Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1878205 times)

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  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2520 on: March 12, 2009, 02:45:47 PM »


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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2521 on: March 12, 2009, 05:37:31 PM »
Are you saying you think women have the right to choose abortion?
Yeah. I mean, again, I think that’s an individual choice.

You do?
Yeah. Absolutely.

Are you saying you don’t want to overturn Roe v. Wade?
I think Roe v. Wade—as a legal matter, Roe v. Wade was a wrongly decided matter.

Okay, but if you overturn Roe v. Wade, how do women have the choice you just said they should have?
The states should make that choice. That’s what the choice is. The individual choice rests in the states. Let them decide.

 :S :wtf

Fresh Prince

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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2522 on: March 12, 2009, 06:16:15 PM »
i don't think that detracts from what he's saying.  I know a few post-communist immigrants  and they're really anti-government intervention because of how the 20th century political process operated in those parts of the world.

oddly, i know a fair few who really despise capitalism on account of how badly they botched the transition in the post-gorbachev years. capitalism has NOT been kind to russia and its former affiliated states.
It's not an issue with capitalism as such, more so the oligarchy that's been created by ex-government employees who've abused the system or more kindly knew how to use the system properly. It probably gives them nightmares about the Tsars and serfs. A case in point is when Russians were given I think 'shares' for power companies etc. People did not know what to do with them, some sold them for a few dollars, others I think even threw them out or used them as material for other goods but one particular government employee knew how to pool resources and eventually own the whole thing.   

Van Cruncheon

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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2524 on: March 12, 2009, 07:17:10 PM »
i don't think that detracts from what he's saying.  I know a few post-communist immigrants  and they're really anti-government intervention because of how the 20th century political process operated in those parts of the world.

oddly, i know a fair few who really despise capitalism on account of how badly they botched the transition in the post-gorbachev years. capitalism has NOT been kind to russia and its former affiliated states.
It's not an issue with capitalism as such, more so the oligarchy that's been created by ex-government employees who've abused the system or more kindly knew how to use the system properly. It probably gives them nightmares about the Tsars and serfs. A case in point is when Russians were given I think 'shares' for power companies etc. People did not know what to do with them, some sold them for a few dollars, others I think even threw them out or used them as material for other goods but one particular government employee knew how to pool resources and eventually own the whole thing.  

kinda like how they did with their ass-backwards implementation of socialism?

Positive Touch

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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2525 on: March 13, 2009, 12:35:07 AM »

jon stewart just destroyed jim cramer

cramer: i'm just out there trying to help warn and protect people

stewart: roll clip number XXX

*begin clip*

cramer:  it's so easy to game the system.  here's how I do it: blah blah blah.  here's how other people i know do it: blah blah blah. 

*end clip*

cramer: facepalm


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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2526 on: March 13, 2009, 01:38:18 AM »
Cramer was on Martha Stewart today. She had him stirring stuff.

Human Snorenado

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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2527 on: March 13, 2009, 03:17:40 AM »
Cramer was on Martha Stewart today. She had him stirring stuff.

Yeah, he probably should have called it a day there.


  • HastilyChosenUsername
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2528 on: March 13, 2009, 03:52:01 AM »
jon stewart just destroyed jim cramer
man, that was almost painful.  I could almost swear I heard Cramer's voice crack a few times in the interview.  I half expected him to cry.


  • captain of my capsized ship
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2529 on: March 14, 2009, 08:34:08 AM »
A Sellout of Our Unemployed
by  Patrick J. Buchanan

By the choices we make we define ourselves. We reveal our biases and beliefs. And so, too, do our institutions.

In writing the $789 billion stimulus bill, Congress revealed that, for all its "Buy American" blather, it does not truly put America first. It does not believe that 10 million jobless Americans, in the country their fathers built, should receive any preference in hiring 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens who broke into this country and owe her no loyalty, allegiance or love.

Is this a slur on the patriotism of some of our congressmen? You betcha.

What other conclusion can one reach after Congress refused to require that employers on construction projects, paid for by U.S. tax dollars in the stimulus bill, verify that their workers are Americans?

For that is precisely what Congress did.

The first paragraph of the front-page story in USA Today says it all. "Los Angeles -- Tens of thousands of jobs created by the economic stimulus law could end up filled by illegal immigrants, particularly in big states like California where undocumented workers are heavily represented in construction, experts on both sides of the issue say."

