Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1879036 times)

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Human Snorenado

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It's like the media is a cat, and unable to resist the catnip.

Of course, in this instance the cat is distinguished mentally-challenged and the catnip is a festering pile of shit, but yeah.


  • Senior Member
cast my ballot at the texas primary


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So Mittens apparently said recently that the government added 145k workers after Obama took office. Anyone know where he's getting these numbers?

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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It's like the media is a cat, and unable to resist the catnip.

Of course, in this instance the cat is distinguished mentally-challenged and the catnip is a festering pile of shit, but yeah.

At least Wolf told him to his face he was an idiot, but yeah I wish we could stop talking about this like it was a real issue. Might as well give some 9/11 truthers some airtime, or let the people that think Obama is a reptilian have their fair say.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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It's like the media is a cat, and unable to resist the catnip.

Of course, in this instance the cat is distinguished mentally-challenged and the catnip is a festering pile of shit, but yeah.

This is an election year for what will be probably one of the most boring races we've seen since 1996.  The media is going to be ginning up a lot of controversies this year to try to make it as interesting as possible.

Coming up next: Jeremiah Wright, "Chicago Politics," and Bill Ayers.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2012, 09:50:07 PM by The Experiment »


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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Pete Hoekstra Defends Birther Commission Proposal

This is the same guy who ran that racist yellow scare ad during the Super Bowl. Thank god his campaign has basically imploded since then


  • Senior Member
I was waiting for Romney to try this line of defense. He's now claiming that it's unfair to attack him for his job creation record in Mass. because he "inherited" a bad economy. Seriously, you can't make this shit up:

Governor Romney Inherited An Economy That Was Losing Jobs Each Month And Left Office With An Economy That Was Adding Jobs Each Month. After taking office at a time when the state was losing thousands of jobs every month, Governor Romney’s focus on fiscal responsibility helped create an environment where job growth returned to Massachusetts. Job growth increased throughout his term and the state added over 40,000 payroll jobs during his final year in office —the best year of job growth in Massachusetts over the past decade. Household employment grew by nearly 50,000 under Governor Romney and the unemployment rate declined to well under 5%.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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I really don't see the point in attacking Romney's jobs record in Massachusetts. Their unemployment rate was around 4.2-4.5% throughout Romney's term, why is it surprising the state wasn't adding jobs with such a low UE rate?

Same thing with the liberal attacks on Scott Walker to a lesser extent. Wisconsin has one of the lowest UE rates in the country and is doing well


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
I really don't see the point in attacking Romney's jobs record in Massachusetts. Their unemployment rate was around 4.2-4.5% throughout Romney's term, why is it surprising the state wasn't adding jobs with such a low UE rate?

Same thing with the liberal attacks on Scott Walker to a lesser extent. Wisconsin has one of the lowest UE rates in the country and is doing well

So Massachusetts would have been fine without Romney is what your saying?


  • Senior Member
All right, PD, that's enough out of you.  :wag

Hitler Stole My Potato

  • The Pelé of Anal
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Republicans found their next mentally unstable hero.


Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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A new conspiracy about Obama is afoot.  Get out your tinfoil hats, feggits  :hans1 :hans1 :hans1

It was explained that Narcisse had broken one of the traditional behavioural codes and was made into a ‘zombie’ as a punishment; when questioned, Narcisse told investigators that the sorcerer involved had ‘taken his soul’. [1] The instigator of the poisoning was alleged to be his brother, with whom he had quarreled over land.[2] After his apparent death and subsequent burial on May 2, 1962, his body was recovered and he was given a paste made from datura which at certain doses has a hallucinogenic effect and can cause memory loss. The bokor who recovered him then forced him, alongside others, to work on a sugar plantation until the master's death two years later. When the bokor died, and regular doses of the hallucinogen ceased, he eventually regained sanity (unlike others who had suffered brain damage from hypoxia while buried alive) and returned to his family after another 16 years, after finding his brother had died.[2]

Narcisse may also have ties to American President Barack Obama. One report suggested Narcisse and Obama are second cousins and such a relationship to a zombie should make Obama ineligible for the presidency. [3]

[3] linked to this article:

A fine patriot calling himself Norbert Davis had this to write in the comments:

Norbert Davis on June 2, 2012 at 11:35 am said:

I’m not going to say who told me, but a Hawaiian official who I know told me that Obama’s second cousin might be Clairius Narcisse, a man who was a Haitian zombie. That should disqualify him from being president.

