Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1880770 times)

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  • i am terrified by skellybones
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AUSTIN — A North Texas legislator during House testimony on voter identification legislation said Asian-descent voters should adopt names that are “easier for Americans to deal with.”



  • Senior Member
Oh, Texas.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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Check out the pelt on Palin. :drool


  • HastilyChosenUsername
  • Senior Member
Put Obama on the cover of something and sales instantly skyrocket. Plus it might have to with the fact Obama likes comics and claims to still collect Spider-Man and Conan the Barbarian comics.
Wow, really.  This news story makes so much more sense now.
Obama Disappointed Cabinet Failed To Understand His Reference To 'Savage Sword Of Conan' #24


  • Murdered in the digital realm
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Wait, what's this Spiderman Obama thing?

Eric P

  • I DESERVE the gold. I will GET the gold!
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horrible obama appearance in a horrible issue of spider-man

public goes obama-mad and storms comic shops to get copies

horrible art

horrible story, etc etc etc

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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is that Red Skull wearing Spider-Man's costume?


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Put Obama on the cover of something and sales instantly skyrocket. Plus it might have to with the fact Obama likes comics and claims to still collect Spider-Man and Conan the Barbarian comics.
Wow, really.  This news story makes so much more sense now.
Obama Disappointed Cabinet Failed To Understand His Reference To 'Savage Sword Of Conan' #24
(Image removed from quote.)
Yep. Apparently he bags them any everything. Conan Who the hell reads conan comics.  Geeky stuff, it's almost kinda weird. Like Leonard Nimoy said he met Obama at some point before Obama was a senator at a chicago dem. fundraiser and Obama went up to him and did the vulcan salute and asked for his autograph.

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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  • Senior Member
In the cartoon, he [Obama] takes on his nemesis, Sarah Palin, who sports a wolf skin cape..

Shouldn't that be a moose-skin cape?

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
  • Senior Member
In the cartoon, he [Obama] takes on his nemesis, Sarah Palin, who sports a wolf skin cape..

Shouldn't that be a moose-skin cape?

She's pretty well know for shooting wolves from a helicopter


  • Nylonhilist
  • Senior Member
the wolf shooting thing was just a law that she supported.  I think she bragged about hunting moose but yeah, these "political" comics are like the Wiifit of comic books.

It was kind of funny though seeing a bunch of McCain comics on the bottom shelf in a comic book store a few days ago.  The owner said that she couldn't sell any of them since November and most of those probably went to collectors.  It was kind of hilariously awful from what I read of it.

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
  • Senior Member
the wolf shooting thing was just a law that she supported.  I think she bragged about hunting moose but yeah, these "political" comics are like the Wiifit of comic books.

Huh, guess you're right. I'd always thought she had done it herself...

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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Ow, the irony.


This tea party crap is toooooo funny.  The media doesn't cover hundreds of thousands of people protesting the war and it's somehow ok.  But a couple thousand people freak out about taxes and either A) the media isn't covering it because THEY'RE PART OF THE person who believes in the development and protection of a Jewish nation-SECRET MUSLIM CONSPIRACY TO TURN US ALL INTO SOCIALIST FASCISTS or B) the media covers it in a manner to make the tea baggers look like loons.

Here's a hint, guys- you ARE loons.


  • Senior Member

Tapper is basically the last MSM reporter with any shred of credibility.


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Wow I didn't know state secrets were this important to you, I guess you must have not supported Bush in 2004 because that would have been hypocrit-...oh wait.  :smug

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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The tea party makes me lol - it is a strong sign of the end of Reaganomics.


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I don't get how being offended at tax increases on the richest 1% is at all comparable to the citizens of America being taxed but not having representation in the british government.

It's almost funny.


  • Senior Member
Wow I didn't know state secrets were this important to you, I guess you must have not supported Bush in 2004 because that would have been hypocrit-...oh wait.  :smug

I don't really care either way. Its more for the hopenchangers like you that bought Obama's bullshit.

A bit concerned over the bill that would give the president the power to monitor and shut down the internet though. I think its called the Cybersecurity Act of 2009. And of course its got bipartisan support - Snowe and Rockerfeller are sponsoring it.


  • Icon
There are Americans being taxed without representation in Congress RIGHT NOW and I would lay money down that 80%+ of the tea partiers are against giving those people the vote.

