Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1878759 times)

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And perhaps more importantly, I get to troll Gaborn nonstop now

That dude is never happy. He's already pissy about it.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
And perhaps more importantly, I get to troll Gaborn nonstop now

That dude is never happy. He's already pissy about it.

Yup I knew this would happen. After YEARS of attacking Obama on this, he can't even admit this is a good thing. Hell, he refuses to admit Obama was the most pro-gay rights president ever BEFORE today's news


  • Senior Member
I find the timing of this announcement hilarious. obama is clearly catering to his base but the day directly after nc gives people the finger? I dunno. makes his intentions seem more political than social. but it's good, either way.


  • The Smooth Canadian
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wow, Gaborn is such a farce.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Gaborn is a closet straight.


  • Junior Member
i have my local nbc news channel liked on fb

when obama announced it, they said BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!! and i just laughed. oh texas.
Same thing in georgia. They even had man on the street interviews and stuff.


  • Senior Member

 :lol  Fox Nation never disappoints.

(Image removed from quote.)

 :lol  Fox Nation never disappoints.

They changed it. Got rid of "war on marriage."

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
(Image removed from quote.)

 :lol  Fox Nation never disappoints.

From the comments:

the liar in chief will say whatever he thinks the group he is talking to want him to say

He's doing a nationally televised the group he's talking to is the the nation wants him to say this, I guess? Sounds like everything's great then!


  • The Smooth Canadian
  • Icon
wait wait wait.  So on page 2 of the GAF thread, Gaborn says that he would "respect" Obama if he signed an Executive Order on the topic.

It's not clear what that Executive Order would entail, but wouldn't an Executive Order legalizing Gay Marriage directly go against all of that "constitutional states' rights" mumbo jumbo Gaborn's always going on about?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
wait wait wait.  So on page 2 of the GAF thread, Gaborn says that he would "respect" Obama if he signed an Executive Order on the topic.

It's not clear what that Executive Order would entail, but wouldn't an Executive Order legalizing Gay Marriage directly go against all of that "constitutional states' rights" mumbo jumbo Gaborn's always going on about?
yup  :lol

And I'm not even sure a president can sign an executive order that legalizes gay marriage

Human Snorenado

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I think AT BEST, Obama could sign an executive order that said the Justice Department recognized gay marriage as legal. 

As always, Gaborn is a raging fucktard of epic proportions.

Positive Touch

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I don't think each state will allow it by themselves but I do believe that the national sentiment will change enough that when the Supreme Court chimes they'll rule in favor of gay marriage.

If national sentiment means every place outside of the South and other strongly leaning Republican states then I suppose. As long as Republican presidential candidates get elected and put certain ideological judges on the bench it will take decades and decades and decades. All I can say is that if you don't live in the South, you don't understand how entrenched such views are and their kids aren't going to be any more enlightened than the parents were.

yup.  it's undeniable that social views in this country are changing for the better, but saying that eliminates all the nuance of how shit changes.   people may be more progressive, but they can still be totally ignorant in a way that they don't actually realize (see libertarians and the poor).  and while everyone likes to point out how younger generations are more tolerant, they don't give as much attention to the fact that hate gets passed on too.  people in the midwest or south may not recoil in terror at the sight of a gay person (well ok lots of them do), but they damn sure don't want them to have equal rights.  ignorance is VERY strong, especially when passed down from parents.  it takes longer than a couple generations to weed that shit out.  hell, the missouri state legislature has been battling the last couple days over a bill that bans all organizations that train women for boardroom positions or encourages them to enter public service!

Stoney Mason

  • So Long and thanks for all the fish
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wait wait wait.  So on page 2 of the GAF thread, Gaborn says that he would "respect" Obama if he signed an Executive Order on the topic.

It's not clear what that Executive Order would entail, but wouldn't an Executive Order legalizing Gay Marriage directly go against all of that "constitutional states' rights" mumbo jumbo Gaborn's always going on about?

That dude has always been a hypocrite, a moron, and a jackass all rolled up into a tight ball.


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
Creepy Old Dude, I think this only really "hurts" Obama in North Carolina considering the current context, but he doesn't need it.  He's got Virginia, and that's all he needs.