Edit: I stumbled across this shocking new find when looking up jimson weed and bath salts on Wikipedia.  I hope Norbert Davis is fine and isn't in some holding cell in a secret CIA prison now :'(
« Last Edit: June 02, 2012, 09:24:23 PM by The Experiment »


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
  • Senior Member
A friend of Obama's mom had a goat that was a known satan worshiper.

Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
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Teddy was a major tree hugger, was a trust buster, advocated for a progressive income tax and was the first president to speak of the idea of UHC. Dude was the original Joseph Stalin.  :ussrcry

On that subject: Teddy Roosevelt. It's interesting to read up on what he was doing, and trying to do, around and just after the turn of the century, bearing in mind that he was a Republican PRESIDENT.

Yup that's what I'm talkin bout. By today's standards Teddy would be a democrat - hell, he'd be called a socialist.

And he palled around with Booker T Washington :piss2

EVERY Republican president prior to dubya did at the very least 3 major things that would have them labeled as such.

It was Reagan and the neocons that turned the Republicans into fuckers who don't even pander to the liberals in order to retain their presidency. Even Nixon set up/supported shit like the EPA, Clear Air act and OSHA. Republicans since have just pandered solely to the base and or crazy warhawkish zealots.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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Reagan raised income tax rates.

I think the breaking point was the 1994 GOP Revolution and the Contract with America.  After that, it has been more or less a dead set sprint to the right.

Shadow Mod

  • It was Tuesday
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Reagan raised income tax rates.

I think the breaking point was the 1994 GOP Revolution and the Contract with America.  After that, it has been more or less a dead set sprint to the right.

True. I just can't get over the War on Drugs, the "AIDS" is a gay disease and Reaganomics. Shit that still plagues us today.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
Reagan raised income tax rates.

I think the breaking point was the 1994 GOP Revolution and the Contract with America.  After that, it has been more or less a dead set sprint to the right.

True. I just can't get over the War on Drugs, the "AIDS" is a gay disease and Reaganomics. Shit that still plagues us today.

I agree with you but on occasion, he would change the course if something wasn't going to work out the way it is planned; these days, the GOP just keeps doubling down as a solution.


  • Member
Norbert Davis on June 2, 2012 at 11:35 am said:

I’m not going to say who told me, but a Hawaiian official who I know told me that Obama’s second cousin might be Clairius Narcisse, a man who was a Haitian zombie. That should disqualify him from being president.

Ah yes, the old "Not-allowed-to-be-related-to-a-haitian-zombie" clause.


  • Senior Member
Reagan raised income tax rates.

And gave amnesty to 3 million illegals, actually endorsed a world without nukes, and tripled the debt (not that this last one is anything that Republicans actually give a shit about, but it's fun to point out).

I think the breaking point was the 1994 GOP Revolution and the Contract with America.  After that, it has been more or less a dead set sprint to the right.

It didn't help that Clinton seemed to be a huge fan of "triangulation" and giving into the GOP's demands almost gleefully.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator

Is there any country Obama isn't a citizen of? Triple citizen of the US, UK, and Keyna, truly a man of the world. :bow2


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Break up the CIA. A pack of rednecks can obviously do a better job.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Sounds like Walker survived the recall in Wisconsin. Great job, Wisconsin dems. Instead of waiting for November, you blew your load early with a ridiculous summer recall. Whoops  :lol

Walker is basically Republican Jesus now


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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damn, I guess hotlinking to that site isn't allowed
« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 01:11:39 AM by The Experiment »


  • Hail Hydra
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(Image removed from quote.)

So true, I was exposed to second hand gay and now I'm bisexual. :(

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member

I didn't realize creationism was so big in South Korea.


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
That was talked about in a GAF thread. Apparently, evangelical christians are really well organized and active over there.

I wonder how this will affect their global high school science rankings.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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StarCraft and Jesus. Potent mix


  • Nylonhilist
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  • Senior Member

I didn't realize creationism was so big in South Korea.