But what I came here to post was:

Quote from: John Cole
ACORN is turning into the phlogiston of wingnut conspiracy theories. They can’t tell you what they do, but if it upsets Republicans, ACORN is there, colorless, odorless, and pissing off Rush Limbaugh. I remember when it used to be A.N.S.W.E.R. and the ACLU that had these guys up in arms over everything. Maybe they are just working their way through the alphabet. If that is the case Big Brothers/Big Sisters and the Breast Cancer Research Foundation better get ready for the shitstorm of poorly written emails they are going to get during the 2010 midterms.



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I don't really care either way. Its more for the hopenchangers like you that bought Obama's bullshit.

You are really too stupid to cop this attitude with anyone, even Cheebs.  And I really mean that sincerely.  </Biden>


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Wow I didn't know state secrets were this important to you, I guess you must have not supported Bush in 2004 because that would have been hypocrit-...oh wait.  :smug

I don't really care either way. Its more for the hopenchangers like you that bought Obama's bullshit.

A bit concerned over the bill that would give the president the power to monitor and shut down the internet though. I think its called the Cybersecurity Act of 2009. And of course its got bipartisan support - Snowe and Rockerfeller are sponsoring it.
And we expected Obama to be 100% perfect? Come on, this is still  American Politics. He does a lot of stuff I don't like including this.

But he is a fucking gigantic step up from both Bush and the triangulation of Bill Clinton. I should be offended and throw tea over ships and denounce him as  a failure because isn't 100% perfect?

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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There are Americans being taxed without representation in Congress RIGHT NOW and I would lay money down that 80%+ of the tea partiers are against giving those people the vote.

But what I came here to post was:

Quote from: John Cole
ACORN is turning into the phlogiston of wingnut conspiracy theories. They can’t tell you what they do, but if it upsets Republicans, ACORN is there, colorless, odorless, and pissing off Rush Limbaugh. I remember when it used to be A.N.S.W.E.R. and the ACLU that had these guys up in arms over everything. Maybe they are just working their way through the alphabet. If that is the case Big Brothers/Big Sisters and the Breast Cancer Research Foundation better get ready for the shitstorm of poorly written emails they are going to get during the 2010 midterms.


:bow John Cole :bow2
 :heartbeat Balloon-Juice :heartbeat


  • i am terrified by skellybones
  • Senior Member
Coverage of a tea party: Shock, they treat it with all the meaning as a sports event.

Don’t Tread on Them
Published: April 6, 2009

Not glowering sky nor mud nor threat of hailstones sufficed to deter about 300 souls from massing on the sodden village green in Northport, N.Y., that afternoon.

They were a band of like minds bent on dire provocations seldom witnessed in the harborside hamlet on Long Island Sound. It was a day for brandishing signs, shouting imprecations and donning silly clothing: tricorn hats and breeches, bonnets and petticoats. A few carried pitchforks, the better to jab the message home. We good farm folk are fed up and will be silent no more.

Their enemy: a tyrannical government heedless of the people’s will and blind to its manifold injustices. Their tactic: a Boston-style tea party, a symbolic rebellion for times that once again are trying men’s souls.

Tea parties are a recent phenomenon, spawned in the red-meat districts of right-wing talk radio and cable TV. It was strange to see the rebels reach Northport, whose antiques ’n’ potpourri Main Street, with a half-dozen empty stores, could use a little federal stimulus.

But down at the park gazebo, the green lawn was rumbling with grass-roots anger. Actually, its grass-rootiness was highly debatable. What were the citizens angry about? The stimulus? Not really, said one organizer. He had problems with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Laws impeding capital formation. “Indict Charlie Rangel,” said a sign. “Lowlife Obama!” roared a man in the crowd, causing giggles.

Was this about Wall Street? Evil automakers? Greedy lenders who pillaged Long Island with predatory housing loans? No, no and no. It was not about fixing unbridled free-market capitalism, but ensuring its glorious restoration. Mostly, it was about tax cuts.

The day was dark already, but the atmosphere became foggier and more indistinct with each new speaker. It all seemed to boil down to a battle of good nouns against evil nouns.

“Liberty, yes! Tyranny, no!”

“Keep your socialistic dance! We don’t want to live in France!”

Before you could say “Marquis de Lafayette,” it was time to hurl tea. A man with a megaphone gave a warning about littering. Then a bagpiper led the crowd through the harbor town’s loveliest taxpayer-supported amenities, from the municipal gazebo in the municipal park, across the municipal parking lot and down the municipal dock.