Human Snorenado

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There's still half a year until the election and numerous things could happen.  I wouldn't count any chickens until they've hatched and been indoctrinated into the socialistic homo-bortion sharia law agenda.


  • Senior Member
Out of all the groups that suffer from cognitive dissonance, gay right wingers perplex me the most. At least with the Republican Messicans or Republican the Blacks, I can at least see the righties make the argument that they only hate the illegal/lazy/shiftless ones. But with homosexuals? They all absolutely despise them.

I mean, I get that we all have our priorities and such, but really? I mean, really now?


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
Out of all the groups that suffer from cognitive dissonance, gay right wingers perplex me the most. At least with the Republican Messicans or Republican the Blacks, I can at least see the righties make the argument that they only hate the illegal/lazy/shiftless ones. But with homosexuals? They all absolutely despise them.

I mean, I get that we all have our priorities and such, but really? I mean, really now?

It's equivalent to a blind, black, white supremacist that left his wife of 20 years because she was a nicca lover..


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
Creepy Old Dude, I think this only really "hurts" Obama in North Carolina considering the current context, but he doesn't need it.  He's got Virginia, and that's all he needs.

That's a stupid argument. Obama doesn't want to just win. He wants to kill-fuck the current Republican party so viciously that their children will never forget. He wants to sweep the senate and the house clean of the tea baggers and get some actual legislation pushed forward in his second and last term.

This move, supporting full marriage equality, is going to help him do this. It keeps the Republicans distracted from the important issues. I mean, they actually got themselves distracted arguing over whether universally supported things like birth control and the DREAM act were okay. Issues that lost them a significant portion of voters and gained them nothing. So presenting this gay marriage topic on a silver platter just baits them into exposing all their hatred and stupidity, preventing Romney from shaking his etch-a-sketch back to the center.

In November, either there will be a slumping economy that the Republicans barely paid any attention to due to their focus on social issues. Or there will be a booming economy that Republicans didn't pay attention because they couldn't come up with a legitimate criticism of Obama other than his views on social issues. Keeping Republicans focused on social issues like this is just political calculus. Just beautiful, and merciless.

I think something regarding amnesty for undocumented immigrants is also going to come up in the next few months. It's going to be fun.


  • Senior Member
That the president has chosen today, when LGBT Americans are mourning the passage of Amendment One, to finally speak up for marriage equality is offensive and callous. Log Cabin Republicans appreciate that President Obama has finally come in line with leaders like Vice President Dick Cheney on this issue, but LGBT Americans are right to be angry that this calculated announcement comes too late to be of any use to the people of North Carolina, or any of the other states that have addressed this issue on his watch. This administration has manipulated LGBT families for political gain as much as anybody, and after his campaign’s ridiculous contortions to deny support for marriage equality this week he does not deserve praise for an announcement that comes a day late and a dollar short.

 :dizzy :dizzy :dizzy


  • Senior Member
You would think that for people who absolutely love the Bible, republicans would actually bother reading it:

On Wednesday, MSNBC's Martin Basir invited Rep. Joe Barton to discuss an upcoming vote in the House that would slash funding for, among other things, Meals on Wheels, and school lunches for poor children. Barton, some of you may recall, was the dipshit congressman that apologized on the House floor to British Petroleum for our ocean getting in the way of their oil.

Barton said a few interesting things, but one thing that REALLY caught my attention was when he tried to defend his callous cuts by pointing to the Bible.

Bashir: I know you're a long time member of the Methodist Church. Is that correct?

Barton: Yes, sir. That's a true statement.

Bashir: How do you square your approach with the Psalm 146, where the Psalmist writes this: "He gives food to the hungry. The lord protects foreigners. He defends orphans and widows."  Isn't this the exact opposite of the cuts being proposed by Republicans in congress?

Barton: No, the lord helps those who helps themselves...

Bashir:  Which verse of scripture is that, sir?

Barton: Well, it's uh..

Bashir: I don't think you'll find that in the Old or New Testament.

Barton: Well, that was taught to me by my father who is president of the United Methodist school board in Waco Texas, and Bryant, Texas.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
I find the timing of this announcement hilarious. obama is clearly catering to his base but the day directly after nc gives people the finger? I dunno. makes his intentions seem more political than social. but it's good, either way.