That is...surprising and amazingly depressing.

Doesn't SK have the best ranked education system in the world?


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Curt Schilling's embattled 38 Studios has declared bankruptcy, as Rhode Island and federal authorities open an investigation into how the company handled its finances.

WPRI reports the state police, attorney general's office, U.S. Attorney's office and the FBI will investigate 38 Studios, "both the money that came from the state as well as the money that came from Bank Rhode Island." The Providence Journal confirmed the bankruptcy this afternoon.

Beyond the controversial tax-payer backed loan of $75 million to 38 Studios, the Bank Rhode Island reportedly loaned the developer $8.5 million earlier this year against tax credits that haven't materialized.

For reference:

:bow the free market :bow2

Curt Schilling's a true American patriot/hero. :usacry

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
  • Administrator
Curt Schilling's embattled 38 Studios has declared bankruptcy, as Rhode Island and federal authorities open an investigation into how the company handled its finances.

WPRI reports the state police, attorney general's office, U.S. Attorney's office and the FBI will investigate 38 Studios, "both the money that came from the state as well as the money that came from Bank Rhode Island." The Providence Journal confirmed the bankruptcy this afternoon.

Beyond the controversial tax-payer backed loan of $75 million to 38 Studios, the Bank Rhode Island reportedly loaned the developer $8.5 million earlier this year against tax credits that haven't materialized.

For reference:

:bow the free market :bow2

Curt Schilling's a true American patriot/hero. :usacry

Yeah, he's also been quoted as saying: "If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation. A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him."

I guess it's only foodstamps that are considered handouts, $75 Million in tax payer money is serious boot-strap pulling.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
Which is funny because Kingdoms of Amalur looked like derivative, boring shit and the reviews seem to reflect that.  Such money pissed away on a paint by number westaboo WRPG.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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They brought in R.A. Salvatore and Todd Macfarlane, to head up story/world creation and art design respectively. None of that is remotely reflected in the finished product. Now, maybe I'm giving those guys too much credit here, but I would at least expect to get something remotely unique and interesting from them. Instead the art is typical Tolkien-inspired fantasy through and through and the story, characters, and world are utterly forgettable. They could have hired some art and English majors straight out of college and I would expect the finished product to be no different. Apparently R.A. Salvatore is owed 5 MILLION dollars for his work [including royalties from the actual sale of the game, which he'll never get]. Aside from the more action-based combat [which isn't half bad], there is absolutely nothing to distinguish Amalur from any other fantasy MMO out there, except that it's single-player.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
They also paid Day9 and Felicia Day to stream the game, talk about how awesome it was etc. Funny stuff


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
Isn't Felicia Day a recovering mmo addict? That's like putting an alcoholic in your beer ad.

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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Hideous $3999.95 Painting of Andrew Breitbart Actually Swiped from Video Game
by Wonkette Jr.

So, you know that painting by David Bugnon of Dead Guy Andrew Breitbart as a Teutonic Knight in Heaven, ready to take on commies, liberal scumbags, and innocent Department of Agriculture employees from beyond the grave? You know, the painting that one actual professional art critic called a “masterpiece of Outsider art, a veritable holocaust-tsunami of bad taste?” The painting that Patriot Depot is selling reproductions of for the bargain price of a mere $3999.95 for a limited-edition 36″ x 48″ giclee on canvas? The painting which The Patriot Update bravely calls, “The Painting Obama Fears?” Yeah, it’s not so much a painting as a Photoshop mashup of a stock photo of Andrew Breitbart and a character from the copyrighted computer game Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, with a pretty sunset-and-clouds background that probably also came from some stock photo website — no doubt somebody will find that soon, too. (NOW WITH UPDATE BELOW!)
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 02:10:18 AM by Mamacint »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
(Image removed from quote.)

Hideous $3999.95 Painting of Andrew Breitbart Actually Swiped from Video Game
by Wonkette Jr.

