Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1879529 times)

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Nooo, Rick! Noooooo!! The Carnival Of Stupid must continue!!


Howard Alan Treesong

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In the end, Santorum pulled out after repeatedly coming in number two.  :'(

Goodnight, sweet prince.


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
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Great article about young people getting screwed over the most in the recession... an argument how the largest cause for political strife is old vs. young, and how neither political party gives a fuck about the young.


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Santorum quits

Obamaville will now become reality in 2014?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Great article about young people getting screwed over the most in the recession... an argument how the largest cause for political strife is old vs. young, and how neither political party gives a fuck about the young.

Old people suck, as I believe I've mentioned on this forum before.


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  • Senior Member
Great article about young people getting screwed over the most in the recession... an argument how the largest cause for political strife is old vs. young, and how neither political party gives a fuck about the young.

during my job search my parents tried to use the argument that i wasn't trying hard enough because they always get job offers all the time!

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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Baby boomers more or less feel that the government should serve them and only them.  It is the responsibility of the rest of us to prop them up because they earned it, damn it!

Also, Santorum dropping out is shitty news.  I really hoped Newt would concede instead and give all delegates over to Santorum.  I wanted this thing dragged out to the very end.  Unfortunately, it seems like the wagons are starting to collectively circle around Romney.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Been reading some of the popular Republican blogs. Most of the bloggers are standard, "it's over, now it's time to get behind Romney" as you would expect. A portion of the comments though are similar to in the wake of Hillary finally losing last time, you have some people holding out (the superdelegates could still switch to Hillary!) for Newt* unifying the opposition, and others who are vowing to never support that Marxist Mitt Romney. Even saw a few "if Ron Paul is the only person left standing between us and this left-wing establishment plant then I will vote for Paul and ask the Lord for forgiveness" on one blog.

The most popular idea for the non-locksteppers though is Sarah Palin and a Tea Party independent run.

Also, I learned that Drudge smeared and sabotaged Newt's campaign by posting the things he was saying. And that's he's just another liberal lamestream media hack now.

All in all, it's mostly:

Five Republicans have filed the necessary papers and $500 fee to qualify for the June 26 Utah presidential primary election, but with Rick Santorum dropping out of the race Tuesday, only four will be on the ballot.

Or possibly three.

Newt Gingrich’s check bounced.

Utah Elections Director Mark Thomas said a designated agent for the Gingrich campaign brought the filing papers and a check for $500 in March, but the state was notified by the bank that the check had bounced. He said the office has tried to contact the Gingrich campaign through the telephone number and email provided on the application, but has not received a response.

Recently, the state sent a certified letter to the campaign, stating that if the fee isn’t paid by April 20, Gingrich will be disqualified and will not be on the ballot.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2012, 08:11:06 PM by benjipwns »


  • Senior Member
Baby boomers more or less feel that the government should serve them and only them.  It is the responsibility of the rest of us to prop them up because they earned it, damn it!

Also, Santorum dropping out is shitty news.  I really hoped Newt would concede instead and give all delegates over to Santorum.  I wanted this thing dragged out to the very end.  Unfortunately, it seems like the wagons are starting to collectively circle around Romney.

But with Santorum out of the way, all the Santorum votes could go to Newt.


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 :lol :lol :lol Gingrich's check bouncing is like something from The Onion.  Good Lord

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Santorum's an asshole, but he ran quite a surprising campaign. I don't know how much of it was due to him or the fact that voters rejected the other crazy candidates first, but he actually got his hands dirty campaigning. He wasn't selling books and going on Fox News every day; dude went to every county in Iowa.

It's kind of depressing that he's the strongest republican primary foe to the eventual nominee since Reagan in 1976. Yea, the guy who got blown out of the Senate, has the most archaic social views of any candidate in years, made some of the ugliest gaffes in recent history ("I said blah people, not black people!") etc morphed into a...legitimate...national....primary candidate.

If Romney loses in November, Santorum will be a major player in 2016. Yea, Christie will probably wipe the flood with him regardless, but Santorum has completely revived his political life.


  • Banana Grabber
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When Romney loses in November, Santorum will be a shit player in 2016. Yea, Christie will wipe the flood with him, but Santorum has completely fucked his political life.