According to the Center for Immigration Studies, illegal aliens will take 300,000 of the 2 million construction jobs to be created by the stimulus bill. The CIS figure is based on Census Bureau estimates that 15 percent of all construction workers are illegal aliens or immigrants who are not authorized to work in the United States.

Robert Rector of Heritage Foundation concurs with the figures on the number of jobs Congress just voted to give to non-Americans.

"Without specific mechanisms to ensure that workers are U.S. citizens or legally authorized to work, it is likely that 15 percent of these workers, or 300,000, would be illegal immigrants."

Other experts put the figure far higher than 15 percent, and certainly higher in California and other Southwestern states, where illegals tend to congregate.

In taking these jobs, illegals will be shouldering aside unemployed Americans. Yet Congress could have, with one vote, guaranteed that virtually every job paid for by U.S. taxpayers would go to U.S. workers.

How? By mandating that all beneficiaries of stimulus money use the E-Verify program of the Department of Homeland Security, which lets employers check the validity of the Social Security number of all new hires. E-Verify is available on a voluntary basis. It is simple, swift and easy to use

Indeed, E-Verify is becoming standard operating procedure for U.S. businesses that wish to obey the law. According to NumbersUSA, U.S. businesses have used E-Verify in 3 million inquiries this year alone. That is almost half the total of 6.6 million inquiries for all of 2008 and five times the rate of use in 2007.

E-Verify is a smashing success with an accuracy rate of over 99 percent that holds out promise of a day when every employer in America will be able to ensure that every employee is an American or someone authorized to work here. At its rising rate of use, one-fourth to one-third of all new hires could soon be checked by E-Verify.

Isn't this what we all want, what we have all sought -- an easy, verifiable, non-intrusive, inexpensive way for businesses to assure that those they hire are in our country legally?

No, it is not. For Tuesday night, the Senate voted to strip away this protection of American workers from the unfair competition of illegal aliens.

The Senate voted 50 to 47 to end E-Verify in six months, when current funding runs out. Sen. Jeff Sessions' proposal to give this successful program five more years was rejected 50 to 47.

Republicans and seven Democrats voted to save E-Verify. But only Democrats voted to kill it.

How did Harry Reid kill the E-Verify provision that was in the House version of the stimulus package? The Senate was not even allowed to vote on it. And when the two bills were reconciled in the Pelosi-Reid conference, E-Verify disappeared.

This was a huge victory for La Raza and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, whose lobbyists have labored long to ensure that their member companies pay no price for dumping U.S. workers and hiring illegal aliens.

Yet, this battle is not over. If Americans understand that the Pelosi-Reid Democrats have no problem with illegal aliens taking jobs from unemployed Americans, that party can be made to pay a price in 2010.

As of today, there exists a Republican-Blue Dog Democrat coalition in both houses that is serious about putting our country and countrymen first, be it on spending bills or trade measures. This is a foundation to build on.

E-Verify is not dead. For the Reid-Pelosi-Obama Left cannot survive the perception that it is aiding and abetting illegal aliens in taking the jobs of unemployed Americans.


  • Senior Member
Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2530 on: March 14, 2009, 02:29:40 PM »
Da fuck?

On Wednesday, only two days after he lifted President Bush’s executive order banning federal funding of stem cell research that requires the destruction of human embryos, President Barack Obama signed a law that explicilty bans federal funding of any "research in which a human embryo or embryos are destroyed, discarded, or knowingly subjected to risk of injury or death."

The provision was buried in the 465-page omnibus appropriations bill that Obama signed Wednesday.  Known as the Dickey-Wicker amendment, it has been included in the annual appropriations bill for the Department of Health and Human Services every fiscal year since 1996.

LMAO. Had to triple check to make sure I wasn't reading The Onion.

Van Cruncheon

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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2531 on: March 14, 2009, 03:05:50 PM »
sweet jesus >:(


  • Banana Grabber
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2532 on: March 14, 2009, 03:20:05 PM »
Wait, what?  Seriously?

Obama, wtf

Barry Egan

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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2533 on: March 14, 2009, 03:35:15 PM »
so what would the motivation for this be?  Was the approval of Dickey-Wicker merely a compromise in order to get the omnibus appropriations bill through, and something that he will attempt to repeal next September?  I can't imagine he just repealed Bush's executive order for the publicity...

Phoenix Dark

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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2534 on: March 14, 2009, 03:37:05 PM »
I can't imagine he just repealed Bush's executive order for the publicity...

