakes I made.

But it’s my contention that it is indeed possible to see the broad outlines of what is going to happen, and to try to give it some definition, however speculative
that definition might be. That’s what this book is about.

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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About the only thing I'd agree with is that China's pre-determined smooth accent to superpower status to equal or exceed the US is far from inevitable. China is so fucked internally but just having 1.3 billion people with even a minority making baby steps econmically wows the rest of the world, when they are far from a properly functioning modern society.

It's still America's century to lose. I'd like to say that dumb has always been around (it has) but the accent of dumb these past few years and haplessness of anyone with a clue has me pessimistic.


  • The Smooth Canadian
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The top review made me lol

American grand strategy was to intentionally destabilize central Asia by going into Iraq to prevent the rise of a dominant Eurasian power? get the fuck out of here

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Perhaps we'll never recognize just how streets ahead W Bush was  :american


  • The Smooth Canadian
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Boogie what is canada's stance on the middle east and all that stuff? I've always wondered.

More or less in lockstep with American policy.  Very pro-Israel (especially the current Conservative government)

We've had troops in Afghanistan since 2002 and did most of the heavy lifting in Kandahar province for a few years.  (My brother did two tours over there)  We've just recently pulled combat troops out though, as our population has gotten tired of our contribution and losing 157 soldiers over the course of the war.

The Iraq War was interesting.  The Liberal government basically took a "we'll support whatever the UN decides" which essentially meant "we're not supporting the US, but we can't outright say so".  Our military was in no shape at that time to contribute anyway, while the Conservatives, then in opposition, screamed bloody murder about not supporting our most important ally.


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the review mentioning that was America's grand strategy has poor comprehension skills.  He specifically says that America overreacted to 9/11 and that it will be satisfied with destabilizing the region instead of outright winning.  He says America's grand strategy consists of controlling the oceans via a large Navy and assuring that no other power controls Eurasia (Russia or China) outright


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Actually, reading the first review completely it seems like someone just skimmed through the book.  A lot of what Friedman says is ridiculous and he does leave out certain convenient points, the specifics of that review sound like someone who actually hasn't read the book. Especially since the review says he left out Iran and India... I just finished reading about his predictions regarding Iran and India.  Somebody posted a review after reading the first chapter.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2011, 06:31:41 PM by Mupepe »


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The space shit is definitely ridiculous though. 

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Japanese launching a Pearl Harbor style attack from a base on the dark side of the moon to destroy our satellite and space systems :lol

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
  • Senior Member
The space shit is definitely ridiculous though. 

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Japanese launching a Pearl Harbor style attack from a base on the dark side of the moon to destroy our satellite and space systems :lol

This really needed to be the blurb on the back of the book, I'd of bought 10 :rock


  • Icon
:lol  I didn't pay for the book but I maybe would have if I knew about that

The book definitely reads like a conservatives wet dream (he is a conservative).  Awesomely powerful US that's gotta fuck shit up because other countries are just as greedy and will do it to us if we don't defend with might.


  • you might think that; I couldn't possibly comment
  • Senior Member
I expect the world of the late 21st century to be drastically different from that of today such that past or present nation-state geopolitics won't be a very relevant lens through which to view it ...

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
So did anyone follow this joint congress fiasco? In short

Obama: sup bros I'm speaking on Sept 7th, clear your calenders
Boehner: wtf there's a debate on the 7th, you can't speak
WH: we told you about this already, stfu
Obama: anyway, see you on the 7th
Boehner: No
Obama: kk nm, i guess I'll speak on the 8th herp a derp!

As if we needed another example of Obama being spineless. Seriously, what the fuck? First, scheduling on the debate makes little sense anyway, given there are two congressmen running for president who could object and scuttle the whole thing.

Why the FUCK would you pick a fight you don't even need to pick, then run away? This is hilarious


  • kill me
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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics
« Reply #13718 on: September 01, 2011, 01:32:18 AM »
the mupepe convo just reminded me of how i want to read friedman just to find out why people on the internet seem to hate him so much


  • Senior Member
Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics
« Reply #13719 on: September 01, 2011, 01:39:24 AM »
the mupepe convo just reminded me of how i want to read friedman just to find out why people on the internet seem to hate him so much

That's a different Friedman, tho.


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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics
« Reply #13720 on: September 01, 2011, 12:01:35 PM »
Nah.  Nothing about that (at least so far).  It basically says that he thinks Turkey will become the dominant power and assert its influence in the area while being a US ally.


  • kill me
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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics
« Reply #13721 on: September 01, 2011, 12:21:17 PM »
the mupepe convo just reminded me of how i want to read friedman just to find out why people on the internet seem to hate him so much

That's a different Friedman, tho.

oh i know. but usually when people say "friedman" they are talking about tom, not this dude mupepe is talking about, whoever he is. :P


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics
« Reply #13722 on: September 01, 2011, 04:26:31 PM »
Anyone in here read "The Next 100 Years" by Friedman?  I'm halfway through it and it'd be cool to find someone to discuss some of his stuff with.  A lot of it does seem way too optimistic for the US.

Yup, I've read it! Kinda interesting the whole "Poland being a world power" thing... and US at another war with Japan (how the hell am I gonna get my loli games then?). That whole chapter sounded like a bad animu plot  :P

The whole US naval domination bit being a large part of their foreign policy was very interesting for me, considering my job.

