Author Topic: "A black sheriff?!": The Official Topic of Obama and New Era American Politics  (Read 1880537 times)

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  • hooker strangler
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omg these are amazing  :lol :lol :lol


Fresh Prince

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Freddie Mac CFO commited suicide this morning. There have been inquiries into possible accounting violations. Suspicions pretty much confirmed now. Wonder how bad the losses actually were?
Well people got what they wanted.


  • Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside.
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God damn I hate Michelle Malkin. In my paper is a big column about "Tolerance under the Obama administration". Actually whining about the reactions conservatives are getting from the mean liberals. Give me a fucking break.
She actually singled out MSNBC 3 times while acting like FNC is the epitome of legitimacy. Cry moar loooozers!

Eric P

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In Congress, No Love Lost for Newspapers

By Dana Milbank
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thomas Jefferson famously said that if asked to choose between "a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter."

The leading lights of the current Congress evidently have a different view.

The House Judiciary Committee called a hearing yesterday to study the decline of the newspaper business, but it quickly deteriorated into a press-bashing session. Ideologues of the left and right made no effort to conceal their yearning for a day without journalists, when public officials would no longer be scrutinized.

"More than twice as many Americans say the news media are too liberal rather than too conservative," claimed Lamar Smith (Tex.), the ranking Republican.

John Conyers (Mich.), the chairman, countered with his contempt for Fox News Chairman Rupert Murdoch "telling us how important it is that the media remain free and viable." He recalled his own "hard feelings" about once being arrested while protesting outside one of the Detroit newspapers. "I'm going to ask their editors if I should meet with them tomorrow," he said bitterly. "Now that they're in bad shape, maybe I should help them?"

Conyers, who has collected his share of less-than-favorable headlines over the years, went on. "Newspapers remind me of automobile corporations," he said. "All of a sudden they need help, they need a lot of help and they need it fast."

Actually, Mr. Chairman, the industry hasn't asked for a bailout. The hearing was held after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) suggested the need for an antitrust exemption to save papers in San Francisco, her home town. The biggest request for help at the hearing was from the Philadelphia Inquirer's Brian Tierney, who wanted protection for newspapers to talk about creating a national alternative to Craigslist.

But even that seems to be too much to ask. "We do not believe any additional exemptions for the newspaper industry are necessary," Carl Shapiro, head of the Justice Department's antitrust division, informed the committee yesterday.

The dominant sentiment of lawmakers was indifference; most of the 14 subcommittee members didn't show up. The task of leading the hearing was left to Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.), who chairs the relevant subcommittee but seemed not entirely prepared for the job. He twice misidentified the ranking Republican member and introduced a panel of witnesses by saying, "Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye. . . . Come forward and assume the position." Johnson then directed reporters in the room to stand but assured them that "you will not have to assume the position."

At one point, Johnson asked whether there were "any spies" in the audience. "Don't forget that torture was once ruled legal," he said. And he alarmed attendees when he asked if someone would "call the physician's office . . . because we have several people who have developed a sudden case of colorblindness." (Eventually, people realized he was referring to witnesses ignoring the red light on their time clocks.)

Still, Johnson was able to maintain his composure long enough to frame the issue: "If Congress does not act or if something does not change, a major city in the United States will be without a newspaper in the fairly near future."

Shapiro, from the Obama administration, seemed to regard this as a sad inevitability. "I myself very much enjoy sitting down in the morning with a cup of tea and reading a newspaper," he said.

Rep. Charlie Gonzalez (D-Tex.), who appeared to be the lawmaker at the hearing who is most sympathetic to the newspaper industry, pointed out that "we're so rooted in the antitrust philosophy" that "you won't have a newspaper to sit there with your morning coffee or tea."

"It's not in anybody's interest to have there be no newspaper in any of our towns," Shapiro replied.