I don't see anything wrong with this.  Besides Obama needs to shore up his progressive base, the people who got all worked up over him in 2008 that resulted in him beating out the "inevitable" primary candidate.

I don't even think he lost NC by doing this.  The economy is going to be priority one and when Mitt Romney gets all flustered during the debates this fall when he can't really explain how he would run the economy better than Obama, people won't even remember these gay marriage comments.  This is an election year and the people who will bring this Obama's comments up about gay marriage in October are the same people who'd never vote for him.  Besides, I don't even think moderates and independents care about gay marriage much if at all.

You would think that for people who absolutely love the Bible, republicans would actually bother reading it:

Most Christians in the US don't know shit about the Bible either. 


  • Senior Member
my dad is protestant and they only take new testament stuff as gospel, say the old is for jews and don't care

Human Snorenado

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my dad is protestant and they only take new testament stuff as gospel, say the old is for jews and don't care

So he's cool with the gheys?  Cause I'm pretty sure all mentions of TEH GHEY are in the OT.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
my dad is protestant and they only take new testament stuff as gospel, say the old is for jews and don't care

Well the Law was indeed given to the Jews.


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
Only thing you need to read in the Bible is the Gospels.  And Revelations, because DRAGONS

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Technically the Gospels were written to the Jews also. :teehee


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
but then taught to the gentiles!


  • Senior Member
my dad is protestant and they only take new testament stuff as gospel, say the old is for jews and don't care

So he's cool with the gheys?  Cause I'm pretty sure all mentions of TEH GHEY are in the OT.

yeah, the church denomination i went to is cool with the homos. our piano player is gay even.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
my dad is protestant and they only take new testament stuff as gospel, say the old is for jews and don't care

So he's cool with the gheys?  Cause I'm pretty sure all mentions of TEH GHEY are in the OT.

yeah, the church denomination i went to is cool with the homos. our piano player is gay even.

I'm pretty sure 80% of all black churches have at least one gay dude in the choir department


  • you might think that; I couldn't possibly comment
  • Senior Member
Only thing you need to read in the Bible is the Gospels.  And Revelations, because DRAGONS

The definitive version of Revelation:

« Last Edit: May 10, 2012, 04:56:08 PM by recursivelyenumerable »


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
Most Christians in the US don't know shit about the Bible either.

Reading the bible is often a good first step to not being a Christian anymore.

Eh, not if you approach the Bible as simply the oral traditions passed down in written form, and not the book of God.  And even now, a lot of modern, nondenominational churches don't even bother with the Old Testament.  I've been to a few services in the past year or so that have actually been a breath of fresh air from shit I had to listen to when I was growing up.  The church down my street is almost exclusively a homosexual place of worship.


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
Most Christians in the US don't know shit about the Bible either.

Reading the bible is often a good first step to not being a Christian anymore.
Eh, not if you approach the Bible as simply the oral traditions passed down in written form, and not the book of God.  And even now, a lot of modern, nondenominational churches don't even bother with the Old Testament.  I've been to a few services in the past year or so that have actually been a breath of fresh air from shit I had to listen to when I was growing up.  The church down my street is almost exclusively a homosexual place of worship.

That's like saying a car is a great tool with no issues if you just never move it anywhere.

Maybe you would still be Christians in the sense that you believe in whatever lessons Christ taught (as passed down through oral traditions/etc) but I don't see how you're actually using the bible if you don't believe it to be a divine source of information. That's really the only way it's designed to work (meaning it needs faith).

Human Snorenado

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Pretty much every church I drove by here in small town NC had a "vote yes on amendment one" sign up.  It's a fucking plague, and it's at it's worst in the damn south.  I'm starting to think Sherman didn't go far enough.


  • Senior Member
Probably baptist churches. I think the sad thing is that churches have so much authority that they tell people WHAT to vote for and the sheeple vote for it anyways.

I saw Obama today while heading home. I decided to drive through downtown Seattle and saw him waving from his limo.


  • Senior Member
you should have offered him a blow job to make him change his stance on gay marriage and scare the gay out of him

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
lol one of the black ladies at work sounded so bummed about Obama accepting teh gay marriage. She said she's going to vote for him, but some of her family members are now on the fence.


