Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1880796 times)

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Check this out PD



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I really hope this doesn't cost Obama re-election.  Depends on how hateful the country is and unfortunately, parts of the country are still very hateful :\


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It won't. Romney is the competition, remember.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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It won't. Romney is the competition, remember.

Romney isn't the competition imo, the economy is; he's such a weak candidate. If it continues to improve, he'll win. If it stagnates or Europe blows up, he'll probably lose.

When you look at black unemployment rates and the loss of income over the last four years, I don't think black people are looking at Obama as being a success - but overall they give him the benefit of the doubt while pointing out that republicans refuse to work with him, he inherited a mess, etc. Blacks took a similar position on Clinton in his first term but it worked out in the end.

That being said, I expect AA turnout to be down in November. And the youth vote will lower too.

Human Snorenado

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I think the economy can stagnate and he'll still win pretty easily.  It's only if it really gets worse that he's in danger of losing.  You just don't poll like Romney's been consistently polling in the states that matter and come back to win unless there's something big that happens.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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Obama will win pretty easily - the biggest topic will be the economy.  Sure, not everyone is happy with how he has done things but it will be very difficult for Romney to prove that he can do it better.

The gay marriage thing will subside and not even matter in the long run, just like the killing of Bin Laden.  Come October, nobody will give a shit about either one of those two, it will come down to who will be more likely to get me a better paying job.

Buttplugs in the shape of republican candidate polling data.

 :lol :lol :lol

I want a Santorum.


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Buttplugs in the shape of republican candidate polling data.

 :lol :lol :lol

I want a Santorum.



  • Nylonhilist
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It won't. Romney is the competition, remember.

Romney isn't the competition imo, the economy is; he's such a weak candidate.

Really? Are you sure? I heard he might just be running a perfect campaign so far.

Joe Molotov

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Birther-mania takes an unexpected turn: it seems Obama's dad wasn't Kenyan, he was actually an American communinst who knocked up his mom and ran off, so his undercover CIA agent grandfather paid off Obama Sr. to marry his daughter.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Are you sure it's not something that is meant to troll birthers?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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It won't. Romney is the competition, remember.

Romney isn't the competition imo, the economy is; he's such a weak candidate.

Really? Are you sure? I heard he might just be running a perfect campaign so far.
I see you aren't familiar with how things work here vs there :teehee

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
It won't. Romney is the competition, remember.

Romney isn't the competition imo, the economy is; he's such a weak candidate.

Really? Are you sure? I heard he might just be running a perfect campaign so far.



  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
It won't. Romney is the competition, remember.

Romney isn't the competition imo, the economy is; he's such a weak candidate.

Really? Are you sure? I heard he might just be running a perfect campaign so far.


Apparently PD made a avatar bet, with somebody on neogaf, that Romney would win. He likes to troll a lot.


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Apparently PD made a avatar bet, with somebody on neogaf, that Romney would win. He likes to troll a lot.

Is that where the loser has to watch Avatar?


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So apparently Romney actually said this, and not a someone who was trying to parody him:

Uh, I'm actually going to to, I'm not familiar precisely with exactly what I said, but I stand by what I said, whatever it was. And with regards to, uh, I'll go back and take at what was said there.


  • Senior Member
So here was a telling exchange that happened on Bill Maher's show yesterday:

Basically, Maher called Romney out on his bullshit for saying Obama added more to the deficit than all the other presidents combined. He then sought a defense from the resident right wing hack, and she simply refused to acknowledge it, even after repeated prodding by Maher. In fact, she just sat there being completely silent.  It's truly breathtaking in a way.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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It's not already legal?


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Sure sounds great

Why do people always think that Obama is behind whatever hair-brained scheme a couple of idiot congressmen throw together?


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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He is the new satan. Omnipresent and only full of ill will.


  • Member

Sure sounds great

Why do people always think that Obama is behind whatever hair-brained scheme a couple of idiot congressmen throw together?

Huh? I didn't see any mention of Obama when I read that?

Comments feed.


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Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Gay people must be reproducing somehow though, otherwise why do we keep having all these gay people? We need to put our top men on this. And our bottom men.


  • Senior Member

Ever since Obama threw down his support for same sex marriage, NAACP, and Colin Powell have thrown in their support. AND there is a surge of black support. Maryland? 59% of blacks were against gay marriage before the announcement, with 30-40% for it give or take (I don't remember the exact number from the article in question and I can't find it right now). Ever since the announcement, those numbers have FLIPPED.