So, you know that painting by David Bugnon of Dead Guy Andrew Breitbart as a Teutonic Knight in Heaven, ready to take on commies, liberal scumbags, and innocent Department of Agriculture employees from beyond the grave? You know, the painting that one actual professional art critic called a “masterpiece of Outsider art, a veritable holocaust-tsunami of bad taste?” The painting that Patriot Depot is selling reproductions of for the bargain price of a mere $3999.95 for a limited-edition 36″ x 48″ giclee on canvas? The painting which The Patriot Update bravely calls, “The Painting Obama Fears?” Yeah, it’s not so much a painting as a Photoshop mashup of a stock photo of Andrew Breitbart and a character from the copyrighted computer game Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, with a pretty sunset-and-clouds background that probably also came from some stock photo website — no doubt somebody will find that soon, too. (NOW WITH UPDATE BELOW!)


Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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:lol :lol :lol

It’s been a rough day for the Republican National Committee’s Latino outreach website.

On Thursday afternoon, the RNC had to hastily take down the site’s banner, which featured a picture of Asian children, replacing it with an all-caps headline “HISPANIC LATINO STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS.”

But other features of the site aren’t working quite as planned, either. The main page features a straw poll asking visitors whether they’re disappointed with President Obama, a talking point Republicans have been pushing as part of their outreach effort. As of Thursday evening, however, Obama was winning the unscientific survey 55 percent to 45 percent — highly unusual on a partisan website.

In another broken feature, the site’s info page, in English “Who Are We?”, is left entirely blank.

If Obama wins, it will be because African-Americans turn out in large numbers and because of shit like this in regards to Latinos.

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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In another broken feature, the site’s info page, in English “Who Are We?”, is left entirely blank.

Oh man, someone on Romneys team has been reading their Sartre!  This is probably a bid for the highly sought after philosophy major vote.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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The Obama administration announced Friday it will stop deporting illegal immigrants who come to the country at a young age.

The politically charged decision comes as Obama faces a tough reelection fight against Republican Mitt Romney, with Hispanic voters in swing states seen as a key bloc.

The change in policy could allow as many as 800,000 immigrants who came to the United States illegally not only to remain in the country without fear of being deported, but to work legally, according to a senior administration official speaking to reporters Friday.

Obama is set to make a statement at 1:15 p.m. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced the new policy Friday morning.
Another cheers to Obama. Though I do have concerns about it being an executive order, but aren't surprised about going that route since modern process demands it. It's a good thing overall.

Not sure about it as a political move though. This is maybe the biggest long-standing issue with what were once called the Reagan Democrats. Bush couldn't enact immigration reforms with a Democratic Congress despite initial bipartisan agreement because of the uproar across cleavages.

Being a Friday announcement kinda makes note of that.


  • Icon
It's also one of the few issues where grassroots sentiment seems to overwhelm special interest lobbying.  The backlash in 2007 was definitely from the ground up.

I think it's really shitty (if neither new nor uniquely American) the way so many people view immigrants as threats and parasites.  But waddyagonnadoaboutit.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
IIRC, that backlash was larger than even what TARP or PPACA got.

I actually consider that uprising to be a sort of probing of what would become the Tea Party. The GOP was basically on board, but non-establishment conservative blogs and groups helped fire up their troops against it.

And it helped Blue Dogs as they were able to be against that and stand with the unions.

I did one of my terminal papers on the 1924 immigration debates in Congress vs. the then immigration "debate" and it was funny but not surprising at how the arguments have never changed. Only back then you got the worst arguments right there on the floor of the House and Senate.

One of the issues I have with aspects of the libertarian family is the segment that argues basically "but THESE PEOPLE come from Socialist nations, and you want them here?!?!?" The notion that they might be trying to escape such a situation (or another like what the drug war has brought about) doesn't matter since they're brown.

Oddly, the Rand cult seems to lean quite a bit in that direction. And she came from one of the worst Socialist nations.

But nobody cares so I'll shut up.

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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This move kind of paints Romney in to a corner doesn't it?  I mean Obama is essentially adopting a watered-down DREAM act here.  What response does Romney put out that doesn't alienate the Latino base? 


  • Icon
I've met a lot of immigrants who were pretty pro-capitalism, which isn't surprising cause they chose to move here.  It's all identity politix anyways.  The GOP's problem winning over immigrants and minorities always has less to do with individual issues and more to do with people knowing when they're not wanted.

I wonder whether this will really hurt the Republican party in the long-run, or whether third-generation latinos with suburban American accents will be considered "white" and we'll just find some other group to blame everything on.