The chief of the Northport Fire Department, which like many on Long Island is bristlingly equipped by compliant taxpayers with enough gear to protect small European principalities, kept watch from his official S.U.V. The Northport Police directed traffic as a search-and-rescue boat idled over by the marina. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, alerted to the possibility of tea dumping without permits, had sent two armed officers.

And at the dock, a 41-foot Coast Guard boat from the Eatons Neck Station, with a five-man crew, kept its engines running in case anybody or anything was attacked, scuttled, dunked or sunk.

Whatever trouble these rebels found themselves in, the federal, state and local governments had it covered.

Waiting at the end of the dock were two costumed American Indians, one with long fake braids, the other with a feathered headdress and tomahawk. After more speeches, they tossed two wooden crates marked “TEA” into the harbor. Cheers rang. A cannon boomed.

“Let’s give ourselves a round of applause,” the megaphone man said. The wind had picked up, and the crates started floating out to Long Island Sound. The retrieval rope snapped. A boatswain’s mate from the Coast Guard boat took out a long hooked pole but did not deploy it: no federal rescue here.

The crowd turned and left the dock. The crates kept floating away. The Coast Guard and police boats motored off. At last, from out of the gloom came a gunmetal kayak. A lone man in a big black hat, the Stars and Stripes waving from his fishing-rod holder, paddled out to snag the boxes. Fighting a stiff wind, he slowly towed them back to shore.

It was a gallant act of individual responsibility. Too bad hardly anyone noticed. The crowd had gone to Skipper’s Pub, which was offering drink specials.

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member
“Keep your socialistic dance! We don’t want to live in France!”

 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Socialistic dancing leads to this
« Last Edit: April 10, 2009, 08:45:27 PM by Father_Mike »

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
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In the depths of madness.


"Burn the books!" 

Charming folks you're gonna be hanging with there, sd.


  • Icon
There are no words.

Well, there are words but they've already been written.


  • Senior Member
I can't go.

Have an interview out of state next week. The stimulus plan may come through for me.

Human Snorenado

  • Stay out of Malibu, Lebowski
  • Icon
I can't go.

Have an interview out of state next week. The stimulus plan may come through for me.

Oh the ironing.

If you were a true believer, you'd be protesting the porkulus bill with your fellow prime movers.


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« Reply #3330 on: April 10, 2009, 09:14:38 PM »
"I would love to attend your tea party but am unable to do so, as I will be going Galt."


  • Senior Member
Nah...I've accepted the porkulus bill. When they introduce porkulus II I'll be right there with them though.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
  • Senior Member
how is this taxation without representation? hell I bet 90% of the people who attend tea parties doing make $200,000 a year

I wish poor people would fight for my rights to be rich


  • i am terrified by skellybones
  • Senior Member

man how do you conservatives come up with such witty and imaginative nicknames


  • Icon

man how do you conservatives come up with such witty and imaginative nicknames

Yeah.  Nothing says "I deserve to be taken seriously" like the use of really awkward portmanteau words.


  • How's my posting? Call 1-866-MAF-BANS to report flame bait.
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Wow, everyone should really watch this night's Bill Maher that just ended a little while ago. Gore Vidal really was fucking awesome, probably the best dicussion he ever had with someone on his panel about politics in recent memory (oh and ron howard was there too lol).

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member
Ya he was awesome.  Witty as fuck. 


  • Senior Member
Would have been so much better if Maher interviewed Vidal for the whole episode instead of splitting it with Ron Howard.  :yuck


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Would have been so much better if Maher interviewed Vidal for the whole episode instead of splitting it with Ron Howard.  :yuck
I was a bit surprised how much Bill Maher wanted to discuss about the Andy Griffith Show and Happy Days lol. Although I felt kinda bad for Ron Howard when he asked the audience to clap for Spider-Man 3 cause his daughter was in it and like no one did.

Oh and I just heard something on the sunday morning NBC edition of chris matthews that is pretty brilliant on the part of Bobby Jindal. A guy from the NYTimes said Bobby Jindal is considering running against David Vitter in 2010 for the Senate in LA. It'd make it so he doesn't have to run for for re-election 2011 right before the primaries like he would have to do as Gov, he could use it to seem independent by running against a sitting Republican, and use it to boost his support among christian/moral voters by running against a man who used prostitutes.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
In the depths of madness.