No? How about public officials whose activities would no longer come under scrutiny? Law professor C. Edwin Baker told the committee that "the biggest correlator with less government corruption is newspaper readership: When people are reading newspapers, corruption goes down." Another witness gave Conyers a helpful example from his own home town: the Detroit Free Press's Pulitzer Prize for exposing the sex scandal that brought down the mayor.

But the lawmakers, and other witnesses, were determined to turn the proceedings into yet another partisan brawl. Dan Gainor, from the conservative Media Research Center, complained that journalists "support liberal causes and vote for Democratic candidates."

"Some folks," countered Johnson, "believe strongly that there is an unhealthy connection between Fox News and the Republicans."

Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) chimed in with the view that the "media are too liberal," while Conyers quizzed Gainor about various conservative groups. "The reason these big monopolistic newspapers are indeed going into the toilet," the chairman said, is "because of the way they're run and the poor quality."

"Respectfully," said Tierney, "they're not all rotten operators."

"How do I know that?" Conyers shot back.

Another panelist, journalist John Nichols, pointed to an oil painting on the wall of Peter Rodino, chairman of the committee during Watergate. "I keep looking over at Chairman Rodino and remembering that Chairman Conyers was on this committee when a newspaper revealed the wrongdoing of a president," he said.

Neither the Judiciary Committee nor the newspaper industry looks so strong today.


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"Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye. . . . Come forward and assume the position."

 :o :-*

Identity of Tauntaun revealed?!


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Why We Should Banish Larry Summers From Public Life

By Naomi Klein, Washington Post, April 19, 2009

I vote to banish Larry Summers. Not from the planet. That wouldn't be nice. Just from public life.

The criticisms of President Obama's chief economic adviser are well known. He's too close to Wall Street. And he's a frightful bully, of both people and countries. Still, we're told we shouldn't care about such minor infractions. Why? Because Summers is brilliant, and the world needs his big brain.

Reminded me of this:

Being extremely intelligent is rather like fucking sheep - once you've got a reputation for either, it's extremely difficult to get rid of it. If someone was, at some long gone time in the past, a boy genius or an academic superstar, then they're "incredibly smart" for life, no matter how many stupid things they actually say or do.

The cases on my mind at the moment are Enoch Powell and Larry Summers, but I daresay I could dig up a dozen more if I spent the time.

Rest here:


  • Murdered in the digital realm
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Larry Summers is working really hard guys, geez

Larry Summers Falls Asleep During Credit Card Industry Meeting (SLIDESHOW)

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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must be a hardcore World of Warcraft raider


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A number of conservative members of the Republican National Committee are pressing the committee — and by extension, Steele — to officially adopt the position that the Democratic Party is socialist.

Over a dozen members of the conservative wing of the RNC have submitted a new resolution, to be eventually voted on by the entire RNC, that would call on the Democratic party to rename itself the “Democrat Socialist Party.” If the RNC adopts this resolution, the RNC’s official view would become that Democrats are socialists. From the resolution:

    RESOLVED, that we the members of the Republican National Committee call on the Democratic Party to be truthful and honest with the American people by acknowledging that they have evolved from a party of tax and spend to a party of tax and nationalize and, therefore, should agree to rename themselves the Democrat Socialist Party.

I just reached RNC vice chairman James Bopp, a leading supporter of the resolution, and he confirmed that adopting it would mean the RNC officially designates Dems socialists. “We would be describing the Democrat Party this way if we adopt this resolution,” Bopp said.

Republicans are all literally mental children.

Phoenix Dark

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i guess "liberal" doesn't work anymore then

Human Snorenado

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There was an article about Saul Anuzis (former MI GOP chair) the other day on some site where he basically copped that the Republican strategy of calling them "liberal" doesn't work anymore, and that the "socialist" meme hasn't been sticking so maybe they should try "fascism".


  • Senior Member
So what to do you guys think about these new credit card laws that Obama and Dems are pressing?