  • Senior Member
:rofl black people and church

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Pretty much. My mom's reaction is pretty impressive though. She realizes it's Obama's personal opinion, and is a state by state issue. Progress :bow

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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I think gay marriage proponents have made a mistake by not trying to campaign for it under the blanket term of "equal rights".  Once you look at it through that prism it becomes pretty fucking obvious.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
That's a good point. Same thing with the term "gay marriage."

They're using the "equal rights" angle here in Washington state.

Gonna get a big ass "I SUPPORT GAY MARRIAGE. SUCK IT." sign and stick it in my yard if the anti-gay freaks get enough signatures to put it on the ballot.


  • Icon
I think gay marriage proponents have made a mistake by not trying to campaign for it under the blanket term of "equal rights".  Once you look at it through that prism it becomes pretty fucking obvious.

All the LGBT activist groups refer to the issue as "marriage equality" but it hasn't caught on outside of that.


  • Banana Grabber
  • Senior Member
Most Christians in the US don't know shit about the Bible either.

Reading the bible is often a good first step to not being a Christian anymore.

Eh, not if you approach the Bible as simply the oral traditions passed down in written form, and not the book of God. And even now, a lot of modern, nondenominational churches don't even bother with the Old Testament.  I've been to a few services in the past year or so that have actually been a breath of fresh air from shit I had to listen to when I was growing up.  The church down my street is almost exclusively a homosexual place of worship.

If you do that, you're not Christian. You just have a "Christian" morality. Being Christian is accepting Jesus Christ as your savior, not saying hey that imaginary Jesus dude does have good ethics!

Eh.  I suppose.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member


Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member

Some crazy shit is going to happen here soon...


  • QUIT
  • Ebola Carrier
Do you guys have any political books you reccomend someone read? I'm looking for anything interesting really don't really care about subjects just a good read

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member

Some crazy shit is going to happen here soon...

from the comments

Paul Krugman, LOL!
what else are you going to claim now?

You are one clueless Keynesian economist, nobel prize became a joke after you award and Obama's...

This whole democratic establishment beginning with Clinton and Summers who deregulated banks and get China into WTO, and created this crisis in the first place should be paying for it. Instead you got Obama to bail out the bankers......

How can you have people still voting for you guys? Oh yeah, make everyone on the other side a racist so that you get the full "clueless" vote in this country, sadly thats enough to win the presidency these days.

Obama bailed out the banks, Obama was president during 911, etc

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator

Some crazy shit is going to happen here soon...

from the comments

Paul Krugman, LOL!
what else are you going to claim now?

You are one clueless Keynesian economist, nobel prize became a joke after you award and Obama's...

This whole democratic establishment beginning with Clinton and Summers who deregulated banks and get China into WTO, and created this crisis in the first place should be paying for it. Instead you got Obama to bail out the bankers......

How can you have people still voting for you guys? Oh yeah, make everyone on the other side a racist so that you get the full "clueless" vote in this country, sadly thats enough to win the presidency these days.

Obama bailed out the banks, Obama was president during 911, etc

Alternate ending: money is eliminated altogether and everything once done for money is done for love. No more hoarding, no more rich and poor, no more starving children, no more insurance companies. Property becomes the servant of humanity, not its master. The evolution of life proceeds.
"... The modern theory of the perpetuation of debt has drenched the earth with blood, and crushed its inhabitants under burdens ever accumulating." -Thomas Jefferson

Well yeah, I mean that sounds equally likely to happen.

Human Snorenado

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Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
As a youngish urban black man, Obama should have been more in tune with the DL culture.


  • Senior Member
I'm going to flat out say that if you support your rights, but not the rights of all people from different backgrounds, you are a coward.

Fine. Make homosexual marriage and gays serving in the military illegal.

But along with it, let's reimplement Jim Crow and slavery of blacks.

While we're on the subject, reintroduce camps for the Japanese and have Chinese people work in deathly conditions for national expansion. Take away ALL women's rights.


Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Yup, I'm hearing more and more anecdotal stories about family or friends being very upset with Obama's decision. It sounds like most will be voting, but we'll see.