"Burn the books!" 

Charming folks you're gonna be hanging with there, sd.

"The American media won't tell you the truth - Fox News is the only one that will!" :lol


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Is there even anyone in that video who is under 50? lol

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
The HD tuners are brainwashing devices? :lol


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I love the pull your kids out of college thing. It's even creepier because that line gets claps. I really don't get the anti-education rhetoric of conservatives. Freaks me out more than anything. I never really noticed it till Palin defended the fact her two oldest kids dropped out of HS by saying like High School isn't for everybody, basically claiming its ok to drop out of HS. All of it is just plain crazy. I GET the anti-abortion, gay marriage fervor but anti-education? Never will cease to amaze me.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier

Oh my God. :lol

Glenn Beck is going to burn staff members on fire!

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Glenn Beck seriously scares me - I hope he's unable to mobilize a base.

Eric P

  • I DESERVE the gold. I will GET the gold!
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There are no words.

Well, there are words but they've already been written.

this article describes someone from another mailing list i'm on who suffered a schizophrenic breakdown or something and is now all inforwars and prisonplanet black helicopters insane.

he totally FoC'd up the other mailing list to the point where i signed off, which is a shame because I had been on it for nearly 10 years.

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
  • Senior Member

Christopher Hitchens applies amazing ether to Ken Blackwell about America being a "Christian Nation"

(yes I know he's generally a twat)


  • Senior Member
I hate poli-threads. With real hate.

You can go on with your discussions now.

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
  • Senior Member

Oh my God. :lol

Glenn Beck is going to burn staff members on fire!

I wonder if did due diligence to see if he floated or not


  • Senior Member
What the hell. Obama didn't bring the country debt. Fucking BUSH did.

Also, wtf, how is this shit even aired in America? That shit wouldn't fly here in Europe.
Fuckin' hell this Glenn Beck is some distinguished mentally-challenged shit.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
I rarely hate people.  Like, I mean - really hate.  They might annoy me, but I don't hate them.

I want to punch Glenn Beck in his fat, crybaby face.


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I dont get how conservatives claim "thats not the change we voted for!" for things Obama pretty much promised he would do in the campaign (stimulus, tax increase on rich, closing gitmo, helping build relationships in europe....etc).

It's like because he is a a democrat running the government like a democrat he somehow is offending the population. I get the conservatives being angry but people like Beck act like the entire country is in outrage and in shock over Obama doing what he said he'd do.

The Fake Shemp

  • Ebola Carrier
Glenn Beck wants us to rise up against Obama, the fascist tyrant!


  • Senior Member
I dont get how conservatives claim "thats not the change we voted for!" for things Obama pretty much promised he would do in the campaign (stimulus, tax increase on rich, closing gitmo, helping build relationships in europe....etc).

It's like because he is a a democrat running the government like a democrat he somehow is offending the population. I get the conservatives being angry but people like Beck act like the entire country is in outrage and in shock over Obama doing what he said he'd do.

"That's not the change we voted for"

They got that goddam right. They didn't vote for him at all. Their man lost. Live with it.

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
  • Senior Member

Oh my God. :lol

Glenn Beck is going to burn staff members on fire!

He might as well be saying "I want you to your windows and shout 'I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!'"


  • Senior Member
what the fuck glenn beck.


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that red eye guy got on my nerves more then beck in that segment. something about his weird fake shock facial reaction.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
  • Senior Member
You guys are falling for the bait.

Conservative pundits know what the situation is.  They just know that the Democrats prison raped the Republicans and despite their impotent rage, the GOP is getting fuck all done for their agenda.  They've been in power, or at least had significant influence, since 1980.  This really isn't any different than a trust fund baby getting cut off by mommy and daddy.  They're mad, angry, but desperate.

They also hope that the Democrats will tune in and pay attention to them.  These guys want to be hated by the Democrats and most of you guys are filling that desire.  Ignoring them would be much better because then they would really be marginalized.

I don't think the Dow is the best indicator for financial progress but I'd like to think that once the Dow gets over 9000 (hur hur), America will move on, leaving the Glenn Becks and Rush Limbaughs alone in their sandbox.


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And we make their influence seem a lot greater than reality. Beck and co. get about 1.5-2 mil viewers. We have like 100 million voters. And even just in the news biz each of the nightly network news guys get 4-6 mil a night. Their message doesn't reach all too far.


  • Senior Member


fake shit