Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1880431 times)

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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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for JayDubya


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Why did everyone start laughing when Ryan started talking about "personalizing" SS?

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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for JayDubya

The amount of Ayn Rand worshiping in that video is horrifying.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Put your hand on the floor of your room. Feel that? It's the collective throbbing of Mandark, Triumph, and Prole's hate boners from miles away

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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I think Ryan will destroy Biden in a debate, but I am curious to see how old people react to that debate. Ryan will probably remind old people of their snotty libertarian grand kid who claims Medicare is unconstitutional

Human Snorenado

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You're nuts; whenever Ryan is faced with someone who isn't tripping over themselves to tell him how smart, courageous, brave and gosh darned SERIOUS he his for his pure awesomeness, rugged good looks and principled stand in wanting to use magic and pig entrails to create a budget, he gets bitchy and defensive about how shit works.  Biden gets a bad rap- he's kind of a lunatic, potentially senile, and looked like a putz in his debate with Palin, but that was because HE COULDN'T LAY INTO HER WITHOUT LOOKING LIKE A DICK.  Which no one would be impressed with.  He will be under absolutely NO such constraints when he faces off with Capt. Vouchers.  While I expect Ryan to hit Biden plenty, I also expect Biden to leave a smoldering crater where Ryan was standing because it's really goddamn easy when you start looking at the specifics of what he wants to do.


  • Senior Member
You're nuts; whenever Ryan is faced with someone who isn't tripping over themselves to tell him how smart, courageous, brave and gosh darned SERIOUS he his for his pure awesomeness, rugged good looks and principled stand in wanting to use magic and pig entrails to create a budget, he gets bitchy and defensive about how shit works.  Biden gets a bad rap- he's kind of a lunatic, potentially senile, and looked like a putz in his debate with Palin, but that was because HE COULDN'T LAY INTO HER WITHOUT LOOKING LIKE A DICK.  Which no one would be impressed with.  He will be under absolutely NO such constraints when he faces off with Capt. Vouchers.  While I expect Ryan to hit Biden plenty, I also expect Biden to leave a smoldering crater where Ryan was standing because it's really goddamn easy when you start looking at the specifics of what he wants to do.

Fo realz, yo.

Not sure if PD's just opinionatin' with his Halperin cap on, but (and I've said this a billion times) we need to stop looking at any GOPer that can talk and blink at the same time and declare that they're somehow "intellectuals".

And boy genius, Paul Ryan has lasted far too long with that inappropriate label, and I look forward to seeing Biden eviscerate him.

Also, it's been a long time since I've seen the prior VP debates, but Biden didn't have any major gaffes, did he? The only noteworthy thing about it was that Palin didn't throw up repeatedly every time it was her turn to speak.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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So Mittens is done for after this Ryan move, right? That's what I understood from Euro press.

The election day is less than three months so I wouldn't count on anything yet.  However, in spite of Romney outraising Obama in funding for the past couple of months, he's losing ground in most if not all of the swing states.  Tea party or not, "Main Street America" still despises Wall Street and to vote for a Wall Street guy is a tall order in this recession-depression.  Then add a VP pick who provided an extremely unpopular budget alternative a while back to boot.

Still, crazier things have happened and if there is another crash ala 2008 or something extremely damning about Obama (not an out of context quote about businesses), we'll be getting Romney.  While it is possible those two things could happen, it isn't very probable.

The real issue to me is how the Senate and Representatives will go.  If the Senate turns GOP majority, we'll have another two years of a do nothing government.


  • Nebuchadnezzar
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Gigantic wall of text rant at the state of south african politics

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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If the economy crashes it won't matter what Ryan has to say about Medicare: republicans will win a wave election. If this fall plays out like last fall, when we saw rather consistent six figure jobs growth, I think Obama wins barring a scandal or terrorist attack.

Last week I didn't think dems had a chance at winning back the house, but would keep the senate. Now, with Ryan on the ticket? I definitely think the house is in play big time.

If Obama wins a big election/dems take the house, they better shit can the filibuster in the senate - or at least heavily change it. I don't see republicans giving up and deciding to work with Obama even if he wins 49 states. They'll be gearing up for 2014 the minute after Obama is inaugurated. Shit can the filibuster, pass the Jobs Act. No more grand legislative attempts (immigration, energy, etc) until unemployment is under control.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Also, both T-Paw and the Newtster said that Mittens' and Ryan's lack of foreign policy experience is a GOOD thing.


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DWS is goddamned idiot. She's one of the dumbest democrats in a position of high power I've ever seen.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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I cannot stand her. I'm assuming she got the job as a favor/show of good faith to the Clinton camp. She's a hardcore Clintonite and the worst democrat surrogate.