And I HIGHLY agree with his assertion that declining populations in first world nations (boomers dying off + low birth rate) will be a major problem (if not the most major) in the near future. Especially for a economic structure (Capitalism) that relies on constant growth. It's why I feel that anti-Immigration people are so extremely short-sighted.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2011, 04:36:12 PM by tiesto »


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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics
« Reply #13723 on: September 01, 2011, 11:34:51 PM »
I really fail to see how there can be any large-scale war in the future, unless the world falls into some sort of decades long, global depression that causes massive instability.

Human Snorenado

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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics
« Reply #13724 on: September 02, 2011, 12:56:42 AM »
I really fail to see how there can be any large-scale war in the future, unless the world falls into some sort of decades long, global depression that causes massive instability.

Give it time, America has shown no ability to stop electing Republicans no matter how stupid they get.


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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics
« Reply #13725 on: September 03, 2011, 07:19:51 AM »

So many face palming moments in that video.

Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics
« Reply #13726 on: September 03, 2011, 10:20:15 AM »
I really fail to see how there can be any large-scale war in the future, unless the world falls into some sort of decades long, global depression that causes massive instability.

I don't know, the 20th century was probably the bloodiest on record.  Since there isn't a rise of meat grinder government philosophies (ie, socialism, communism, or fascism), I don't think this century will be as bad as the last one.

I do think that the biggest issue will be a matter of resources.  Whether it be small islands swallowed up by rising water levels, severe food shortages in overpopulated regions, or  the rising cost of energy resulting in some countries to "liberate" others, I think this century could very easily fall into a large scale war.  It probably won't happen anytime soon though but who knows what might happen in 2040 or 2050?

Phoenix Dark

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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics
« Reply #13727 on: September 03, 2011, 12:21:03 PM »
And here we go again

Experts Question Ratings After S&P Gives Subprime Bonds Higher Rating Than U.S. Debt

]Influential investors are scratching their heads over a little-noticed development: After downgrading the country's credit rating, Standard & Poors is continuing to award AAA status to the same class of assets that nearly blew up the world economy three years ago.

From Bloomberg: "S&P is poised to provide AAA grades to 59 percent of Springleaf Mortgage Loan Trust 2011-1, a set of bonds tied to $497 million lent to homeowners with below-average credit scores and almost no equity in their properties."


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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics
« Reply #13728 on: September 03, 2011, 06:32:37 PM »
S&P is shameful  :lol


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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics
« Reply #13729 on: September 03, 2011, 07:44:37 PM »
S&P is shameful  :lol

Don't you mean "shameless?"


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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics
« Reply #13730 on: September 03, 2011, 07:46:47 PM »
that too


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How I talk myself into insomnia.
« Reply #13731 on: September 05, 2011, 03:46:14 AM »
From what I've read about The Next 100 Years, I think recursive mostly nailed it.

Friedman seems to base everything on a very old-school, very simplified version of realpolitik.  Basically, every nation will be looking to increase their power and will see other states as competitors in a zero-sum game.  Hence conflict and eventually war.

That might have been a decent model for how European imperial powers behaved back in the day, but not so much for modern developed nations.  Their leaders don't see a need to fight for access to natural resources, because that access is guaranteed by the current system of free trade and international cooperation.  If that system is backed by US muscle rather than their own, they're not too bothered by it.

So yeah, I wouldn't take the main ideas of the book too, too seriously.

There is, generally, a really interesting back-and-forth in the international relations community about how much has really changed and how much the old rules still apply.  Are states still the only important actors, or do NGO's and MNC's matter?  Are democracies fundamentally different, or will they still share the same basic interests?  How does globalization change things, if at all?

It might sound awfully geeky and inside-baseball, but the underlying question to all of that is "Are we really done with great power wars, or could this all fall apart and we see billions of people die violently?"  Which is a rather important question.

tldr:  Should we take this Friedman dude seriously?  Not so much.  Will there be a WW3?  I sure hope not!
« Last Edit: September 05, 2011, 04:04:05 AM by Mandark »

Phoenix Dark

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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics
« Reply #13732 on: September 05, 2011, 04:20:11 AM »
man, I should stop giving away my predictions for free and instead sell them in a book too


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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics
« Reply #13733 on: September 05, 2011, 04:36:59 AM »
Hey, if this dude and Skip Bayless can get paid for that shit, no reason you can't.


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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics
« Reply #13734 on: September 07, 2011, 01:07:22 PM »
Im pretty sure I couldnt watch the debate tonight without wanting to stab my furniture

Phoenix Dark

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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics
« Reply #13735 on: September 07, 2011, 01:17:58 PM »
I can't wait. Really want to see how Romney handles Perry and vise versa


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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics
« Reply #13736 on: September 07, 2011, 01:20:53 PM »
Really? I can't sit through 2 minutes of their bullshit. Huntsman is the only electable repub and you know he won't get it.


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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics
« Reply #13737 on: September 07, 2011, 01:34:19 PM »
One of my friends works on his campaign staff, even though she's a big liberal.  Says he's a pretty decent guy.


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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics
« Reply #13738 on: September 07, 2011, 03:01:44 PM »
Too bad GOP ideas for the economy are straight up distinguished mentally-challenged

Human Snorenado

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Re: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics
« Reply #13739 on: September 07, 2011, 03:21:33 PM »
There's some pretty good ideas in the GOP, just not ones held by people with any chance of getting the bid.

All of Ron Paul's economic ideas are absolutely terrible.  Every. single. one of them.