Santorum ain't getting ANYTHING in 2016.  All the strong Republican candidates are waiting around for '16, because the base KNEW they had no one for 2012.  Santorum will be the Bachmann of 2016.

Also, I hope with Christie out, Cory Booker vies for the Governor spot.  I smell President on that fucking man.


  • Senior Member
I'll be out of America by 2016.


  • Banana Grabber
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good, who wants ya

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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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This isn't a given for Obama, the economy is still a bad cough away from another nosedive.

anyway who's gonna start dat Cuomo 2016 hype train  :-\


  • Banana Grabber
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lol no PD, this is pretty much fucking over.

Human Snorenado

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If Romney loses in November, Santorum will be a major player in 2016. Yea, Christie will probably wipe the flood with him regardless, but Santorum has completely revived his political life.

This is ludicrous.  All of the smart people (Christie, Mitch Daniels, Jeb Bush, Tebow help us even Sarah Palin) who weren't dumb enough to run this year will destroy Santorum in 2016 if he's dumb enough to run again.  Which he probably is, but whatever.


  • you might think that; I couldn't possibly comment
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It would continue the trend of whoever comes in "second" in the Republican primaries usually getting nominated next time around, though (cuz it's HIS TURN lulz). Bush -> McCain -> Romney -> Santorum, before that Ford -> Reagan -> Bush -> Dole

ed: upon searching I'm apparently about the 100000000th person to make this banal/facile observation
« Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 04:43:13 AM by recursivelyenumerable »


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I still get a kick reading Ron Paul forums. With Santorum leaving, they think many will flock to RP. 

Speaking of which, where are the RP fans at the Bore?


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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It will be interesting if anyone foolishly takes the VP slot hoping to get a boost for 2016.

I suspect Christie, Jindal, Ryan, Rubio, etc. are going to stay away. Basically anyone who people wanted in and didn't get in will say no. Except for Thune, I could see him accepting an all automaton ticket as it would be the logical thing to do.

There were rumors about Rob Portman from Ohio being the VP choice already. But the pundits/"strategists" all seem to want Allen West for some reason I can't put my finger on although I probably would get out of my car and follow him if it was raining.

Romney had raised more cash than anyone in 2008, Dole had been VP candidate and Senate Majority Leader. What is Santorum going to do for four years to keep his place when he didn't even fundraise this year or get a campaign infrastructure in place? I don't see how he can do better than Edwards did in 2008 (pre-scandal) after four years in the wilderness. He doesn't have the personality to be on TV like Huckabee or Palin, and no rabid fanbase like Palin. I'm sure he'll be a "Fox News Commentator" and a CULTURE WARRIOR for O'Reilly but that's not going to help him when he gets knocked off the network for 24/7 coverage of the Anointed One Rubio.

I doubt Jeb Bush and Mitch Daniels ever run. Bush knows his brother blew it for him and Daniels doesn't want to explain his wife.

Well, maybe if there is some kind of global collapse with wars in the Middle East and Asia plus constant bombings in the U.S., Jeb Bush has a chance at running to bring us back to the glorious stability of the Bush years. ("Only two recessions, two wars, ten trillion in debt and one major terrorist attack!")
« Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 04:50:26 AM by benjipwns »


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It would continue the trend of whoever comes in "second" in the Republican primaries usually getting nominated next time around, though (cuz it's HIS TURN lulz). Bush -> McCain -> Romney -> Santorum, before that Ford -> Reagan -> Bush -> Dole

ed: upon searching I'm apparently about the 100000000th person to make this banal/facile observation

It's widespread enough that Jon Bernstein at Plain Blog has felt the need to debunk it a few times (short version: small sample size and other factors are more important).

In either case, I don't think Santorum's set up that well for 2016.  Even when he was winning states he didn't get any endorsements, raise a good amount of money, or put together a decent national campaign organization.  All signs point to his having been a place to park Not Romney votes, and only after Palin/Trump/Cain/Perry/Gingrich at that.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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  • Banana Grabber
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That man is a fucking genius.  :lol


  • Senior Member
Holy shit, check out the chart on this page:

How the fuck is Obama beating Mitt by THIRTEEN points in Colorado? Isn't that the state where the people of South Park reside?
« Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 07:42:09 PM by Oblivion »

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
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missouri still red :fbm


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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Holy shit, check out the chart on this page:

How the fuck is Obama beating Mitt by THIRTEEN points in Colorado? Isn't that the state where the people of South Park reside?