In a logical world, Howard Dean would still be the DNC head

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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What happened to Dean? Did he piss off the wrong people or what?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Pretty much. Establishment democrats hate his guts; Rahm Emmanuel especially doesn't like him. Dude basically set the board for the 2006 and 2008 successes with his 50 state strategy, yet they still hated on him. What a shame.

spoiler (click to show/hide)
Dean got me into politics in 2003; before then I was just a kid angry about the Iraq war. Go ahead, laugh at me


  • Senior Member

I go off the grid for the weekend and this happens. Wow.


  • 🧘‍♂️
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Hahahaha!  :lol

Mitt is like, "What the fuck are you doing?"

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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You're off the ticket, son.



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Someone give DWS her own 24 hour TV network. All DWS all the time.

Wolf freaking Blitzer even makes her look foolish.

Oh and yeah, shocking that she suddenly realizes what she really knew all along.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Another gun nutter kills some people.

On a Facebook page purported to be by Caffall, three of the seven profile pictures are of rifles, three feature dogs and one shows a man in an image much like one distributed Monday night by the city of College Station. The writer indicates he is divorced and has a mother, sister and brother.

The page also includes a quote saying, "We are all capable of redemption, if we are willing to change," plus another he attributes to George Orwell stating, "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."

No comment on the bolded part.

Great Rumbler

  • Dab on the sinners
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Image of the shooter:


Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Hope & No Chains? Biden, if only you  could hide him in a closet with Debbie.


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Looks like the Tea Party is feeling neglected.


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Auto bailout cost now at $25 million.  In the 20th century there was no bailout cost.  Smart move Joe, get em to forget the realities of this century.  ;)


  • Estado Homo
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Auto bailout cost now at $25 million.  In the 20th century there was no bailout cost.  Smart move Joe, get em to forget the realities of this century.  ;)

I guess he shares Romney's concern over the Soviet threat, then.

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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Looks like the Tea Party is feeling neglected.

Thankfully atheists are above such things.


I fail to see your point, plus I think atheist groups like that are gigantic jackasses.

bdoughty's just mad that the one aimed at Obama didn't properly display his religion as Kenyan Muslimism.


  • Banana Grabber
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who the fuck is this clown


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bdoughty's just mad that the one aimed at Obama didn't properly display his religion as Kenyan Muslimism.

No I just find it amusing that Atheists and Liberals tend to shy away from attacking the Islam faith (there is plenty of good stuff to work with in the Qur'an). Has nothing to with Obama, just that it appears most are afraid they will get stuck on a list with Kurt Westergaard and having to build a safe room in their house.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Probably cuz we aren't dealing with bigotry and hate from teh muslimz.....


Eric P

  • I DESERVE the gold. I will GET the gold!
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i'm surprised you're not freaking out over the guy who walked into Family Research Council and tried to shoot up the place over their standing with chik-fil-a.


Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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bdoughty's just mad that the one aimed at Obama didn't properly display his religion as Kenyan Muslimism.

No I just find it amusing that Atheists and Liberals tend to shy away from attacking the Islam faith (there is plenty of good stuff to work with in the Qur'an). Has nothing to with Obama, just that it appears most are afraid they will get stuck on a list with Kurt Westergaard and having to build a safe room in their house.

From the article you posted:


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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That's just hearsay, Eric P. We need to not jump to conclusions and wait for the facts. /hannity


  • Estado Homo
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bdoughty's just mad that the one aimed at Obama didn't properly display his religion as Kenyan Muslimism.

No I just find it amusing that Atheists and Liberals tend to shy away from attacking the Islam faith (there is plenty of good stuff to work with in the Qur'an). Has nothing to with Obama, just that it appears most are afraid they will get stuck on a list with Kurt Westergaard and having to build a safe room in their house.

Where are all these Muslim politcians forcing Sharia law on America?


  • Member
Probably cuz we aren't dealing with bigotry and hate from teh muslimz.....

Define "we" for us. I am sure there was no hate involved in certain attacks on our country and on our soldiers in foreign lands.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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I thought we were talking about a billboard?  ???


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i'm surprised you're not freaking out over the guy who walked into Family Research Council and tried to shoot up the place over their standing with chik-fil-a.

Are the facts out?  Still waiting for more details myself. 


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Actually liberal feminist groups were trying to drum up support for women's rights in Afghanistan since well before 9/11, Human Rights Watch & Amnesty International report regularly on human rights violations in the Muslim world, etc.

Now you won't see as many American liberals bitching on message boards about Islam-driven politics as you'll see them bitching about Christianity-driven politics.  But that's cause in the US Christianity is easily the dominant religion and swings a big stick in politics, while Muslims are part of a half-accepted minority.