  • your bright ideas always burn me
  • Senior Member
This move kind of paints Romney in to a corner doesn't it?  I mean Obama is essentially adopting a watered-down DREAM act here.  What response does Romney put out that doesn't alienate the Latino base?
The question is whether it gets more votes from Hispanics than it loses to blue-collar whites.

And in most every instance of polling I've seen, Hispanics who are Americans or are here legally are not all that favorable of illegal immigrants. They're often seen as "cheating" basically.
I've met a lot of immigrants who were pretty pro-capitalism, which isn't surprising cause they chose to move here.  It's all identity politix anyways.  The GOP's problem winning over immigrants and minorities always has less to do with individual issues and more to do with people knowing when they're not wanted.

I wonder whether this will really hurt the Republican party in the long-run, or whether third-generation latinos with suburban American accents will be considered "white" and we'll just find some other group to blame everything on.
Yeah, it is interesting on a theoretical level in regards to how immigrants are generally pro-America, pro-capitalism, etc. And then you have blacks who tend to be socially conservative, increasingly pro-school choice, etc. Yet Republicans struggle to make inroads with them.

There is a strong hold on the party from that class that Santorum/Huckabee represented. Quite religious and socially conservative, protectionist, AMERICA FIRST, etc. It's maybe the dominant cleavage of American politics and within a single party it can really throw its weight around. It may be the only bloc in American politics that is consistently engaged.

I think it was The Right Nation that documented the development of how this segment of the population has done its own "long march through the institutions" but more targeted thus giving it outsized political power.

Republicans aren't prone to the group splinter between factions that Democrats are, they align and have aligned into those three or four core ideological blocs for really 50 years now. I saw an interesting thought experiment, maybe from Kaus, about if the Democrats are actually the party "in trouble" because of a possible war between its factions. Specifically when the social welfare state comes up against the public sector unions over division of the spoils.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Very curious to see how Romney responds to this


  • your bright ideas always burn me
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Drudge is claiming it's the same as Rubio's proposal.

Also, that Sheriff Joe is shockingly against it:


  • ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー
  • Senior Member

I didn't realize creationism was so big in South Korea.

I'm not too surprised, seems like every single Protestant church here has a sign in hangul as well. And I'm not talking about just in Flushing, it's pretty much all over the island too.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
In many ways it is Rubio's Dream Act, which will make the freak out even more hilarious. I would have preferred for Obama to announce support for Rubio's plan, thus causing it to go up in flames, then enact this DHS initiative (it's not technically an executive order).

And in a case of bad timing, apparently the GOP took down that Hispanic outreach site this morning lmao

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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The GOP will eventually make the move to bring more Hispanics in.  I doubt the Koch Brothers gives two shits about immigration and far more about deregulation and lower taxes.  The pressure to make the shift is going to have to be from religious leaders and economic conservatives.  There will be a time when they will have to set things straight with the anti-immigration set without it blowing up into a fiasco.  As much as I like the idea of the GOP going down the white resentment ship (who are dying off as we speak), the GOP is a major political party whose key tenets are more economic conservatism and blowing up brownskins in the Middle East.  They will make a serious stab at bringing these people into their party.

It won't be this year or 2016.  Probably when Texas is considered a swing state will there be a call to action.  Then it's time to bring this guy in:

« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 02:10:40 PM by The Experiment »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
Drudge is claiming it's the same as Rubio's proposal.

Also, that Sheriff Joe is shockingly against it:

Good policy and destroys Rubio's political viability. Two birds one stone

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
  • Global Moderator
It won't be this year or 2016.  Probably when Texas is considered a swing state will there be a call to action.  Then it's time to bring this guy in:

(Image removed from quote.)

Ben Affleck?

I didn't realize creationism was so big in South Korea.

I'm not too surprised, seems like every single Protestant church here has a sign in hangul as well. And I'm not talking about just in Flushing, it's pretty much all over the island too.

The current president is also Christian, so that's probably helping the movment in South Korea.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
It won't be this year or 2016.  Probably when Texas is considered a swing state will there be a call to action.  Then it's time to bring this guy in:

(Image removed from quote.)

Ben Affleck?

The Prince Who Was Promised, George Prescott Bush