I can. Dude needs to stop trying to be everything to everybody. At least Bush had a backbone

Barry Egan

  • The neurotic is nailed to the cross of his fiction.
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2535 on: March 14, 2009, 03:47:02 PM »
Except Obama isn't FoC, and can probably think two days ahead of himself.  

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2536 on: March 14, 2009, 03:50:50 PM »
not to mention it being filled with earmarks, then Obama whips out a list on how to "lower" earmark spending


Olivia Wilde Homo

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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2537 on: March 14, 2009, 03:51:59 PM »
I'm not shocked.  Just confirms what I already knew.


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2538 on: March 14, 2009, 08:12:56 PM »
doesn't the majority of congress already support stem cell research?


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Deep breaths everyone
« Reply #2539 on: March 14, 2009, 09:23:29 PM »
sweet jesus >:(

Wait, what?  Seriously?

Obama, wtf

so what would the motivation for this be?  Was the approval of Dickey-Wicker merely a compromise in order to get the omnibus appropriations bill through, and something that he will attempt to repeal next September?  I can't imagine he just repealed Bush's executive order for the publicity...

Dickey-Wicker was always going to be in the bill.  It's basically a dead letter law.

The Clinton administration made an end-run around the prohibition by having HHS rule that embryonic stem cells don't count as embryos under the statute.  No indication that Obama won't do the same.


  • Banana Grabber
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2540 on: March 15, 2009, 12:56:14 AM »
Oh, alright.


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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2542 on: March 15, 2009, 09:51:37 AM »
lol. If Carty wins again ....

I bet she has a big thick bush. :drool

Positive Touch

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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2543 on: March 15, 2009, 10:00:08 AM »

you mean people actually listened to her and thought it would be a good idea to put her in charge?


  • cooler than willco
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2544 on: March 15, 2009, 10:03:39 AM »

you mean people actually listened to her and thought it would be a good idea to put her in charge?


  • captain of my capsized ship
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2545 on: March 15, 2009, 10:55:18 AM »

you mean people actually listened to her and thought it would be a good idea to put her in charge?

Carty is Carty Finkbeiner. An on again, off again mayor of the city.

This is just recent stuff .. back in the 80's and 90's he was involved in scandal after scandal. Nothing ever big .. just a bunch of dumb little shit that makes you wonder about the man's mentality.

That is who that mental case of a woman is railing (and running) against.


  • The Walking Dead
Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2546 on: March 15, 2009, 01:52:27 PM »
Obama owns himself.



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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2547 on: March 15, 2009, 02:50:38 PM »
Hey guys. Remember back during the campaign when we were told how horrible of a healthcare plan McCain had because it would tax health benefits?

The Obama administration is signaling to Congress that the president could support taxing some employee health benefits, as several influential lawmakers and many economists favor, to help pay for overhauling the health care system.

The proposal is politically problematic for President Obama, however, since it is similar to one he denounced in the presidential campaign as “the largest middle-class tax increase in history.” Most Americans with insurance get it from their employers, and taxing workers for the benefit is opposed by union leaders and some businesses.


  • captain of my capsized ship
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2548 on: March 15, 2009, 03:27:03 PM »
Ahhh .. 'change' all over mah face ....


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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2549 on: March 15, 2009, 04:08:44 PM »
So has this turned into Barack: Just another politician? Time to take down the banners?
Pretty much every single car I see in my town still has obama bumper stickers lol


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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2550 on: March 15, 2009, 04:26:44 PM »
I have serious doubts about good healthcare reform making its way past Max Baucus.  On the other hand...

No tax exemption for health benefits + individual vouchers = adverse selection nightmare downward spiral


No tax exemption for health benefits + public plan = awesome sneaky socialized medicine

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2551 on: March 15, 2009, 05:24:18 PM »
Politician reneges on campaign, news at 11 featuring analysis from one side blindly defending it and one side blowing it out of proportion.


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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2552 on: March 15, 2009, 05:33:05 PM »
Vapid smugness, story continued on page A13.

Dickie Dee

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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2553 on: March 15, 2009, 05:40:36 PM »
Vapid smugness, story continued on page A13.
Hey Mandark, what's the deal with Obama promising to eliminate all of these "earmarks", yet they're still in the budget, you call that change?


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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2554 on: March 15, 2009, 07:26:50 PM »
Anyone who thought Obama was going to be the perfect best president ever was stupid and naive.