  • Senior Member
Larry Summers is working really hard guys, geez

Larry Summers Falls Asleep During Credit Card Industry Meeting (SLIDESHOW)



  • How's my posting? Call 1-866-MAF-BANS to report flame bait.
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you seem to have taken your outrage over that too far there kiddo.


  • Senior Member
It was a tough call. Either the director of the WH economic council falling asleep during a meeting with the president during the worst economic crisis since the depression or the director of DHS not knowing where the 9/11 hijackers came from. I went with the former.  ;)

Human Snorenado

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It was a tough call. Either the director of the WH economic council falling asleep during a meeting with the president during the worst economic crisis since the depression or the director of DHS not knowing where the 9/11 hijackers came from. I went with the former.  ;)

Still an improvement over the last guy.  This President has yet to invade and occupy a country that didn't attack us and presented no threat.


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He also pals around with Hugo Chavez which pleases me greatly, because it makes right wingers freak the fuck out.


  • Senior Member
It was a tough call. Either the director of the WH economic council falling asleep during a meeting with the president during the worst economic crisis since the depression or the director of DHS not knowing where the 9/11 hijackers came from. I went with the former.  ;)

Still an improvement over the last guy.  This President has yet to invade and occupy a country that didn't attack us and presented no threat.

We'll see how his doubling down in Afland turns out. I'm starting to get quite concerned about Pakland though. That may be an option once the Taliban captures the capital.


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sd, first 100 days of bush vs. first 100 days of Obama. Which were better to you?


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Pat Toomey, a GOP candidate for senate in PA yesterday said we have high unemployment right now because people are too lazy to find a job.

Oh god, please nominate this wacko for the senate.  :lol

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Pat Toomey, a GOP candidate for senate in PA yesterday said we have high unemployment right now because people are too lazy to find a job.

Oh god, please nominate this wacko for the senate.  :lol

Wow, so PA citizens are not only bitter and clingy to guns/religion, they're also lazy? smh


  • Senior Member
So what to do you guys think about these new credit card laws that Obama and Dems are pressing?

What are they?


  • Senior Member
sd, first 100 days of bush vs. first 100 days of Obama. Which were better to you?

Can't really say because I didn't pay any attention during Bush's.


  • Senior Member

I'm personally not feeling them myself.  If you going to use credit cards irresponsibly that's on you. 
« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 03:14:48 PM by Rman »

Eric P

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huffington comments are horrible

why are all comments on websites horrible?

what the fuck is wrong with everyone?


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Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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The Dallas Cowboys haven't won a playoff game in 10 years, you forgot to mention Global Warming is the cause of that :smug
« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 04:53:29 PM by Mamacint »

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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Gore annihilated

this dude from Texas is on a roll


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huffington comments are horrible

why are all comments on websites horrible?

what the fuck is wrong with everyone?

Imagine going to the DMV a bus stop, rounding everyone up, and starting a discussion on politics or culture.  That's the internet.

Madrun Badrun

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"I've never talked to Bernie Madoff.  I swear he's not on our science advisory team.  In fact I don't even know who he is."

Both Gore and that senator are asses. 

Dickie Dee

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"I've never talked to Bernie Madoff.  I swear he's not on our science advisory team.  In fact I don't even know who he is."

Both Gore and that senator are asses. 

How did you get Gore being an ass from that  ::)

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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I didn't say I got it from that.  I may have held him to be an ass before that video.   ::)


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Thank you for your contribution!

Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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You are totally welcome my good man. 


  • How's my posting? Call 1-866-MAF-BANS to report flame bait.
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How in the world is Gore an ass? What has he done that you do not like?

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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freudian slip around 5:30?  :lol  :o

edit: the obama masturbation in this video is almost surreal
« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 11:53:48 PM by Phoenix Dark »

Madrun Badrun

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How in the world is Gore an ass? What has he done that you do not like?