OBAMA :bow


  • Murdered in the digital realm
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Let's get ready for a second Nobel peace prize :smug

Human Snorenado

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What I love about the crazy pastor's plan is that he wants to put the queers AND the homosexuals in this fenced off concentration camp.


  • Senior Member
He's talking about bi people or cross dressers I'm guessing.


  • Senior Member
found it!

Yeah, I had the numbers off, but I was close!

The movement over the last two months can be explained almost entirely by a major shift in opinion about same-sex marriage among black voters. Previously 56 percent said they would vote against the new law with only 39 percent planning to uphold it. Those numbers have now almost completely flipped, with 55 percent of African Americans planning to vote for the law and only 36 percent now opposed.

:bow OBAMA :bow2

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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That is very impressive to me. From an outsiders point of view, there seems to be a lot of homophobia in the black community.

It's a complicated issue, a lot of black people are deeply religious so are socially conservative despite being democrats, and a lot of them are really skeptical of gay people claiming discrimination due to the civil rights era stuff that they (or their parents/grandparents) had to endure.


  • Senior Member

Ever since Obama threw down his support for same sex marriage, NAACP, and Colin Powell have thrown in their support. AND there is a surge of black support. Maryland? 59% of blacks were against gay marriage before the announcement, with 30-40% for it give or take (I don't remember the exact number from the article in question and I can't find it right now). Ever since the announcement, those numbers have FLIPPED.

OBAMA :bow

That's awesome.  Nice to see some positive change happening.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Yea, the response to Obama's announcement has been amazing. Really show the power a president wields isn't just in foreign affairs, nor limited by congress, but in influence and the ability to change the public narrative


  • Banana Grabber
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mah nicca prez  :american

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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Da fuuuuuuucccccc


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For everyone, but I think PD will get a special kick out of this:

National Review cover story explaining that the GOP is the real civil rights party.

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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For everyone, but I think PD will get a special kick out of this:

National Review cover story explaining that the GOP is the real civil rights party.

Control + F "William F. Buckley"

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Positive Touch

  • Woo Papa
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:lol good god, it's like he doesnt even realize the last 40 years happened

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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In my case, I half wanted to Control + F "1968" but pretty much guessed what the spin would be right away. It's the typical conservative attempt to deny what Nixon's law and order/states' rights rhetoric was actually about, while also pulling the Robert Byrd/dixiecrat card on modern democrats. The article basically denies the existence of the Southern Strategy.

There's no question that the republican party was traditionally more progressive on civil rights than the democratic party. But the definition of republicans and democrats has changed so drastically over the last 60-70 years that current political sides cannot automatically claim the mantle of past political sides based purely on party affiliation. The democrat party originally championed low taxes, reduced government power, low regulation, and states' rights. Many southern democrats began shifting to the republican party starting in the 1930s. What a coincidence.

Let's face it: race and racism dominated the southern economy for more than a hundred years; we fought a civil war over that shit if I remember correctly. The republican party's embrace of states' rights secured half of the south in 1968 and all of it in 1972, and since then the party has championed many policies that once were championed by dixiecrats and segregationists.


  • you might think that; I couldn't possibly comment
  • Senior Member
:bow Control-F :bow2


  • Senior Member
Jon Chait had a pretty sweet take down of that article:

To the extent that the spirit of the all-white, pro-states' rights, rigidly “Constitutionalist” southern Democrats exists at all today, Williamson locates it not in the nearly all-white, pro-states' rights, rigidly “Constitutionalist” southern Republicans, but rather in the current Democratic Party. This is possibly the most mind-boggling claim in Williamson’s essay:

   " Democrats who argue that the best policies for black Americans are those that are soft on crime and generous with welfare are engaged in much the same sort of cynical racial calculation President Johnson was practicing when he informed skeptical southern governors that his plan for the Great Society was “to have them distinguished black fellows voting Democratic for the next two hundred years.” Johnson’s crude racism is, happily, largely a relic of the past, but his strategy endures. "

The strategy of crude Democratic racism endures! That this strategy has sucked in more than 90 percent of the black electorate, and is currently being executed at the highest level by Barack Obama (who — at this point, it may be necessary to inform Williamson — is black) suggests a mind-blowing level of false consciousness at work among the African-American community.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Jon Chait had a pretty sweet take down of that article:

To the extent that the spirit of the all-white, pro-states' rights, rigidly “Constitutionalist” southern Democrats exists at all today, Williamson locates it not in the nearly all-white, pro-states' rights, rigidly “Constitutionalist” southern Republicans, but rather in the current Democratic Party. This is possibly the most mind-boggling claim in Williamson’s essay:

   " Democrats who argue that the best policies for black Americans are those that are soft on crime and generous with welfare are engaged in much the same sort of cynical racial calculation President Johnson was practicing when he informed skeptical southern governors that his plan for the Great Society was “to have them distinguished black fellows voting Democratic for the next two hundred years.” Johnson’s crude racism is, happily, largely a relic of the past, but his strategy endures. "

The strategy of crude Democratic racism endures! That this strategy has sucked in more than 90 percent of the black electorate, and is currently being executed at the highest level by Barack Obama (who — at this point, it may be necessary to inform Williamson — is black) suggests a mind-blowing level of false consciousness at work among the African-American community.


Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
I'm not even sure why they would even try to argue that with a straight face.  Then I read some of what Republicans were doing a century ago and I'm shocked:

The Wisconsin Idea, in United States History, also refers to a series of political reforms of the late 19th century and early 20th century whose strongest advocate was Robert M. La Follette, Sr., Wisconsin's governor (1901–1906) and senator (1906–1925). The Wisconsin Idea was created by the state's progressives to do away with monopolies, trusts, high costs of living, and predatory wealth, which they saw as the problem that must be solved or else "no advancement of human welfare or progress can take place."[4] Reforms in labor and worker's rights were one of the major aspects of the Wisconsin Idea.

The Wisconsin Idea is the political philosophy developed in the American state of Wisconsin that fosters public universities' contributions to the state: "to the government in the forms of serving in office, offering advice about public policy, providing information and exercising technical skill, and to the citizens in the forms of doing research directed at solving problems that are important to the state and conducting outreach activities."[1] A second facet of the philosophy is the effort "to ensure well-constructed legislation aimed at benefiting the greatest number of people."[2] During the Progressive Era, proponents of the Wisconsin Idea saw the state as "the laboratory for democracy", resulting in legislation that served as a model for other states and the federal government.[2]

If any Midwestern Republican was talking like what they did a century ago, they wouldn't even get a margin of error results in the 2012 primaries.

Human Snorenado

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The labor movement of around 100 years ago was no joke, people were getting the shit beaten out of them or killed just so they didn't have to work 16 hour days for shitty pay in unsafe conditions.  Of course, all that gets whitewashed and skipped over when history's getting taught; instead you read about a couple of anarchists that blew shit up or killed people and nothing about the labor movement. 

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
On that subject: Teddy Roosevelt. It's interesting to read up on what he was doing, and trying to do, around and just after the turn of the century, bearing in mind that he was a Republican PRESIDENT.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
On that subject: Teddy Roosevelt. It's interesting to read up on what he was doing, and trying to do, around and just after the turn of the century, bearing in mind that he was a Republican PRESIDENT.

Yup that's what I'm talkin bout. By today's standards Teddy would be a democrat - hell, he'd be called a socialist.

And he palled around with Booker T Washington :piss2


  • Senior Member
Teddy was a major tree hugger, was a trust buster, advocated for a progressive income tax and was the first president to speak of the idea of UHC. Dude was the original Joseph Stalin.  :ussrcry

On that subject: Teddy Roosevelt. It's interesting to read up on what he was doing, and trying to do, around and just after the turn of the century, bearing in mind that he was a Republican PRESIDENT.

Yup that's what I'm talkin bout. By today's standards Teddy would be a democrat - hell, he'd be called a socialist.

And he palled around with Booker T Washington :piss2

EVERY Republican president prior to dubya did at the very least 3 major things that would have them labeled as such.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2012, 01:34:55 AM by Oblivion »


  • Senior Member
Teddy :heart my favorite president :heart

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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Speaking of Republicans then vs. now, here's a decent read:


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  • Senior Member
Dear lord they just can't say we don't like distinguished black fellows. All this skirting round the issue.

Even better they push forward brown and black conservatives to spread the message.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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We (Americans) have a dream from our forefathers. Obama has a dream from his father. I see what you did there

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Holy crap, check out what zany libertardianism Rand Paul's been getting up lately. :lol

Damn jackbooted FDA thugs denying our constitutional right to sell milk straight out the cow and get raped by greedy corporations' false advertising. :usacry

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
Shut up, Rand Paul.


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Hippies like their raw milk, let em have it. I mean, if you're stupid enough not to realize the dangers of it, or to ignore them, it's your own damn fault if you get sick
until these idiots flood the justice system with lawsuits and the state foots the bill when they end up in the ER.  Oh and when they give it to their children. Oh and when they decide to start marketing it to the masses as "natural". Or when a bunch of other fringe idiots decide that they want their dangerousand unsanitary foods too. Its a can of worms I'd rather keep a lid on.


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