So while we have influential organized Christian political groups in the US trying to enforce their particular morals in gay marriage, abortion, stem cell research, foreign policy, anti-sharia panic, public school curriculums, birth control access, then showing up on message boards to whine and moan about being called bigots, what influence do Muslims have?  They can barely build their version of a YMCA without dealing with a PR shitstorm.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 05:48:55 PM by Mandark »


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what influence do Muslims have?  They can barely build their version of a YMCA without dealing with a PR shitstorm.

Yeah, it is that simple and the location has nothing to do with it. Muslims have plenty of influence in the areas that they heavily populate in the US.  Look at the legislation in certain states to fight against Sharia law creeping into the judicial system.

You can google Sharia Law, US, examples and there is plenty to look at.  Poor Disney had a set of simple dress requirements that one young Muslim must have looked at before signing up for a job as a server. Disney even tried to accommodate her, not good enough, lawsuit for you.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Looks like the Tea Party is feeling neglected.

the implication being that if voters do not get rid of said thread, someone else will have to? disgusting

Joe Molotov

  • I'm much more humble than you would understand.
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You can google Sharia Law, US, examples and there is plenty to look at. 

The first hit is this:

Very informative, thanks for the heads up!


  • Member
who the fuck is this clown

Must have skipped over this. I see the Neogaf posting etiquette in political/religious/homosexual topics for the left makes it way here. If thou does not agree he must be... A fucktard/bigot/racist/etc.


  • Murdered in the digital realm
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what influence do Muslims have?  They can barely build their version of a YMCA without dealing with a PR shitstorm.

Yeah, it is that simple and the location has nothing to do with it. Muslims have plenty of influence in the areas that they heavily populate in the US.  Look at the legislation in certain states to fight against Sharia law creeping into the judicial system.

You can google Sharia Law, US, examples and there is plenty to look at.  Poor Disney had a set of simple dress requirements that one young Muslim must have looked at before signing up for a job as a server. Disney even tried to accommodate her, not good enough, lawsuit for you.

that sounds terrible !!


  • Member

The first hit is this:

Very informative, thanks for the heads up!

Well if we all went on the first hit, we would all be batting 1.000. 


  • Estado Homo
  • Senior Member
who the fuck is this clown

Must have skipped over this. I see the Neogaf posting etiquette in political/religious/homosexual topics for the left makes it way here. If thou does not agree he must be... A fucktard/bigot/racist/etc.

I'll take option #1  :D

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Seems like there is a distinction between a gaffe and a mistake. Romney confusing Sikhs with Sheiks was a mistake for instance; I give him the benefit of the doubt there. Likewise, Biden accidentally saying we're in the 20th a mistake.

A gaffe is something like...oh Palin's entire VP performance.


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I'll take option #1  :D

But why limit yourself to just one option? It was not a multiple choice. 


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Seems like there is a distinction between a gaffe and a mistake. Romney confusing Sikhs with Sheiks was a mistake for instance; I give him the benefit of the doubt there. Likewise, Biden accidentally saying we're in the 20th a mistake.

A gaffe is something like...oh Palin's entire VP performance.

Biden is getting in Palin territory. In the same speech he did call congressman Ryan, Governor Ryan.  I think senility has set in.

I was all for listening to you, but then you brought in the "Sharia law is taking over America" bullshit.


  • Murdered in the digital realm
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Can fucktard/bigot be put into a venn diagram?


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what influence do Muslims have?  They can barely build their version of a YMCA without dealing with a PR shitstorm.

Yeah, it is that simple and the location has nothing to do with it. Muslims have plenty of influence in the areas that they heavily populate in the US.  Look at the legislation in certain states to fight against Sharia law creeping into the judicial system.

You can google Sharia Law, US, examples and there is plenty to look at.  Poor Disney had a set of simple dress requirements that one young Muslim must have looked at before signing up for a job as a server. Disney even tried to accommodate her, not good enough, lawsuit for you.

I don't need to google it.  I've been aware of the sharia panicmongering from folks like Pam Gellar and Glenn Beck for over a decade now.  I remember the freakouts about the crescent shape of the logo at a nuclear summit, the crescent shape of the Flight 93 memorial, and Rachel Ray's motherfucking scarf.

Sharia's not a threat to the legal system and legislation against it is only evidence of the political climate in those states.  Why do you think sharia's mostly legislated against in heavily Republican southern states rather than the Mid-Atlantic/Midwest states where Muslims are most concentrated?

Hell, everyone who screams about sharia doesn't even understand what it is, as evidenced by the Disney example.  Sharia includes a system for accommodating nonbelievers under Muslim rule.  The case you cited is the exact opposite: delineating how Muslims should be accommodated within a non-Muslim society.  FFS dude.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 09:02:41 PM by Mandark »