Brown ppl

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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Sorry but 2012 is Santorum's last shot :santocry

The only reason why he had a shot is because of the poor crop of GOP competitors in a time when the GOP was moving as far to the right as possible; it was a rare combination that allowed him to get anything more than margin of error percentages.  2016 will be completely different when the teatards were but a distant memory where anything other than the Michele Bachmann-right can feel that they would have a chance.  Speaking of which, I can see Bachmann making another stab in 2016.

The real loser is and always will be Ron Paul.  I still see some beating the drum of legions of unbound delegates with secret allegiances to Ron Paul but I think even some of them have given up.

I don't regret voting for Santorum in the primaries and am glad that I participated in the freakshow known as the 2012 GOP primaries.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Yea the more I think about it, perhaps you guys are right. Santorum's support was largely due to him being the last tolerable conservative standing, in many people's eyes. That won't  be the case in 2016 when a host of governors who have actually gotten shit done ever the race.

Santorum has probably reached his peak politically. He'll be the religious right's choice in a few years (assuming Huckabee doesn't jump in)  but I'd imagine they'll be farther marginalized if Obama wins big in November. Seems pretty clear women are rejecting republicans and most people are tired of the abortion, gay marriage, etc nonsense.

Christie 2016


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Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Holy shit, check out the chart on this page:

How the fuck is Obama beating Mitt by THIRTEEN points in Colorado? Isn't that the state where the people of South Park reside?

The fact that Obama is over 50% in the three western battleground states (CO, NM, NV) is, really, really bad news for Mittens.  Less than 7 months out those are pretty awful numbers.  Add to that the fact that Obama is near 50% in Ohio and Florida and this is really going to require some sort of economic shitstorm or the reanimated corpse of bin Laden showing up in a small midwestern town and instituting sharia law or something for a Romney win to be plausible.


  • Hail Hydra
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This video really speaks to me

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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It's time we fought back against Big Chicken! I mean Government. Wait, what are we talking about again?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
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that man is amazing


  • Senior Member
This firestorm with Hillary Rosen is so fucking pathetic. Makes me hate our media all the more. I expect the righties to zero in on this shit, but why the fuck did every other news outlet from the so-called "librul" media jump on this shit too? This Rosen person is a CNN contributing democratic strategist. She has no formal ties to the administration or the DNC. Why the fuck do we care what this broad said? Now the mainstream media has once again set up a moronic false equivalency by implying that Rosen hates women just as much as Limbaugh, so now Obama has no right to use the 'war on women' talking point ever again!

But as pissed off as I am about the press response to this shit, it's not nearly as bad as knowing the Obama campaign ran as far away from Rosen the NANOSECOND she finished saying her comments. It's just like what they did with Shirley Sherrod. By acknowledging this woman, they're giving this moronic "scandal" some legitimacy. I'd really think these people would be smarter than that.


How do we know he didn't START the fire, hmm? :smug

Human Snorenado

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It would be nice if we had a media who thought that their prime directive was to deliver truth, no matter how ugly and upsetting to one side of the established political spectrum, to the public at large.  That would be great.

Instead, we have a media that is scared to death of being called "librul", that has as it's prime directive, above all else, MAINTAINING ACCESS TO NEWSMAKERS, and (subconsciously or not) making money for their suit bosses.  Obama and his people know this.  That's what they have to work with.  So, while it's not "right" or whatever to toss Hillary Rosen on her ass and pretend they never knew her, it's what they have to do in the reality they're stuck in.  Crying about it does no good.  Really, the only thing that would do any good would be to legalize the hunting, killing, skinning and eating of the DC press corps.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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But as pissed off as I am about the press response to this shit, it's not nearly as bad as knowing the Obama campaign ran as far away from Rosen the NANOSECOND she finished saying her comments. It's just like what they did with Shirley Sherrod. By acknowledging this woman, they're giving this moronic "scandal" some legitimacy. I'd really think these people would be smarter than that.
This was part of the point I was trying to make while being a dick back when Breitbart died. The Sherrod thing was absolute Obama team fuckup because they panicked. And now you have Jay Carney going "herp derp which Hillary Rosen was it?!?"