His first 3 months or so in office so far have been far better to me personally than Clinton's and I love me some Bill Clinton. And after watching the 2000 and 2004 elections having a President I thought would be pushing through more policy I agreed with than Clinton was something I long since gave up hope on. He is far from perfect and has fucked up (Sec of Treasury...etc).

But I can't see anyway a self-identified liberal can claim the first few months of the Obama administration has not been better for our ideology than the first few months of any president in their personal lifetime.


  • Banana Grabber
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2555 on: March 15, 2009, 09:43:23 PM »
Conservatives are just butthurt, that's all


  • Nylonhilist
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2556 on: March 16, 2009, 12:08:13 AM »
But I can't see anyway a self-identified liberal can claim the first few months of the Obama administration has not been better for our ideology than the first few months of any president in their personal lifetime.
I stopped caring what "our ideology" was when Bush got re-elected.

I hope that Obama gets a lot more moderate on some issues like energy because his current stance on that is really just shallow-minded butt-kissing at best.


  • relapsed dev
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2557 on: March 16, 2009, 03:19:05 AM »
I can't imagine he just repealed Bush's executive order for the publicity...

I can. Dude needs to stop trying to be everything to everybody. At least Bush had a backbone

You're confusing blind stubbornness with a backbone. Again.


  • Icon
Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2558 on: March 16, 2009, 04:08:57 AM »
Vapid smugness, story continued on page A13.
Hey Mandark, what's the deal with Obama promising to eliminate all of these "earmarks", yet they're still in the budget, you call that change?

That's not change you can believe in!  :McCaindeathrictus


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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2559 on: March 16, 2009, 09:59:27 AM »


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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2560 on: March 16, 2009, 09:06:27 PM »
The leader of the nation's largest veterans organization says he is "deeply disappointed and concerned" after a meeting with President Obama today to discuss a proposal to force private insurance companies to pay for the treatment of military veterans who have suffered service-connected disabilities and injuries. The Obama administration recently revealed a plan to require private insurance carriers to reimburse the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in such cases.

"It became apparent during our discussion today that the President intends to move forward with this unreasonable plan," said Commander David K. Rehbein of The American Legion. "He says he is looking to generate $540-million by this method, but refused to hear arguments about the moral and government-avowed obligations that would be compromised by it."

The Commander, clearly angered as he emerged from the session said, "This reimbursement plan would be inconsistent with the mandate ' to care for him who shall have borne the battle' given that the United States government sent members of the armed forces into harm's way, and not private insurance companies. I say again that The American Legion does not and will not support any plan that seeks to bill a veteran for treatment of a service connected disability at the very agency that was created to treat the unique need of America's veterans!"


  • hooker strangler
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2561 on: March 17, 2009, 08:21:26 AM »

President Barack Obama came into office in January promising a new era of openness.
But now, like Bush before him, Obama is playing the national security card to hide details of the controversial Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement being negotiated across the globe.
The White House this week declared (.pdf) the text of the proposed treaty a "properly classified" national security secret, in rejecting a Freedom of Information Act request by Knowledge Ecology International.
"Please be advised the documents you seek are being withheld in full," wrote  Carmen Suro-Bredie, chief FOIA officer in the White House's Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.
The national security claim is stunning, given that the treaty negotiations have included the 27 member states of the European Union, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Switzerland and New Zealand, all of whom presumably have access to the "classified" information.

couple of days old but :-\



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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2562 on: March 17, 2009, 10:51:52 AM »
Best political cartoon ever. Mixes my love of evil dead, mocking reagan, and obama all into one. :heart


  • Senior Member
Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2563 on: March 17, 2009, 11:22:29 AM »

Senator sez AIG execs should kill themselves.  I agree.


  • The Walking Dead
Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2564 on: March 17, 2009, 12:50:19 PM »

Senator sez AIG execs should kill themselves.  I agree.

The government officials should kill themselves for giving AIG money also.


  • Senior Member
Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2565 on: March 17, 2009, 01:00:46 PM »
Caterpillar Inc. announced a fresh round of job cuts Tuesday, laying off more than 2,400 employees at five plants in Illinois, Indiana and Georgia as the heavy equipment maker continues to cut costs amid the global economic downturn.

So, I take it the stimulus plan will end up recreating these jobs at some uncertain date in the future for which Obama can claim credit?