He embellish climate change far to much for my taste which leaves it open to attacks like what that Texas senator was making fun of with the Dallas Cowboys joke.  Saying he is an ass is a little strong, I will admit that.     


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How in the world is Gore an ass? What has he done that you do not like?

He embellish climate change far to much for my taste which leaves it open to attacks like what that Texas senator was making fun of with the Dallas Cowboys joke.  Saying he is an ass is a little strong, I will admit that.     
Except he isn't embellishing the severity of climate change....?

Madrun Badrun

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He may not be embellishing the overall severity, he does though embellish on the facts about the immediate effects of climate change and that is counter productive and harmful to the argument.  He has a lot of passion for what he does and that is great 99% of the time he just takes it a bit to far sometimes and throws more miss information into a debate that is already full of it.   

Howard Alan Treesong

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He may not be embellishing the overall severity, he does though embellish on the facts about the immediate effects of climate change and that is counter productive and harmful to the argument.  He has a lot of passion for what he does and that is great 99% of the time he just takes it a bit to far sometimes and throws more miss information into a debate that is already full of it.   

someone is having trouble with reality here and it's not Gore!

Phoenix Dark

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Another gore owning crazy republican moment.

She accuses Gore of only wanting environmental policy changes because he is on the payroll of pro-environmental companies and thus is doing this only for the $$$. Gore tells her every single penny these companies try to give to him he refuses to take and instead has it be donated.  :lol Owned.


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Hannity won't do it.

I doubt he will too. But, imagine the ratings he would get from it.
It would ruin his image. No one can last more than a few seconds of it. Hitchens was pro-water boarding and did it, he lasted like 1 second before he couldn't take anymore.

He'd get ratings but it'd make him look weak in the end.


  • HastilyChosenUsername
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Hannity won't do it.
Olbermann really should have upped his quote.  If it were 5 or 10K a second, people would be screaming at Hannity to do it, to take as much of foolish Keith's money as he can.  That way when he only lasts 8 seconds and shits himself doing so the payoff will be more then worthwhile.

Dickie Dee

  • It's not the band I hate, it's their fans.
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That's just how awful Republicans are, they're even making Congressional Democrats (semi) popular (#'s here)
« Last Edit: April 26, 2009, 03:31:36 PM by Mamacint »

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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30% approval is a little too high for my tastes.


  • How's my posting? Call 1-866-MAF-BANS to report flame bait.
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30% approval is a little too high for my tastes.
Same number Bush had, 30% of the country will always approve of Republicans. Republicans have not expanded in the slightest past the Bush leftovers.

Olivia Wilde Homo

  • Proud Kinkshamer
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30% approval is a little too high for my tastes.
Same number Bush had, 30% of the country will always approve of Republicans. Republicans have not expanded in the slightest past the Bush leftovers.

I think for a while, the Republican approval numbers were in the teens a few months ago.  Could be wrong though.

Phoenix Dark

  • I got no game it's just some bitches understand my story
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so Obama was playing golf yesterday while the swine pandemic ravished NY school children. Time to ask: What Would Gingrich Do?

Human Snorenado

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so Obama was playing golf yesterday while the swine pandemic ravished NY school children. Time to ask: What Would Gingrich Do?

Gingrichbot Random "Idea" Generator says:  reimagine air traffic control!


  • Senior Member
Gingrich is too fat to play golf.

Human Snorenado

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  • HastilyChosenUsername
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John Daly doesn't count, if he were a normal man he would have been dead from various overdoses 10 times over by now.


  • i am terrified by skellybones
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"Millions for 'volcano research'? It's a mountain, what's it gonna do? What wasteful pork spending."

*volcano erupts in Alaska*

"Almost a billion dollars for preventing the flu? Heh, the sniffles gettin' you down, pork-barrel spenders?"

*flu outbreak in Mexico and America*

Barry Egan

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Madrun Badrun

  • twin-anused mascot
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 :lol :lol :lol