Plus you also have Obama going out there, giving these speeches and stuff, which are hard hitting, and then you get a week of the GOP and FOX burying it. Then he takes some time off to give them another thing to rant about.

Kerry as a flip-flopper worked because it was all you got from the Bush camp for a while. Clinton pulled a similar, define Dole, then run silent if you can.

This shit isn't rocket surgery. But maybe they're looking at Romney and just winging it?
but why the fuck did every other news outlet from the so-called "librul" media jump on this shit too?
If Romney isn't competitive, what do they have to fill airtime for the next six months?
It would be nice if we had a media who thought that their prime directive was to deliver truth, no matter how ugly and upsetting to one side of the established political spectrum, to the public at large.  That would be great.
We do more or less have that, it just takes effort and most people are not interested in any media that upsets them.

If you want someone else to "deliver the truth" though...

What's the "truth" of the Ryan bill for example. Obama calls it "Social Darwinism" and yet it increases spending and doesn't balance until 2039. And those last two "facts" are only if we take CBO projections as reality. The Bush Administration submitted a budget (and I'm not going to check so I am qualifying here, it's the point more than the "fact") in 2006 that said we'd have near budget surpluses for the next ten years. TARP and the "Stimulus" alone vaporized this within three years. Shit happens.

The idea that we can have some central arbiter of truth is silly, we've never had that and never could have it. At least until Romney is elected and robots run all our lives.

This country was founded on disgusting, knock down drag out, everyone get wasted, some duels, let's do it, claiming others are Satan incarnate.

Fuck pretending you're objective. Fuck Objectivism. Relish in delicious disgusting vile.

But don't fuck relish, I find it to be an oddly nice non-vile condiment.

Yanking a book of mine just because of someone else I chatted with and because The Bore might like it:
If ever a nation was debauched by a man, the American nation has been debauched by  [George] Washington. If ever a nation was deceived by a man, the American nation has been deceived by Washington. Let his conduct, then, be an example to future ages; let it serve to be a warning that no man be an idol.
Philadelphia Aurora, 1796.

An Anglican monarchical, and aristocratical party has sprung up, whose avowed object is to draw over us the substance, as they have already done the forms, of the British government. ... It would give you a fever were I to name to you the apostates who have gone over to these heresies, men who were Samsons in the field and Solomons in the council, but who have had their heads shorn by the harlot England.
Thomas Jefferson, 1796.

The character which Mr. Washington has attempted to act in this world, is a sort, of non-describable, camelion-colored thing, called prudence. It is, in many cases, a substitute for principle, and is so nearly allied to hypocrisy, that it easily slides into it. ... And as to you, sir, treacherous to private friendship (for so you have been to me, and that in the day of danger) and a hypocrite in public life, the world will be puzzled to decide whether you are a apostate or an impostor, whether you have abandoned good principles, or whether you ever had any?"
Thomas Pane, to G Dub, 1796.

Mr. Adams and his Federalists wish to sap The Republic by fraud, destroy it by force, and elect an English monarchy in its place.
Thomas Jefferson

Whether he is spiteful, playful, witty, kind, cold, drunk, sober, angry, easy, stiff, jealous, cautious, confident, close, open, it is always in the wrong place or to the wrong person.
James McHenry, Secretary of War for Adams

The coward wretch at the head, while, like a Parisian revolutionary monster, pratting about humanity, could feel an infernal pleasure in the utter destruction of his opponents. We have too long witnessed his general turpitude, his cruel removals of faithful officers, and the substitution of corruption and baseness for integrity and worth.
Senator Timothy Pickering (MA), 1804.
Any typos mine. (Or possibly the language of the time. Likely the former.)

What would an "objective" media that only delivers the "truth" even say?

Look at the PPACA. What's the "truth"? The Obama Adminstration has their position, the opinion polls have theirs, the states have their own, chunks of The Bore are going to see it constitutional, others will say it's not but single payer is, others won't care and want what's best, and I'll say it's beyond blatantly unconstitutional. But unfortunately, for all of us, the "truth" will be decided when the Supreme Court decides. How do you ever "deliver the truth" here?
Really, the only thing that would do any good would be to legalize the hunting, killing, skinning and eating of the DC press corps.
And these same press corps say nobody can ever agree on anything.