  • The Walking Dead
Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2566 on: March 17, 2009, 01:04:49 PM »
Caterpillar Inc. announced a fresh round of job cuts Tuesday, laying off more than 2,400 employees at five plants in Illinois, Indiana and Georgia as the heavy equipment maker continues to cut costs amid the global economic downturn.

So, I take it the stimulus plan will end up recreating these jobs at some uncertain date in the future for which Obama can claim credit?

You're not counting all the government jobs the Obama is saving. The stimulus us working!!


  • Banana Grabber
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2567 on: March 17, 2009, 01:17:29 PM »
Caterpillar Inc. announced a fresh round of job cuts Tuesday, laying off more than 2,400 employees at five plants in Illinois, Indiana and Georgia as the heavy equipment maker continues to cut costs amid the global economic downturn.

So, I take it the stimulus plan will end up recreating these jobs at some uncertain date in the future for which Obama can claim credit?

You're going to look mighty foolish in like a year.

So is this what this thread has become?  I cave for our conservative members to yell into and just hear faint echos?  It's pretty pathetic, mate.


  • captain of my capsized ship
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2568 on: March 17, 2009, 01:18:38 PM »

I always wondered how blogs could be on the same page, often on the same day, about the issues of the day.

Eric P

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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2569 on: March 17, 2009, 01:26:38 PM »

I always wondered how blogs could be on the same page, often on the same day, about the issues of the day.

For the past two years, several hundred left-leaning bloggers, political reporters, magazine writers, policy wonks and academics have talked stories and compared notes in an off-the-record online meeting space called JournoList.

Proof of a vast liberal media conspiracy?

Not at all, says Ezra Klein, the 24-year-old American Prospect blogging wunderkind who formed JournoList in February 2007. “Basically,” he says, “it’s just a list where journalists and policy wonks can discuss issues freely.”

But some of the journalists who participate in the online discussion say — off the record, of course — that it has been a great help in their work. On the record, The New Yorker’s Jeffrey Toobin acknowledged that a Talk of the Town piece — he won’t say which one — got its start in part via a conversation on JournoList. And JLister Eric Alterman, The Nation writer and CUNY professor, said he’s seen discussions that start on the list seep into the world beyond.

this totally makes sense and is nothing more than an updating on the "vast right wing conspiracy" where it's just small groups moving in independent yet similar directions


  • Senior Member
Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2570 on: March 17, 2009, 01:29:31 PM »
You're going to look mighty foolish in like a year.

Is that after Stimulus II or III?


  • captain of my capsized ship
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2571 on: March 17, 2009, 01:31:58 PM »


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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2572 on: March 17, 2009, 01:37:03 PM »
Is Dennis Miller still in that weird post-9/11 switch to republican party out of fear of terror state a lot of people seemed to go through but mostly have gotten over by now?


  • Banana Grabber
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2573 on: March 17, 2009, 01:40:23 PM »
You're going to look mighty foolish in like a year.

Is that after Stimulus II or III?

Honestly, you're not even worth arguing with, because you are so principally against the idea of a stimulus that you fail to try and comprehend when and where its immediate effects lie and when and where it's long-term effects occur.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2574 on: March 17, 2009, 01:41:27 PM »
Holy shit that video more contains nutjob catchphrases than a rap video contains rented sports cars



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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2575 on: March 17, 2009, 02:03:17 PM »
I need to start watching the Glen Beck guy


  • is calmer than you are
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2576 on: March 17, 2009, 02:38:42 PM »
100% taxation on AIG (and possibly other) bonuses?



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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2577 on: March 17, 2009, 03:25:08 PM »
Honestly, you're not even worth arguing with, because you are so principally against the idea of a stimulus that you fail to try and comprehend when and where its immediate effects lie and when and where it's long-term effects occur.

My opposition is based on its long-term effects.

Human Snorenado

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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2578 on: March 17, 2009, 03:26:38 PM »
Honestly, you're not even worth arguing with, because you are so principally against the idea of a stimulus that you fail to try and comprehend when and where its immediate effects lie and when and where it's long-term effects occur.

My opposition is based on its long-term effects.

The debt?  Who cares, it's all monopoly money as long as we've got the most guns.


  • Banana Grabber
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Re: so, Obama is president
« Reply #2579 on: March 17, 2009, 04:20:57 PM »
Honestly, you're not even worth arguing with, because you are so principally against the idea of a stimulus that you fail to try and comprehend when and where its immediate effects lie and when and where it's long-term effects occur.

My opposition is based on its long-term effects.

Where were you like 4 years ago?