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I think it's fair to criticize a news media which strives towards "objectivity" for having a skewed idea of what that entails.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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I think it's fair to criticize any media. No matter what it is striving for.


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Point is the mainstream newsmedia presents itself as a trustworthy, objective arbiter truth, so far as it can be nailed down.  The WaPo/NYT/network news shows/etc don't operate like British newspapers.  They market themselves and demand status considerations (listen to what they said about bloggers before they all realized that's what they'd be doing for a living in five years) based on a certain image; they're not just in it to profit, but to serve as public gatekeepers for information.

So in that case, it's valid to call them out for doing a bad job, rather than handwaving it away with "well some topics involve personal opinion, and politics were always pretty rough-and-tumble, so there ya go!"

On the topic of the Ryan budget (or any budget), it's not the job of a reporter to say whether the policies are good ones, but a good story should indicate whether there's any jiggery-pokery within the numbers.  Wildly ahistorical assumptions of economic growth, large unspecified spending cuts or revenue gains that let the author assume unpopular decisions without copping to them, deviations from accepted government budgeting practices, etc.

If the Bush budget outlook you mentioned is the one I'm thinking of, then it should absolutely have been called out as bullshit, not because CBO/OMB projections are inexact, but because it closed the gap through policies (expiration of the tax cuts, unchecked growth of the AMT) that the administration was actively opposing.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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You mean the projection that the Iraq war would cost $60b at the very most? Well, guess what the democrat's projection for the war was: $0, since they didn't do a projection. Both sides were wrong, but at least one side came to the table with adult numbers

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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Just watched Street Fight, years after Mandark's recommendation lol. Very good documentary; it reminded me a lot of The Wire's fourth season, which is my favorite. Which kind of makes me wonder about Booker's focus on crime statistics and how accurate they are. It also reminded me of machine politics in Detroit and the corrupt Kwame Kilpatrick years.

All the overt racial slurs and attacks on Booker infuriated me. I've heard that stuff all my life from black people; in the film a guy comments that "we send our children to school, then they come back and we call them white. What does that say about us?" The casual way some black leaders - especially older ones with connections to the Civil Rights movement - throw around racial insinuations and accusations of racism is not only shameful it ultimately hurts the fight for diversity. It's also a weird resentment of higher education more familiarly seen amongst far right republicans/Christians. I remember hearing that Kilpatrick once questioned Obama's blackness to his face; that mentality needs to die. On that note I find it hilarious that many on the right seem unwilling or unable to distinguish Obama from the racial blame game politics of the Sharptons and Jacksons - both of whom aren't fans of Obama politically. Unsurprisingly both are in the documentary supporting the corrupt incumbent Booker attempts to defeat.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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False equivalencies have officially jumped the shark

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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"It's totally not a bad word at all, in fact it's often used affectionately!"

"But it does conjure up the image of someone who's a stupid, easily-led, drunkard often prone to violent outbursts."


Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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His tone is absolutely the definition of :smug.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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May the schvartze be with you.

Trent Dole

  • the sharpest tool in the shed
  • Senior Member
False equivalencies have officially jumped the shark
...and the election campaign's barely even started. Mitt has about the same odds McCain had in '08, Kerry had in '04, etc.

Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
  • Senior Member
hey now, kerry at least came close.  i'm figuring obama/romney is gonna look like clinton/dole

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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It will look more like 2008 than anything else. 

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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It will end up the same as 2008, give or take a couple of low EV swing states.

That is assuming that there won't be some Eurozone crisis or a surprise second recession.

As much as I wish Obama would secure over 400 electoral votes, in the remaining red states, there's far too much of a "obama is a kenyan muslin socialist" sentiment to tap into those locations effectively.  In fact, until Texas turns blue or purple again, what Obama pulled in 2008 and what he will probably get in 2012 is about as good of a performance as a Democrat will get for a while.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 01:57:33 PM by The Experiment »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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It'll look more like 04 if Romney wins, which is possible. All it takes is another economic downturn

Under normal circumstances Obama probably has to many paths to 270 for Romney to overcome.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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This is international but this seems extremely crazy.  The Swedish Minister of Culture (the lady in the first picture) seems to be having fun with a genital mutilation cake.
